Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 412 Change the competition format and let them play together! (First update)

Suzuli Island, central venue.

Looking at the long entrance to the players' tunnel in front of him and the wide and flat field at the end of the tunnel, Qingliu was slightly surprised.

When he learned from Sirona that the Four Heavenly Kings Challenge was still held here, he was a little surprised to be honest. After all, Mechanical Greymon's Gaia Flame Cannon wiped out the entire battle area from the planet. .

But when he came here and saw the site reappearing in his field of vision, Aoyagi couldn't help but admire the speed and completeness of the pit filling and restoration project.

Combined with the astonishing large number of "Super Evolutionary Stones" sent by the Sinnoh Alliance last night, Aoyagi once again saw the meaning of "organization" and "more people, more power".

It was at this time that a slightly familiar voice came from the other side.

"You have to take it easy this time. If you do it again, even if you mobilize all the people overnight to repair it, you won't be able to complete it. Then you will have to go outside in the cold to continue the next game. At my age The old man can’t stand it.”

Hearing this, Qingliu raised his head and looked across, then bowed slightly and said, "Ms. Kikuno."

Kikuno nodded, keeping the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and said slowly: "Although I knew you had great potential when we were at Yamanashi's place, I never thought I would meet you so soon, and..."

As he spoke, the smile on Kikuno's face slowly grew: "Obviously when we first met, you could only choose my second team to challenge. Looking at it now, it's really a terrible leap.

“However, that’s why we should pay more attention to our external image.

Hearing this, Qingliu naturally thought of some recent rumors about this competition.

The originally serious Heavenly Kings Challenge has changed drastically this year... I have become the Four Heavenly Kings, and the Four Heavenly Kings have become challengers.

Some people have even made some related identity swap posters and cheering messages.

Although this is probably true based on the current known actual situation, there must be someone behind the news that deliberately creates friction and topics.

"Ms. Kikuno please don't take it to heart about those topics deliberately created by the news media for the sake of traffic and popularity."

Kikuno smiled and shook his head: "Don't think of me as that kind of narrow-minded senior. What I really want to say is about you."


Qingliu was a little surprised.

"That's right, the trainer who possesses a legendary ancient Pokémon once again transformed into a field destroyer and destroyed the entire playing field with one strike!"


Qingliu couldn't help but feel speechless.

But last time it was because of the palace heir, what is the reason this time?

"Don't worry, it's not the negative news like last time. After all, you just won the championship of the Lily of the Valley Conference, and your popularity and popularity are at its absolute peak. If anyone troubles you at this stall, they are asking for trouble."

As Kikuno spoke, the topic suddenly changed: "But what I want to tell you is that with the change of identity, you have to pay attention to many things that you didn't pay much attention to before.

"After all...you have now become a role model and a target for many young new trainers.

"I don't know what specifically brought you to where you are now, but based on your level, I think you will only stand higher and go farther and farther in the future, so you should establish this awareness as early as possible. .”

Qingliu was slightly startled.

This scene somehow has the meaning of a classic Spider-Man quote.

With great ability comes great responsibility?

But as this feeling deepened, Aoyagi couldn't help but think of the irresponsible champions in the animation.

A'du, the champion of Kanto and Johto regions, is keen on fighting crime, Daigo, the champion of Fengyuan, is keen on digging rocks, his later successor Mikoli also works as a part-time coordinator, Sirona, the archaeological champion of Sinnoh, Adek, the champion of Unova, Carlos champion Karuni becomes an actress...

The one who is most in line with the status and responsibilities of a champion is the Galar champion who is the strongest in the air and uses Adu and other champions as stepping stones... Dandi!

Give new trainers guidance, clear up their doubts, and help them build the excellent qualities a trainer should have while focusing on improving their own strength so that they can use more powerful power to protect the Galar region.

To put it simply, this is an excellent trainer who you can be dissatisfied with as the strongest airborne, but you cannot attack his character as a champion.

And now I am heading towards the same position.

In this case, it is indeed necessary to pay attention to it.

You can't criticize them for not fulfilling their responsibilities on these issues before, and then do something similar to them when you reach the same level.

"Ms. Kikuno, I understand."

Kikuno nodded slowly when he heard this, with an expression of relief on his face.

