Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 462 Gaia Energy Cannon is fully assembled!

"Rising temperatures?"

Mikoli was stunned for a moment.

Not to mention a champion-level trainer like him, even any ordinary person would be able to sense the unusual temperature around them.

Even though the small island they were on was relatively remote, with the presence of Groudon, a super ancient Pokémon that had the ability to control strong light and high temperatures and emerged from the boiling magma, wouldn't it be normal for the temperature to rise?

But Daigo obviously couldn't be talking nonsense, he must have his reasons for saying so.

Combining the so-called Kanto reinforcements mentioned earlier and the fact that the Four Heavenly Kings of Fengyuan were only responsible for coming to clean up the battlefield, Mikoli reacted instantly.

"Daigo, do you mean that the rising temperature is not caused by Groudon, but by someone else?"

"That's right."

Daigo nodded slightly and said, "Grawo's attention is now all focused on Kyogre, there is no need to spread the high temperature to such a far and meaningless place.

"And I have had direct contact with it before, I can clearly feel that the scorching breath released by its ability is extremely pure, and now..."

While speaking, Daigo raised his hand and said to himself, "Although there is also a scorching breath in the rising temperature, it is only a part of it, and there are more other energies."

At this point, Mikoli, who is also a champion, also closed his eyes quickly, and after carefully feeling the changes around him, he opened his eyes in surprise.

"Not only is there the scorching breath of Groudon, but also the breath of Kyogre, and even the energy breath of your Mega Metagross, Mega Aggrador, and my Milotic and Mega Gyarados, what's going on? "

Because of the previous battles and the extraordinary strength of the participating Pokémon, it is very normal that these energies still exist between heaven and earth, but now these energies do not seem to dissipate gradually with the passage of time.

Instead, they are constantly... gathering!

Let alone their two champion-level main lineups, just Groudon and Kyogre, the two super ancient Pokémon whose power they have personally experienced, the energy released by them is participating in the gathering, which is already terrifying in itself.

Besides, according to the posture of the two being as fierce as fire and water, it is obviously impossible to directly merge and absorb each other's energy aura, which means that someone else did it.

In response to his friend's question, Daigo slowly shook his head: "I don't know, but I think this is the reason why the Fengyuan Alliance asked us to evacuate and let the Fengyuan Four Heavenly Kings and the reinforcements of the Kanto Royal Dragon Clan act as search and rescue personnel.

"When Granny Long and Genji completely leave the battlefield, we should be able to see... the real reinforcements."


At the same time, on the sea near Kyogre.

Genji, wearing a captain's uniform, with his chest exposed, his hair and beard all gray, and his eyes slightly gloomy under his hat, was standing on the back of Mega Flying Dragon, commanding his Pokémon to attack Kyogre.

As the most powerful dragon king among the Four Heavenly Kings of Fengyuan, his expression was extremely solemn at this moment, and his nerves were extremely tense. He did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

There was no other reason, the actual gap between the two sides was too great.

His Pokémon's attacks had no effect on Kyogre at all, even if it was just to contain and attract attention, it was very mentally exhausting.

Even so, four of the six main forces had fallen now.

The key was that this was based on the fact that Kyogre did not pay much attention to him.

Otherwise, the battle would probably end in an instant.

But even so, he had to persist.

Persist until the search and rescue mission was completely over.

Yes, as Daigo and Mikoli mentioned when they talked, their mission here was not to take over the battle from the two champions, but to carry out the last wave of search and rescue and take all the trapped people away safely.

When he first received this mission, Genji was full of doubts and confusion, and even questioned the alliance leaders directly at that time.

After all, in his opinion, the best way at this stage is to let the four kings and the two Fengyuan champions carry out the containment mission together, even if the success rate is pitifully low.

But the alliance, which has always been respectful to them, was very tough this time and said seriously that they just need to follow the instructions.

This immediately made the four kings including Genji a little dissatisfied.

It was not until later that they learned that even the former champion of the Sinnoh region, the important Dragon Clan who came from the Kanto region to support, was performing the same search and rescue mission as them, that Genji agreed after a moment of silence.

The strong men at the champion level, and the dragon champions, all had the same mission. Moreover, even though he was old now, Genji, who was still only a junior in front of the Dragon Granny, did not seem to have any qualifications to negotiate conditions.

But Genji was getting more and more curious in his heart. Who was the person who could make Granny Long and the entire Fengyuan Alliance's top leaders believe that they could solve the incident with Groudon and Kyogre this time?

Especially when he knew that there was only one "reinforcement", this curiosity was infinitely magnified.


A loud noise suddenly sounded on the sea surface.

Then a huge wave hit, and a large seahorse with a sky blue body and an orange belly turned its eyes in circles and slowly floated up.

Genji's face suddenly darkened.

"If the Thorn Dragon also falls, only Mega Tyranitar will be left..."

Accompanied by a flash of red light, Genji put the Poké Ball back into his pocket, and then looked at Kyogre, who was still moving at high speed, and prepared to issue the final order.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the headset.

"It has been confirmed that there is no sign of life within a radius of 40 kilometers. From the moment you receive this notice, everyone will immediately stop any action and retreat immediately.

"Repeat! It has been confirmed that the radius of 40 kilometers...


The voice kept echoing in his ears, and Genji breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is it finally done..."

Then he did not hesitate and let Mega Tyranitar fly back in the opposite direction of Kyogre's advance.

At the same time, his eyes swept to the battlefield on the other side.

Above Groudon's head, after launching a shocking Dragon Star Cluster, Granny Long's Mega Biting Land Shark suddenly stopped and drew a circular arc in the sky, and then quickly shot towards the sky.

