Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 299: All the Heavens Gather, Ask It to Reach the Top! (two in one)

The record of the Four Heavenly Kings at Yulongdu is not satisfactory.

In the Four Heavenly Kings Cup, he lost to the Ice King Kona again without any accident, and missed the title of the strongest of the Four Heavenly Kings.

At the same time, he also indirectly lost the ability to compete for the championship seat that has been vacant for many years in the Kanto and Chengdu Alliance, which made him feel bad.

Even though his strength was stronger than the opponent's, he still lost the game by one move. However, there was no way to do it. After all, Kona's main attacking attributes completely restrained him.

But what made him a little unacceptable was that after losing the game, he heard Kona's fans teasing in a sarcastic tone.

It is said that although he is the dragon-type king of the four heavenly kings in name, in order to defeat Kona, he used a bunch of dragon-like Pokémon, but in fact they are flying-type Pokémon, trying to win with strange tricks.

In the end, I forgot that the flying element, like the dragon element, is also restrained by the ice element. This is an attribute restraint relationship that newcomer trainers know. It really makes people laugh.

A'Du silently clenched his fists.

With his identity, it is naturally impossible to go to the opponent to fight, let him see whether he is the dragon king or not.

It is also impossible to invite Kona to fight again, because this difference in moves has appeared many times in repeated fights. He knows that this slight difference has nothing to do with other things. It is a pass in attribute restraint. Now he has not yet its ability to move past.

So in order to ease the emotions in his heart, he activated another identity - Alliance Investigator.

Adhering to the idea that it might feel better to vent the depression and anger in his heart on those criminals, the Four Heavenly King Yulongdu began a one-month carpet cleaning.

The underground forces in the Kanto and Johto areas were in dire straits during that month, and there were many complaints. Organization leaders and important members, no less than a hundred people received free board and lodging from the alliance under his door-to-door service.

When the Fengyuan Alliance heard the news, they quickly negotiated with the Kanto and Chengdu Alliance for secondment, allowing this angry Four Heavenly King-level investigator to vent his anger to their area.

In the end, after the underground organizations and evil forces in the three areas were suffering, the Sinnoh Alliance, which is in short supply and frequent incidents heard about this, immediately started the second secondment of Yulongdu.

In this way, he came to the Sinnoh area.

However, secondments of this nature have been approved by himself.

The reason why he is willing to go to Fengyuan is that the most powerful guys in the underground world in the Kanto and Johto areas already have a very deep understanding and precautions against him.

Unless there is a major internal problem, he can only throw bombs in the water, but he can't catch any big fish.

He wanted a change of taste, so he agreed to go to Fengyuan, who didn't know much about him, and at the same time, he also went to the local dragon king Yuanzhi, and consulted on the method of overcoming attribute restraint.

However, Genji said that although he went a little further than A'Du, he was limited to this and could not provide much help.

So when the Sinnoh Alliance approached him later, he also agreed.

But more tendencies are not to fight crime, but also to find people.

The semi-retired champion of the Sinnoh Alliance is an older and more experienced dragon trainer than the ghost king of Kanto, Kikuko, and the dragon king of Fengyuan, Genji, Dragon Granny.

Ask her about the way for dragon-type Pokémon to cross attributes and move towards a more powerful level, so as to improve yourself and strive to defeat Kona, win the Four Heavenly Kings Cup and the championship seat.

He got his wish and met Grandma Long.

However, although Grandma Long told him the true meaning of dragon-type Pokémon, she didn't think much of him, and said in a daze as if she was about to fall asleep the next moment.

"You are destined not to reach the top in the future. A young man who runs at both ends of the day will only lose in the hands of another young man who runs at both ends in the future, or be run over by a trainer who is really dedicated and aims to be the strongest." pressure. '

Yulongdu respects this Granny Long, who is well-known even among the Dragon Master clan, but is so low-key that it is outrageous. However, she does not understand and disagrees with what she said.

