The battle ended, and Xiaozhi won an absolute victory with three to zero.

Before Xiaozhi and Xiaochun had time to exchange a few words, the staff of Yanmo Gym suddenly knocked on the door of the battle arena.

"Miss Xiao Chun is not well!"

Seeing how nervous he looked, it was obvious that something big had happened!

"Someone has stolen the Dragon's Fang and is now escaping in the direction of the Dragon's Cave!"

This Dragon's Fang is a treasure passed down from generation to generation in Yanmo Gym, and they witnessed the magic of this Dragon's Fang with their own eyes yesterday.

Xiaozhi and his group didn't care about the badges anymore, and hurried over, and when they came to the lake, they saw it. The trio of Team Rocket were driving a speedboat, with the members of the Yanmo Gym chasing after them!

"The decision is yours, Gyarados, Blastoise, or Crocodile!"

"Please, Hackron!"

Xiao Zhi hugged Xiao Mei and jumped on the head of Gyarados, Xiao Xia hugged the neck of the giant crocodile and cheered, Xiao Gang sat cross-legged on the carapace of the Water Arrow Turtle!

Xiao Chun and Kabu rode on With Hackron suspended in mid-air, the dragon-type Pokémon had a strong body. By the time the body warmed up, Hackron had already recovered more than half of its strength. With the help of the Pokémon, everyone caught up with the staff of Yanmo Gym. Leave the rest to them!

"Team Rocket, why can't you learn well?"Xiaoxia shouted hatefully while riding the powerful crocodile.

Seeing that the pursuers behind had turned into trainers from the Yanmo Gym and Xiaozhi and his group, the red Gyarados looked like it was not easy to get along with. Musashi was anxious"Kojiro, drive faster!""

"This is already the fastest!"Kojiro was also helpless.

Suddenly Meowth's eyes lit up,"Look there, Meow! Let's escape inside, meow!"

The direction that Meowth is pointing is the Dragon's Cave!

This Dragon's Cave is exactly the complex cave that was formed when the Dragon Pokémon caused trouble a long time ago. It is eerie and terrifying inside, and it extends in all directions. As long as you pass through here, you can reach it." The place where Du and Xiaochun used to practice.

The Holy Land of Dragon!

"Madam, the Dragon Sanctuary is a paradise for dragon Pokémon. We must not let little guys like Team Rocket run in and cause trouble! Mr. Kabu said firmly.

"I see!"Xiao Chun and everyone speeded up their pace,"Xiao Zhi, the Dragon Cave you are going to is also at the end of the Dragon Cave. The Dragon Sanctuary is under a waterfall in the Dragon Cave!"

In this way, the Dragon Cave is the nest where dragon Pokémon breed and live, and the Dragon Sanctuary is the paradise of dragon Pokémon. It is very reasonable.

At this moment, the boat of the Rocket trio fell from the waterfall and fell to pieces. , they have arrived at the Dragon Sanctuary!

"What a disgusting feeling!"

The trio fell from the waterfall and fell into the Dragon Sanctuary. They thought it was another tragic landing, but they were caught by a pair of generous arms.

"This is? Kuailong?"After all, they still recognize the quasi-gods of the Kanto area. After all, they have seen them several times with Xiaozhi.

"Kuailong, why are you saving us?"

Kuailong smiled and hummed a few times, and Meow Meow translated,"It said that sometimes we should help each other, Meow!"

Kuailong has a stable character and is willing to help others. It is completely different from the Jin Mini Dragon and Hackosaurus. It has grown strong limbs and dragon wings, and has lost the slippery mucus on its body.

It seems that it is better this way, so If you think about it, you will like Kuailong even more.

This Kuailong is very tall. After falling on the ground, Musashi Kojiro had to raise his head high to see its eyes. Their height only reached Kuailong's shoulders.

"Anyway, thank you for saving us, Kuailong!"

Kuailong nodded, but focused on the box of Dragon Fang held by Kojiro.

"It said it smelled like dragon's teeth, meow!"Miaomiao translated.

Musashi and Kojiro suddenly felt nervous,"Could it be?A very bad situation?

On the contrary, Miao Miao had an idea,"No, we can take advantage of this situation, Miao Miao!""

It took the initiative to take out the dragon's teeth from the box,"Look, Kuailong! This is indeed a dragon's tooth, yes!"

"To be honest, we found this place to protect the Dragon Fang from being snatched away by bad guys. Do you want to help us in trouble, meow?"

Musashi and Kojiro also reacted and immediately pretended to be pitiful,"Those bad guys will attack us soon to steal this dragon's tooth. Master Kuailong, you must help us!"

"If those bad guys come here, your favorite flower garden will also be in trouble, meow!"

The bad guys are so mean. They actually want to use Kuailong's helpful character to help them deal with Xiaozhi and his group!

But Kuailong, who has lived for nearly a hundred years, actually believes in the evil of the Rocket trio.

Seeing it nodding in agreement, the Team Rocket trio almost cheered,"Those bad guys are coming, please use your strongest killer move to defeat them, meow!""

At this time, Xiaozhi and his team arrived belatedly with Xiaochun and Hackron. Seeing this beautiful flower garden, Xiaomei was so happy.

This Dragon Sanctuary is a beautiful valley, like a paradise. It is surrounded by mountains, and most of the land is covered with beautiful flowers, grass and trees.

It is said that due to the influence of the power of the dragon type, the flowers bloom here regardless of the four seasons. Grass and insect type Pokémon are here Living and working in peace and contentment, everything is full of vitality!

As soon as the group arrived, they were spotted by the Rocket trio. They were the most familiar with Xiaozhi's figure.

"Lord Kuailong, the bad guys are here, please defeat them!"

Musashi and Kojiro said please, Kuailong used the destructive death light and blasted straight towards Xiaozhi!


Pikachu reacted the fastest, and immediately blocked the destructive death light with a hundred thousand volts. Ash frowned and looked at the Team Rocket trio and the tall dragon!

"Team Rocket, why do you have a fast dragon?"Xiaoxia stood up and asked.

How could the trio answer? They were immersed in the joy of getting powerful help and maybe catching Pikachu.

However, Kuailong glanced at Xiaozhi and Pikachu and hugged them. With the Rockets trio, they soared into the sky

"Are you all okay?"Xiao Chun rushed to Xiao Zhi's side and saw Kuailong leaving with Team Rocket,"I'm really sorry!"

Mr. Kabu apologized to everyone and explained,"To be honest with you, that Kuailong is the Pokémon of the previous generation of gym trainers in Yanmo Gym. It is called the patron saint in the sanctuary. A very kind-hearted Pokémon, and all the Pokémon here admire it."

"The previous generation of gym leaders dedicated their lives to protecting this sacred area. When the previous generation of gym leaders passed away, Kuailong inherited the master's legacy and has been protecting this land and this place."

"I think Kuailong must have been deceived by Team Rocket to attack you!"

Xiao Zhi shook his head and relaxed,"Although he was deceived, if this is the case, at least Kuailong will not allow the Dragon Fang to leave the Dragon Sanctuary!"

"Miss Xiao ChunUm?"Before Xiaozhi finished speaking, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the sky. He clearly felt a familiar waveguide.

"Pickup!"Pikachu also cheered.

Who is that?


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