"Muck Eagle?"

Xiao Zhi led a group of people to the depths of the island. The power of the waveguide suddenly sensed the waveguide of Muke Eagle. It was covered with wounds, and there were several small magnet monsters and three-in-one magnet monsters chasing behind it!

"Riolu!"Xiao Zhi casually threw Riolu up, and the cooperation between the two became more and more tacit, making Yaxuan behind him shine!

After being thrown to Muk Eagle, Riolu hit the little magnet monster with several vacuum waves. Shoot them all down and save Muck Eagle!

"This is Ah Shun’s Muke eagle!"Xiao Gang quickly recognized the Muck Eagle,"He should be the one who sent us to inform us!"

As he said that, he hurriedly gave Mukeying emergency treatment. After checking, he found that the child was really trying his best. There were a lot of claw marks and electric shock injuries on his body, but he still managed to find Xiaozhi!

"Well done, please lead the way for us!"

Xiao Zhi gently touched Muckhawk's head. It's true that any kind of trainer can match the kind of Pokémon. Xiaozhi admired Muckhawk's perseverance!

After Xiaogang's treatment, Muckhawk After regaining some mobility, under the protection of Lucario and Riolu, it finally led a group of people to the mountain col where Team Galaxy was located!

"It’s indeed Team Galaxy!"Xiao Zhi recognized at a glance that it was the star of Team Galaxy, and the weird-looking key on the machine next to her!

"It looks like some kind of ruins!"Xiao Gang looked at his partner and said,"In this case, maybe this place has something to do with the Legend of Sinnoh Time and Space!"

At this time, Lucario let out a deep roar, and Yaxuan confirmed,"This is where the low-frequency waves that cause Steel Pokémon feel pain seem to come from that ruin!"

The ruins look very strange. They seem to be made of black metal.

"I never thought there was such a place on Steel Island!"Ya Xuan has been staying here, but he has never heard of such ruins on the island!

"Team Galactic must have found it and dug it out!"Xiao Zhi agrees very much with Xiao Guang's words!

He keeps staring at the weird key next to his partner. I'm afraid it's the key that brought Team Galaxy here. If he can snatch that thing away, he might be able to stop Team Galaxy. conspiracy!

However, before Xiaozhi could take action, the gangster actually picked up the key and embedded it on a pillar in front of the ruins gate!

Suddenly, the pillar, Palkia and Diya in front of the ruins Luca's statues all glowed!

"Oh no!"Xiao Zhi suddenly frowned. They arrived a step too late!

At this moment, a huge beam of light shot out from the pillar, shooting straight into the sky!

Seeing this, the partner said excitedly,"It is exactly the same as Lord Chiri said!"

Xiao Zhi's whole body was shining with blue light under this light beam. He found that the light beam was tilted, and it definitely did not go straight into the sky. Instead, it was like a guide. The landing point of this light beam was probably the key!

Assistants at Dr. Yamanashi Research Institute were in a hurry Reported to Doctor Hui,"A strong energy reaction was detected in Tianguan Mountain!"

The same alarm sound also appeared at the Shenhe Research Institute,"Energy flow was sensed in Tianguan Mountain, and it is still flowing! ,"

Dr. Jie Zilan immediately realized that the situation was not good, and immediately commanded,"Just continue sensing like this, contact research institutes in various places to collect all the data!"

The meteorites in Curtain City were also releasing amazing beams of light, which seemed to resonate and induce, and the local people were panicked for a moment!

As Xiaozhi expected, the partners sent a report to the Galaxy Team headquarters, and Galaxy Team's investigation of the energy Faster than all the doctors in the alliance!

"Lord Chiri, the beam of light has indeed hit Tianguan Mountain! Then Tianguan Mountain was also sensed, emitting the same high-energy response as Steel Island! I think the gun pillar should be located within the range of this energy distribution area, and a more correct position is being detected now!"Zhenxing stood beside Chiri and was very satisfied with the progress in front of him!

"Yaxuan, we must stop this light beam as soon as possible. Team Galaxy must be checking the landing point of this light beam now. We cannot give them enough time to find out clearly, otherwise it will be terrible!"Xiao Zhi stood up under the light of this beam of light, planning to take action forcefully!

But at this moment, Yaxuan could no longer help Xiao Zhi. Lucario, who had been using the power of the waveguide to protect himself from being affected, was under the beam of light. Under the influence, the defense was finally defeated!

"Are you okay, Lucario!"Yaxuan exclaimed, now is the time to act, but he is a trainer of steel Pokémon. Now not only can't he provide help to Xiaozhi, but he will actually be holding him back!

Sure enough, Lucario fell into madness, and a wave of The missile is heading towards Xiaozhi!

"The decision is yours, Flame Chicken!"Ash threw the elf ball casually, and the tall flame chicken appeared next to Xiaozhi. It shot the wave missile away, and the figure suddenly disappeared from the place!

The flaming fist turned into a claw, and Luka roared crazily. Leo picked it up casually and hit it hard on the ground, immediately beating it to the point of losing its ability to fight!

"So strong!"Yaxuan didn't blame him at all, but admired Xiaozhi's courage and decisiveness. This is the real wave guide hero!

He is a trainer of steel-type Pokémon, and most of the Pokémon in his hands must be steel-type. In this machine Under the influence of the machine, his Pokémon couldn't be sent out, and naturally they couldn't be Xiaozhi's help!

"Take good care of it!"Xiao Zhi left a sentence and prepared to take action with the Flame Chicken and Riolu!

His first target was the machine where the key to the gun was originally placed. I am afraid it was the low frequency wave released by that machine that was torturing Hold on to the Steel-type Pokémon!

"Flash Charge!"

Before he jumped off the hillside, Xiaozhi's order had already been given., and the first one he used was a super move, and the speed of the Flame Chicken continued to increase with the momentum of falling!

Before the partners and others could react, the Flame Chicken, clothed in azure arrogance, attacked the machine at the core of Team Galaxy!

"It's you!"When the partners reacted, the Flame Chicken had already broken through many big-mouthed bats and was about to hit the machine next to her!

This made her face change greatly, but Dong Shimiao next to her reacted faster and moved heavily Its body met the flame charge of the Flame Chicken head-on, but obviously, it had absolutely no way to stop the Flame Chicken's attack!


Dong Shi Miao was knocked away and hit the machine! Immediately afterwards, the Flame Chicken's attack also came down with a crash, blowing up the machine, and the smoke of the explosion swallowed up both Dong Shi Miao and the Flame Chicken!

Next In one second, the Flame Chicken, covered in fire, jumped out of the smoke and returned to Xiaozhi!


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