The Steel Island has fallen into chaos. The Steel Pokémon are rioting wildly. Because of the unbearable pain, they are destroying everywhere and hurting their own bodies!

At the same time, Pokémon of other attributes were running around amid the destruction of the Steel Pokémon, only to find that there was nowhere to escape!

A big steel snake roared out of the ground, and its free destruction and death made the scene more and more out of control!

"It's up to you, Bulbasaur!"This is the good helper Xiaozhi exchanged. It was originally responsible for mediating the disputes between Pokémon in Dr. Oak's backyard, and it also has the ability to control the situation."Use the hypnotic powder!"

The huge flower on the back of the Bulbasaur released a large amount of hypnotic powder, which immediately enveloped the big steel snake, metal monster, Kodora, etc., and their movements immediately slowed down!

"Get some sleep first!"Xiao Zhi looked at the steel-type Pokémon who had calmed down and showed pain even in their sleep. He couldn't help but gritted his teeth,"No matter who does such a thing, I will never spare them!"

As he said that, Xiaozhi looked behind him,"With such a waveguide, you should be a descendant of Yalang too!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a man also wearing a brave suit and carrying a Lucario appeared in front of Xiaozhi and gave him a knight's salute,"I have met Mr. Xiaozhi, my name is Yaxuan!"

Aoshi's Leo went to say hello to Yaxuan's Lucario on the way. Lucario reached out and gently touched Riolu's head, and it was a head-touch kill!

Xiaozhi was very happy to meet the wave guide hero. Of course, Yaxuan is not qualified to hold the Staff of the Brave yet!

However, now the two wave guide braves will work together to solve the incident on Steel Island! Yaxuan's mobility must be Xiaozhi's strongest help!

Everyone ran deeper into the island according to the perception of the power of the waveguide. Yaxuan introduced himself,"Sir Xiaozhi, I am a trainer specializing in steel type. I have been practicing on this island where many steel type Pokémon live!"

"Always here?"

"Yes, as you can see, this island is full of cold rocks, so it is a place where you can strictly train yourself and develop a body as strong as a Steel Pokémon!"

"Lord Xiaozhi, Steel Island can be called the hometown of our souls for us, and now, our hometown is in crisis. I am investigating the changes that have occurred here for the Steel Pokémon!"

Xiao Zhi nodded and looked at Lucario,"This Lucario is well-trained. It has the temperament of Yalang's Lucario. It also has outstanding control over the waveguide and knows how to use the waveguide. Come and protect yourself from the effects!"

"Master Xiaozhi has a sharp eye! Yaxuan bowed slightly again and said,"According to Lucario and I's investigation, it seems that there is a special low-frequency wave that only affects the steel type, covering all areas on this island!" That would have a negative impact on the body of Steel Pokémon!"

Xiao Zhi nodded,"As I expected, now we must find the device that emits the low frequency wave!"

But even Xiaozhi's waveguide power cannot scan the entire island, and Yaxuan and Lucario's perception can only cover about ten meters around, which is too far!

Fortunately, Xiaozhi still has a lot of them after all. Experience, everyone is moving towards the depths of the island.

On the route of Xiaozhi and his party, Ah Zun and his Heracross are being chased by several crazy little magnets.

Fortunately, Heracross has the ability to fly His ability helped him temporarily escape the pursuit of the Magnemites. During the flight, he finally caught a glimpse of what Xiaozhi wanted him to look for!

Inside the mountain col, there were a large number of people coming and going, and various kinds of people. A strange machine. He also knew that he was outnumbered by himself, so he obeyed Xiaozhi's instructions and watched here.

He believed that Xiaozhi must have arrived at the Steel Island, and what he had to do now was to notify them to come!

Thinking of this, He threw the elf ball decisively,"Muck Eagle, please, go find Xiaozhi and the others and bring them here. Be careful!"

The island is very dangerous now. The steel-type Pokémon have gone crazy. The biggest threat to Muke is the armored birds, as well as the small magnets and three-in-one magnets with electric attributes!

But Ah Shun is against Muke." Ke Ying is very confident in his ability. He will definitely be able to find Xiaozhi and his team and lead them here! Watching M Ke

Ying leave, Ah Zun found a hidden corner and secretly observed these people in the mountain col!

These people dressed up It was very trendy. The leader was a red-haired girl with a fat Dongshi cat. They brought an astonishing number of big-mouthed bats and shot down the armored birds that were attacking frantically one by one.

And what surprised Ah Zun even more , it is exactly where these people are in this mountain col, which is clearly a ruins, and there are also statues of Palkia and Dialga!

"These people are awesome!"A-Zun behaved very calmly this time. Just looking at the strength of those big-mouthed bats, he is no match. He should wait for Xiaozhi to come over and act together!

However, just as he lowered his guard, the stone wall behind him was attacked by several terrifying beasts. Dora crashed into pieces and pushed him and Heracross into the col, landing right in front of the star!

"Who are you?"The partner looked at Ah Xun, without doubting his identity as a trainer.

Ah Xun stood up and said,"What are you doing? What is going on on this island? Dora will have to pay a fine for these!"

"Hey, what are you doing here? What is going on with these Steel Pokémon?"

She played her true character, playing herself as a trainer who doesn't know anything and is just here to train Pokémon!"

"Sorry, I'm very busy right now and don't have time to explain to you!"The gang star waved, and five big-mouthed bats gathered around him, staring at Ah Shun and Heracross fiercely!

"Please don't make trouble!"The five big-mouthed bats used Air Slash together, and all of them hit Ah Zun! At the critical moment, Heracross stood in front of Ah Zun. The flying skills had the most significant effect on it. Such an attack would hit it. The damage was extremely serious, and it was beaten to the point where it lost its ability to fight!

"Heracross, come back! Ah Zun quickly took back Heracross and looked at his partner angrily,"What are you doing!" What to do! What a lousy place this is, I’m leaving Steel Island now!"

After saying that, he snorted at the partner again, turned around and left!

But obviously, the partner would not let him leave so easily. It would be terrible if the information here was leaked and the investigator was brought here. Now!

Fortunately, their work here can be almost completed!


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