Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 298 Dark energy accumulation completed Kanto mysterious dragon youth (two in one)

Chi Chi Chi!

The moment the energy rose, the dark energy that had been cut by the sword of the divine plan, now lost the core driving force of the black gear, and had no ability to resist at all, and was instantly torn apart by the dark energy group belonging to the cunning beast. Crack, devour.

The "night" shrouded in the surroundings completely dissipated, and wisps of sunlight fell to the ground again.

This sudden change in brightness is extremely likely to cause strong irritation to the eyes, so Qing Liu had to raise her hand to cover her eyes in advance to avoid the strong light from hurting her eyes.

But before the imaginary sunlight came in completely, it was directly intercepted by several huge shadows that suddenly appeared in front of him, leaving only a little light in the hollow area between the shadows falling on the ground.

But even though most of them are blocked, the little rays of light still cause slight discomfort to the eyes,

Qingliu rubbed her eyes lightly, felt a few breaths around her, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

These figures appeared just after the space formed by the dark energy shattered, apparently gathered nearby before that.

Then, their identity information is also very clear.

Qingliu opened her eyes and raised her head to look at the several figures that appeared in front of her.

Mechanical Tyrannosaurus stared straight at itself, its big blue eyes scanning up and down, as if to confirm if there was any problem.

The Tanabata blue bird standing on its shoulders, and the flower fairy beast fluttering in the air with its leaf-like wings, at this moment, there are still some worries that have not dissipated on their faces, but after seeing that they are indeed safe and sound, they are all clear. I breathed a sigh of relief.

The largest blue-eyed Ultimate Dragon stood proudly in mid-air with three heads and six eyes. Seeing that he was safe and sound, he suddenly lost interest, and immediately looked away rather arrogantly.

Only occasionally, one of the heads would unconsciously turn over to confirm the situation again.

The last super sea dragon beast has a towering head, raising its head high, looking at itself for a while, and then turning its attention to its own chewing mouth, as if it is chewing something very chewy Same.

The behaviors of each are different, but Qingliu can feel that they are all very concerned about their own safety.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Although this thing looks strange and scary, it's still a bit difficult to cause harm to me."

Qingliu said with a light smile.

Hearing Qingliu's personal confirmation, everyone present could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.


The Qixi Blue Bird and the Flower Immortal Beast came to Qingliu after hearing the news, the former rubbed his head lightly against his own hand, as it loves cleanliness, it didn't mind at all with its cotton-like snow-white feathers to gently sweep away the stains on Qingliu's body. of dust.

The latter came to Qingliu, suspended in mid-air, and stretched out his hands to lightly touch his temples on both sides.

A fragrance of flowers came slowly, and was affected by the dark energy before, so the residual discomfort was instantly eliminated, and even Qingliu felt that his whole body was refreshed a lot.

"Do you feel better?"

Huaxian Beast asked with some uncertainty.

Qingliu nodded lightly, moved his eyes slightly upwards, felt the faint fragrance of flowers in the air, and nodded with a smile: "It feels very comfortable, thank you, it seems that after the evolution, the flower fairy beast not only looks better, but also for the strength of its own strength. The usage has also improved a lot.”

"Huh? I... I'm not very skilled..."

The timid and introverted Huaxianshou since childhood heard Qingliu's serious and direct praise, a few blushes appeared on his delicate and pretty face, and he quickly lowered his head shyly.

But the praise from the person I recognized and trusted, the kind of joy that breeds inevitably fills the whole atrium quickly.

As the joy intensified, the lowered face of the flower fairy beast became more and more red, and the stamen on the top of its head swayed subconsciously, and an extremely rich floral fragrance was released uncontrollably from the bud.

So much so that when the surrounding area was filled with a strong fragrance, even the green willow, which is not very sensitive to the fragrance of flowers, could not bear it, the flower fairy beast reacted, blushing and hurriedly diluted the fragrance, and then As if fleeing, he flew towards the bushes in the distance.

Looking at the rapidly disappearing figure, Qingliu smiled and shook his head, then looked at the mechanical tyrannosaurus beside him.

After it determined that there was nothing wrong with it, it kept looking at the sky above its head.

In that direction, the cunning beast somehow rose from the ground, suspended in mid-air, and the mighty dark energy was continuously released from its digital egg, spreading rapidly towards the surroundings.

If it is said that the dark energy of the black gears could only cover a small area near the green willow before, then the dark energy of the cunning beast has formed a huge "black cloud", covering a large area above their heads. The sky is all shaded.

