Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 411 King of Heaven Challenge? You are the challengers! (Second update)

Conference champion → challenge the four kings of the league → challenge the league regional champion.

If you win the former, you will advance to the latter.

This is the most well-known challenge route in the Pokémon world to be promoted to the strongest champion in the region, and it is also the route Aoyagi is taking now.

But generally speaking, many conference champions who are aiming for the regional championship usually fail in the process of challenging the Four Four Kings of the league.

Because it is different from the regular battles, the King Challenge here does not mean that after beating one of the Four Heavenly Kings, you will rest and adjust, and wait until tomorrow to continue playing the second one.

But...a wheel battle!

After fighting against the four Four Heavenly Kings in a row with almost no rest time, and defeating them all, he was able to take a rest and become qualified to challenge for the championship.

After all, the champion's seat and strength should have crushed the Four Heavenly Kings.

Such a special competition system undoubtedly increases the difficulty faced by challengers, but it is precisely because of this that it attracts more people's attention and attention.

The best proof is that the tickets for the King Challenge are much easier to sell than those during the conference finals.

Because compared to the Suzuran Tournament, generally only battles at the level of the Four Heavenly Kings can be truly called "high-end rounds." Many powerful trainers will even buy tickets to watch the battle and learn combat experience.

Some people who can't buy tickets will even look for resources from second-hand dealers at high prices.

In such an atmosphere, the number of people queuing up in front of the ticket sales window every day is full.

And as long as there are people, there will be chatting and gossip, let alone such a high-end game.

Audiences who queue up to buy tickets will guess every year during the waiting process how many Four Heavenly Kings the challenger will be able to win, to what extent, and whether they will be able to succeed in the challenge and win the championship.

But this year the tide has completely changed.

The vast majority of the audience discussed topics that were completely opposite to previous years.

"Guess how many Pokémon sacrifices the Four Heavenly Kings have to make this year to force Aoliu to use the second Pokémon?"

"I bet that at least the first three will donate all their Pokémon before the last King Aryu can let Aolyu send out a second Pokémon."

"I feel the same way. Whether it's Rosemon, Steel Seadramon, or the Mechanical Greymon that destroyed the entire battlefield with just one strike, their strength is too terrifying.

"That's right, I was at the scene at the time. When I opened my eyes later, I was stunned."

"Speaking of which...are you too optimistic?"

When someone interrupted, the people who had just spoken all looked at him.

"What do you mean? Do you think the Four Heavenly Kings can win?"

"What I mean is that the result is unlikely to be what you said, because... the Four Heavenly Kings will most likely be killed by one of Aoliu's Pokémon."

For a time, the surroundings were filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Except for one place...

The man in a suit, the sick old man, the old lady wearing a scarf, and a thin young man heard the voice coming from not far away. Look at me and I look at you. In the end, all four of them had their faces exposed. A helpless smile.

"To be honest, after all these years of being one of the Four Heavenly Kings, this is the first time I heard such words before a game."

A Liu, the King of Insects, straightened his hair and spread his hands.

"Yes, this is the first time I have been one of the Four Heavenly Kings for almost twenty years. I have to say, this novel experience is really interesting." Guangzang said with a kind smile.

Wu Song smiled awkwardly and said nothing, while Kikuno adjusted his scarf, with a faint smile on his lips, as if he had not had any negative thoughts at all because of hearing these discussions.

This couldn't help but surprise A Liu.

"Senior Kikuno, why do you seem so happy?"

"You can retire soon, why should you be sad? Hahahahahahahaha!"

As Kikuno spoke, he began to laugh uncharacteristically.

This crazy laughter made the other three people look slightly embarrassed, and also attracted the audience nearby who were discussing the King's Challenge.

When they discovered that the person in question was right in front of them, several people suddenly blushed like an animated ape's buttocks, and quickly ran away after bowing and saying hello + apologizing.

"Kikuno, you scared others."

Seeing this, Guangzang reminded helplessly.

As someone who became the Four Heavenly Kings around the same time as the other party, he naturally knew how much effort Kikuno had put into retiring. It was normal to feel excited when the opportunity came.

But even so, he still needs to tell the other party: "According to Aoyagi's current strength level, he can launch a strong impact on the championship. Once he succeeds, the people who retire will theoretically only have champions, and there will be no You, so..."

Hearing this, Kikuno's smile suddenly stiffened a lot.

She understood the meaning of Guangzang's words. As long as Aoyagi defeated them and won the championship, no matter how fast it was, she would have to wait until this time next year to retire.

"But there is another way besides this!"

After continuous changes in Kikuno's expression, it gradually became a little ferocious at the last moment.

