Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 465: Beat up the two gods!

What are the characteristics that Digimon possess themselves that are clearly different from Pokémon...

Strong fighting spirit and adaptability?

A body that expands as it gets stronger?

Continuously evolving and getting stronger physically?

These are all, but they are not what Qingliu is thinking about at this moment.

Just as he entered the last area of ​​the random ruins, when the Agumon summoned by completing the exploration conditions on the panel faced the more than thirty unknown totems that were chasing after him, the powerful suppressive power displayed was the necessary step forward. Set conditions...

As long as there is food and as long as the stomach is full, the exclusive moves can be used as a flat A.

There is no reason why you should forget your roots after evolving to the ultimate form of things you were able to do when you were growing up.

And Qingliu believed that there was only one way to make the legendary ultra-ancient Pokémon afraid or even frightening...

——That is violent suppression with absolute crushing power!

It was under such circumstances that an extremely terrifying scene occurred.

BattleGreymon stood proudly in the sky, with two Dragon Beast Nemesis lifting upwards. All the heat and energy in the atmosphere quickly gathered together and quickly compressed into a "sun".

Immediately, BattleGreymon aimed at Groudon, who was trying to get closer again, and then smashed out the Gaia energy cannon after charging up like a bow and arrow.

Without any pause or hesitation, the first Gaia energy cannon had just been fired, and while it was still gliding in mid-air, BattleGreymon raised its arms again.

The terrifying energy and astonishing heat gathered together again, turning into a second identical Gaia energy cannon, and then threw it towards Kyogre who reappeared further on the sea.

Soon, the third shot gathered.

Groudon had just received another shot, so the extremely angry Groudon hadn't fully mobilized the energy in his body, and there was no time to activate the move. The third Gaia energy cannon hit it in the face again. .

The huge body immediately enjoyed the treatment that Kyogre had received before, and it also indirectly helped it accomplish what it had been criticized for all its life - Guo Renbaosheng flew for the first time.

Forced...to fly.

After gliding hundreds of meters in the air, he landed heavily.

And this is just the beginning, next...

"Gaia energy cannon!"

"Gaia energy cannon!"

"Gaia energy cannon!"

"Gaia energy cannon!"


The fourth shot, the fifth shot, the sixth shot, the seventh shot... regardless of whether Groudon and Kyogre could catch it, they were blasted directly from the hands of BattleGreymon at a speed without delay.

boom! ! !

Boom! !

Boom! ! !

At this moment, streams of extremely terrifying energy were raging crazily throughout the entire world.

This made the king-level and champion-level trainers who were watching here from a distance, including Dai Wu, Mikri and Long Po Po, as well as all the senior executives of the Hoenn Alliance in front of the big screen, all dumbfounded.

When the first Gaia energy cannon fell, they all had a certain understanding of Aoliu and BattleGreymon.

——That is, surpassing the champion and reaching the legendary level of the strongest legendary Pokémon in the region!

But even so, this time the super ancient Pokémon incident may not be so easy to solve.

After all, BattleGreymon has reached the legendary level, and Groudon and Kyogre are also at the legendary level. Even if there is a gap between the two sides, I think it won't be too big.

Moreover, that extremely powerful attack seemed to them to be very similar to the very few moves that Pokémon can master. It requires a certain amount of charging time or prerequisites, or has obvious side effects. can be used.

But... no one expected such a scene.

The sun-like energy attack didn't pause at all. As soon as the first shot was released, the second shot had already begun to take shape, as if it was free of charge.

"With such powerful destructive power, Groudon and Kyogre were forced to stop and prepare. The move that could instantly cause visible damage to two ultra-ancient Pokémon could... actually... be used like this. ?"

Dai Wu and Mi Keli were so overwhelmed at the moment that they didn't know what to say at all. They could only stare blankly at the terrifying explosions that took off one after another amidst the loud roars.

Grandma Long was extremely excited as if she was glowing with the second spring of her life.

This was a situation that no one had anticipated in advance, or that could not be imagined at all.

The two legendary ultra-ancient Pokémon in the Hoenn region are being crushed in a way that has never been done before.

Maybe...it's not just that it didn't happen before.

It's even possible that it won't happen in the future.

Truly unprecedented and unprecedented!

Compared to the horrified onlookers, Groudon and Kyogre never thought that one day they would be completely reduced to backgrounds.

But even so, there is nothing they can do.

If the power of some moves is sacrificed to increase the number of uses, then they can still carry the attack to achieve a dash or use moves, but that is not the case.

Although the damage caused by subsequent Gaia energy cannons is lower than the first time it was attacked, the power is still terrifying, and the average power is very stable, to the extent that one cannon can cause significant damage.

The critical number is so large that they don't have any spare time at all.

Amid the explosions, the injuries on Groudon and Kyogre's bodies are rapidly increasing and worsening. The extremely strong pain is madly engulfing their reason and constantly eroding their consciousness.

But they can only passively bear it and have no power to fight back.

For some reason, this situation makes Groudon and Kyogre's minds inexplicably appear the figure of a green worm who likes to persuade people to fight.

When facing that hateful guy, they can only be beaten continuously.

No, that's not right.

When facing that guy, they at least have a little power to fight back, not like now, they are afraid of giving them a little gap.

From the beginning of the battle to now, let alone exclusive moves, even other moves have no chance to be used.

As legends, they have never been so frustrated.

Time passed with the sound of explosions. Under the bombardment of Gaia Energy Cannon so dense that they had no power to fight back, Groudon and Kyogre's eyes gradually became empty, their consciousness became blurred, and their struggles and continuous forward movements gradually stopped.

Battle Greymon noticed this situation, but its movements did not stop.

Gaia Energy Cannon continued to gather and smash until its breathing began to become rapid and its physical consumption reached a certain limit, then it stopped.

"Hu... Hu... Qingliu, is this okay?"

"It's okay."

Qingliu nodded.

Two illustrations appeared in front of him.

[Race] Groudon/Kyogre

[Status] Weak (has lost the ability to move)

"So should we let those guys come over to finish it now? They should have more experience in this kind of aftermath work."

Battle Greymon took a deep breath, stabilized his breathing, and asked.

"No, no hurry."

Qingliu retracted his gaze, turned his eyes to another direction and said, "It's not over yet."

Not over yet?

Didn't you say it was okay?

Battle Greymon couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Qingliu guessed what it was thinking and took the initiative to explain: "It's OK means that they are OK in their current state, but it doesn't mean that the matter is over."

After that, Qingliu didn't explain any more.

After all, only he knew that the personalities of these two guys were among the more stubborn and stubborn among all the legendary Pokémon. They were not the type that could be subdued by a beating and dared not to mess around again.

In this regard, Rayquaza has the most say.

So it's far from enough just like now. It must be more in-depth, more shocking, and make them understand that there is no possibility of resistance at all, before it will be effective.

As for what to do next, Qingliu believes that someone will take the initiative to help.

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