Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 296 The Tenth Summoning! Fusion materials and (2nd more 4200 words)

Chapter 296 The Tenth Summoning! Fusion materials and... (2nd more 4200 words)

So far, the identity information of the three summoned objects of this two-in-one summoning has been determined.

The next thing to do is to choose one of the three to decide who it is.

Honesty badges, of course, needless to say, are completely useless.

Mechanical Tyrannosaurus does not have this awareness. Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon is arrogant. If he can talk instead of roaring, he will definitely tell lies one after another, not to mention that it is not a Digimon. It was banned.

At first glance, Super Seadramon fits perfectly, but according to what I later learned about it, "I swore before that when I see a guy equipped with Occasion Digizoid on his body, I will take off the Digizoid and beat him up even if I try my best.", Already knew it was bound to be less than honest.

Because its own ultimate body is a Digizoid, so it can't just pick itself up...

In addition, the last Flower Fairy Beast was also eliminated.

If there is an SM badge in this world, then Aoyagi will definitely help her get it even if she pays more summons, but unfortunately, there is no, so the honesty badge can be ignored and skipped.

As for the beetles...

In terms of the racial potential and racial combat effectiveness of Digimon, the overall evolutionary path of Beetlemon is quite satisfactory, and the development of individual abilities and individual individuals is relatively good.

Beetlemon's normal evolutionary route is the Unicorn at the mature stage, the full body is the Atla Unicorn (red), and the ultimate body is the Heracle Unicorn, also known as Lishenbidomon.

This ultimate body fully activates the flying ability of Atla Unicorn, which is in the full body stage, which is not good enough, and strengthens it to the point where it can fly at supersonic speed.

In addition to this more conventional form, there is another more powerful ultimate form in this evolutionary route of the Beetle Beetle.

It is said that it is the "Insect King" who rules the "Underground Forest" in the depths of the Dark Forest as its lair, and rules all insect-type Digimon -- Tyrant Bidumon.

As Aoyagi thought before, a Digimon without Chrono Digizoid is embarrassed to say that it is powerful, and Tyrant Bidomon is the ultimate body equipped with ultra-high-density Chrono Digizoid.

It has alloys, is an ultimate body, and is a "tyrant insect king" who can control insect-type digimon as he likes. The tyrant Bidomon can be ranked among the strong.

Also belonging to the evolutionary type of Beetle Beetle, and also belonging to the ultimate body, there is also a relatively retro evolutionary route, which is the ancient Beetle Beetle evolved from the Atla Unicorn Beast (blue).

Possessing the attribute of thunder, the original ultimate body in ancient times, one of the legendary ten fighters who saved the ancient digital world.

Although it was not equipped with the Digizoid during the evolution process, it was born with an insect carapace that is as hard as the alloy, and it also belongs to the ranks of the strong.

One is the real insect king. At that stage, I am afraid that even in the Pokémon world, the settings are biased towards legends. can be controlled directly.

The other is an aggressive ancient ten warrior who destroys everything with thunder.

If the focus is on combat power, as long as it can reach the form of Tyrant Bidomon or Ancient Beetlemon, it can indeed become a very good combat power.

"However, there is no pattern of the three stages of Super Seadramon at that time, which means that the one summoned should only be a beetle in the growth stage."

In the growth period, the level is only about ten levels. According to the current stage, even the big brothers and sisters of the mechanical tyrannosaurus often exercise it, and it takes a lot of time to make it reach its full body.

Moreover, there is still a long way to go before the ultimate body that is somewhat expected.

After all, even among his current main forces, none of the ultimate bodies exists. If he wants to achieve the form of those two beetle beasts, he doesn't know how long it will take.

Moreover, Mechanical Greymon, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, and Super Seadramon are no worse than Beetlemon in terms of combat power at the current stage or in terms of the upper limit of race alone.

And as the cunning beast with the greatest potential in his current lineup, the Beetle is even less comparable.

Of course, if the other two are not very good, Qingliu will naturally choose Beetle Beetle directly without any hesitation.

Perhaps even strictly speaking, the value of Chrome Digizoid is not necessarily comparable to Beetlemon.

But now the Digizoid is one of the main targets of this summoning after all, and if Beetlemon is chosen this time, there will be no Digizoid in the remaining 2-in-1 summoning, or there will be alloys and things of higher value at the same time If so, then it would be really difficult.

After weighing the pros and cons, Aoyagi raised his hand and pointed at the pattern on the third Chrono Digizoid.

