In the final tournament of the Caiyu Conference, the six-on-six battle between Xiaozhi and the"cool beauty" Miss Xiaofeng is continuing!

Xiaozhi and Coal Turtle easily defeated Xiaofeng's Gotha Duck, and gradually pushed Xiaofeng into a desperate situation! Facing the big demon Xiaozhi, Xiaofeng sent out the Diya Sea Lion with water and ice attributes!

This Diga Sea Lion was probably her ace Pokémon. In order to defeat the Coal Turtle, she actually sent it out at the beginning of the battle!

At this moment, the coal turtle has been injured by the water cannon. This is her chance. Coupled with the thick fat characteristics of the Diang sea lion, she has an advantage against the coal turtle."Diya sea lion, freezing ray!"

This is Xiaozhi's fourth This is my first time facing a Diya sea lion. Of course, the strongest one is Ms. Bonnie’s. Xiao Feng’s one in front of me is far behind.

"Blow smoke!"

The tacit understanding between Xiaozhi and the Coal Turtle is getting higher and higher. The scorching smoke screen blocked the freezing light, but it was also quickly cooled down and turned into little bits of bright starlight!

"So beautiful!"Xiaoyao's eyes lit up. Xiaozhi was using his opponent's skills to put on a gorgeous show. This can deduct a lot of points from the opponent!

"Brother Xiaozhi is the best!"Xiaomei hugged Pokejigu and cheered!

"hateful!"Seeing Xiaozhi's understatement, Xiaofeng gritted his teeth,"Diya Sea Lion, hail!"

After giving the order, it started to snow in the entire arena. The audience wrapped up their clothes tightly, and Pokjigu even used his mysterious guardianship to resist the cold wind.

"Haha, Pokkigu is so awesome!"Xiaomei used Angel's Kiss on Pokkigu!

Taking advantage of the snow curtain, Xiaofeng launched another attack,"Diya Sea Lion, use salt water!"

This move is incredible. It is a water-based skill, and at this moment, the Coal Turtle's injuries are further worsened under the hail weather. This move will be twice as powerful! The

Coal Turtle retreated successfully, and Xiaozhi finally lost it." The first Pokémon!

"Now both sides lost a Pokémon!"Xiao Sheng sighed.

However, Xiao Mao smiled,"You are wrong. Xiao Zhi already has an absolute advantage. So far, he still has 5 Pokémon that have not appeared on the stage, but his opponent has already sent out three.!"

The knowledge in a six-on-six full-person battle is not that simple!

The trainer must choose six Pokémon from the many Pokémon on hand to form a team to fight, and how to take advantage of each other and make up for each other. Six Pokémon In what order they will appear and what tactics they will formulate, they need to be carefully considered.

In the battle with Xiao Mao, Xiaozhi brought the team of six Pokémon to the extreme and won him over.!

Now, Xiaofeng's three Pokémon defeated Xiaozhi's Coal Turtle after playing consecutively. I'm afraid all her layouts and tactics have been defeated!

"The decision is yours, Thundermon!"

Ash sent out the Thunder Beast, which was on par with Ms. Bonny's Diya Sea Lion. At that time, the Thunder Beast was able to have such combat effectiveness only after being bound to evolve.

But now, the Thunder Beast has completely failed to defeat this fat beast. The sea lion took it seriously!

However, Miss Xiaofeng took the Diya Sea Lion back at this moment,"Please, Three Gophers!"

Among Xiaofeng's six Pokémon, there is also a three-goblin. It should be to fight against the electric Pokémon and make up for the weakness of the Diya Sea Lion!

However, Xiaozhi will not let her get her wish so easily,"Roar!"


Thunder Beast has recently been training with Kati Dog under the Fire Emperor. The power of this roar is too powerful!

Shocked by the roar, the three gophers turned into red light and retreated into Xiao Feng's elf ball, and then a The red light jumped out again, it was the Moru Moth that had been taken back before!

It had been seriously injured, and before it could react when it was called out this time, it stared blankly at the golden thunder beast in front of it!


The Golden Thunder chopped the Moru Moth into pieces before Xiao Feng could react!

"Morumo loses the ability to fight, and Thundermon wins!"

For a moment, the whole audience cheered!

"Player Xiaozhi's tactics are so powerful that player Xiaofeng has already lost two Pokémon!"The commentary was so exciting, and now Xiaozhi had the upper hand!

"hateful!"Xiao Feng took back the Moru Moth and looked at Xiao Zhi on the opposite side,"Please, Three Gophers!

She still sent out three rats to fight,"Three rats, use quicksand hell!""

A huge quicksand pit appeared on this rocky site, spreading straight towards the feet of the Thunder Beast!

"Come back, Thundermon!"Xiao Zhi also took back the Thunder Beast. Most of its skills are electric and have no effect on the three gophers. Xiao Zhi also thinks there is no need to be tough!

"The decision is yours, little elephant!"

Use the ground type to fight against the ground type. Xiaozhi now likes to use Pokémon of the same attribute to fight. This is also a very good training effect for the little elephant!

"It's a little elephant!"Xiaomei immediately cheered when she saw the little elephant. She and the little elephant had such a good time.

Xiaomei liked the little elephant so much that she created one to fight against Xiaozhi in the crystal tower.

In this terrain On uneven rock fields, the rolling advantage of Little Elephant's signature skill is not obvious, but now Little Elephant has more and richer skills!

"The power of the earth!"

The energy from the earth poured into the feet, and the whole place seemed to start to tremble, and the quicksand hell of the three gophers collapsed instantly!

"Three gophers, risking their lives to collide!"

Xiao Feng seemed to have lost his calmness, and actually let the three gophers rush towards the little elephant. In this case, of course Xiaozhi would not escape,"Crash!"

A close fight!

The atmosphere of the whole place was ignited. Although the little elephant was very small, it was very powerful. It actually knocked three gophers with one head and defeated them!

Then, the audience at the scene and in front of the TV Under their gaze, it was shrouded in dazzling white light!

"Oh my God, evolution! Xiaozhi's little elephant actually evolved at this time!"The commentator cheered, and everyone's movements stopped, looking forward to this moment of evolution!

If you don't count Togejigu, this is the first Pokémon hatched by Ash from the egg to evolve.

Evolution After that, the Dunjia is not so cute, but is very powerful. Its gray skin is very strong, and ordinary attacks cannot even damage it. The black skin that extends from the nose to the back of the tail is even harder and tougher. During the rolling process It can exert great power!

It has grown the tusks that Xiaozhi has been waiting for. These tusks will slowly grow with age. Next, Xiaozhi will choose a chewing skill to teach it..For example, Flame Fang, which will be a spear with two flames!

Of course, because of his age, Xiaozhi's Dungeon is not much larger than the ordinary individual like other Pokémon, but it only reaches a height of 1.3 meters. But it will definitely become even bigger in the future!

"Let’s decide the outcome!"Xiao Zhi and Dun Jia both had a flash of light in their eyes,"Earthquake!"

Dunjia lifted up his thick front legs and stepped down hard. The shock wave spread, as if the entire arena was about to shake!

Three gophers were killed instantly, and now Xiaofeng has lost three magical ones. Baby, according to the rules of the finals tournament, the first half is over!


The little elephant has evolved!

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