Xiaozhi didn't say a word, and the two girls made a bet!

If Xiaoguang loses, he will leave Xiaozhi's side and be replaced by Ulala. Doesn't he need to ask for Xiaozhi's consent for this?

Ulala turned around and left with the Sharptooth Land Shark, and it seemed that she was about to get her wish and become Xiaozhi's travel companion.

Xiaozhi suddenly put his hand on Xiaoguang's head,"You have to be careful not to lose me!"

"Don’t worry, it’s no problem!"

"Sorry to keep everyone waiting for so long, now we are going to announce the results of the first review!"As expected by Xiaozhi, Xiaoguang, Ulala, and Sister Musashi all passed the first review smoothly!

Ulala's character seems to be very conceited, and she also has the arrogance of the eldest lady. After meeting Xiaoguang, she Showing a strong competitive spirit. A girl with such a personality should not feel sorry for herself or doubt herself just because she failed the first review several times!

She was able to persevere and passed the first review until now, and is with the little girl. Just making this bet shows that she is very confident in her own strength!

"So now, let’s get on with the game!"

You don't have to worry about Xiaoguang's battle with Xiaozhi. Her talent in gorgeous battles is very high, much higher than that of Xiaoyao!

She has absorbed Xiaozhi's battle experience and transformed it into her own abilities that are constantly improving, and she has never had any No wavering!

She defeated two opponents in a row, and Urala even defeated Musashi. The two met in the finals and were about to complete the bet!

"The Mutong Tournament has finally come to the final stage. The battle with the Mutong Ribbon Medal is between Miss Xiaoguang and Miss Urala!"Miss Baian announced that the final was about to begin. The fighting spirit of the two people had already collided in the air. No one was willing to give in to the other!

Xiaozhi noticed that the ivory pig next to him opened one eye and said with a smile,"You guy It's really dishonest. You really care about Xiaoguang's affairs!"

For Xiaozhi, this ivory pig did not dare to have such an attitude. It opened its eyes, snorted a few times, and then closed its eyes again and pretended to doze off.

Xiaozhi smiled,"I know, you are just like Lao Zhi. , I think this little newbie can’t use your power. There will be times when she needs you to use your power. Protect her, you know?"

"The time limit is five minutes and the game begins!"

After Miss Bai'an finished speaking, Pachlitz and the Sharp-toothed Land Shark both appeared on stage!

On the stage, Pachilitz immediately glared at the Sharp-toothed Land Shark. Their hatred for food is irreconcilable. Today there will be a bloody battle!

This battle is unfavorable for Xiao Guang in terms of attributes. The Fang Tooth Land Shark has dragon and ground attributes, and electric skills are ineffective against it. The only thing she can rely on is the Wrath Fang trick she just learned!

But In this gorgeous competition, the compatibility of attributes does not have such a big impact!

However, if this battle can be fought by an ivory pig with ice attributes, it may be much easier!

Xiaozhi knows a lot about dragon-type Pokémon. Yes, he has experience in cultivating dragon-type quasi-gods. Although he has not conquered the round land shark yet, he can still judge that the sharp-toothed land shark in front of Ulala should have just evolved. Based on her ability, The final evolution may be difficult!

"Patchlitz versus the Sharp-toothed Land Shark, one side is cute, the other side is wild, which one can win the Ribbon Medal!"After Miss Baian finished speaking, the timer started!

"The sharp-toothed land shark uses its dragon claws!"Ulala took the lead in launching the attack. The sharp-toothed land shark roared and jumped up, rushing towards Pachilitz!

Xiaoguang subconsciously ordered to avoid it, but he underestimated the speed of the fanged land shark, which made Pachilitz Being rubbed by the dragon's claw, the whole little squirrel curled up into a ball and spun in the air!

This move was resolved by the dragon's claw, and Xiaoguang's score was also deducted. He decisively gritted his teeth and launched an attack,"Use the teeth of anger!""