Because Grandma Long herself is teaching and imparting all her money, Miss Sirona, who is regarded as her successor, seems to be an inattentive person—that is, she is extremely obsessed with myths and legends except for the trainer.

But he certainly couldn't say these words directly, and in the end he could only hold them in his heart and leave, preparing to return to Kanto.

At this time, the Sinnoh Alliance urgently contacted him and said that he hoped that he could go to Wisdom Lake for a tour before going back.

If there is anything that cannot be handled by the newly promoted Four Heavenly Kings who have been sent over, I implore him, the dragon envoy who is already a strong one among the Four Heavenly Kings, to help him deal with it.

A'Du then went to Wisdom Lake.

Not only because they promised to help with some matters during the secondment, but also because the Sinnoh Alliance revealed that the Wisdom Lake incident was caused by the "dark matter" that the Kanto and Johto Alliance also attach great importance to.

In order to learn more about this special thing, it is worth making an extra trip.

However, after arriving, he found that the three lake gods who had rioted together had been suppressed, and even the local gym trainers and Miss Junsha handled the settlement of the citizens very well.

According to his subsequent understanding, the newly-promoted superpower king Wusong who came from the Wisdom Lake incident was basically in a state of soy sauce, but the "young mysterious dragon Pokémon trainer" who made great efforts But it piqued his interest.

Although everyone regarded him as a member of the "Interpol" who had a bad reputation because of those old things, and kept his questions secret, he still learned some information from Wu Song with sincerity.

'I don't want to say too much, if you are really interested, go to Tianguan Mountain, there is half of the mountain that was destroyed by him and his Pokémon before. '

He found the mountain that Wusong mentioned, and also used his talent to perceive the fluctuations emanating from the dragon-type Pokémon contained in it, and his desire to meet the other party became stronger and stronger.

But because the "dark matter" incident also occurred in the Kanto region, and many casualties have been caused, he must rush back as soon as possible, so the idea of ​​encountering was forced to be shelved.

But now, seeing the black energy rising into the sky in the distance, A'Du knew that the pace of going back would be delayed.

Even if the matter in Kanto is very urgent, the scene in front of me... I'm afraid it will only be worse than worse.

Although the aura generated by the black energy seems to be only at the level of a normal gym trainer, it does not reach the category of the Four Heavenly Kings.

But this kind of terrifying fluctuation and the scope of those "black clouds" have never been seen in all the files of "dark matter" incidents he has read.

That is to say, the new dark matter event happening right now is very dangerous, but also very important, and it may be of great help to deal with related events in the future.

As for the black energy cloud in front of him not being dark matter but something else, A'Du didn't think about it at all.

Strong negative emotions, physical discomfort, and the most obvious is the general black gas state of the external features. There is nothing more in line with the description of "dark matter" than the scene in front of you.

Thinking of this, A'Du took out two poke balls from his pocket and directly pressed the switch.

The next moment, a man stood up, his whole body was orange-yellow, and there were uniform stripes on the regional butter-colored skin from the chin to the abdomen. A tail, and two pairs of petite and cute wings on the back of the Pokémon...

And a Pokémon with the same person standing upright, with the same large area of ​​orange body, butter-colored abdomen, and a thick tail, but with bigger wings, sharper and fiercer eyes, and a blazing flame burning at the tip of the tail. in front of you.

A'Du quickly said: "Fossil pterosaurs, fast dragons, fire-breathing dragons, you all should know the goal of this battle, don't hold back anything, attack directly after getting close, and resolve the battle as quickly as you can ,do you understand."

The three Pokémon nodded heavily.

Afterwards, A'Du stood on the back of the fossilized pterosaur.

The next moment, three dragon-type or dragon-type Pokémon erupted in a terrifying momentum at the same time.

If Wusong were here, he would probably be so shocked that it would be difficult to add.