Soon, Genji and Granny Long completely left the battlefield.

Since then, there has been no one and no Pokémon within the 40-kilometer range of the entire Liuli City land and the offshore area, leaving only two huge Pokémon of terrifying size.

Except... the temperature is still rising at a leisurely pace in all directions.

But now that there is no obstacle at all, Groudon and Gio are focused on each other and don't pay attention to these things at all.

Of course, even if they noticed, they wouldn't care much.

This is the absolute confidence brought by the absolute power of the legendary super ancient Pokémon!

Humans and Pokémon do not have the power to shake them.

Except for that damn fat fish with big ears (the stupid guy who can't fly) and the green worm that fell from the sky, the power they possess is rare in the world!

Even after solving the opponent, they may be able to obtain enough energy to confront the green worm head-on.

So, at a distance where they could see each other directly, the two super ancient beasts launched their final sprint amid increasingly frantic and excited roars.

At this moment, the ground was shaking violently, and the sea erupted with turbulent waves.

As these two energies poured down wantonly, a tornado-like gust of wind quickly passed through the ground and the sea, and the whole world seemed to be doomsday.

Feeling the powerful energy in the air and watching the drastic changes in the weather in front of them, the group had already pulled away for a distance, but still observed the entire battlefield, wanting to witness with their own eyes who the person who could be highly expected by the Fengyuan Alliance was,

and how he would complete the task that even the regional champion could not complete.

And in what way would those energies that had been accumulating since who knows when be presented.

Daigo and Mikoli on the island.

Long Po Po, Genji, Xiaochun, the Fengyuan Four Heavenly Kings, and a group of reinforcements from the Yulong clan who had already pulled away for a distance but did not leave.

Staff sent by the Four Heavenly Kings of Fengyuan to the front line for field observation.

And a group of Fengyuan Alliance executives who were sitting in a certain conference room, holding their breath and staring at the big screen, their eyes and state were obviously uneasy.

Everyone was watching this scene.

No one knew when it would start, no one knew what method it would take, and no one knew how it would be implemented, not even the Fengyuan Alliance executives who issued orders to several champions.

At this moment, all eyes were waiting for the arrival of real reinforcements.

Until the distance between Groudon and Kyogre was getting closer and closer...

The increasingly nervous voices of the observers kept ringing in everyone's ears.

"The distance between Groudon and Kyogre is less than five kilometers...

"Four point three kilometers...

"Three kilometers...

"Two point five kilometers...

"One point eight kilometers...

"One kilometer! "

When these three words sounded, many people's hearts were silently raised to their throats, especially those high-ranking officials of the Fengyuan Alliance.

They are still underground in Caiyou City and have not evacuated. Once a real battle breaks out between Groudon and Kyogre, they will be the first to bear the brunt.

At the critical moment of life and death, no one can absolutely keep calm. When they see the two giants rushing forward and getting infinitely close, the emotion called anger erupts in the hearts of every high-ranking official of the Fengyuan Alliance.

But before they can choose...

The entire screen suddenly flashed with a strong sunlight like the midday sun in summer. The light was so bright that it could even pass through the screen and illuminate the entire conference room.

What's going on? !

The senior executives looked at the screen, trying to endure the stinging pain in their eyes.

At some point, the screen's view had shifted from the offshore area to the sky.

It was at this moment that everyone knew the source of the bright light - it was a huge spherical object of extreme white and red, like an inlaid object in the sky.

The dazzling light and hot breath continued to overflow and spread in all directions.

"What is this...?"

"The sun?"

"It really seems to be the sun..."

"How is it possible! How can the sun appear here at this time?"


It is almost evening now. The sun should be in the west. How can it appear in the east, which is completely opposite to it?

"Wait! That's not the sun!"

After the voice fell, the screen zoomed in rapidly.

As the light became more and more dazzling, everyone present saw it clearly.

Although it is spherical, it is not round, but uneven.

Colorful energy is coming from all directions, and then blending into it, filling the "holes" in it.

And under such a completely unreasonable "sun", there is a figure.

A figure standing on two feet, covered with golden and gray armor, carrying two giant door panels like a dragon figure.

At this moment, the other party is raising his two hands and making a lifting motion towards the sky.

And the one being lifted up is the one they mistakenly thought was the "sun" just now.

"This Pokémon is..."

In an instant, the identity information of this Pokémon automatically emerged in everyone's mind.

——Battle Greymon!

Even though this is not the Sinnoh region, it is hard for them not to know about the information about the main Pokémon who won the championship battle in the Sinnoh region with absolute strength, and was later evaluated by the Sinnoh League and recognized by the Pokémon League Headquarters as the new Sinnoh champion who surpassed the Galar and Padia region champions.

"Since Battle Greymon is here, it means that the reinforcements this time are..."

No one spoke, but the name "Aoyagi" appeared involuntarily in the minds of the senior executives present.

"No wonder! No wonder we ordered everyone nearby to retreat and clear such a large area of ​​space. It turns out that he came to support!"

"What do you mean?"

A senior executive who didn't know much about the situation asked.

"Among the Pokémon held by this person, a considerable number of them are as big as Groudon and Kyogre.

"The area of ​​dozens of kilometers just cleared will probably become their battlefield next. "

"In short, this is... a war between giant beasts! "

Kyogre flying above the sea, Groudon running on the land, and BattleGreymon living in the sky are all super giant Pokémon tens of meters in size without exception.

The only difference is that Groudon and Kyogre are rushing towards each other angrily.

BattleGreymon is quietly holding up the "sun".

Until this "sun" is completely formed!

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