
Jet flames fell from the sky, and Xiaozhi's body flashed with blue light, easily dispersing the flames. He looked at the figure in the sky and smiled,"You are so big, but you are still so naughty!"

"Charizard!"Xiaoxia and Xiaogang were pleasantly surprised. They didn't expect that at this time, Xiaozhi's strongest ace, Charizard, would appear! A loud dragon roar came from the air, and Charizard fluttered its wings and landed in front of Xiaozhi, punching him. Xiaozhi hit him.

Xiaozhi punched him, and their fists collided, but they only received a slight punch.

"Good boy!"A lot of time has passed since the last trip to Clear Cliff, and Xiaozhi clearly feels that Charizard's strength has improved a lot!

This is Xiaozhi's real trump card, even if other Pokémon have completed the bond. Evolution, the status of Lao Pang is still unshakable.

Of course, Xiaozhi hopes to cultivate a super ace that can rival Lao Pang. Now Gyarados and Bandera are candidates, and the future Quasi-God Kuailong hopes to be able to do it.

Follow closely. Behind Charizard is Miss Ji Ke, the person in charge of Charizard Valley, and her Charizard Little Lisa!

"Hi, how are you everyone?"Ji Ke came down from the sky and gave Xiao Chun a high five. It was obvious that their relationship was very good!

Ji Ke looked at Xiao Zhi and said with a smile,"Xiao Zhi, I really didn't expect to meet you here. No wonder the fire-breathing dragon can fly. So fast!"

Xiao Zhi nodded,"I have troubled you to take care of Charizard so carefully for a long time!"

After hearing this, Xiao Chun finally understood what was going on,"So this fire-breathing dragon is Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon that can only transform into flame dragon wings, right?"

The fact that Xiaozhi's Charizard can evolve into a further form and produce flaming dragon wings is nothing new.

After all, when Xiaozhi let the evolved Charizard chase the Emperor Yan on the crystal tower, Dr. Oak I know, Watari knows about this, and it’s not surprising that Xiaochun also knows about it.

"Yes, I will keep it for him and let it practice in the Charizard Valley!"Ji Ke nodded and explained to Xiaozhi,"Xiao Chun and I have been good friends since childhood, so I often bring Charizards from Charizard Valley here for special training. This is a good place for special training of Charizards, isn't it? ?"

"yes! Xiaozhi said gratefully,"Thank you so much for taking the trouble!""

Ji Ke shook his head,"I am so touched to be able to witness more possibilities of fire-breathing dragons! By the way, Xiaozhi, you and Xiaochun are together, how is the gym challenge going?"

"Of course Brother Xiaozhi won!"Xiaomei was lifted onto the shoulder by Charizard, and she interrupted condescendingly,"But I haven't gotten the badge yet!"

"Speaking of badges! Miss Xiao Chun smiled and said,"Xiao Zhi, come with me!""

Perhaps it's because Kuailong is now staying with the Rockets trio. Regardless of whether it has been deceived by the Rockets or not, at least one thing can be confirmed. It will never allow the dragon's teeth that have been passed down from generation to generation to be used. Team Rocket took them away.

After believing this, Xiaochun also relaxed.

"Xiaozhi, I want to take you to the Dragon Temple!"

The group of people led Miss Xiaochun to the Dragon Temple in the Sanctuary, which is a small temple by the lake deep in the Sanctuary. In ancient times, when Pokémon were still regarded as threats like nature, then People at that time built this place to pray for peaceful coexistence with Pokémon. An important magical artifact called the"Prayer's Flame" is also enshrined here, which is a symbol of humans and dragon Pokémon jointly protecting the sanctuary.

This is a symbol of the past five hundred years. Years have passed, and the incredible fire is still burning until now.

And what Xiaochun wants to take Xiaozhi to get is the emblem of the Yanmo Gym hanging on the wall of the Dragon Temple, the Shenglong emblem!

"No good, miss!"

"Kuailong won’t go to the Dragon Temple, right? If those people from Team Rocket were misbehaving somewhere, how could I have the face to face my ancestors!"Thinking of this possibility, not only Kabu, but also Xiaozhi and his team were anxious.

Kabu's bad premonition came true, and the dragon was so cute that it really brought Team Rocket to the Dragon Temple. There, the Team Rocket trio were clearly told that there was something important in that small temple. The

Rocket trio had no idea what the flames symbolized. They just saw that the containers holding the flames were made of gold. Thinking that this flame must be of great significance, he wanted to take it away.

The prayer flame was so easy to get, so Kojiro set himself on fire and threw the entire gold plate into the flower garden in a panic, and the flames spread immediately!

"The fire is burning!"When the Rocket trio noticed, the fire was already out of control.

Then, they noticed the low roar from Kuailong behind them, and they suddenly felt disgusted,"Isn't this voice right?"

Seeing that the flames of the Dragon Temple were knocked over and the flowerbed was set on fire, how could Kuailong not be angry? It hit them with a destructive death light, and the terrifying destructive power of the dragon Pokémon burst out at this moment.!

"I didn't mean it, please show your respect!"

No matter how much Kojiro apologized, Kuailong remained indifferent. He looked at the place he loved in front of him being devoured by flames. Its reverse scales had stood up and it was attacking almost indiscriminately, trying to destroy everything in front of it! The destruction was completely fatal. Beat them away mercilessly!

Xiaozhi and his team saw gunpowder smoke and fire from a distance, and felt bad. There were many Pokémon living there, so the Pokémon would be in danger!

"Miss Xiaochun, let’s take the first step!"Xiao Zhi rode on the fire-breathing dragon and accelerated towards that direction.

Xiaoxia Xiaogang saw Xiao Zhi's mobility and said,"Xiao Zhi will always be like this. As long as it is about Pokémon, he will become totally different!"

The Kuailong is still chasing the Rockets trio. Under its pursuit, the Rockets trio are running around with their heads in their hands. The Kuailong spits out its destruction and death as if it is free of charge.

It is here that it destroys and kills. In the light, the fire nearby continued to spread, gradually spreading out of the valley.

Pokémon were running around, and their most revered patron saint had now turned into a god of destruction and was bringing destruction to this place.!

"Sure enough, Weng, please, you must succeed, use the return fist!"Facing the dragon that suddenly rushed in front of him, Musashi had no choice but to pin his hopes on Guo Ranweng's counterattack.

However, the destruction of death light was a special skill, and the return punch could not counterattack, so they were knocked away!

"Please, Kuailong, let us go!"The trio were covered with wounds and had to keep begging for mercy, but how could Kuailong listen to them now? The destructive death ray struck again!

At this critical moment, a jet of flame caught Kuailong's destructive death ray.

"Well done, Team Rocket!"

Xiao Zhi looked at the Rocket trio and was furious. These three guys are really born to cause trouble, and now they have caused such a big trouble!

"Mr. Xiaozhi!"Meow Meow looked at Xiaozhi and Charizard and knew he was safe,"It's great to be alive!"


In the original book, Xiaozhi has always brought Pikachu with him, so there are no other electric Pokémon. This book will conquer electric Pokémon such as Electric Dragon and Shock Monster.

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