"The three of you actually appeared at the same time. What happened?"Xiao Zhi stood on Dialga's back, curiously looking at Giratina who had just appeared.

But he knew very well that it seemed that the space-time black hole just now was not created by the three of them. There was something else. The being who can create such a terrifying scene is probably the legendary God of Creation, Arceus!

Sure enough, Giratina and the other three looked at each other, and then Xiaozhi received a message.

The content of which made Ash was both excited and worried,"The sleeping Arceus shows signs of waking up and is full of anger?"

After pondering for a while, Xiaozhi said,"Your senses are not wrong. Dialga, Palkia, and perhaps Arceus' awakening affected your respective spaces, so you thought they were each other. He invaded his own space, so he would have fought that fight before!"

Hearing this, the three divine dragons nodded slightly and approved Xiaozhi's analysis. Xiaozhi finally figured out the problem that had been bothering him!

All this should be said to be inevitable, he needs Arceus' power to heal attributes: Kong, Naturally, Arceus needs to wake up, so he should naturally bear the consequences of this!

"You go back first, I'm afraid I'll trouble you if necessary!"Xiao Zhi quickly prepared himself mentally. He was finally going to see Arceus, but before asking it to help heal Arceus, I'm afraid he had to resolve Arceus' anger first! The three dragons returned to their respective spaces, and Xiao Zhi came After arriving at the shore, he immediately noticed a man and a woman staring closely at him.

But he saw the young lady coming up to him and said,"Hello, my name is Xina, and I am the guardian of this ruins." ,who are you?"

"I'm Ash from Zhenxin Town, and these are my partners Pikachu and Eevee!"Xiao Zhi introduced himself with a smile and stretched out his hand,"You should have superpowers, right?"

"Yes!"Xina held Xiaozhi's hand with both hands, and her body began to release orange-red light, slowly covering Xiaozhi. After a while, Xina let go of Xiaozhi with a smile, took a step back, and bowed gently,"Nice to meet you, legendary warrior!"

"How is this going?"Xiaoguang was a little stunned. She didn't know what kind of riddle Xiaozhi and Miss Xina were playing. It seemed that they had completed the communication by shaking hands?

"This is the power of superpower, the ability to communicate spiritually with Pokémon! Xiaozhi smiled and explained to Xiaoguang,"The so-called Chaoke means transcending and overcoming!""

At first, Xiaozhi redeemed related abilities from the system and chose the power of waveguide among many other extraordinary abilities such as the power of Viridian, the power of overcoming, the power of waveguide, etc. Later, he exchanged it for the power of radiance!

As for the power of overcoming, Xiaozhi was the first to give up. As a man who wants to become a Pokémon master, such an ability is like poison.

He is now more and more clear about his own path, and communicating with Pokémon requires careful consideration, that is Slowly understanding the inner learning process of Pokémon in this way is the road to mastership that Xiaozhi will take step by step!

He has cheating devices, a system that provides various good things, and the most important thing is to tie evolution, but Only the understanding in your own head cannot cheat.

This is the meaning of the journey!

Miss Xina came forward again, held Pikachu's face with both hands, and gently massaged the electric bag. Pikachu immediately felt comfortable." Pika~" Get up.

Pikachu's most important electric bag can easily become stiff, so Pikachu himself will always reach out and massage it. Especially when activating electric skills, he has the habit of patting it a few times. So let

Pikachu The happy way to caress is to gently knead the electric capsule on its face!

Miss Xina let go,"Once upon a time, the Thunder Monster and the Messenger of the Monster changed the fate of this town!"

"That's an old legend in this town!"Miss Xina's young companion saw everyone's doubts and added.

He is also the guardian of this ruins, but he does not have superpowers and is just an ordinary person.

Xiaozhi nodded,"Thousands of years ago, the elves Before the ball appeared, people called Pokémon Warcraft, and Warcraft Messenger was the predecessor of the trainer!"

This was still the case in Yalang's time.

"Meeting you guys may be a kind of fate! Can you go somewhere with us?"Xina looked at Xiaozhi and said seriously.

Just as Xiaozhi was about to answer, Xiaogang rushed up immediately,"Miss Xina, Xiaosheng is the person who has arranged the fate, Xiaogang."

This time, without letting Bad Frog take action, Xiaozhi stepped forward and pulled Xiaogang away by his ears, whispering,"This young lady already has her heart, brother!"

"How did you know?"Xiao Gang couldn't help but become curious.

"The spiritual communication with the power of transcendence is two-way, understand?"Xiao Zhi didn't explain too much, pulled Xiao Gang aside, turned to Xina and said,"I'm happy to help!"

Under the leadership of Xina, a group of people entered the ruins underground. Who would have thought that the temple ruins, which looked like a small temple on the mountain, turned out to be extremely large underground. Xiaozhi's body was shining with light, and it was clear that the group was now located on the mountain. Among them.

Pushing open a door, Miss Xina showed a very strange instrument to the group. Around a big ball, there were several balls of different colors suspended by metal rings.

"This is called a space-time instrument!"Xina introduced,"It can show the changing state of time and space in this world every moment!"

"We use this space-time instrument to investigate places where time and space are chaotic!"Miss Xina bowed to Xiaozhi again,"The two of us witnessed the changes in Baiyang Town with our own eyes. When the time and space channel appeared near the glacier, we also rushed to the scene. I just knew that before All the changes that have occurred are only possible because of Xiaozhi!"

Xina knew very well that I am afraid that this crisis will also rely on Xiaozhi's power, so she introduced the space-time instrument to Xiaozhi again, and pointed to another big ball on the base of the instrument under the big ball and introduced, Obviously this big ball is fixed and stable,"This is the world we are in!""

The other three small balls suspended around the big ball are the world where the three dragons are in turn, and the big ball is the space of the creator god Arceus!

It can be seen that the inverted world is closer to the real world. , and the space where the two gods of time and space are located is around Arceus

"It is said that these spaces were also created by Arceus!"Just as Xiaozhi received the information from the three dragons, Miss Xina also introduced,"Now Arceus, who has been sleeping for a long time, is showing signs of waking up. A huge wave has appeared around Arceus, who is about to wake up. The energy vortex caused space distortion, causing the spaces of Dialga and Palkia, which should never have come into contact, to come into contact with each other."

This is something that Xiaozhi has figured out, and the misunderstanding between the three of them has been resolved.

At this moment, the big ball on the space-time instrument distorted, which meant that Arceus was waking up!


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