The light flowed, and the blue channel behind the card-shaped pattern lit up as if it had been activated.

Immediately afterwards, a dull rolling sound sounded from inside, Qingliu heard this movement, and took two steps back very skillfully and naturally.

Afterwards, the rolling sound became louder, louder, and closer, and the mechanical tyrannosaur sitting not far away, and the super sea dragon lying on the ground with its head lying on the ground, could easily catch it Degree.

"What kind of egg again?"

Recalling the appearance of the blue-eyed ultimate dragon egg at that time, the legendary Shiraishi, Mechanical Greymon couldn't help but feel somewhat similar.

As for the Super Sea Dragon Beast, its two eyes were so bright that it was about to emit strong light, and its body kept swinging in place.

I don't know what's going on, although its nose usually doesn't have much effect, but at this moment, it smells it inexplicably.

The smell of metal...

The smell of Chron Digizoid...

coming soon!

Chaohai Dragon Beast raised its head fiercely, staring closely at where Qingliu was.

The next moment, a piece of silvery metal cube jumped out of the passage, and precisely hit the third pattern.

The pattern directly shatters and dissipates, blending into it.

Afterwards, everything seemed to return to calm, and the Chrome Digizoid returned to a stable state, and fell steadily from the mid-air close to the ground where the pattern was suspended just now.


There was a heavy landing sound, and a deep dent was directly smashed into the ground, and the bottom of the Chrome Digizoid metal block was directly half embedded in it.

"It's still the same as last time, the color is the most basic Chrome Digizoid, but the size seems to be a little bigger."

Qingliu looked up and down the metal block in front of her.

Chrome Digizoid has different color forms through different production ratios, and different colors generally correspond to different performances.

For example, the purest red digital alloy, the most flexible brown digital alloy, the sharpest obsidian digital alloy, the hardest gold digital alloy, etc...

The silver color is the most basic Chrome Digizoid.

"However, for the current super sea dragon beast, it is enough."


As soon as Qingliu's self-talk fell, the super sea dragon beast who seemed to hear his name not far away suddenly fell on the ground, one of two eyes looked at Chrono Digizoid, and the other looked at Qingliu.

It seems that as long as it is promised and confirmed, it will burst out immediately.

Qingliu doesn't know how it does this kind of thing, and it can only be attributed to the state similar to "zone" caused by psychological factors beyond the normal when it is about to get what it wants.

Although it is in this state now, it may be used at the wrong time and in the wrong way.

Qingliu shook her head helplessly, and said: "Okay, don't look at it, it's yours, pass..."

Rumble! ! !

The ground suddenly began to vibrate violently, and the sound of a huge object rubbing against the ground sounded. Before Qingliu finished speaking, he found that the super sea dragon beast had rushed in front of him.

He directly opened the bloody mouth and grabbed the Time Digizoid in one gulp, threw it into his mouth with a violent shake of his head, and then rushed towards the forest bushes not far away with a "rumbling" sound.

"……bring it on."

The words that were not finished just now fell quietly, Qingliu looked at the empty ground in front of him, couldn't help but sighed with a wry smile.

"At that time, the trident arm of Mechanical Tyrannosaurus caused a lot of shadows in its heart. The appearance of seeing Chrome Digizoid is completely similar to that of a two-year-old who has not gone out for ten days and a half months, and then suddenly stepped out of the house. Ha no difference."

Thinking of Erha, Qingliu couldn't help feeling a little worried.

This guy shouldn't be so stupid as to swallow the Chrome Digizoid for the convenience of preservation...?

Qingliu feels that it is very necessary for him to emphasize to him that the food is not very tasty and it is useless to eat, so as to prevent the comparison of "a complete Digimon that is powerful enough to become the leader of the group will eventually choke to death". What happened to the beast with zero win rate and the beast with zero combat power to be nailed to the pillar of shame.

Even if it really happened, maybe the name of Manmen Zhonglie would be nothing by then.

Qingliu then looked to the top of her head.

The blue-eyed ultimate dragon and the Tanabata blue bird still did not have any shadows, and apart from a very faint but refreshing fragrance of flowers, there were also no figures of flower fairy beasts.

Although the Super Sea Dragon Beast was excited at this moment, according to the movement it caused, I could still clearly feel it, and it didn't run very far.

Qingliu finally nodded towards the Mechanical Tyrannosaurus.

With a tacit understanding for a long time, the mechanical tyrannosaur understood the meaning of continuing to be vigilant conveyed by Aoyagi's movements, and slowly stood on the stone behind him, his eyes became serious and serious, and began to patrol around.

