Xiaozhi successfully conquered a Rotom with great ability, and Xiaogang also completed the production of forest yokan.

It is indeed the mysterious forest yokan, full of deep sweetness of red beans and smooth and tender texture. It is extremely delicious!

During the travels of Xiaozhi and his party, they have been exposed to the specialties of many regions, such as angry steamed buns, Kamayan senbei, and Alola's specialties such as large marasada.

Not only do these specialties have a wonderful taste and texture, they also have special effects on Pokémon!

After getting such a good thing, of course the group wanted to share it, and they couldn't wait to send it to Dr. Ohki, Hanako, Ayako and Nibi Gym.

Xiaozhi also contacted Xiaoxia and Xiaoyao. They are both foodies and they would not want to miss such a dessert!

Rotom will appear in the Forest Mansion, naturally because he likes the Mori no Yokan. During this period, the Forest Mansion is temporarily closed, and the power is also turned off.

The child had been hungry for a long time. Xiaozhi used Pikachu's electricity and forest yokan to make it full, and then sent it to the spirit world.

Rotom in its normal form is electric and ghost, but after being attached to different electrical appliances, it will get different attributes!

For example, the heating Rotom attached to the microwave oven is of the electric and fire types. When it burned out, Ash's eyes lit up!

Secondly, there are Cleaning Rotom with electricity and water attributes, Freezing Rotom with electricity and ice attributes, and Spin Rotom with electricity and flying attributes.

The last one that didn't appear in front of Xiaozhi was the Cutting Rotom attached to the lawn mower. It had both electric and grass attributes, and could also use the grass-type ultimate move, Flying Leaf Storm!

In other words, its training will take a lot of effort from Xiaozhi, and he will also need to prepare the best quality related electrical appliances for it. Now let’s go to the spirit world to practice its ghost-type abilities!

In the future, it will become Xiaozhi's strongest support, and even control the entire Wanli Sunshine!

Early the next morning, Xiaozhi and his party came to the screen in the Pokémon Center lobby and noticed Kengo's gorgeous competition!

"As you can see, the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest Sunju Conference officially ended after Mr. Kenwu won the championship. In this way, Mr. Kenwu got the third ribbon medal!"

"In addition, the winner of the Sea Rose Conference is Mr. Shang Zhi, who has received his fourth Ribbon Medal so far!"

"Well, the next gorgeous contest is scheduled to be held in the northern town of Mutong Town. We look forward to your enthusiastic registration to participate!"Miss Baian's broadcast is still outstanding!

"Mr. Jianwu and Mr. Shangzhi are both working hard! Xiaoguang became more motivated,"Bogaman, we can't lose to them. We also go to level registration for Mutong Town's gorgeous competition!""

Moreover, she already has ideas for the next glamorous contest,"Let this glamorous contest be the debut contest of the long-haired pig!"

On Full Moon Island, the little mountain pigs that were already well cared for evolved into long-haired pigs. They lost their cuteness before and were covered with long and thick body hair, even their eyes were covered.

Xiaozhi is here. During the trip to Johto, he relied on his ingenuity to save the ice gym trainer Liu Bo's ace long-haired pig. Later, in the gym challenge, Xiaozhi had the upper hand. Liu was worried about the long-haired pig's health, so he gave up and froze it. The badge is given to Xiaozhi!

The long-haired pig left a deep impression on Xiaozhi, but Xiaoguang's long-haired pig is still far away!

"Great, let’s start practicing!"The group of people came to the battle arena at the Pokémon Center,"No problem, Shaggy Pig, Charming is here!"

The long-haired pig jumped out and landed heavily. Since being subdued by Xiaoguang, this is the first time the long-haired pig has stood on the battlefield, and it is also the first time it has cooperated with Xiaoguang!

"Very well, woolly pig, come to me first!"Xiaoguang was very confident and gave the order. Normally, the little wild boar is very obedient to her, so after evolving, he should be willing to listen to her orders!

But the situation in front of him was shocking. The long-haired pig stood there motionless, as if unwilling. Go over to Xiaoguang!

Xiaoguang smiled awkwardly,"Okay, then first, spin while using boulders!"

She has great ideas for gorgeous performances, is very talented, and is very good at using rotation to present performances, but obviously the long-haired pig is not suitable for using rotation!

And it is still motionless. Xiaoguang also realized that the trick seemed a bit too much. It's difficult,"Long-haired pig, slam into it!""

This time, he refused to even slam into him!

Bogaman went up to lift the hair on the ears and eyes of the long-haired pig, but in fact, the long-haired pig is very sensitive to sound!

"A bit like the old spray from before!"

Xiao Zhi stood next to Xiao Gang holding the elf egg. When he saw the appearance of Xiao Guang and the long-haired pig in front of him, he naturally thought of the old flames from the past!

Back then, Xiao Zhi was grateful to Xiao Zhi for saving and being gentle to him, and was willing to become his Pokémon. Later it evolved into a fire dinosaur, and began to disobey its predecessor's orders.

After a short period of time, it further evolved into a fire-breathing dragon in Dasha Valley, and it became even worse, causing its predecessor to fail miserably at the Quartz Conference!

Fortunately, , the predecessor did not give up, and impressed Charizard with his fiery heart. Xiaozhi who traveled through time did not have this problem!

But in fact, Xiaoguang's level was too low, and as Xiaozhi thought, Xiaoguang It is more suitable for small and cute Pokémon.

Now, the originally well-behaved and obedient little wild boar has become disobedient after evolving. Xiaoguang needs the guidance of Xiaozhi, a senior!

When Xiaozhi and Xiaogang were discussing, the long-haired pig It suddenly moved, and actually dug a hole into the ground, and then didn't come out for a long time!

Pogaman jumped in and tried to call it out, but was suddenly pushed into the air by it, lost its fighting ability, and fell to the ground!

"Xiaoguang, try using Baofen, don’t skimp on feeding more!"Xiaozhi handed Pogaman to Xiaogang and gave Xiaoguang some advice!

"Yes, it has always been a big eater!"Xiao Guang's eyes lit up. This was indeed a good idea, and she used her Baofen to conquer it.

"The long-haired pig, look, it’s Baofen!"

The long-haired pig did react to the poffins. As she kept throwing the poffins, the long-haired pig finally started running. Until it ate up all the poffins on Xiaoguang's body.

"Well, no more!"

However, when the long-haired pig heard that Baofen was gone, it turned around and rushed towards Xiaoguang. If Xiaozhi hadn't pulled her up quickly, even Xiaoguang would have been knocked away by it!

However, the long-haired pig didn't care. Without hesitation, he hit a tree nearby, turned the gun, and rushed towards Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang again!

"Xiaozhi!"Xiaoguang was a little scared and hid behind Xiaozhi.

"You can't be afraid, never be afraid when facing your Pokémon!"

Xiao Zhi took a step forward, a blue light flashed from his body, and terrifying power burst out. He reached out and pinched the long-haired pig's fangs, pressed hard, and knocked the long-haired pig down!


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