"Yokan that’s so delicious that even monsters want to eat it!"

When he learned that there were monsters floating around in the temporarily closed and deserted Forest Mansion, Xiaogang's first reaction was actually curiosity about the forest yokan. He really deserves to be traveling with Xiaozhi. There are partners in so many areas.

You can just leave the monsters to Xiaozhi. As a breeder, Xiaogang is of course focused on the yokan of the forest!

Hearing this, Xiaozhi smiled and said,"Since you are here, just do this side mission." Come on!"

When I walked into the garden, I saw no one."It seems that the business is really closed!""


Can you imagine that the door of a garden house like this makes such a sound?

And even though there is no one around, the door opens by itself. It's really scary!

This is much more atmospheric than entering the spirit world. It's broad daylight now. A group of protagonists broke into an empty haunted house. It was a perfect horror movie plot!

Xiaozhi was excited, so he pulled Xiaogang and Xiaoguang and rushed in!

The maintenance guy just said that the storm a week ago destroyed this place. The circuit was cut off, so even though it was daytime, the doors and windows inside were closed, making it very dark!

"It’s very atmospheric, not bad!"Ash deliberately did not activate the power of the waveguide, and planned to try to explore first. Unexpectedly, Pikachu and Eevee's ears jumped, and they both jumped off Xiao Zhi's shoulders and walked towards the corridor on the right!

The group of people quickly followed, but they followed Pikachu and Ibrahimovic came to the power distribution room downstairs,"Pikachu, Ibrahimovic, what did you find?"

Pikachu and Ibrahimovic stood there and looked around, saying that they couldn't find any signs.

Xiaozhi didn't use the power of the waveguide, but found something that shouldn't be here, and stepped forward to check,"This is a microwave oven, right?"

"Yes, but why does it appear here?"Xiao Gang and Xiao Guang also became confused!

At this moment, the store recovered, and the lights in the entire hotel were brightly lit. It seemed that the NPC guy had completed the repair of the circuit.

"Welcome to the Mori no Yokan Hotel. Guests who want to experience the Mori no Yokan making process that the hotel is proud of, please gather at the experience area on the first floor!"There was a nice sound on the hotel radio.

It seemed that the automatic voice system was activated because the power was restored, and the content of the announcement made the group even more excited!

"As long as you know the recipe for making yokan, you should be able to make it! Xiaogang still had confidence in his craftsmanship,"Go and take a look!""

Returning to the first floor, the group followed the instructions and quickly found the experience area. It was very much like a cooking classroom, and as they entered, all the prepared materials automatically appeared on the cooking table, and there was also a complete recipe.!

"For those who want to experience yokan making, please use these ingredients!"This hotel is really highly intelligent!

It's cruel!

"It’s impossible not to do it now! Xiaogang's cooking soul was completely burned,"Okay, let me handle it here!" Xiaozhi, go catch that monster!"

"Okay, the battle is over in 10 minutes, come back and eat yokan!"Xiao Zhi pulled Xiao Guang and turned around to leave. His body began to emit a faint blue light,"Xiao Guang, follow me!"

"Xiaozhi, what did you find?"Xiaoguang followed Xiaozhi walking in the corridor, but she saw Xiaozhi leading her to wander around the hotel pretending not to look for monsters at all!

But when she came to the corner of the corridor, she noticed the situation. Somehow in the corridor in front of her A refrigerator appeared!

Not only that, there was a washing machine in the corridor on the left corner, and a microwave oven on the right. Looking behind him, it was clearly an electric fan!

Xiaozhi remained calm and smiled slightly,"Are you surrounded?"

"It’s up to you, Scorpio and Pincer-tailed Scorpion!"Two little scorpions were sent out by Xiaozhi.

Their two attributes are very interesting. The Scorpion of the ground and flying type, and the Pincer-tailed Scorpion of the poison and insect type are obviously two little scorpions, and there is no overlap in attributes at all!

"Throw sand!"

The two little scorpions worked together and threw gravel at the corner of the cross. A little guy was immediately forced out and slipped into the refrigerator!

The refrigerator suddenly deformed and turned into a lovely orange-red color. I opened my eyes, the double doors were opened, and the blizzard blew out towards the two little scorpions!


Ice skills have an outstanding effect on Scorpions. Xiaozhi quickly asked the Pincer-tailed Scorpion to stand in front and rushed towards the refrigerator. Regardless of the frost condensed on the tongs, he bit the refrigerator hard!

However, next In one second, the refrigerator returned to its original state and turned into an ordinary refrigerator. The microwave oven on the right came to life again, and a scorching flame burned over it. This turned out to be the burning fire attribute! A super ultimate move that will lower it after use. special attack!

"Cross scissors!"Xiao Zhi has been keeping the power of the waveguide running, firmly controlling the entire battle situation. Scorpio was hiding next to Xiao Zhi just now, but now he suddenly exerts his tail, leaps high, avoids the burning attack, and heads towards that The microwave was knocked down hard!

"Found you, One Hundred Thousand Volts!"

The next moment, Xiaozhi suddenly turned around and looked at the transforming electric fan behind him. Pikachu suddenly swallowed it with a burst of electricity, forcing the little guy out of the electric fan! He sent out two little scorpions, but nothing happened. It is to guide the battle, and the electric type Pikachu is the real killer move!

What emerges from the electric fan is a cute little orange guy. Except for the core of the body, it is surrounded by blue translucent electric ions. materialized as hands

"What kind of Pokémon is this? It’s so cute!"Xiaoguang subconsciously took out the Pokémon illustrated book.

"Rotom is a plasma Pokémon whose body is like electricity and can enter the inside of certain machines. All while playing pranks on your robotic body!"The information given in the illustrated book made Xiaoguang exclaim. Seeing its battle just now was an eye-opener.

She knew that luckily Xiaozhi was strong enough. If she was surrounded by these electrical appliances, she would definitely be knocked down in two hits..

Xiaozhi looked at Rotom who was stunned by the electricity, and suddenly laughed,"This kid seems to be drunk!"

Rotom's main food is electricity. It is said that the electricity of different Pokémon has different flavors. Is Pikachu's electricity like drinking alcohol to this child?

"Little one, come with me!"Xiao Zhi is very satisfied with the Rotom in front of him. He actually knows how to move all the electrical appliances here to surround him. What a smart kid!

Rotom's ability is very powerful, and it can't just sneak into different electrical appliances.

He has He had a premonition that the technology that would continue to develop in the future must be related to Rotom. Of course, he would conquer and cultivate a Rotom of his own. A Rotom with peak bonding value would definitely be the easiest to work with.

And this one in front of him However, the compatibility has now reached 220!

Rotom also likes Xiaozhi very much. He floated around Xiaozhi in a daze and landed in his palm.


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