From a distance, this area seems to be completely ignored by the sun, or the black clouds before the storm are overwhelming the city.

"Qingliu, is the cunning beast in its current state, okay?"

The Mechanical Tyrannosaurus asked while staring at the sky.

Although it doesn't have much time and opportunities to contact the cunning beast, after all, Aoyagi was summoned by the same way as it was in the first place, and everyone also belongs to the ranks of Digimon, they can be regarded as fellow villagers and compatriots.

In addition, it can completely solve the weird dark matter, and after a few contacts, it can also feel the other party's talent that is more terrifying than all of them...

Such a cunning beast will definitely be able to help protect and help Qingliu better in the future, which is why even if the strange dark energy has wrapped Qingliu in, they were very worried and did not directly forcefully break it.

Even if Qingliu doesn't react in time, even if the Sly Beast is sleeping, it should be able to protect Qingliu. In his heart, the Mechanical Tyrannosaurus has silently determined that it is also a member of this team that has not yet been born.

It's just that since the first time we met, this seems to be the first time it has such a situation, and the mechanical tyrannosaurus can't help but feel a little worried at the moment.

"Do not worry."

Qingliu looked up at the sky, and said as if talking to himself or explaining to Mechanical Tyrannosaurus: "Now... it is ushering in its own transformation."

Above the sky, the dark energy is still spreading towards the surroundings at an unhurried speed, and in the center of the "black cloud", the aura erupting from the Sly Beast Digi-Egg becomes stronger and stronger.

The point is, this momentum is still climbing upwards with the passage of time.

Qingliu doesn't know what level the egg-shaped cunning beast has reached now, but the current momentum alone is infinitely close to what Qingliu has seen so far, the main Pokémon of all gym-level trainers level.

"It seems that the previous conjecture may really happen, birth is evolution..."

It has been almost two or three months since the cunning beast was summoned, and most of the days in between it has been staying in the built-in space of the divine plan to absorb bright data that is contrary to its own attributes and full of holy aura. I don't know if this thing will help its level, but it will definitely be of great benefit to its potential.

In addition to the black gas formed by the dark matter on the four heavenly king level fork bats in the EMI Great Forest, the real dark matter in the soul body and body of Kexi, and the current black gear...

The worst of these things is also the quality of the Four Heavenly Kings. It is conceivable how terrifying the improvement brought about by digesting them will be.


Just as I thought before, these energies will not only increase its potential, but also...as oxytocin, it will greatly shorten the time it takes for it to break out of its shell.

After the tenth summoning, the blue channel connecting to the void was turned into a panel again, and under the gaze of Qingliu, the illustrated book data of the cunning beast was presented in front of his eyes.

[race] cunning beast

【Classification】Slime Pokémon

[attribute] evil, poison

[Characteristics] Soft poisonous body (having a soft body can resist and reduce some physical damage, and will release toxins through physical contact)

【Level】0→? ? ?

【Exclusive moves】None →? ? ?

【Mastered moves】None →? ? ?

【Racial value】? ? ? (Life??, Attack??, Defense??, Special Attack??, Special Defense??, Speed??)


(you gave it the first dark matter it was happy and excited, you did what you promised it the second dark matter it applauds you, you believe in it and are willing to summon black gear for it, it starts to like on you, a somewhat stupid but not hopeless human being in its eyes)

[Status] Not yet born (time to break out of the shell—ten minutes later)

[Information summary]...

It's been a long time since I checked the illustration information of the Cunning Beast. When Qingliu, who just wanted to look at the specific time of birth on the status bar, saw the changes in this row, she couldn't help but be stunned.

"Except for the racial value that was already a question mark at the very beginning, other data information about it has become a question mark, even the level is..."

Combined with the momentum I felt just now, and the things that were swallowed and digested, it further proves that the level of the cunning beast is limited by its own digital egg shell, but at the moment of birth, it will usher in a life after breaking free from restrictions. Explosive growth.

Really started practicing from the womb!

Qingliu's eyes continued to move down, and seeing the intimacy that had been improved several times, and the evaluation of herself in the heart of the cunning beast, she couldn't help laughing.

Then, his eyes fell on the broken shell time on the status bar.

"Ten minutes later, no... To be precise, it should be only about nine minutes."

Qingliu felt uncontrollably agitated.

After two or three months of silence, I ate so many top-quality things that I didn't need, and with the help of the divine plan...

Finally, after a few minutes, the clouds will open and the moon will shine.

Qingliu looked at the cunning beast in mid-air, and suppressed the restlessness in her heart.

