Looking at the destined enemy, the Fire Monkey showed an excited smile on its bright face. The moment Xiaozhi's momentum rose, it stepped on the ground with one foot, transformed into a fireball and rushed towards the Electric Beast!

"What kind of skill is this?"Shinji has never been able to figure out the skill of charged flame attack. The power is not very strong, but the faster and faster speed is really terrifying!

In that battle, the zigzag movement pattern of the little flame monkey made Shinji stay. There was a shadow, so he no longer used his guarding skills to resist this move, but instead issued an order,"Use Thunder Fist!"

The fighting will of the electric beast is very good. It stares at the figure of the fierce fire monkey. When it comes and gets closer, it punches out at the most appropriate time!

The punch flashes with electric light and is full of power. It is indeed He got a hit, but after the fire dissipated, he saw that the Fierce Monkey also collided with it with a punch!

That was the flame fist. After returning to Dr. Oak's institute, the Fierce Monkey focused on training boxing skills, not just the speed of sound. Fists and enhanced fists, and also learned the skill of Flame Fist!

Being close at hand, the electric beast can clearly see the joke on the face of the fire monkey. Its power has grown to the point where it does not need to dodge left and right. It can completely compete with the electric beast. The power of rivalry!

"Strengthen the punch!"

Xiao Zhi's momentum was issued at this moment, and the Fire Monkey punched out again. The Electric Beast quickly raised his hand to block it!

Shinji's order was issued at this moment. He was shocked by the posture shown by the Fire Monkey just now. He was originally so The timid little flame monkey of Vino actually has such courage!

The first punch of the enhanced punch was not very powerful, and the electric beast took it easily, but found that the little flame monkey retreated with one blow and immediately returned to its previous position!

"Use thunder!"

"Jet flames!"

The collision of special attack skills happened in the next moment. Being able to keep up with Xiaozhi's fast attack, Shinji is already extraordinary!

This is also because he has fought against Xiaozhi many times and basically understands Xiaozhi's battles. Style, attack when advancing, attack when retreating, especially the speed of the Fire Monkey, which can make such tactics more terrifying!

The thundering skill is still a bit slow, and the explosion occurs closer to the electric beast, beating it to the ground Continuous retreat!

In this collision, Xiaozhi once again had the upper hand, and his attacks were far from stopping,"Flame Wheel!""

Just like Shinji's previous training of the little Flame Monkey, the Fierce Flame Monkey transformed into a flame wheel and actually rushed through the blast wind that had not completely dissipated, and hit the electric beast again!

"Grab it!"

Shinji finally showed his courage. The electric beast was beaten back and forth, but he roared and opened his arms to hold down the flame wheel, forcibly interrupting the fire monkey's movements and pinching its arms tightly!

"Oh no!"

Xiao Gang exclaimed. He didn't expect Shinji to be able to show such strong courage. He had to force the electric beast to seriously injure him, and he also had to catch the fast fire monkey!

But at the moment when everyone was amazed, Xiao Gang Zhi’s response has already been issued,"Spray flames!"

At this moment, the Fire Monkey was holding its arms, but it was facing the Electric Beast. Under Xiaozhi's order, it immediately opened its mouth and swallowed the Electric Beast whole from the nearest position!

But at the same time, the Fire Monkey was also entangled in the electric current. , seriously injured!

Immediately, the explosion happened again, and the electric beast and the fire monkey were blown away. They fell to the ground several times before finally hitting the ground. There was no movement for a long time!

Xiaozhi did not speak, but Shinji did A cry was launched,"Electric Beast, stand up!"

But there was nothing he could do. He took the attack from the Fierce Monkey even though he was seriously injured, and was hit at close range by a jet of flames. How could he still have the ability to fight!

"The electric beast loses the ability to fight, and the fire monkey wins!"The European referee announced the victory of Fiery Monkey. In this battle, the first Pokmon that lost its fighting ability appeared, and it was Shinji's ace electric beast!

Fiery Monkey struggled to get up from the ground, still full of fighting spirit and bright eyes. Looking at Shinji, it has already proven its potential to Shinji.

But Xiaozhi knew Shinji's thoughts, so he didn't take it back, so he tried to let the fire monkey fight to the limit, trying to draw out the powerful fire!

"Shinji, think about it carefully, what should your battle be like?"Xiao Zhi smiled slightly, but in the face of his terrible control over the battle situation, how many tactics and strategies can be effective?

"Circle Bear, get ready to come out and fight!"Shinji didn't reply and just threw the Poké Ball!

He seemed to value the Ring Bear he conquered in the Psychedelic Forest. Of course, it was also because he didn't have enough Pokémon under his command.

This Ring Bear was being conquered. At that time, after being defeated by Xiaozhi's Xiong Er, he got a good deal. Its level itself is not low, and it also has the perseverance trait, which is really what Shinji wants!

"The circle bear uses bodybuilding!"

This is a skill that uses the whole body's strength to tighten muscles and improve one's attack and defense. When used by this circle bear, it becomes even more ferocious!

"Jet flames!"It wasn't until the circle bear was strengthened that Xiaozhi gave the order, and he still used the special attack skill to say hello!

The scary thing is that Shinji didn't have any instructions, and the circle bear took this move without moving, and was immediately burned by the flames.!


Brutal red light burst out from the eyes of the circle bear, and it let out an explosive roar. The perseverance trait was activated, and its whole body's arrogance was rising!

Shinji's aura also increased to the limit,"Use split!"

The violent bear's posture was released, and the claws of the circle bear shone with fierce light. The fire monkey roared and rushed over. The huge claws fell violently, leaving a deep claw mark on the ground on the shore of the lake!

"Nice power, enhanced punch!"This is the second enhanced punch of the Fiery Monkey. The fist has become harder and more powerful than before! Moreover, the angle at which the Fiery Monkey attacks is extremely tricky. This is also the result of training with the Fiery Monkey! Circle

Bear was punched It hit him in the face, but he resisted the punch and raised his arm with a roar, with a terrifying red light shining on it!

"Use your arms to pound!"

With a bang, the Fire Monkey was hit hard on the ground, but he flipped three times in a row to resolve the terrible force without making a big hole on the ground!

Xiaozhi would not let the Fire Monkey stop for a moment."Charged flame attack! Strengthen the punch!"

The fierce fire monkey also roared and transformed into a fireball again. The speed became faster and the attack angle became more and more tricky. The circle bear had no way to avoid it and could only bear the third enhanced punch!

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

This punch tilted the head of the circle bear. It hit the vital part and the damage increased. However, it roared again, stretched out its claws and pinched the head of the fierce monkey! The arm beat the fierce monkey to the ground. , this is an attack that can kill the Fire Monkey instantly!


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