Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 466: Indigo and Scarlet Orbs, Red Flame Pine and Water Sycamore

Time goes back half an hour.

Northwest of Liuli City, more than a hundred kilometers away from where Groudon and Kyogre finally stopped and turned around to greet the Gaia energy cannon.

This is similar to the Pokémon Tower in the Kanto region, the Lost Tower in the Sinnoh region, and the Heavenly Tower in the Unova region. It is a place where the souls of dead Pokémon are buried.

It is also known as the place where life ends-Song Shenshan.

At this time, on the sixth floor inside the Sacred Mountain, two teams with obviously different clothes and different Pokémon attributes were confronting each other.

One side is fire and the other is water.

The leader of the fire element is a thin man wearing a red and black robe and glasses, and the leader of the water element is a middle-aged man wearing a brightly decorated tight leather jacket and a pirate-like turban.

"Red Flame Pine, let me tell you one last time, both Pokémon and humans depend on the ocean for their existence. The ocean is everything. Stop all your actions immediately, or I will let you know what it will be like to hinder the Ocean Team. The end!”

Faced with the threat of the middle-aged man, the thin man remained unmoved. He pushed the frame slightly and replied calmly: "That's wrong. All life cannot be separated from the land. Shui Wutong, you and your men are You are too young to understand the loftiness and greatness of our Lava team’s cause. I forgive your temporary ignorance and step back.”

Seeing Chi Yansong's pretentious look, Shui Wutong clenched his fists unconsciously.

"Sure enough, he still looks so irritating."

"To each other, I just feel it's hard to breathe when you stand in front of you with your strong limbs and simple mind."

As you and I exchange tit-for-tat, the tense atmosphere between the two sides has reached its peak. As long as the two of them give an order, a battle will begin directly.

But whether it was the Red Flame Pine or the Water Wutong, they never gave any orders. They just looked at me and I glared at you.

Until the two of them took a step back as if they had reached some kind of tacit understanding in silence, and then each led his men to the exit of the Sacred Mountain from two directions.

"Chief Red Flame Song, why don't you catch them all here?"

Following Chi Yansong, Huo Yan, wearing a fiery red robe, asked in a low voice: "Although we will lose a lot of manpower, we can get it done once and for all."

Chi Yansong, who was holding his hands behind his back, glanced sideways at Huo Yan and said, "Compared to fighting that kind of brainless person, we should focus more on Groudon, especially now that this sudden incident has occurred. This is an excellent opportunity, we must not miss it, understand?”

Huo Yan nodded slightly.

The leader of Red Flame Pine always does the right thing. She also understands that the opportunity for Groudon to awaken on his own initiative is very rare. Once they miss it, they don't know how much time and energy they will spend to prepare.

But a possibility couldn't help but emerge in her mind.

"Leader of Red Flame Pine, Kyogre has also awakened. If the Marine Team is allowed to bring that thing to Kyogre..."

Before Huo Yan finished speaking, Chi Yansong looked over again, but this time his eyes were slightly cold.

"Do you mean to say that Groudon, the legendary incarnation of the earth, would lose to that fat fish?"

Huo Yan quickly lowered his head and said: "No...it's not..."

"Then just follow the orders."


After saying that, Chi Yansong carefully took out a red round orb with the Greek letter "Omega" symbol printed on it from his arms.

Looking at the vermilion orb in his hand, Chiyansong's eyes gradually became fiery and crazy, as if he was replying to Huoyan's worries just now, and he seemed to be talking to himself.

"So what if they have the indigo orb, we have also obtained the vermilion orb. As long as Groudon absorbs it, the power of the super ancient era will be awakened. At that time...defeat Kyogre, Evaporating all the oceans and turning the world into a complete land is just around the corner!”

The same thing happened on the Ocean team's Shui Wutong side.

The only difference is that compared to Chi Yansong's more restrained madness, Shui Wutong has been laughing crazily, his face full of madness.

It was as if he had seen the scene where Kyogre awakened his super-ancient power and summoned rain clouds to submerge the entire world in the sea.

Immediately, the two teams got on the submarine after leaving the Sendoff Mountain and began to move towards Liuli City.

Twenty-five minutes later, two submarines, thousands of meters apart, surfaced one after another in the sea outside Liuli City, spying on the two tens of meter-level monsters in the distance that were approaching in the uproar.

"Chief, are we going there now?"

Huo Yan withdrew his gaze and looked at Red Flame Pine with fiery eyes.

"There is no difference between going over now and dying. Let them fight for a while, and then find an opportunity to get closer."

Chi Yansong shook his head and continued: "Besides, the worse Groudon's condition is, the easier it is for me to control it with the vermilion orb."

"Yes, I understand."

Huo Yan immediately ordered to go down.

On the other side of the ocean team, Shui Wutong also issued similar instructions.

Chi Yansong and Shui Wutong, two people with completely different personalities and behavior styles, made exactly the same decision at this moment.

However, not long after this order was issued, the situation changed beyond their expectations.

Loud roars, white light that completely rendered the sky, terrifying attacks like the sun, energy fluctuations that destroyed the world, soared straight into the sky, like huge light pillars of Optimus, and...

After this extremely horrifying scene, Groudon, whose whole body was red and severely injured, was blasted into the air, and Kyogre fell into the sea.

"What...is going on?"×2

The entire members of Team Lava and Team Ocean, including Red Flame Pine and Shui Wutong, fell directly into a state of confusion at this moment.

And then, after BattleGreymon used the Gaia energy cannon to start a saturation attack, everyone was lost in their brains when they saw Groudon and Kyogre, who had no power to resist at all and could only be ravaged by it. Dead state.

"How is such a thing possible?!"

After a brief period of silence, the red flame pine and water phoenix tree roared hysterically.

They had never thought about it, nor dared to think about it, that the ultra-ancient legendary Pokémon that they regarded as their lifelong pursuit would be defenseless in a battle with an unknown Pokémon.


That does not work!

This is absolutely not possible!

If this continues, the two of them really can't imagine that their ideals will be shattered by the current reality.

Ever since, the two of them made the same decision again.

"Now! Immediately! Let's go immediately!

"Send the vermilion orb/indigo orb!!!" (End of this chapter)

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