Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 371 Legend vs Legend! (44k chapters)

Chapter 371 Legend vs Legend! (4.4k chapters)

"Latios! It's Latios!!

"Following the fantasy Pokémon Darkrai, Darkrai players used their second Pokémon since participating in the competition - Latios, one of the two legendary Infinity Pokémon!!! "

The host's voice echoed throughout the venue with the support of sound equipment, expressing the strange feelings in the audience's hearts towards this new figure.

At the same time, the central venue, which had become a little noisy as the game started, suddenly became quiet at this moment.

Most people did not expect that the most unrealistic lineup of all divine beasts among all the previous speculations about Dakdo, now seems to be increasingly showing signs of becoming a reality.

If...if it is really a lineup of all divine beasts, it means that the intensity of this battle will probably far exceed what was originally thought to be intense, thus reaching a new level.

The few people who knew about Dakdo's second Pokémon, such as the Four Sinnoh Kings stationed in the venue after receiving some slightly vague information, couldn't help but look serious at this moment.

"No wonder we are asked to come together. If six legendary Pokémon are fighting in front of 100,000 people, we should really take it seriously."

Another example is Denci and Daye, who couldn't help but have surprised expressions on their faces at this moment. Daye suddenly seemed to have thought of something again, with a little helplessness and bitterness showing at the corner of his mouth.

Whether it was three versus three or six versus six, Dakdo had no intention of changing Pokémon from beginning to end. It wasn't until Darkrai was defeated that he took out Latios.

As a result, now that he met Qingliu, he immediately changed the habits and methods he had persisted in for who knows how long, and directly replaced him with Latios, which he had only used four Pokémon to create.

Although no one explained it, Daye knew clearly in his heart that such an obvious change was because Dakdo felt something that Daye didn't have, but Qingliu did...

——The thing called pressure!

Aoyagi is different from any opponent Dakdo has faced before, so he needs to go all out.

In other words, the other party may not take him seriously at all, and may even agree to a private six-on-six battle because they want to solve the problem once and for all to avoid his entanglement.

"No wonder his expression was so dull when I found him, and he didn't even look at me the whole time." Daye recalled what happened that night and let out a heavy sigh.

Especially when thinking about it using the concept of equivalent substitution - Aoyagi, who needs to easily defeat his Dakdo and is waiting for him, will most likely be at the same level as him.

In other words, even if he didn't meet Dakoto and advanced all the way to meet Aoyagi, he would lose in the end, and his heart would be even heavier.

"But compared to these, Dakdo's invisible arrogance is still more infuriating, Qingliu... teach this guy a lesson!"

Daye suddenly stood up from his seat and shouted loudly towards the field below.

Hearing the sudden sound in the quiet atmosphere, Aoyagi smiled lightly, and then looked forward to see the blue "airplane" suspended in mid-air, and the blue panel quickly appeared.


[Category] Unlimited Pokémon

[Attribute] Dragon, super power

[Characteristics] Floating (suspended in the air, not affected by ground-based moves)


[Exclusive move] Clean Beam (Erupts from the body with extremely dazzling light to attack, which will reduce the special defense of the attacked target)

【Have mastered the moves】......

[Race value] 600 (80 health, 90 attack, 80 defense, 130 special attack, 110 special defense, 100 speed)

[Intimacy] 1 (God loves the world)


[Information summary] A Pokémon with a very high IQ. When it retracts its forelimbs and flies at full strength, its burst speed can exceed that of a jet aircraft.

"The elder brother among the Shuidu brothers and sisters... although there is a high probability that he is not those two."

Aoyagi also didn't expect that the first Pokémon that Dakodo went into battle was not the signature Darkrai, but this didn't have any impact.

"A dragon-type Pokémon that can fly, has high attack speed and high attack speed..."

Reminiscent of the movie version of Halo's Super Demon God Hoopa, the red and blue planes relied on their super speed and excellent offensive and defensive methods to assist Rayquaza, helping him complete the famous scene of 1v7 first-level gods of the same level, and reach the top. A picture of himself at the peak of his popularity.

And I have one in my hand that almost meets this condition, and even the level is basically the same.

Aoyagi took out a Poké Ball from his pocket, then pressed the switch and pointed it forward.

A burst of red light flashed, and a Pokémon that was all white and appeared silver under the sunlight landed on the field.


