Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 370 Qingliu vs. Divine Beast Male Dakdo! (Two in one chapter)

When Qingliu learned the news, his heart was actually a little complicated.

However, the complicated target is not the upcoming schedule, but Daye, who has been eliminated.

Not to mention Denji, in the original timeline that he did not travel through, he eventually became a "decadent", while Daye was always a "hard-working" and won the Suzuran Tournament in a certain year , and finally challenged to become the Four Heavenly Kings of the Sinnoh Alliance as the conference champion.

Judging from Daye's memories in the anime, it is most likely the one or two sessions after Sirona won the championship and became the champion.

As a result, due to the butterfly effect caused by his arrival, Daye worked harder on special training and came to participate in the Lily of the Valley Conference in advance.

This will lead to the fact that his originally smooth "conference victory" will definitely evolve into a series of failures where he will lose this year and lose again next year. He will not be able to win until he returns to the original timeline the year after that.

What Qingliu didn't expect was that Daye's trip to the conference was announced to be over in advance before he and Sirona could meet him.

What about the agreed-upon plot of "you and Denji will defeat one of you or Sirona, and finally meet in the finals"?

Although compared to Daye who had been "precipitating" for two or three years, his overall strength is still relatively "young" now, but at least he is still the "future Four Heavenly Kings" who has been developing for a period of time.

As a result, they stopped in the top 16 without even reaching the top eight, which was somewhat unbearable.

A replica of the Ash Quartz Convention, right...

Qingliu looked at Daye who fell into depression again and was a little anxious after just confiding to him. He smiled helplessly and shook his head.

"Come back the year after next. You will have a good chance of practicing next year."

"The year after next? What do you mean? Why not next year?"

Daye couldn't help but wonder.

Denji, who was standing nearby, took over the conversation and said: "Because next year you are likely to meet one or even two of Aoyagi, Sirona and Dakdo who failed to win the championship and participated in the conference again. If we lose again, we will be more hopeful the year after next.”

Daye was a little unconvinced after hearing this.

"Why do you, Denji, have so little confidence in me? Besides, you are just guessing. Aoyagi may not mean this."

"That's right, that's not what I meant."

Qingliu said seriously: "What I mean is that you will meet Miss Sirona and Dakdo next year, but you will not meet me, because I will win this year's Suzuliana Conference championship."


Daye's expression suddenly froze.

Is there any difference between these two sentences?

Seeing Daye's appearance, even Denji, who had always looked expressionless and paralyzed, couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

But soon he seemed to have thought of something, and said very seriously: "It's a good thing to have confidence, but you still need to pay attention. The guy named Dakduo has extraordinary strength. Daye has personally experienced it twice. Times."



Denci and Daye, who raised his head at this time, looked at each other, a smile appeared on his face again, and then returned to his solemn expression, saying: "Daye couldn't accept it after losing that day, thinking that he was too much. I was too careless and took me to secretly fight with that guy again."

At the end, he added solemnly: "A 6v6 all-out battle."

This kind of thing surprised Qingliu, and he asked curiously: "What happened?"

"Lost, lost with no chance of winning."

After Denji paused for a moment, he continued: "After the Darkrai directly defeated my three Pokémon, the Wind Speed ​​Dog used the suicide attacks of Reverse Scale, Flash Charge and Sacrifice Charge to defeat it, and then was defeated by him. The second Pokémon once again wears three."


This guy Daye used Xiaozhi's script, and even the number and order of defeats by Dakdo were exactly the same.

In this case, the just-mentioned statement that Daye hopes to win the championship the year after next will probably not be realized. Based on the time interval between Xiaozhi winning the championship, it will have to wait until the year after next.

But you definitely can’t say this to Daye.

And Aoyagi is also a little curious about Dakdo's lineup.

So he asked: "Is that guy's second Pokémon Latios, or something else?"

"You actually know?"

Daye Dianci couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard this.

"I happened to investigate his information before."