Then he looked at the Mechanical Tyrannosaurus beside him, and all the Digimon, Pokémon, and elves he currently owns except for the Flower Fairy Beast who was not present, and announced the news to them.

"The cunning beast is about to break its shell and be born."

Hearing this sentence, no one showed a surprised expression except for the super sea dragon beast who was still chewing something.

After all, it has been too long to appear in the form of an egg.

Moreover, it has been confirmed by Qingliu that there is no problem with it. Apart from the birth of the broken shell, they really can't think of anything else related.

It's just... the movement of breaking the shell seems to be a bit loud.

"What are we going to do?"

The Mechanical Tyrannosaurus asked in a deep voice.

"Just the movement it makes now is already very terrifying. I really don't dare to imagine what kind of level it will reach when it is born next. The only thing I can be sure of is that it will be very, very, very amazing..."

Qingliu glanced at every figure in front of him, and said seriously: "So, I hope that during the period before the cunning beast is completely born, everyone can completely control the surrounding area.

"Traveling trainers, Pokémon, or other creatures, who pass by or stay nearby, advise them to stay away from here, and forcefully drive away those who are disobedient. This is for their own good, and it is also to ensure that The birth of the cunning beast did not present the slightest problem.

"So... please everyone."

Aoyagi's voice fell, MechaGreymon nodded heavily, and while turning around, it slapped Super Seadramon on the head with its claws covered in Chrome Digizoid, and directly forcibly dragged it away.

The blue-eyed ultimate dragon did not express agreement or disapproval in silence, just glanced at Qingliu lightly, and then flapped its wings and rushed to the sky.

The Tanabata Blue Bird signaled it to find the Flower Fairy Beast first, then flapped its cotton wings and flew away.

Seeing the completely empty surroundings, Qingliu once again looked at the Sly Beast Digi-egg floating in the sky.

On the blue panel illustration, the shell breaking time has quietly reached six minutes, and is rapidly diving towards five minutes.

"Let me see with my own eyes, what kind of stage you can reach after you have accumulated for so long..."


At the same time, cut Feng City to the south of the Tianguan Mountain Range.

On a certain mountain peak that has almost been cut off in half, a pterosaur-shaped Pokémon with a grayish-purple body and unusually obvious muscle lines is standing on the pile of rubble piled up next to it, lacking in interest. Stop yawning.

Not far in front of it, a young man wearing a windbreaker and a signature cloak over his shoulders was squatting on the ground, holding a handful of gravel.

With the rubbing between fingers, the corners of the young man's cold mouth slightly raised a curve.

"It seems that Wu Song didn't lie to me..."

Although the aura carried by it was so weak that it was about to disappear completely, he, who had an almost instinctive intuition about dragon-type Pokémon and moves since he was a child, still noticed a trace of a distinctive aura from it.

There is no doubt that it was the dragon-type Pokémon or the dragon-type moves that easily destroyed this half of the mountain, and...

Or it was a dragon-type Pokémon and dragon-type moves that even he had never seen before, which instantly dissipated the unhappiness in the young man's heart about the first half of the trip to Sinnoh.

"Also, if I'm not mistaken, there's also the dragon-type Pokémon that was in charge of protecting the retreat of the police officers in the Lake of Wisdom incident. It's really interesting..."

The young man put down the gravel in his hand and stood up slowly.

"I didn't expect that besides Grandma Long and Miss Sirona, there would be other people with such powerful dragon-type Pokémon in the Sinnoh area."

And from what the police officers in Qiefeng City mentioned in the chat, the other party seemed to be young, and there was even a very high probability that he was younger than him.

Under the circumstances that dragon-type Pokémon generally need a lot of accumulation, the opponent is so young but has a powerful combat power beyond his age. He can't help but wonder how he did it. Excited, want to learn from each other.

"It's a pity that I don't have much time this time. There is another big incident in Kanto that needs someone to take charge. Otherwise, I would like to find you first even if I put those cases in hand first."

The young man sighed, and then said to the Pokémon who was already dozing off, "Fossil pterosaur, it's time to go."

After the words fell, the fossil pterosaur opposite opened its eyes and flapped its wings to take off.

Suddenly, a black energy shot straight into the sky in the distance.

The young man and the fossilized pterosaur paused for a moment, and their expressions instantly became solemn.

The black energy spread across a large area almost instantly, and even with such a long distance in between, the aura exuding strong negative emotions could still sweep over.

This made the young man's brows slowly wrinkle, and his eyes quickly became cold.

"Dark matter..."

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