Accompanied by a heavy landing sound, three huge dragon heads slowly lifted up, spitting out wisps of white hot air from their fang-covered mouths, and six pupils emitting cyan light suddenly lit up, giving off a faint pressure. Then it descended into the central venue.

Latios, who had attracted countless eyes since his appearance, couldn't help but become serious after feeling the aura on the other side.

Latios was like this, not to mention the audience present.

At this moment, the eyes paying attention here began to move away from Latios and turned to the huge three-headed dragon on the other side.

"Blue eyes...three heads, this is..."

"Blue Eyes...Ultimate Dragon..."

"The dragon Pokémon that suppressed the rebellion of the Lake God!"

Someone who knew this figure said with a serious expression.

And as more people reacted to the shock of the huge size of the Pokémon in front of them and the oppressive feeling of the momentum, and began to take out the illustrated book to scan, all the attention to the legendary Pokémon Latios suddenly Nothing left.

Compared to Latios, whose appearance was mediocre and above the passing line, the blue-eyed Ultimate Dragon in front of him, who was full of arrogance in his tall and mighty appearance, obviously had the temperament to "kill at first sight".

The quiet venue once again became noisy due to the appearance of the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, and various discussions about it began to spread throughout the venue.

However, Dakdo, who was opposite him at this time, did not seem to care about this situation. Instead, like the audience, he stared closely at the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon and issued combat instructions with a slightly fiery gaze.

"Latios, fair wind."

The wings like wings gradually stretched out, and the light blue flight energy began to disperse. Then, a gust of wind appeared from behind, lingering around Latios.

"Dragon Breath!"

Hearing this, Latios raised his slender neck high, and violent energy began to gather after rapid mobilization. The next moment, a powerful breath containing dragon energy was blown out.

Looking at the attack directed towards the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Aoyagi quickly said: "Dragon-type moves? Let's do it too, Dragon Breath!!"

Three pairs of dragon heads glowing with cyan light were raised, and the dragon breath moves gathered at an extremely fast speed, aiming at the attack from Latios and facing it head-on.

boom! !

Violent explosions suddenly sounded in the air, and the dragon energy contained in the two dragon waves began to violently impact, and the crazy wind continued to spread in all directions.

The spectators, however, did not dare to blink and braved the strong wind to look at the battle in the center of the venue.

However, to everyone's expectation, the imagined situation where the two sides were evenly matched and the two sides continued to increase their energy output during the confrontation did not happen. Instead, it was almost a one-sided situation in which the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon had the absolute advantage.

The audience quickly discovered the problem.


Latios's dragon breath is one.

And because the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon has three heads, its dragon breath is...three.

Three against one, huge advantage!


After only a moment of stalemate, the three dragon breaths pierced through Latios' attack like a broken bamboo, and then headed straight towards Latios in the opposite direction.

Facing the attack, Dakdo showed a surprised look on his face.

Latios had already flapped its wings at this moment, and a gust of wind continued to linger around it, and then swept away to the side at an extremely fast speed. While flexibly avoiding the incoming attack, a strong condensed wave The shock wave burst out from Latios' mouth.

Dragon type move - Dragon Wave!

"Let's come too, Dragon Wave!!"

boom! !

Latios's Dragon Wave collided with the three Dragon Waves of Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon again.

Amidst the roar caused by the explosion, the three dragon waves once again showed their destructive attitude and destroyed Latios's dragon wave.

"Defeat twice in a row!

"The power of both sides is completely different!

"This is the best explanation for quantitative changes causing qualitative changes!"

The host's exclamation sounded in the venue, and the audience was also attracted by this powerful scene, and they did not dare to express their concentration.

It was at this time that Latios avoided the dragon wave and rushed towards the sky above his head under the command of Dakoto.

"The already high speed racial value, plus the speed increased by the tailwind..."

Qingliu looked at the figure that had escaped two attacks in a row and was almost disappearing above his head. He smiled and said: "Blue-eyed Ultimate Dragon, let's come too, use tailwind, and then catch up."


The Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon let out a deep roar, tilted its two pairs of wings with astonishing wingspan at a certain angle, and slapped it heavily in the direction of the ground, and its body immediately rose into the air with the downward movement of its wings.

Then, a strong flow of flying energy spread out in an instant, lifting the body of the Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon and chasing it towards the sky above the field, in the direction where Latios left just now.

