Xiaoyao successfully won the fourth ribbon medal, and there was only one left before the gorgeous grand celebration. This made her feel complacent all the way, holding the medal collection box and laughing happily!

"Xiaogang, we are going to Qifeng City next. We should pass a snow mountain along the way. Please prepare some cold-proof equipment!"When passing through the town, Xiaozhi gave an order.

They were all experienced trainers. Xiaogang smiled and said,"I was already ready when we were in Mutong Town! Seeing this

, Xiaozhi smiled slightly,"I always feel most at ease when you are here!""

Now that everything was ready, the group did not stop in the town and resolutely continued their journey.

The terrain of the Pokémon world is very strange, but Qifeng City is the northernmost city in the Sinnoh region, with snow all year round!

The Qifeng Gym is also an ice-type gym!

The snow falling from the top of Tianguan Mountain keeps the temperature low in Qifeng City, and the road leading there from Tianguan Mountain is also completely covered with heavy snow.

Therefore, you have to go to Qifeng City The road ahead is not that easy, so Xiaozhi and Xiaogang must be fully prepared!

"Wow, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, you are so awesome!"Xiaoguang felt that she was hugging her thighs. She had not experienced any bad weather during her trip, at most it was a storm!

She, a newbie, had a leader like Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, and she really learned a lot. A lot!

Although Xiaoguang was mentally prepared, it still made her miserable after actually entering the snow mountain!

There was a snowstorm on the snow mountain. Xiaoguang looked at Xiaozhi beside her, shivering and said,"Xiaozhi , why don’t you use cold-proof clothes?"

Xiao Zhi was not wearing cold weather clothes, and his body was shining with a faint blue light. He was looking for a suitable place in the blizzard for the group of people to temporarily avoid. Seeing that the blizzard was getting bigger and bigger, he had to seize the time!

He put his The cold-weather clothes were wrapped around Pikachu and Eevee, holding them and the elf eggs in his arms,"This bit of wind and snow is nothing to me, let's go this way!""

"I had heard before that the weather in the mountains was fickle, but I didn’t expect it to be so exaggerated!"Xiaoguang is very lucky now that she is following Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, otherwise she would not be able to cope with this blizzard! The group of people found a tree hole, at least they can avoid the wind and snow. Xiaozhi gradually restrained the blue light on his body,"The decision is yours, little flame monkey!"

The little flame monkey appeared in the tree hole, and fire burst out from every move, and the temperature in the tree hole suddenly rose.

Xiaoguang cheered immediately, and released his curling ears,"It's so furry and warm!"

Jujuan Er and Bogaman were held in Xiaoguang's arms, and they both laughed. The bond between Pokémon and trainers is enhanced through thick and thin like this!

Speaking of furry, so is Eevee in Xiaozhi's arms. So!

Xiaogang collected some dry firewood, used the little flame monkey to raise a flame, and made some hot tea with tree fruits, which immediately made the group of people warm!

"It's great to have you all around!"Xiaoguang was very happy holding the hot fruit tea. She didn't know whether she was talking about Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, or Curly Er and Bogaman who were sharing the fruit tea with her!

At this moment, Xiaozhi looked at the tree hole. Outside, he saw a vague figure looming in the snowstorm, but Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly lit up,"Is it the Snow Demon Girl?"

Xiao Zhi has an Ice Demon Girl. Because it is a boy, it has a unique evolution path, but the mother's Snow Boy can evolve into a Snow Demon Girl through the Awakening Stone!

This is an ice and ghost Pokémon with a temperament reminiscent of The mythical Snow Maiden wanders around in blizzards to find unsuspecting humans and prey, and attacks them by freezing them into ice.

Ash's Ice Ghost Guardian will also turn into ice and ice after being bound to evolve. The ghost attribute, transformed into an ice skeleton, is very powerful, which also makes him very fond of the Snow Demon Girl!

But the Snow Demon Girl in front of him makes Xiaozhi feel as malicious as the Snow Girl!