For this person who is not much different in age from him, every Pokémon has the momentum far surpassing his main lineup, and has even reached the level of the absolute main force of the ground-type king Juye among the old four heavenly kings.

Afterwards, three figures exuding a strong aura flew out directly at the speed of a streamer, shooting towards the soaring black energy not far away.


On the other side, the center of the forest.

For many times, I thought about it and planned to go to the Kanto region after the end of the Lily of the Valley Conference or after the formation of the team. Yulongdu, the strongest dragon messenger in the world, has come to the Sinnoh region in advance.

And because of the butterfly effect, it appeared in the Tianguan Mountains not too far away from itself, and mistook the dark energy released by the cunning beast that was about to break its shell as dark matter and rushed over to deal with it, Qingliu didn't know.

At this moment, he is still staring closely at the sky and the shell breaking time displayed on the panel.

[race] cunning beast

[Status] Unborn (time of shell breaking—one minute later)


[Status] Not yet born (shell breaking time—after 59 seconds)


[Status] Not yet born (shell breaking time—after 50 seconds)

Time is beating little by little, and Qingliu has become so quiet that even her own breathing is so light that it cannot be heard.

At this moment, even the sound of the beating heart in his chest can be clearly captured by his ears.

Qing Liu has forgotten how long it has been since she was so nervous and looking forward to it.

However, I can still feel this kind of emotion now, at least it shows that I am still alive as a person, and I have positive emotions in my heart for a new life that is about to be born.


Watching the time come to the last ten seconds, Qingliu took a deep breath and adjusted his mentality for the final welcome.

Ten seconds passed in the process.

Then Qingliu excitedly focused her gaze on the "center of the black cloud" above her head, the Digi-egg of the Cunning Beast.

The dark energy is surging like a wave, constantly spreading towards the surroundings.

However, when the powerful aura emanating from the digital egg is about to exceed the upper limit of the gym trainer level that Qingliu feels, it seems to have stagnated and will not continue to rise.

Even the consciousness of the cunning beast, at this moment, seems to have been silent for unknown reasons, without the slightest sign that it is about to break its shell.

Qingliu's eyes narrowed instantly.

Quickly bring up the panel and look at the status bar of the cunning beast.

[Status] Not yet born (shell breaking time—after 0 seconds...after 0 seconds...after 0 seconds...)

Seeing that this is constantly being updated, but there is no follow-up prompt, Qingliu's breathing suddenly stagnates.

"Every time an egg breaks, something goes wrong."

Resisting the urge to curse, Qingliu began to recall in his mind whether the current situation of the cunning beast was the same as the problem encountered by the Qingmianniao when it was about to break its shell, or similar.

In my memory, at that time, it was clear that the elf egg of the blue cotton bird had also reached the hatching time displayed on the panel, but it was very strange that it was not born.

"The only difference is that at that time, the time of breaking the shell was constantly looping, but now it is the same as when the network card is loading the game, there is no loop but stagnation..."

And just when Qingliu was at a loss, a new prompt popped up on the panel that had been stuck in an endless loop.

[Status] Not yet born (shell breaking time - 0 seconds later... 0 seconds later... hungry... insufficient energy supply...)

At the same time, in Qingliu's mind, the relatively immature and inexplicably crisp voice that belonged to the cunning beast also sounded.

"...hungry...hungry...not...not enough..."

It's just that it is different from the excited, mischievous, emotionless, dissatisfied, and tired voices I heard before. Now its voice is extremely weak, anxious and worried, and there is a trace of... microscopic fear.

Anxious... broken shell.

Worried... shell breaking failed!

Qingliu can guess the reason for the first two, but what is the cause of fear?

The big deal is to wait until the next time it fails to break the shell. Qingliu believes that the cunning beast will understand this truth, but even so, it still conveys a hint of fear.

