At the beginning of the second half, the battle field was replaced by a water field!

This venue is not as professional as the Liuli Gym. It is just a large swimming pool with many floats floating on it.

If there is a Pokémon like Big Rock Snake among the Pokémon registered by the players before the game, they will be passive and unable to send them on the field at all.

But similarly, Dunjia, who had just completed his evolution, had no chance to play again!

"The decision is yours, Iron Claw Lobster!"

Xiao Zhi sent out the big lobster. In the first battle of the Caiyou Conference finals tournament, Xiao Zhi chose Pokémon with different attributes. He also hoped that every Pokémon would have a chance to play. The principle!

The iron-clawed lobster landed on the floating board, staring directly at Xiaofeng opposite with evil eyes, waiting for her to send out the next Pokémon!

"hateful!"Xiao Feng gritted her teeth. All the tactics she had made before the game had been shattered by Xiaozhi. Now she is at an absolute disadvantage. Both the state of her Pokémon and her own fighting spirit have been hit!

She knows that in this She must regroup in the second half of the battle. If she wants to fight, she will fight to the end!

"Please, Dream Demon!"Xiao Feng sent out a little cutie.

During the Silver Conference, Xiao Zhi, Xiao Mao and Ye Yue rescued a little dream monster.

However, Xiao Feng's operation made people confused again. This dream monster is a ghost-type Pokémon, and the evil attribute skills of Iron Claw are extremely effective against it!

From the perspective of fighting style, Xiaofeng will switch to Pokémon with attribute restraint to fight, but this is her second The restrained Pokémon was sent out for the first time!

There must be a purpose!

"The battles between ghost-type Pokémon are very strange, so Xiaozhi must be careful not to trap the opponent!"Zheya has been immersing himself in this battle, but found that even he was completely powerless against Xiaozhi's power and field control!

"Xiaozhi's strategic planning ability is extremely strong. If you have played against him, you will know what a towering mountain he has grown into!"Looking at Xiaozhi's progress, Xiaomao was really happy for him!

Xiaozhi frowned,"Provocation!"

Sure enough, when the provocation skill of the Iron Claw Lobster took effect, Xiaofeng immediately lost her mind. She stamped her foot fiercely and gave the attack order,"Damn it, Dream Demon, use the shadow ball!"

The provocation skill allows the opponent to only use skills that can cause damage for a period of time! The weird thing about ghost Pokémon is that they have various auxiliary and influencing skills, but Xiaozhi's provocation directly sealed these skills , forcing Xiaofeng to forcefully fight with Xiaozhi on the bayonet!

All the tactics she sent out to the Dream Demon were interrupted, and she was not driven crazy?

The Dream Demon floated over, holding a black energy ball and pointed towards the iron The lobster came over with Xiao Feng's anger and madness. This move was quite powerful!

"Bite into pieces!"

However, the ferocious claws of the iron-clawed lobster showed their fierceness, and they crushed the shadow ball with just one claw!

"Crab claw hammer!"

Immediately afterwards, the pliers with terrifying power hit the water directly, raising high waves and hitting the dream demon!

"I'll fight you!"Xiao Feng gritted her teeth, and the tactical layout she was proud of was shattered into dregs in front of Xiao Zhi,"Dream Demon, float up to avoid it, and then use the shadow ball!"

It's still a shadow ball. It seems that Xiao Feng, the dream monster, doesn't have many damage-causing skills!

Xiaozhi is no longer interested in continuing this battle,"Bite it to pieces!"

The iron-clawed lobster jumped into the water, jumped up on the waves, and came to the dream demon. The ferocious iron claws were like a bloody mouth, about to bite the dream demon into pieces!

Xiao Feng gritted his teeth," Dream Demon, use Tongming!"

Now Xiaozhi understood. It turned out that the dream demon came up to drag Xiaozhi's Pokémon to hell, but was directly sealed by Xiaozhi's provocation.

When the dream demon was about to be defeated, Xiao Feng only I could bet that if the effect of provocation had disappeared, then at least I could drag the iron-clawed lobster with her and lose her ability to fight!

However, luck was not on her side. The life-sharing skill was not activated, and the dream demon was bitten by the iron-clawed lobster. On the body, he immediately lost his ability to fight!

"It's so awesome. Xiaozhi's Crayfish put on an amazing performance, and Xiaofeng only has the last two Pokémon left!"The commentator was also excited, applauding Xiaozhi's provocation!

"This tactic is so powerful!"Zheye's fighting spirit is burning. He is eager to fight Xiaozhi, regardless of winning or losing, without any regrets! At this moment, Xiaofeng's whole body is trembling. She knows that she has lost. Xiaozhi in front of her is like a big mountain. It is generally insurmountable, but since we are standing on this battle stage, there is absolutely no reason to admit defeat!

"Please, Giant Pincer Mantis!"

The last Pokmon that Xiaofeng played was the Giant Pincer Mantis. This kind of Pokémon is very popular among trainers!

But the Giant Pincer Mantis in front of me is not good enough. It is far worse than Xiaomao's one. , not to mention Xiaozhi’s great swordsman

"Come back, crayfish!"Xiao Zhi took back the big lobster and gave other Pokémon more opportunities to play!"

"The decision is yours, King Yan!"

This is the first Pokmon that Xiaozhi conquered in the Fengyuan region, and it is also the first domestic bird to complete the bond evolution. It was trained by Pidgeot and Zapdos. It is very reliable in terms of combat power and strength!

Miss Xiao Feng frowned and launched an attack,"Giant Pincer Mantis, use lightning flash!"

The Giant Pincer Mantis was very skilled. It stepped on the floating board and rushed towards the King Swallow. However, this speed was far from enough in the eyes of the King Swallow.

It saw its figure disappear in an instant, and it was with the use of Yan Return to technique, a wing scratched the waist of the giant mantis!

The giant pincer mantis was hit in the vital part and knelt on the floating board in pain!

However, Xiaozhi's order was issued at this moment,"Brave Bird Attack!"

King Yan's fighting will was too strong. It once again circled and flew high into the sky, its wings suddenly flapped, and with a brave and fearless fighting spirit, it flapped its wings. It passes through the air to form a dazzling flame, as if the whole body is wrapped in flames!

"Giant Pincer Mantis, use the metal claw quickly!"

The brave bird attacked hard and hit the Giant Pincer Mantis. The explosion happened in an instant. The King Swallow fluttered its wings from the smoke, but the Giant Pincer Mantis had lost its fighting ability!

Now, Xiao Feng is the last one left. , the already injured Diya Sea Lion!

Without thinking much, she threw out the Poké Ball,"Diya Sea Lion, please, use the freezing light!"

"Shadow clone, brave bird attacks!"

Combined skills!

Suddenly, a terrifying number of swallows appeared in the sky above the entire battlefield. The freezing beam only hit the shadow and was easily avoided!

Then came the fierce attack of the Brave Bird in the shadow clone state. What a spectacular and gorgeous scene it was. , under the heroic arrogance, all the king swallows seemed to be burning, hovering in the air and falling, like meteorites falling from the sky, shocking!

This was the last scene Xiaofeng saw in the battle. She finally realized that in front of her How strong is Xiaozhi?

She took back the Diya sea lion that had lost its fighting ability, bowed lightly to Xiaozhi, and then walked off the stage!


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