Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 404: Winner Rewards Post-War Sorting (Second Update)

The interview session was long and smelly. It was already past noon when he had dealt with all the reporters and delivered his victory speech. Aoyagi jogged all the way to treat the injuries of Steel Seadramon and Mechanical Greymon. After lunch, he lay down directly. Fell asleep on the bed.

Originally, he woke up early today, and he always maintained a high degree of concentration during the battle. After a lot of consumption, Qingliu slept straight into the evening.

When I woke up, the sun was already heading west, and the golden sunset was shining from the horizon.

And at the door, there were people waiting for a long time.

"Mr. Aoyagi, according to the instructions of President Damarashi, all the rewards you should receive after winning the Suzuran Tournament have been delivered. They will be handed over to you after you have a good rest. Here is the list of items."


Qingliu nodded slightly, then took it and glanced at it.

Rewards are broadly divided into four categories.

The first category is the championship trophy, which seems to be of little use, and is actually useless, as well as some corresponding medals and souvenirs.

The second category is a very popular thing - money!

A total of one million alliance coins.

Qingliu didn't know whether this number was too much or too little in a competition of this size, but for him, the more the better, after all, no one would dislike having too much money.

The third type of things are some props.

Items related to dragon-type Pokémon...Dragon Fang.

Items related to Grass-type Pokémon... Miracle Seeds.

Steel Pokémon-related props...metal film

Items related to water Pokémon...mysterious water droplets.


There are also some things whose names Aoyagi couldn't remember at the moment, as well as a large number of attribute gems that had the same attributes as the items above that he had purchased in order to try to activate the Digimon Digicore.

Moreover, what Aoyagi saw after opening the delivered items was that whether they were props or attribute gems, their size and the purity of the energy they emitted far exceeded those previously purchased by Aoyagi and the mainstream props sold in the market.

Qingliu knelt down, took out a dragon's tooth and looked at it carefully. After gently stroking it, his eyes gradually narrowed.

"This ancient breath..."

As if he heard Qingliu muttering to himself, the person in charge who had just handed over the handover and handed over the list quickly stepped forward and said: "The age of this dragon tooth has reached three hundred and fifty years. It was from the league champion at that time. The main Pokémon is a Dragon Fang that sheds from the body of a dragon."

After that, he pointed to the other props next to him and began to introduce them one by one.

Qingliu also learned from this that almost all of these props that looked very good had very clear and extraordinary origins.

"These rewards are carefully prepared by the Sinnoh Alliance. Even king-level and champion-level Pokémon can be improved very well after being carried. Of course, you can auction them or give them away. If it doesn't work, you can. Used to make soup.”

The corners of Qingliu's mouth twitched, but he did not dwell too much on this issue.

Aoyagi knew that Dragon's Fang was a very good ingredient for making soup stock, but Aoyagi always found it unacceptable and difficult to swallow when the "old" Dragon's Fang was used to make soup.

Moreover, it is better to keep something that is of high quality and can actually increase the power of moves.

Then, Qingliu's eyes fell on the last thing.

A black card.

But it doesn’t look like a bank card.

Qingliu turned his doubtful eyes to the person in front of him.

The other party immediately said: "This is something specially made by the Alliance for you. It can be inserted into the card slot on the side of the Pokédex, and there will be a special prompt when you log in to your identity information at each Pokémon Center, allowing you to log in to the Pokédex. Food, clothing, housing and transportation at the Kame Center are all free of charge, and all expenses incurred will be borne by the Sinnoh Alliance."

After hearing the end, Qingliu understood.

Simply put, this is a meal card.

Moreover, it is a long-term meal card that is not limited to regions.

Qingliu then laughed.

Compared with the first three things, Qingliu is the most satisfied with the last thing.

After all, trophies cannot be eaten, and the money will be spent. Selling props is the same as the former, and using them can only be the icing on the cake, and eating is something that cannot be avoided every day.