"Your channels are quite powerful. I asked my grandfather to check but couldn't find any useful information. Even Latios was forced out by all my efforts."

The three of them did not struggle with this issue for too long, and Daye continued: "The first one is the fantasy Pokémon Darkrai, and the second one is the legendary Pokémon Latios. I was talking to him before. Denji joked that except for Darkrai, the other five were all Magikarp."

Daye looked at Qingliu and said slowly: "Now it seems... the other four he has left are probably some legendary Pokémon and fantasy Pokémon.

"As Denji mentioned just now, even you must take that guy seriously and not be careless. He has not shown half of his strength until now. He is your opponent who is not inferior to Miss Sirona at all. , and it’s very likely that he’s coming for you.”

Seeing the extremely serious expressions on the two people's faces, as well as their concern for reminding him not to be careless after learning the "latest first-hand information", Qingliu recognized these two friends in his heart.

But judging from the time they spent together and apart, as well as their semi-closed special training schedule, they may not know as much about themselves as they do about Dakto.

What's more, in the Pokémon world, who knows more about Digimon than himself?

When the experience level reaches the standard, a complete lineup of all members is enough to deal with Pokémon that are not at the level of a god. However, there is one thing to say: facing so many fantasy Pokémon and legendary Pokémon at once. It was also his first time with Kemen.

Moreover, it is not in the wild, and it is a Pokémon that is commanded by its trainer to fight.

I just don’t know if such a combination has the ability to help me create the first ultimate body in advance before facing Sirona?

The experience points of six divine beasts are not impossible.

In this case, it does need to be "taken seriously".

Qingliu nodded with a smile and replied: "The stronger he gets, the happier I am. Don't worry, I will help you 'revenge' and win this year's conference championship."

After saying that, Qingliu patted the two of them on the shoulders and walked away.

After the game at noon, in order to wait for the end of Sirona's next game to convey to her the important information that Dr. Jie Zilan asked her to convey when they were in Shenhe Town, he hasn't eaten anything decent yet. Pokémon We are also in an empty stomach at this time and are in urgent need of energy replenishment.

Daye and Denji, who stayed in place, looked at each other with helplessness in their eyes after watching Aoyagi's figure disappear into the distance.

Qingliu seemed to have listened, but he didn't seem to have fully listened.

"I don't know whether Qingliu is confident or overconfident."

Daye put his hands in his pockets, as if sighing or talking to himself.

"We have done what we have to do, and the only thing we can continue to do is to enjoy the game. No matter what, I think this will be a very exciting game, and the intensity will definitely exceed any other games now, or even Better than previous finals.”

"That's true..."

Similar topics like Daye Denji are being spread in many places and through various channels at the moment, and they are rapidly fermenting as the eighth round of competition approaches.

One party is a mysterious trainer who possesses legendary Pokémon and may even be multiple legendary Pokémon.

On the other hand, there is Aoyagi, who possesses a variety of strange and huge special ancient Pokémon, which caused a stir in the entire Sinnoh region due to various incidents.

The encounter between the two is the kind of matchup that is worth watching just by looking at it.

In addition, the Sinnoh Alliance intentionally carried out large-scale publicity and built momentum in advance to increase the popularity of the Suzuran Conference, which attracted the attention of many people who were not very interested in the upcoming quarter-finals and promotion to the semi-finals. Contest.

The major gyms that were swept away by Aoyagi, the people who were helped by Aoyagi, a group of researchers from the Yamanashi Research Institute including Dr. Yamanashi, the senior officials of the Sinnoh Alliance on Suzuran Island, a certain person with the elegant fragrance of flowers in Futaba Town. In a room, there are three figures staring at the TV, etc...

Even in the Kanto region far southwest of the Sinnoh region, in the headquarters of the Kanto Alliance, Yulongdu, who was wearing a brand new red cloak and was about to attack the strongest seat of the Four Heavenly Kings, was leaning on his chair and watching the entrance. live streaming.