Seeing this, Qingliu withdrew her gaze, and looked at the blue channel in front of her that hadn't turned back into a panel after the Digizoid of Time Summoning just now ended.

A few lines of small blue characters are still beating in front of my eyes.

[Exploration completed, can be summoned]

【Summon Object—Random】

[Already have two summoning opportunities - storage/summoning]

[Two-in-one Summon/Separate Summon]

Qingliu tapped the two-in-one call again, and rows of small characters began to flash rapidly.

[Summoning method - two in one]

[The number of summoning targets can be selected - 3]



Seeing this, Qingliu gently closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Because of the existence of the Chrome Digizoid, the summon just now was very purposeful, and there was almost no room for choice.

But this time, the call was purely based on the needs of his lineup.

To put it simply, choose whoever is good or useful!

Qing Liu slowly opened his eyes, and then looked at the options in front of him again.

Floating in the air in front of him were also the patterns of three cards.

"first slide……"

Qingliu's eyes fell on the first pattern, and above the pattern... was a pattern.

"It's a badge again."

In a pink light that exudes a very warm feeling, the emblem on the pattern is clearly visible.

The whole presents a heart shape, but the right half is close to the shape of a single hook jade, while the left half is a bit like the curved and extended stamen on the head of a flower fairy.

[Love Badge - Activated after merging with a Digimon full of selfless love and warm heart, it will produce an unexpected reaction (with Digimon that does not meet the requirements will not trigger a reaction)]

Without even thinking about it, Qingliu made a cross in her heart.

In the same way as before, the difficulty of badges soared after turning to Digimon.

Especially things like "love" and "warmth", for Digimon of the weak and the strong, even if there are, there are definitely not many, and it must not reach the level required by the badge, otherwise there is a high probability of being bullied Then I can't live.

And if such a small degree can meet the badge requirements, it will be too worthless.

There is no gold content, which means that this badge does not have much value.

No matter which one it is, there is no need to choose.

Qingliu immediately ignored the mysterious light that belonged to the badge, and looked past it to look directly at the second pattern.

Very clearly, it shows that it is a Digimon.

Maybe it's too clear, or maybe it's because the impression is deep, almost just a glance, Qingliu knows its racial information.

This is a small reptile dinosaur Digimon that stands upright and walks upright on two feet. It has a yellow body, fangs and claws, and looks very similar to Agumon.

The few differences are that this Digimon has a sharp unicorn with interlaced lines, its pupils are dark brown different from the green of Agumon, its tail is longer with lumpy bumps, and its belly is printed with A strange pattern of squares that have lost their edges and corners, as if from ancient times.

On top of this figure, there was a blue-gray animal skin coat.

Qingliu chuckled lightly: "I didn't expect the second one to be a fusion material."

The pattern in front of him is exactly the partner of Ishida Taiga, the number two male among the chosen children, a reptile Digimon in the growth stage - Gabumon.

At the same time, it is also the form of Agumon stepping up to the advanced ultimate battle Greymon in the future, that is, the form of Omegamon, one of the thirteen Holy Knight Digimon of the Royal Knights with absolute strength. important synthetic material.

Compared with the love badge, Gabumon's racial potential is obviously greater, even if the final ultimate body form attributes are likely to be a less than ideal combination of ice + steel.

But even if it is only in the form of the future ultimate body of Mechanical Tyrannosaurus, the other half of the synthetic materials are very good.

Qingliu was very satisfied with this second summoning target, and at the same time, she roughly believed that it was probably the target of this summoning.

However, when he turned his attention to the third pattern and prepared to check it quickly, and if he thought it was not worth much, he would choose Gabumon directly, Qingliu was suddenly stunned.

Because the things on the third picture are also very familiar to him, and he is also impressed, and...

Qingliu raised her right hand and looked at the imprint of the divine plan that was constantly flashing in the palm of her hand.

This is not the response of the divine plan, but the movement caused by the cunning beast in the space of the divine plan.

And something that can make the cunning beast that is devouring the dark matter and has completely fallen into a deep sleep convey a trace of desire from the deep sleep...

Qingliu locked her eyes on the third pattern.

On it is a... black gear.

Although there are only two updates, it is 8,200 words. If I delete, delete, and modify it, it will be almost 9,000 words, which is 4.5 chapters of the average author.

I'm in good shape today, I'm going to sleep, and I will guarantee the same amount of updates tomorrow.

By the way, push this book, the fourth natural disaster article of beast control

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