Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 461 Real reinforcements!

Many insiders knew that the Hoenn Alliance had requested assistance from the Pokémon headquarters when Groudon and Kyogre had awakened early, affecting many towns and most likely unable to solve the problem on their own. Junsha naturally knew about this.

But to be honest, she had basically never had any expectations for this.

First, similar legendary Pokémon suddenly awakened in various regions recently. It was already very difficult to solve them on their own, not to mention whether there would be another riot in the future. No one could predict where to draw manpower for support?

Second, even if there were reinforcements, would they really be able to help solve the current problem?

The defeat of the two champions in the Hoenn region just now was the best example.

"I know what you are thinking. I can tell you with certainty that the strength of the reinforcements from Kanto this time is absolutely beyond your imagination, and it can even allow the top leaders to unanimously approve the cancellation of the last emergency measure after an emergency meeting.

"That is why we must now ensure that the area within a radius of tens of kilometers where Groudon and Kyogre are located is open.

"Not only you, but even Daigo and Mikoli have received the same retreat message."

Junsha suddenly felt a little incredible.

Although Daigo and Mikoli were defeated in the battle just now, and the main Pokémon were also injured to varying degrees, this does not mean that they have no fighting ability.

You must know that even the Pokémon in the second echelon of the champion are close to the top level of humans.

Now even they have to be forced to retreat?

Just to free up a place to show off their skills?

And from what the other party said, the reinforcements coming to support even made the Hoenn Alliance suppress the last backup.

Who are these people who are so impressive?

"Can I ask..."

Before Junsha finished speaking, the person on the other end of the phone interrupted directly: "No, the person who picked you up is on the way, and all you have to do is to execute the order immediately."

"...I understand."

Although I didn't know who it was, I still had one more hope.

She sincerely hoped that the reinforcements that the top leaders of the Hoenn Alliance had high hopes for could lead Groudon and Kyogre to the deep sea area, so that the Hoenn region would not face the situation of being submerged by the sea or being devastated.

At this time, the voice came again from the other end of the phone that was about to hang up.

"By the way, remember to write a self-criticism when you come back."

"Self-criticism? What self-criticism?"

Miss Junsha was stunned.

"Roaring, insulting superiors, questioning, denying orders, no matter which one is enough to make you drink a pot, I will not demote you for your courage to put life and death aside, but you will definitely not be able to escape the two thousand words of self-criticism."

Miss Junsha: "..."


At the same time, Daigo and Mikoli received the same retreat order.

After figuring out the basic information of the follow-up, they were no less confused than Miss Junsha.

Are the reinforcements coming from the Kanto region really capable of solving the current problems?

This is not arrogance, nor is it questioning others' abilities, but the worry that naturally emerged in my heart after personally experiencing the terrifying power of the ancient Pokémon Groudon and Kyogre, which is like a mobile disaster.

However, since the Hoenn Alliance has made this decision, they can't say much.

Soon the two released a flying Pokémon, quickly left the battlefield, and went far away.

Groudon and Kyogre did not stop them.

For them, these two humans are simply two annoying flies. Although hitting flies is just a matter of raising your hand, in each other's eyes, it is more important to quickly and thoroughly solve each other.

Solve the opponent first and then quickly expand the territory, seize the opponent's previously robbed natural energy to enrich yourself, so as to deal with the guy with unknown origin but extremely dangerous aura.

Then, the two behemoths once again took steps towards each other's position.

It's just that after the two flying streams of light opened a safe enough distance, Daigo and Mikoli, who had not discussed with each other, met tacitly over a small island.

Looking at each other with dusty faces, the two couldn't help but smile at each other.

Then they quickly returned to a solemn expression.

"What do you think about the alliance's instructions?"

With a neutral voice, Mikoli looked at the two figures approaching in the distance, with unstoppable sorrow in his eyes.

"To be honest, I don't know."

Daigo understood what his good friend was thinking at the moment, but he really couldn't say anything to comfort him now.

This is also the reason why he chose to stop here and wait and see after receiving the order to retreat.

"Then wait and see."

Mikoli also understood what Daigo was thinking, but after seeing the figures of Groudon and Kyogre approaching in the distance, he couldn't help but become nervous.

"It's just that time is not enough. They will meet in a few minutes at most."

"It's okay... they are here."

The moment Daigo's voice fell, dozens of figures suddenly appeared at the end of the front field of vision.

And... they are all dragon Pokémon.

In front of these figures, there are two streams of light moving at a very fast speed.

One is Dragonite.

The other is Garchomp.

Both dragon Pokémon have people standing on their backs.

A heroic girl.

A senile old woman.

"These people are..."

Mikri was a little surprised when he saw the figure flying towards Groudon's position.

The number of dragon Pokémon is still a small proportion of the total number of Pokémon, and the breeding cycle is longer than other Pokémon. However, almost everyone in these reinforcements is equipped with one. The key is that they have little momentum. Not weak.

Combined with the fact that the previous instructions he received mentioned that the opponent was from the Kanto region, a force that did not appear in the public eye but was quite famous among trainers emerged in Mikri's mind.

"Is it the Yulong clan from the Kanto region?"

Mikri half-squinted his eyes and began to distinguish carefully.

"Most of the people at the back are elite trainers. About ten people have reached the level of gym trainers. Almost three have reached the level of the Four Heavenly Kings for free, and the ones at the front...

"One is the Four Heavenly Kings and the other is the Champion?"

Dai Wu on the side took over the conversation: "Well, the former champion of the Sinnoh region, Granny Long, I have met her at the regional exchange meeting before, and her strength is better than that of you and me."