"But I'm telling you this, don't think that you can challenge for the championship now. I and they will do their best to keep you here."

Qingliu also laughed: "In order to be able to retire earlier, right?"


Kikuno was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed.

But his expression soon became serious again: "Then, for my retirement life, I will go all out for the Four Heavenly Kings Challenge!

"Good morning, gentlemen and ladies!"

The host Hoshino stepped on the high platform, and the sound quickly spread throughout the venue with the blessing of the loudspeaker. The already extremely lively atmosphere gradually became more intense under his mobilization.

Qingliu didn't have much interest in this official set. He just walked through the player channel when notifying the players to enter and stood on this brand-new venue.

The person who appeared opposite him was not Kikuno, but another person he knew.

The king of superpowers——Wu Song.

Aoliu smiled when he saw the neat pink suit on the other party and the clearly well-manicured hairstyle on his head.

"As long as you are the first one."

After hearing Qingliu's words, Wu Song, who was greeting the audience with a smile, his expression suddenly froze.

At this moment, Wu Song had a very ominous premonition just by relying on his own instincts, even without any superpowers for perception.

"Qingliu, what... do you mean?"

"I remember when we were at Lake Wisdom, you told me that if I need your help with anything in the future, just ask, right?"

Qingliu asked instead without answering.

Wu Song nodded silently.

He did say that, and also said that if he couldn't find anyone, he could directly contact the library in Shuimai City. He would usually stay there if he had nothing to do.

However, Qingliu's strength improvement progress was too fast. His strength was already surpassed by Qingliu when he was in Wisdom Lake, and he had no need to help him later.

Wu Song also thought that Qingliu had forgotten about it a long time ago, but he didn't expect that the other party still remembered.

However, what does it mean to suddenly bring it up at this time?

Let yourself take the initiative to admit defeat?

It's impossible to think about this kind of thing. After all, this time it's not just about him, but about everyone among the Four Heavenly Kings.

Qingliu naturally noticed Wu Song's demeanor, smiled and waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, just fight with all your strength. I won't let you do anything that will embarrass you, such as admitting defeat or giving up."

Wu Song's frown deepened.

"Then what do you want me to help you with?"

"I want... to let you send three Pokémon to fight at the same time."


Wu Song didn't react for a while: "What do you mean? Change the three-game rules of one Pokémon per game to a direct three-on-three battle?"

What? !

With the spread of camera microphones installed around the venue and used to capture and transmit sounds and images, everyone at the scene heard the conversation between the two people just now.

There was an uproar in the surrounding audience seats, guest seats, and the VIP area where the senior officials of the Sinnoh Alliance were located.

Although it is a bit unbelievable to change the rules of the game at this time, it has not happened before. As long as both parties agree and it will not have a big impact on the final result, it is feasible.

But the current situation is not something that will not have a big impact.

Everyone present had witnessed how powerful the Green Willow Pokémon was individually.

One can defeat most of the opponent or even the entire lineup. If three appear at the same time, the effect of 1+1+1 will definitely be greater than that of three.

It’s really hard to imagine what would happen if all three of them appeared at the same time.

After Wu Song was in a brief state of confusion just now, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "Why did you suddenly think of doing this? If the real three versus three are together, aren't you sincere enough to embarrass me..."

"I think you misunderstood."

Qingliu still maintained a friendly smile and said slowly: "It's not three versus three, but Wu Song, you sent three Pokémon together at the same time. I still use one Pokémon to fight."

ah? !

As soon as these words came out, the audience, who were already in a state of confusion, were completely stunned.

I originally thought that Qingliu proposed the three-on-three competition rule just to take advantage, but the current situation turned out to be completely different from what he imagined.

Let Gosatsu send out three Pokémon at the same time, but Aoliu is still only one.

It's three against one!

Such a rule that would do no harm to him was actually spoken from Qingliu's mouth.

Doesn't he know that if the change is successful, this rule will continue to be implemented throughout the King's Challenge until the end, resulting in four three-on-one absolute disadvantages?

Even if Aoyagi is indeed very powerful, so powerful that many people think that if the Four Heavenly Kings face him, even in a wheel battle, they will probably lose the game ugly in the end.

But if it is changed to three versus one, the situation...maybe completely changed.

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