Pachilitz stretched out his body, his front teeth suddenly extended, and fell from the sky!

"Use Yan Hui!"Ulala's attack was merciless. The fang land shark increased its speed and struck Pachilitz repeatedly. Xiaoguang's score was constantly being deducted!

Pachilitz has no advantage in any aspect, speed , strength, reaction, body shape, attributes, and even the fang land shark has the ability to fly. This battle is an absolute test for Xiaoguang!

"The fanged land shark makes full use of its streamlined body shape to attack one after another!"Miss Baian's explanation has always been on point.

Urala showed a smile that grasped the overall situation,"On this final stage, Pachilitz will not have the opportunity to show her beauty, she will only set off the fanged land shark!

Hearing this, Xiaoguang gritted his teeth and said,"Use Angel's Kiss!""

However, the Fanged Land Shark once again used the Swallow Return skill to avoid Angel's Kiss's many loves and continuously deducted Xiaoguang's points!

Pachilitz was almost at the limit, and there was less than two minutes left!

"Don't rush, there is still time!"Xiaoguang gritted her teeth to prevent herself from panicking. She had seen the battle between Xiaozhi and Sirona's biting land shark, and she also knew something about the fanged land shark!

At this moment, Ulala launched further attacks!

"Sharp stone attack!"This Fanged Land Shark can actually use the rock-type ultimate move, but it will use this move here. Could it be that the Fanged Land Shark doesn't have any ground-based skills now? What's more interesting is that the Sharp-Toothed Land Shark's sharp stone The attack did not hit sharp stone pillars rising from the ground, but countless sharp stones!

Xiaoguang's eyes suddenly lit up,"Pachlitz, use discharge!"

The hard-trained group attack electric attack shattered all the rubble. This response made Xiaozhi nod repeatedly,"Yes, even if the electric attack has no effect on the fang land shark, it can still have other applications!"

Now, Xiaoguang has regained his strength, and the next step is Pachilitz's stage!

Urala gritted her teeth, feeling Xiaoguang's increasingly fierce momentum, not to be outdone,"Use the dragon's wrath!"

The fang land shark spit out fireballs, but Xiaoguang didn't hesitate at all,"Use the electric light!"

This is an electrical physical attack, a slamming attack that covers the whole body with electricity. With the support of Xiaoguang, the electric light all over Pachilis became more and more surging, and he actually smashed the Dragon's Wrath away. The fluffy tail was wrapped around The electric current hit the sharp-toothed land shark hard!

Although the electric skills were ineffective against the pointed-toothed land shark, Xiaoguang had the upper hand in this collision! There were only the last 30 seconds left, and only the last one was left. The time of the move is over, and the scores between the two are finally almost the same!

This means that the final decisive blow has finally arrived, and one move will determine the outcome!

"Very well, Patchlitz, use the Fangs of Fury!"

"I won't let you score again, use dragon's wrath!"

Pachilitz wanted to avenge the previous food-stealing hatred. It actually kept its angry teeth and curled up into a ball with its tail, and spun wildly, forming the shape of a chainsaw. Once again, it smashed Dragon's Fury into pieces and hit it hard. On the fang land shark, knock it away!

"The end of time! Congratulations to Miss Xiaoguang for winning!"

Obviously, Xiaoguang had the upper hand in this last move. Coupled with a series of gorgeous operations before, Ulala deducted a lot of points and got her fourth ribbon medal!

After leaving the venue, Ulala found They pointed directly at Xiaoguang and said,"Although I don't agree with your way of performing Pokémon, I will accept the result!"

As she said that, she handed the Dark Stone to Xiaoguang, bowed lightly to Xiaozhi, turned around and left, leaving a proud back.

Xiaozhi smiled and shook his head,"Xiaoguang, you have another powerful enemy. She is a difficult opponent, so you must be more careful in future games!"

"Yes, I understand!"


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