Sirona will come here just to let Ibrahimovic complete the evolution. She is very busy now, and there will soon be opponents who will challenge the Champions League.

"Xiaozhi, now that you're here, let's go to Midina next. There are temple ruins that have been preserved for thousands of years, and there are legends about Arceus!"

Leaving such a message to Xiaozhi, Sirona said goodbye and left.

Finally getting the news from Arceus, Xiaozhi's heart had already flown to Midina.

But now there is still a battle to be carried out, so The group of people followed Xiaozhi's idea and conducted a few days of substantial training in the forest. Pogaman's blizzard skill was finally completed. Now the gorgeous performances it can perform will be even richer. Xiaozhi is looking forward to the next one. Gorgeous contest!

"Let's go, it's almost time! With Shinji’s character, he should have arrived!"After casually touching Luck Cat's head, Xiaozhi took back all the Pokémon!

Xiaoguang and the others immediately followed,"Ash, which Pokémon do you plan to use to meet Shinji's challenge?"

"Just use the Pokémon I captured in the Sinnoh region!"Xiao Zhi brought the two of them to the Pokémon Center and completed the exchange. The two little scorpions he has now cannot meet Shinji's challenge. After Mr. Jindai's battle, he will definitely use all his strength to challenge He.

Xiaozhi naturally did not dare to neglect. Of course, he did not bully others, so he just conquered Pokémon in Sinnoh to challenge.

In the Sinnoh region, he had also conquered many Pokémon, some of which were no longer in level. Low.

But Xiong Er was left in Alola, and the ghost-type Pokémon were also placed in the spirit world. Judging from the Pokémon left now, there are actually not many to choose from! The battle arena in the Pokémon Center is It is under renovation and cannot be used for the time being. Mr. Leisi, who has come in advance, has made arrangements. The battle between the two will be held in the open space on the shore of Wisdom Lake.

Mr. Leisi also hired the league's professional circuit referee, a man named European tailor's handsome young man!

"Now begins the challenge to the pioneering ship Wanli Sunshine. The challenger is Shinji from Mumu City. The captain is Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town. The Pokémon used are the six in full battle. There is no time limit and you can freely replace Pokémon. baby!"

To put it simply, it's the same rules that Ash set when Shinji challenged the Pyramid!

Battle with all members is a real test for a trainer, but Ash has already played well!

"The decision is yours, War Hammer Dragon!"As the one being challenged, it is Xiaozhi who should attack first!

The first Poké Ball was thrown, and a terrifying roar sounded by the Lake of Wisdom. The siege beast from ancient times became the vanguard of this all-out battle!

It finally The attack he is good at can overwhelm Shinji in terms of momentum from the beginning of the battle!

Ash's War Hammer Dragon was at a very high level when he was resurrected, and he could even use the double-edged Head Hammer in the form of a Cephalon Dragon. After evolving, the killing skills have been trained by the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus and the others, and their combat power has been continuously improved. Now is a good opportunity to review the training results!

And against this rock-type siege beast, Shinji's choice is of course clear. ,"Tutaigui, prepare to come out and fight!""

Rock type attacks are not very effective against Dodai Turtle, but grass type and ground type skills are all very effective against War Hammer Dragon!

In terms of attributes, Ash is at a disadvantage, and in terms of level, Shinji's newbie, Gosanjia Tudai Turtle, is naturally not as good. It will be weaker.

But with the weak defeating the strong and fighting against attributes, Xiaozhi is still confident,"The rock is sealed!"

This is Xiaozhi's favorite rock-type skill. All his rock-type Pokémon must learn it. The War Hammer Dragon let out an explosive roar, and huge rocks fell out of the air. Not only did it cause damage to the Turtle, but it also trapped it. In the stone wall!

Shinji is in good condition today, and he is completely different from the Jindai.

But he seems indifferent. In his battles, he always likes to let Pokémon bear the attack, but then he counterattacks,"Crazy plant!"

As soon as he came up, he activated the grass-type Yusanjia's sure-kill skill. This is also one of the most powerful skills of the grass-type Pokémon. After using it, it will fall into a state of stupor!

Thick plants rise up from the ground, sealing the rock. The boulder shattered directly, and the momentum continued unabated as it headed towards the War Hammer Dragon!

The grass-type skills had an outstanding effect on the War Hammer Dragon, and the special move was used. Xiaozhi naturally did not dare to neglect,"Ultimate impact!"

Colliding head-on, without letting its momentum weaken at all, the War Hammer Dragon lowered its hard head and ran with its strong hind legs, wrapped in purple momentum, completely ignoring the vines of the crazy plant. The terrifying impact plus The spiral flames twisted all these hard vines!

Once, Xiaozhi used the ultimate impact of electric monsters to crush the crazy plants of Tutai Turtle, but now this scene happened again!

War Hammer Dragon, which is good at attacking, smashed it hard On the back of the Turtle, he pushed it back violently!

Then, both parties fell into a state of freeze. Just like Mr. Jindai did, Xiaozhi and Shinji took back the Pokémon at the same time.

"Xiaozhi is so courageous. I have never seen a trainer who can attack without hesitation!"Leisi was shocked by Xiaozhi's decisiveness, and what he lacked was this. When faced with a special attack like Crazy Plant, his first reaction must be to temporarily avoid its attack!

And such a timid battle will He was beaten to a pulp by trainers like Xiaozhi and Jindai!

"It's up to you, Snorkeling Weasel!"

Ash sent out the first water type Pokémon he conquered in the Sinnoh region. Shinji's grass type ace Turtle has just been taken back. Now he sends out water type. How should Shinji deal with it? The answer is of course the electric type!

"Electric beast, ready to fight!"Shinji has recently focused most of his energy on the training of electric beasts. When Xiaozhi and the others came over just now, he was still adjusting the state of the electric beasts at the end! It is naturally a routine operation to use electric elements to fight against water elements, but Xiaozhi had already As I said, the Electric Shock Beast is the powerful enemy he left to the Little Flame Monkey!

Then this battle must be completed by the Fire Monkey,"Come back, Snorkeling Weasel!""

"It's up to you, Fire Monkey!"

The Fierce Fire Monkey came out of the Poké Ball, with faint flames spreading all over its body. Its bright face was quite powerful, and its eyes were bright as it looked at its former trainer, Shinji!

It never looked at Shinji like before. Instead of timidity, there is only a burning flame and courage!

"Has that little flame monkey evolved?"Leiji became excited, and Shinji was also surprised. He could feel that the fierce fire monkey in front of him was so familiar and unfamiliar. It was completely different from before!

"Shinji, can you defeat the Fire Monkey now?"

This is the test that Xiaozhi has prepared for Shinji. After he sends out the electric beast, he must face this battle! The last time they met, it was still in the posture of the little flame monkey, and it had already defeated the electric beast.

So. What will this battle look like now?


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