Energy surges and the wind howls.

The speed of both parties was extremely fast, and with the blessing of the favorable wind, the two figures, one large and one small, soon became only a tiny black dot, and finally disappeared at the end of the field of vision, leaving only the huge and chaotic sound of wind in the field. Medium roundabout.

And... leaving a lot of spectators either raising their heads trying to see something, or staring with big eyes and small eyes, looking confused.

After everything has gone away, how can they still see it?

"Everyone, please look at the big screen!"

The host's voice soon sounded with the help of this microphone, and the huge screens on both sides of the central venue lit up.

On the screen, one behind the other, the picture was a little blurry, and two figures sprinting upward at the same speed appeared on it.

Surprisingly, it was Latios and Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon who had just escaped from sight.

"They were so fast that they had to be captured and broadcast via satellite."

In response to the host's words, the audience's eyes began to focus on the two big screens.

As the picture gradually became clearer and time passed by, although they could not accurately estimate how fast the "very fast speed" described, they could make some simple comparisons with the clouds passing quickly around them.

It definitely exceeded the speed limit they had seen since childhood.

So, is this the power possessed by legendary Pokémon and ancient Pokémon that suppressed the Lake God?

While most of the audience were surprised and intoxicated by the sight of the two Pokémon flying rapidly through the sky, some people slowly discovered something was wrong.

"Obviously Latios set off for a while, why are both parties moving at basically the same speed now?"

As soon as these words came out, the nearby audience suddenly woke up.


If the speed of both sides is the same, how did the distance at the beginning of the chase shorten?

If the speeds of both sides are different, then how come they have maintained the same speed for so long without any change?

Did Latios slow down on his own initiative?

Or is it that the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon sacrificed part of its physical strength in exchange for a short burst, and now it is in a period of weakness, so it can only barely keep the distance from being pulled away?

Or did something else happen?

When you have doubts in your mind, you become more attentive when looking at things, trying to get answers.

As for Dakto, looking at the two figures on the big screen, his brows were already furrowed.

As Latios' trainer, he naturally knows what's going on with his Pokémon.

Aoyagi is his main target for participating in the Suzuran Conference, and Dakdo naturally knows that the positioning of Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon, one of Aoyagi's main Pokémon, is very similar to Latios.

High attack speed and sufficient defensive capabilities.

It was precisely for this reason that after seeing Aoyagi sending out Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon, he had the intention to compete on the strengths of both Pokémon.

As for the attack, I tried it just now, but it was completely suppressed by the innate factors.

So the speed contest began...

It was impossible for Latios to take the initiative to slow down, especially when facing an opponent of the level of Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

Then, the only reasonable explanation is that the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon caught up with the initial distance after the explosion.

However, at the level they are at now, where a short burst can quickly recover, can it really affect their ability to move for such a long time?


Dakoto stared closely at the two figures on the screen who were always not far away, not close, just the right distance apart. His eyes changed slightly, and a thought suddenly emerged, and then he lowered his head and looked at the same person who was looking at the screen not far away. of green willows.

And...the arc hanging from the corner of his mouth.

This expression...

He had seen this expression before, many times!

When he was still young, when he made some actions that he considered "very mature", or when he was acting weird, his grandfather would have this kind of expression, showing that it was very interesting for the elders to watch the younger ones playing around. Look at yourself quietly.

The suspicion in my heart was suddenly confirmed at this moment.

This guy... did it on purpose!

The other party also realized that he wanted to compete with Pokémon of the same position in terms of "strengths", and responded in the same way.

It's just that this response is not equal to the competition. In the other party's view, he is just a joke of "a junior clamoring for a duel with an elder."

In other words, the opponent believes that his strength is completely superior to him, his Latios, and even all other Pokémon.

Even in Dakto's state of mind, he couldn't help but feel a little angry at this moment.

"Don't think that this is Latios' full strength. The temptation ends here, and now is the real beginning.

"Latios, use high-speed movement, then use all your strength to activate Dragon Dance while moving at high speed, and finally use... cleansing light!"

With the help of the innate ability to telepathically communicate with Pokémon, as well as the long-distance telepathy unique to the infinite Pokémon Latios, combat instructions can be transmitted directly to Latios' heart across barriers.

The next moment, a terrifying aura rose from Latios high in the sky.

I wrote a little more, so it’s a little slower.

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