Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 403 Granny Long, I left a big one for you! (First update)

Although he had a feeling that Sirona had roughly guessed it before, Qingliu had really not thought about the situation when he was asked face to face like this.

Moreover, the sense of déjà vu given to him by these words was too strong.

If he hadn't been sure that he was not a Pokémon who traveled in the wrong way, Aoyagi would have suspected that the next scene would be Sirona who was trapped in the revolving door of life and said something like "Lord Aoyagi, I'm sorry for not letting you use your full strength."

Qingliu chuckled and shook his head, shaking off the lingering image in his mind.

Then he replied: "If you are talking about Steel Seadramon and Rosemon, then I am indeed hiding something..."

Before he finished speaking, Qingliu noticed that Sirona was looking directly at him, with the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and a faint smile of unknown meaning on her face.

"You know when I say hidden, I don't mean the two of them, but this guy."

As Sirona spoke, the hand she was caressing gently patted the back of the Mechanical Greymon.

"Let's not talk about my previous feelings. Based on my understanding of Mechanical Greymon and my current close contact with it, as a trainer and breeder who considers myself to be a good trainer and breeder, I can clearly feel that in its There is still an extremely powerful power hidden in his body that has not yet been used."

At the end, Sirona added supplementaryly: "And it is a power that far exceeds Blue Eyes Ultra Dragon, Super Tanabata Blue Bird, Rosemon and Steel Seadramon!"

Qingliu narrowed his eyes.

There is no doubt that Sirona has felt the power contained in Mechanical Greymon's loosening of restrictions, and it has reached the critical point where the complete body is about to evolve into the ultimate body.

Now that the words have been said here, and the other party has done him a big favor, Qingliu will no longer hide it.

"Yes, MechanicalGreymon already has the power to enter the next stage at any time, which is...the power of evolution."

In order for Sirona to understand it more quickly and accurately, Aoyagi specifically explained that it was a qualitative evolution like the evolution of Flowermon to Rosemon, and the evolution of Super Seadramon to Steel Seadramon.

"Sure enough, am I still not strong enough..."

It failed without even forcing the evolution, and Sirona's breathing became heavier for a moment.

"No, it's not that I deliberately hid it, but only after enduring the high-intensity battle with the Super Biting Land Shark just now, I finally broke through the restriction. The previous Mechanical Greymon did not control this kind of strength."

Hearing this, Sirona couldn't help but glance at Qingliu, her eyes a little helpless.

Even after allowing Mechanical Greymon to break the restrictions, it couldn't delay the activation of its evolutionary power to fight. In the end, wasn't it because she and Biting Land Shark didn't have enough power...

However, Sirona did not say these words. Compared to Aoyagi's embarrassment and herself being defeated just now, she was more interested in what Aoyagi said about "the power of the evolution of Mechanical Greymon."

You know, Aoyagi's Pokémon has most likely surpassed the Fang Shark after it evolved from Agumon to Greymon, and at the stage of Mechanical Greymon, it has surpassed the Biting Shark and Super Biting. Land Shark, the third evolution based on this...

After this third evolution, which is comparable to the super evolution of the Biting Land Shark, to what extent will Mechanical Greymon be able to break through?

Just thinking about nature is fruitless.

But there is no doubt about it…



It will definitely be a very scary improvement!

After all, Agumon at that time, then Greymon, and now MechanicalGreymon were Aoyagi's first and most important partners just like him and Liebite Land Shark!

And there are limits to evolution that need to be broken is simply unheard of.

Therefore, this step taken by MechanicalGreymon must be an extraordinary qualitative change!

Thinking of this, a sense of expectation began to quietly arise in Sirona's heart.

Aoyagi, whose strength has crushed him, and Mechanical Greymon after using his evolutionary power, will face Granny Long, who can also easily suppress his main lineup. What will happen?

Even if we are in a stalemate, we are still victorious as always.

Or... can we wear more than once again?

For some reason, Sirona felt a strange feeling in her heart when she thought that Granny Long, who was meticulous in special training, also lost to Qingliu like herself.

This has nothing to do with respect or disrespect, or anything else. She just simply believes that Aoliu, a Pokémon that she has witnessed its evolution and has shown extraordinary strength, will have that kind of power, that's all.

Sirona took a long breath, and then slowly exhaled it.

"According to the idea that you came to the Suzuran Tournament to improve your own strength, you will also challenge the Four Heavenly Kings and the champion as usual, right?"


Qingliu nodded.

Although the battle with the Four Heavenly Kings doesn't make much sense at this stage, the experience of having six for each person, and a total of twenty-four King-level Pokémon for four people, is still very considerable, and there is no reason to skip it.

"So, when you face your mother-in-law, you will use this power, right?"

Sirona naturally knew that according to Qingliu's strength, the Four Heavenly Kings could no longer form any resistance, so she skipped them and focused the topic on the champion.

Qingliu nodded again.

Sirona immediately smiled and said: "Then let me witness with my own eyes the power it has after it evolves...

"Now it's time for you to go over there."

After saying that, Sirona stretched out her finger and pointed forward.

Due to the damage to the venue, it was impossible to hold the award ceremony in the venue, and it was also impossible to conduct interviews and press conferences.