While the three of them were startled, they couldn't help but become strongly curious about the method Kikuno said.

"As long as the four of us stop him, he will be forced to stay at the position of the Four Heavenly Kings. I think...you won't compete with me for this spot by then, right?"

Kikuno looked at the three people from side to side with his gloomy eyes.

The three of you, you look at me, I look at you, and then Wu Song said: "Of course I will not compete with Kikuno-senpai for this spot. Mr. Aliu and Mitsuzo-senpai have the same idea. You must give priority to Kikuno-senpai when you retire." , but before that there is a very important problem that needs to be solved.

"That is... can the four of us really defeat Aoliu?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

They had specially studied the scene of Aoliu's battle with Sirona and Dakdo in the past few days, and they already had a general understanding of Aoliu's strength.

Basically, every one of his Pokémon has reached the championship level, especially the big ones among them. Each of them has extraordinary combat power, which makes the three of them sometimes... Lost in self-doubt.

Just like what those people said just now, in the so-called Heavenly King Challenge that Qingliu is facing now, is it Qingliu who is challenging them, the Four Heavenly Kings, or is it they, the Four Heavenly Kings, who are challenging Qingliu?

This time the order is completely reversed!

But even so, the expression on Kikuno's face still didn't waver much.

“Whether he challenges us or we challenge him, it doesn’t matter, the point is that we have to fight with all our strength no matter what.

"Do you expect Sirona to participate in the conference again next year, or that Dakoto? What if they don't participate? Doesn't that mean that in the end the Four Heavenly Kings will still be the four of us, I still can't retire, and you won't have such a good fighter anymore meeting.

"We must treat this time and every time as the last chance in this life to try our best. Isn't this a quality that every trainer should have when facing strong enemies?"

Hearing these words that were full of lofty ideals and even brought with them the buff of long-lasting memories, the adventurous heart of the oldest Kouzou when he was young began to beat again.

He is the same age as Kikuno and is not in good health. He occasionally nags that he should give up his position to a younger person, but deep down he still wants to stay in this position longer.

Because only in this way can he feel that he has not been abandoned by time and can truly feel the vitality around him.

"Okay, since you have said so much, I will continue to fight with you as an old man. At worst, I will go to the hospital to recuperate. It's not a big problem...cough cough cough!"

The two eldest seniors both spoke. A Liu and Wu Song smiled bitterly and shook their heads, then followed suit.

Moreover, as the Four Heavenly Kings and as powerful trainers, they also have their own dignity and persistence. It's okay to talk and joke, but they must go all out in battle.

"So it was unanimously approved?"

Kikuno looked around the three of them, her expression gradually returned to calm, and she said in a very serious tone: "Of course, I don't want everyone to fight with just their passion. In fact, we really have a chance."

The three of them were a little surprised and motioned for Kikuno to continue.

"First of all, the format of this competition. Because Aoyagi's strength is seriously beyond the standard, and his Pokémon are all big guys, for the sake of overall safety and all aspects of consideration, we finally changed it to a six-on-six comprehensive battle. It became a three-on-three battle.

"In this way, we don't have to face the six Pokémon with full firepower from Ao Liu. Generally speaking, we have some advantages in this format."

The three of them nodded in agreement.

Although this result will result in the three powerful Pokémon carefully selected by Aoyagi, compared to the six that have to face the same combat power, three is undoubtedly a better choice.

After all, what they want is the final victory, not defeating a few Aoliu in total.

"Also, according to reliable information, the Pokémon Aoyagi sends out first will not be one of the six known ones."

As soon as the words fell, the three people frowned.


"Who is that?"

"It's a brand new Pokémon that was captured on Suzuran Island a few days ago. Someone has seen it. It looks like a blue and white dragon with wings."

A dragon with wings?

A big question mark appeared in the minds of the three people.

Are there such Pokémon in Suzuli Island and nearby areas? How come they have never seen it before.

Kikuno ignored the doubts of several people and continued.

"This is our opportunity. New capture means that the tacit understanding cannot keep up with Pokémon that have gone through many battles, and the strength will not be too outrageous."

After Ju Ye finished speaking, A Liu frowned and said, "This is treating us as tools to speed up their training... But this is fine, it is equivalent to directly losing a Pokémon's quota."

"Even if this is the case, we cannot take it lightly."

Wu Song felt that the situation might be a little different from what he imagined. Qingliu didn't seem like the kind of person who looked down on others casually, at least he didn't show it, but now there was no other way.

"In addition to the new Pokémon, we also need to explore who the remaining two are most likely to be and make targeted arrangements."

"Yeah, that's the most important thing."

"Let's review..."

Time passed in a hurry, and three days passed quickly.

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