Is this an explanation from the side, the cunning beast knows that if the shell breaking fails this time, then the difficulty of breaking the shell next time or other conditions will increase accordingly, making breaking the shell more difficult and making it easier to fail ?

Qingliu looked at the panel in front of her and listened to the voice in her ear, all the information flashed through her mind.

If that's the case, then simply succeed at once!

"If you don't have enough energy, supply it with energy and give it all you can absorb."

And what is related to the cunning beast is nothing more than holy data and dark matter similar to dark energy.

At the moment when the thought was connected, Qingliu directly raised the right hand imprinted with the imprint of the sacred plan without any hesitation, and at the same time took out the Poké Ball containing Aknom and Yuxi from his pocket with his left hand, and pressed the switch to throw it away. into the air.

Then he opened his mouth and shouted loudly: "Flower Fairy Beast!!!"

Buzz buzz!

The dull sound produced by the rapid vibration of wings rang in the ears, and the flower fairy beast with a little blush on its face quickly stopped in front of it.

It also found that the cunning beast was strange, and it was ready before Qingliu called its name.

"Quick! Unseal the Blooming Necklace, and throw all the two dark matter to the Cunning Beast."


The flower fairy beast immediately acted.

The fingers with a faint floral fragrance directly touched the foreheads of Yaknom and Yukshi, who were floating in midair in a daze.

The next moment, the two black air had been diluted a lot, but the dark matter that was still releasing strange energy from the depths of the cage-like core came out from between the eyebrows of the two lake gods.

Before they had any reaction, the necklaces of flowers worn on the necks of Yaknom and Yukexi flew out, quickly shrinking and imprisoning them tightly.

Then, rushed towards the "black cloud" in the sky.

hum! ! !

As soon as the two dark substances approached, the dark energy surging around instantly swarmed up, eroding the flower necklace on the surface.

The dark matter was unrestrained, and instantly became agitated, wanting to find a direction and slip away.

But before they could take any real action, even more hungry dark energy erupted from the Cunning Beast Digi-egg, grabbing it.



There were two muffled sounds in succession.

The dark matter disappeared, and instead, the color of all the dark energy around it became darker, and the stagnant momentum rose again.

Seeing this, Qingliu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although the Sly Beast didn't absorb part of the data from the divine plan as expected, fortunately, the two dark substances that were intended to be digested later filled the vacancy.

But before Qingliu's hanging heart completely fell, that aura...was unmoved again.


Seeing this situation, Qingliu, who has always been civilized, couldn't bear it anymore.

All the dark matter has been given, and the divine plan has not responded, and there is no energy source in his body that matches the current situation of the cunning beast.

If there is any dark matter incident somewhere now, no matter what the strength of the Pokémon being attacked, he will definitely rush to suppress it immediately and grab the dark matter to use as supplements for the cunning beast, but there is no such thing right now.

Qingliu was forced to frantically recall anything that might come in handy in his mind.

at this time……

Boom boom boom!

There was a loud vibration.

The Mechanical Tyrannosaurus came to a location not far from Qingliu, and said in a deep voice: "I still have the dark energy condensed by the dark matter that activated the Zombie Tyrannosaurus Digicore in my body, as well as the data of a virus species. Take it and use it!"

Hearing this, and seeing the willingness to make any sacrifice revealed in Mechanical Greymon's firm eyes, Qingliu's breathing became heavy.

Not to mention whether it is useful or not, just thinking about extracting data from the body of a Digimon shows how serious the consequences will be.

Qingliu just wanted to refuse.

Just then, a voice interrupted him.

"give it to me……"

An ancient and distant voice sounded like a child. Emrido, the only one among the three holy mushrooms who has not sealed the dark substance and is in a state of cultivation, activated teleportation and appeared in front of Qingliu.

It raised its head and looked at the cunning beast in the sky with its pupils. There was surprise in its eyes, as well as a trace of... nostalgia.

I don't know why, there are repeated paragraphs, but I don't have it in the background...

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