"The snowstorm has stopped!"Xiaoguang noticed that after the Snow Demon Girl appeared, the bitter blizzard actually stopped.

Xiaozhi also frowned, but saw that the Snow Demon Girl actually waved to the group of people, and a wooden house appeared behind him, and he could see inside The lights are brightly lit and it looks very warm!

"Is it a cabin? I didn’t notice it at all just now!"Xiao Gang was pleasantly surprised to find a cabin on the snow-capped mountain during the snowstorm. Compared to this tree hole, that cabin was naturally more comfortable!

"That snow witch seems to want to help us!"Xiaoguang stood up and showed that he wanted to take a rest.

In this case, Xiaozhi smiled and said,"Let's go and take a rest!"

When we came to the cabin, it was indeed very warm inside. Not only was there Pokémon food, but the Snow Demoness also skillfully used the stove in the room to cook hot soup for the group of people! A blue light flashed on Xiaozhi's body, and he nodded to Pikachu , Pikachu cheered and greeted Curly-eared to eat quickly.

Not only that, the Snow Witch also thoughtfully prepared hot water for the Pokémon so that they could warm up. Seeing Pogaman eager to jump in, Pikachu gave it a He stopped it and jumped down himself!

"Boga!"Pogaman became angry, but then everything in front of him changed!

The cabin turned into an ice cave, the stove disappeared, and the hot soup in the hands of the group turned into shaved ice. Xiaoguang was suddenly frozen. Trembling, he dropped the shaved ice on the ground.

The worst thing was Pikachu, half of his body was frozen and he couldn't move.

"Pikachu, do you want to be lazy like this?"Xiao Zhi is still eating shaved ice. He is not worried about Pikachu's condition. With its current ability, the mere ice can't cause any harm to it!

"It should think it is necessary to lead us to this place!"Xiao Gang has begun to understand the intention of the Snow Demon Girl, but Xiaozhi may have seen through it long ago, but never told them.

But now, Pikachu has been caught by the Snow Demon Girl instead of Pogaman!

"Snow Witch, tell me if you need any help!"Xiao Zhi has always been calm. He has long sensed Snow Demon Girl's intentions, but he has never believed in any truly evil Pokémon!

So, he followed Snow Demon Girl's wishes and let Pikachu be caught. He wanted to know about Snow Demon Girl. What on earth did the demon girl want to do?

But I saw the snow demon girl using her telekinesis to pull out a meow from the ice cave behind her. It turned out to be the one from Team Rocket!

The meow translator is online again!

"Mr. Xiaozhi? Have you also fallen into the trap of the Snow Witch?"The first time Meow Meow woke up, he saw Xiaozhi and the frozen Pikachu, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"I did it on purpose, please help translate!"Ash doesn't want to care about Team Rocket's situation. Their IQ is really impressive. They have fallen into a lot of traps like this!

"Well, the Snow Witch said that it and its companion Yukidouji got separated, Meowth, because it couldn't find each other, so it took Meowth as a hostage and asked Musashi and Kojiro to find the whereabouts of Yukidouji, Meowth!"Miao Miao briefly introduced the current situation.

After speaking, the Snow Demon Girl muttered a bunch of nonsense again, and Miao Miao quickly said,"It said that if it wants to save Pikachu, you should also help it find the whereabouts of Snow Boy.!"

The Snow Demon Girl showed a threatening look, but Xiaozhi and the others were all smiling,"Silly girl, if you have any difficulties, wouldn't you just say it outright from the beginning?"

Xiao Gang also said,"No need to make things so complicated, let's help find Snow Boy together!"

"Then let's set off quickly!"Xiaoguang and Curly Er in his arms were all smiling. Only Pogaman looked at Pikachu a little worried!

But Xiaozhi led everyone to turn around and walk out of the ice cave,"Pikachu, you are right here. Take a rest and take care of the Snow Witch!"

"Pika Pikachu!"


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