Hearing his good friend say this, a glimmer of hope suddenly rose in Mikri's heart, but it was quickly extinguished.

Even if the former champion of Sinnoh is stronger than the two of them, he is definitely limited.

This "limited" level cannot surpass Groudon or Kyogre.

Even if you add dozens of powerful trainers or more Pokémon behind you, the possibility of completing your plan is slim.

"If that's the case, why do we have to evacuate? At least we can help by staying here."

Mikri was a little confused.

Daigo was equally confused.

Even at this time, a large ship suddenly appeared on the right side of Kyogre and headed straight for Kyogre. Even though he knew the four figures standing on the boat, he could not understand the retreat of the Hoenn Alliance. What does instruction mean.

Using the Kwantung reinforcements to contain Groudon, and then using the Four Heavenly Kings of Hoenn to contain Kyogre, is indeed a good choice in terms of coordination, ownership, and manpower distribution.

After all, Groudon is on land, Kyogre is in the sea, and the final destination is the deep sea.

But in the face of hard power, everything is empty talk.

The Four Heavenly Kings of Hoenn are no match for Mikri, and naturally they cannot contain Kyogre. The overall strength of the Kanto reinforcements exceeds their own, but they are definitely no match for Groudon.

What kind of confidence did the Hoenn Alliance have to make such an arrangement?

Dawu was confused.

Just when he was hesitating whether to disobey the order and go up to help with Mi Keli, Mi Keli suddenly said in surprise.

"Dawu, what are they doing..."

I saw the reinforcements of the Kanto Dragon Clan, and as the light of super evolution lit up, the former Sinnoh champion Dragon Granny's Bite Shark evolved into a Super Bite Shark, and together with several other Pokémon that had completed their Mega Evolution, they headed towards Solid Lado took the initiative to attack.

This was within the expectations of the two of them, with the strongest trainer as the main attacker. But what really puzzled Mikri was that, except for Long Po, all the other people scattered directly towards Groudon. He rushed towards the surrounding areas with no intention of looking back.

"What is this doing?"

Mikri said to himself uncertainly: "Could it be that these reinforcements also received orders to retreat?"

Daigo said nothing, but immediately turned his gaze to the other side.

In the direction of Kyogre, Genji, the most powerful dragon king among the Four Heavenly Kings of Hoenn, was leading a lineup headed by Super Tyrannosaurus to attack Groudon.

The other three of the Four Heavenly Kings also acted exactly the same as the Kwantung reinforcements. They bypassed Kyogre without any pause and began to travel quickly almost close to the sea.

Mi Keli also saw this scene, and his confusion became more intense.

"What exactly do they want to do..."

The current reinforcements and the actions of the Four Heavenly Kings of Hoenn do not look like they are performing a mission to lure Groudon and Kyogre to the deep sea.

Instead, it's more like...searching the area near Groudon and Kyogre's movement tracks.

Looking for someone?

No, that's not right.

Even if it is the illegitimate son of a high-ranking member of the alliance, it is impossible to carry out a rescue on such a scale at this time, not to mention that neither Yuanji nor Granny Long would agree to such an action.

So what is the purpose of being low altitude and close to the sea?

Daigo frowned slightly, thoughts swirling in his mind.

Until a certain moment, he suddenly remembered the order the alliance issued to him and Mikri not long ago, which also mentioned that all personnel in the nearby area should withdraw and clear a sufficiently open area.

Enough open area.

This emptiness should not refer to buildings or terrain, but... people?

So, are they now checking and rescuing trapped people nearby?

Only after all the surrounding civilians and people sent by the Hoenn Alliance have evacuated can it be called empty.

Soon, when the trapped people were indeed rescued in twos and threes, the facts confirmed Daigo's conjecture.

Seeing this, Mikri next to him also said: "Is it to save people? Then after it is thoroughly confirmed that no one is around, we should concentrate our efforts on carrying out the task."

But at this time, Daiwu gave a completely opposite judgment.

"No, they will probably leave without stopping after rescuing people."


Mikoli was surprised: "They have almost no chance of winning against super ancient Pokémon, and they are leaving?"

The next moment, as if to verify Daigo's words, no matter whether there were rescuers or not, except for Granny Long and Genji, all the figures did not stop after the search and rescue, and flew directly to the horizon with a posture of leaving the battlefield.

"What should we do next if they all leave instead of being restrained by the advantage of numbers?"

"Not only the people who are searching and rescuing, I am afraid that Granny Long and Genji will leave the battlefield soon."


This immediately made the stable Mikoli unable to hold back.

"What are those senior executives thinking? Let Groudon and Kyogre face off in the near sea? Don't they know the consequences? If they don't go, I will."

As he spoke, Mikoli had already taken out the Poké Ball.

Daigo stopped him.

Facing Mikoli's puzzled look, Daigo slowly said, "Don't you understand yet?"


"Whether it is the people of the Kanto Dragon Clan or Genji, they are not the reinforcements mentioned in the order. They are just the vanguards who came first to execute the "clearing of the open area", that's all."

Mikoli slowly opened his eyes.

As the future champion of Hoenn, Mikoli's mind is not inferior to Daigo, but his preconceived ideas misled his thinking. Now hearing his friend say such words, he suddenly realized that his own thinking was wrong in some places.

"Daigo, what do you mean by this?"

Daigo did not answer directly, but asked another question.

"Mikoli, don't you feel it?

"I don't know since when, the temperature around us began to rise..."

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