What's more, half of the Pokémon in my hands are big eaters. In the past, they often controlled their food intake or foraged for food on their own. If they really wanted to eat freely, the price of a day's meals would be sky-high.

Obviously, the Sinnoh Alliance gave this thing to themselves. It was indeed "specially made" and they had indeed made up their minds and spent a lot of money to express goodwill to themselves.

Of course, there may also be a deeper meaning of compensation for the last incident and fear of one's own strength.

But these are not important anymore, after all, the other party has actually helped him solve a big problem.

"Thank you to President Damalanchi for me."

Qingliu waved his hands seriously and said.

The person in charge on the opposite side immediately straightened his posture and said seriously: "I will definitely convey your gratitude to the president solemnly. If you have nothing to do, we will leave first."

"You're all here. Except for the props, just help me move everything in."

"Sorry, we didn't think carefully."

After saying that, several people immediately started to take action.

After finishing three times, five times and two times, he said goodbye respectfully and left.

After a brief period of contemplation, Qingliu took out six pokeballs from his pocket, pressed the switches on all of them, and threw them into the air.

With a burst of intense red light flashing, a group of figures emerged one by one.

MechanicalGreymon, SteelSeadramon, Rosemon, Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon, Demonmon, and Tanabata Bluebird.


With a dull sound of landing, Mechanical Greymon slowly straightened its body, and the Tanabata Blue Bird flew to its shoulder with great skill and stopped obediently.

While Steel Seadramon was twisting its body on the spot, it didn't know whether it touched the tail of the Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon intentionally or accidentally. This move immediately irritated the Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon, who already disliked Steel Seadramon.

After evolving, Steel Seadramon, who is very confident in its own strength, is not afraid of this.

In an instant, three heads and one head were staring fiercely at each other,


"Ho! Roar! Roar!"

Two violent dragon-type energies burst out from their bodies and began to clash crazily.

As if affected by the sudden burst of airflow, the bodies of Rosemon and Demonmon next to them shook slightly at the same time. Although they did not fall down, such behavior undoubtedly directly angered the two of them.

But the moment they all turned around, the female Demonmon, who often fell into deep sleep, noticed the changes that had happened to Rosemon, and her eyes turned cold for a moment.

And Rosemon, who had not been able to defeat She-Demon since it had evolved to the complete stage, now wants to teach She-Demon a lesson after evolving to the ultimate form.

For a time, the atmosphere fell into an anxious situation.

Qingliu looked at this scene with a slight headache.

It wasn't until half a moment passed that the two groups didn't expand the battle, and only after glaring at each other, they didn't directly take them back.

Then, in Qingliu's field of vision, pieces of illustration panels began to pop up.

[Race] Steel Seadramon——[Level] 62

[Race] Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon——[Level] 62

[Race] Rosemon——[Level] 64

[Race] Female Demon Beast——[Level] 65

[Race] Tanabata Blue Bird——[Level] 55

[Race] MechanicalGreymon——[Level] 62

After a series of battles before and after the Suzuran Tournament, except for Tanabata Blue Bird, which has a weaker innate foundation, all the Pokémon present have reached the championship level.

Even the Tanabata Blue Bird, which is the lowest among them, is still in the strongest batch among the Heavenly Kings, not to mention that it now has the ability to evolve to Mega.

Correspondingly, basically all Digimon's evolutionary stages have now reached the highest level in their regular evolutionary chain.

Except MechanicalGreymon...

Qingliu's eyes fell on it, and his eyes quickly moved down to the sacred plan column.

[Holy Plan] One of the evolution conditions (level 60/level 70) has been met. Do you want to start evolving? (Yes/No)

"Evolution can take place at any time. All we have to do is wait for the championship battle to begin. In addition, there is another important thing that I haven't paid much attention to recently..."

Aoyagi gently moved the panel to return it to its original function page.

That is, exploring ancient connections and thus...summoning!

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