Under the eager gaze of countless people, the eighth round of the Suzuran Tournament, the competition between Aoyagi and Dakoto in the semi-finals... began!

Hearing the sound of breathing that was deliberately suppressed but still made unconsciously by the crowds of people not far away, Qingliu walked step by step to the area where the competition venue was located, and his eyes immediately scanned the surroundings.

The central venue, which is located in the middle of the three major venues that were opened in the last few rounds, is very large, and at the same time... the battlefield underfoot is also very hard.

Ordinary Pokémon may need to pay several times the cost compared to normal times to even use moves like digging holes here.

And the number of spectators that can be accommodated here is also larger, a full 100,000 people!

The key is...the seats are packed.

This was something that surprised Qingliu very much.

This time, there were no vacancies in the surrounding auditorium, and even the first few rows did not vacate the controversial "buffer zone" that had to exist as long as he played in the game (he would rather not sell tickets).

The only change is that there are four more figures in the four corners of the entire battle field.

Two old people and two young people.

Feeling Qingliu's turned gaze, one of the old women and the man in a suit smiled and nodded. The other two looked at him with very curious eyes, and their eyes were also full of kindness.

Qingliu, the two people in front, knew each other.

Kikuno, the king of the ground type, and Gomatsu, the king of the super power type.

The latter two also have some impressions from anime, they are the Flying King and the Insect King respectively.

After seeing that they did not show any signs of leaving after he entered the venue, Qingliu immediately understood why there was no vacancy in the auditorium and could not help but curl his lips.

"Let the Four Heavenly Kings come over to watch the scene. This operation feels like emptying out the first few rows."

This kind of operation is no longer to worry about getting excited and messing around, it is simply to use the strongest insurance measure, just to move the champion out to guard the vacant position in the sky.

Didn’t I say that I would pay attention to it, but there is no trust between people at all...

"But now that you are well prepared, I can somewhat relax my hands and feet."

Qingliu's eyes turned slightly and looked across from where he was.

A figure dressed in black was already standing there.

——The mythical beast man Dakto!

The long black hair swayed gently in the breeze, and due to the distance, Qingliu couldn't see the other person's face clearly, but he knew that the other person was also watching him.

Because what I feel from the other person's gaze is... slightly hot.

Qingliu chuckled and said nothing.

He already knew from Denji Daye that the other party was coming for him, with the idea of ​​"strong people cherishing each other".

But these questions are not important, and he doesn't care.

Sirona was the original target, and Dakdo's appearance was an unexpected surprise.

Now let’s see how happy this unexpected surprise can be.

"Referee, I'm fine."

Qingliu raised his hand towards the referee not far away.

The referee nodded in response and then looked to the other side. After both sides had confirmed, he said loudly: "Unlike the previous games, the eighth round now uses a six-on-six all-out battle.

“The number of Pokémon that both sides can use is six. You can change Pokémon at will but there is a limit to a certain number of times. The game ends when all six Pokémon on either side lose their ability to fight.

"At the same time, according to the result of the coin toss just now, the Dakdo player will attack first in this game, so now, the eighth round of the Suzuran Tournament... begins!"

As the flag held high in the hands of the referee was waved heavily, and the host as the commentator repeated loudly amidst the sound of microphones and horns, a wave of cheers like waves during high tide erupted one after another in the central venue.

Dakdo, who was standing on the opposite side, took out the elf ball first, pressed the switch and threw it out.

A burst of red light flashed, and a Pokémon flew in mid-air.

As the Pokémon's figure gradually became clearer, the surrounding audience suddenly widened their eyes, showing expressions of either shock or disbelief.

Obviously, the audience was very surprised.

Because this time, the one who appears this time is not Darkrai, the most commonly used and only fantasy Pokémon used by Darko, but a brand new face.

A Pokémon with a streamlined body, blue and white body, resembling a jet plane.

The first person Dakto sent was... Latios!

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