Therefore, the senior officials of the Sinnoh League, who were always paying attention to the finals, temporarily changed the location to outside the venue. While guiding the audience to leave the venue, they also moved the award podium there. A group of reporters who smelled the smell even cleared an entire area nearby in advance. The area is surrounded by water.

Qingliu didn't like this kind of scene.

Sirona also seemed to feel Qingliu's emotions, and said with a smile: "At this time, you still have to give each other face, and you can also use them to announce your growth and success to all the friends you know. The most important thing is to give some age Younger trainers establish a forward goal and positive guidance.”

Qingliu was silent for a moment and did not refuse.

Upon seeing this, Mechanical Greymon silently crossed the auditorium and came to the side of the crowded area outside the central venue. It landed slowly to avoid the impact of the landing on people.

But even so, just after landing, the reporters with microphones and cameras still approached quickly with an attitude of not fearing death.

A few of them were the fastest and most forward, and Qingliu was worried that they would be accidentally trampled to death by Mechanical Greymon.

But looking back at them, not only were they not afraid, but they were extremely excited, as if they would die on the way to the interview even if they died.

What stopped them was not MechanicalGreymon, but an extremely short figure.

Damalanchi walked in the front, followed by his secretary.

The secretary at this moment was holding a golden trophy with a ribbon in his hand.

"Mr. Aoyagi, congratulations! You won this year's Suzuran Tournament!"

Damalanchi smiled and said.

The secretary next to him then followed up and handed over the trophy while congratulating himself.

Qingliu reached out and took it, nodded slightly and did not pay too much attention to the two of them, but turned his eyes to the side next to them.

An old woman with a cane, a hunched back and narrowed eyes, who looked no different from an ordinary old man, walked over slowly.

"Mr. Qingliu, let me introduce to you. This is the current Sinnoh champion - Granny Long." Noticing Qingliu's gaze, the secretary quickly introduced him.

"I know."

Qingliu nodded. Even if he didn't have the special ability of a native of the Pokémon world, he could still feel that beneath the other person's ordinary appearance, there was a powerful energy that was completely different from the outside.

It should be said or not, a champion is a champion. As the pinnacle of strength among trainers, they are not ordinary humans.

However, the other party did not have the airs of a champion. His old squinted eyes turned into a crescent moon shape, and he said very amiably: "I have often heard Xiaona mention your name before. You are really scary. Watching the game between you two makes me happy." It's rare for this old man to have a trace of the passion for fighting when he was young.

"Little guy, I'm really looking forward to the next game with you, come on."

Since the other party was so polite, Qingliu naturally behaved in a very respectful manner as a junior respects his senior.

So, after a brief conversation, the two people who knew something about Sirona quickly started talking about her.

Dama Lanqi watched this scene quietly, turned around after a while, and after confirming that all the preparations nearby were in place, he coughed twice and used electronic equipment to attract the attention of everyone around him, and then faced everyone Announced: "Everyone, we have witnessed the birth of the champion of the Suzuran Tournament, let's celebrate Mr. Aoyagi!"

After the voice fell, Qingliu, who had finished talking to Granny Long, took the trophy and raised it high. With the lights flashing, the picture suddenly froze at this moment.

And when it was all over and Aoyagi walked down from the award podium, the reporters who had been surrounding him suddenly swarmed up.

"Mr. Aoyagi, how do you feel about this crushing victory? You must know that your opponent is Miss Sirona, the popular seed player who has been regarded as the favorite to win the championship before the competition even begins."

"Mr. Aoyagi, although you took back Steel Seadramon in the last game and did not achieve the achievement of one-to-six championship, in terms of the attack that completely destroyed the venue, it was the only one in the Suzuran Tournament for so many years, but as far as I know You didn't have such strength half a year ago, how did you achieve such a big leap in such a short period of time?"

"Mr. Aoyagi, Mr. Aoyagi, did you consider the safety of the audience before destroying the venue? You must know that there are 100,000 people present. If the champion Pokémon hadn't intercepted just now, you can imagine the consequences."

"Mr. Qingliu, I just saw you holding Miss Sirona's hand. What is the relationship between the two of you? How long have you been dating?"

"Mr. Aoyagi..."


Listening to the reporters' chattering questions in his ears, and the microphones that were constantly crowded and trying to get in his face, Aoyagi's discomfort with this situation came to his mind again.

But being surrounded by them so densely, it was definitely impossible to escape by running.

And just like Sirona said just now, this is also to use the channels of these people to respond to those who care about and help them.

They don't care about their reputation, but they need their reputation to prove to outsiders.

So, facing all kinds of questions that these people took the trouble to create, Qingliu recalled those official speeches and began to answer them one by one.

For a moment, the lights flickered, and the entire Sinnoh's eyes were focused on Qingliu at this moment.

Sirona watched this scene silently.

At this moment, the two of them seemed to have changed from the scene when they first met from a distance in Xuanzang. She was surrounded by reporters as usual, but they all gathered at Qingliu.

However, she had no dissatisfaction with this.

After all, no matter how skilled and calm she is in dealing with these things, she is essentially the same as Qingliu in that she doesn't like such occasions.

However, there are also things here that she is very interested in...

Sirona's eyes slowly shifted from Qingliu to Granny Long next to him, and she slowly showed a faint smile.

Mother-in-law, I seem to have left you a big one by accident.

Maybe, when the time comes, it’s not just Qingliu who needs cheering, but also your mother-in-law yourself...

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