Xiaozhi has already figured out the cause of the previous events. What he is more concerned about now is why Arceus is sleeping so well!

Too much time has passed, probably due to the rejection of this world. He has completely integrated into this world. When he was in the Fengyuan area, he still remembered some game plots, but now he has completely forgotten all the plots he knew before. All that's left is all the knowledge about Pokémon.

He didn't ask a question, but listened to Kebin said,"We once used this space-time instrument to detect the period when Arceus would appear!"

Now Xiaozhi was even more confused,"Why should we detect the period when it would appear?"

So, he He got an answer that made him angry,"Arceus hates humans very much, so it plans to impose sanctions on us humans! We may be wiped out by Arceus!" In other words

, what they are measuring is actually It's the end of the world brought about by Arceus!

"What is going on? Why does Arceus, the creator of the world, hate humans?"Xiao Zhi speculated that this is the legend left behind by the Midina ruins.

Sheena was already ready to tell Xiao Zhi this story,"This is the legend here, when the fragments of the stars are about to wipe out many Pokémon. At that time, Arceus sacrificed himself to prevent the tragedy from happening!"

From the restored picture of the mural shown by Xina, we can see that it was a huge meteorite that could destroy half of the Pokémon world, but Arceus tried his best to resist the meteorite!

"That's because Arceus has 17 sources of life! However, the impact caused by the collision with the meteorite caused the tablet of the source of life to be lost, leaving it dying!"Kerbin continued

"17 slates?"Ash nodded slightly. He naturally knew that Arceus had 17 stone slabs that could change its attributes!

"Xiaozhi, do you know?"Xiaoguang said curiously

"The Water Vein Library has sorted out the inscriptions from various ruins. When the universe was created, the fragments were combined into stone slabs, and the power of the stone slabs was injected into them to defeat the giants. The origin releases the two bodies and inscribes them into time and space. The origin creates three persons, connecting time and space. The second is all things, the third is spirit, praying for birth and shaping the world together. The universe was not born, and the original source existed alone. The power of the stone slab is shared by all things. By mastering the stone tablet, you can gain the power of change."

This inscription clearly describes the birth process of the stone slab, and the process of Arceus creating the twin gods of time and space, as well as the three gods of the lake.

It also mentions that the power of the stone slab can be shared with all things, which means that except Arceus In addition to the 17 tablets of the source of life, there are also other tablets with this source of power spread in the Pokémon world, with different shapes.

Carrying these tablets can greatly increase the power of the corresponding attributes, and they can also be redeemed in Xiaozhi's system. Such slates are of very good quality.

But Arceus's 17 Source of Life slates are special and unique. They are god-level things that even Ash's exchange system cannot get.

Sheena nodded and expressed her appreciation for Ash's erudition. He admired it very much,"The person who saved it at that time was a man named Damos, who returned the lost source of life to Arceus!"

"At that time, Midina was just a barren land. Arceus couldn't bear to see this situation, so he felt pity and took out the water, grass, land, as well as the power of thunder and dragon, and merged these into One body, made into a gem of life!"

"It didn't care even if its own life would be in danger. Arceus trusted Damos and lent him the Jewel of Life. The power of Arceus overflowing from the life gem completely nourished this barren land and turned it into a fertile land!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi understood. It seems that thousands of years ago, the man named Damos did not return the life gem as promised. But to make Arceus hate him so much that he wants to destroy mankind, I am afraid that people at that time still did it. He did something even more outrageous!

For example, he took the opportunity to attack Arceus, who was missing his origin!

Look at the five source of life tablets it lost. In addition to the water attribute, grass, electricity, and dragon happened to be all three of the three types of electricity attacks that were not effective. One attribute, the last ground attribute, and electric skills are ineffective against it.

Therefore, Arceus lost its resistance to electricity at that time, and attacking it with electricity must be very effective!

Sure enough, Xina continued," When the day was agreed upon to return the jade, it was a day when the sun was obscured by the moon!"

"Total solar eclipse? Xiaozhi sneered,"You really know how to choose the day!""

"Damos broke his agreement with Arceus. Not only did he not return the Life Gem, he also attacked Arceus! Because Damos believes that if the jade is returned, this land will become a barren land again!"

"The agreement was broken and Arceus was betrayed. He went crazy with anger and completely destroyed the temple. Then, in order to heal his injuries, he fell into eternal sleep!"

After listening to the story, even Xiaoguang felt the anger of Arceus,"I risked my life to help others, and even lent part of my life!"

"So, the person named Damos is the one who is at fault, right?"Xiao Gang was also filled with righteous indignation.

But Xiao Zhi didn't say anything. These are just legends passed down. There is no way to investigate the specific facts now!

Miss Xina came to the side and took out a metal container."Dharmos is my ancestor, and this is the gem of life!"

Hearing this, Xiaogang subconsciously covered his mouth.

But Xiaozhi looked at the metal container in Miss Xina's hand, and saw her opening the container, revealing the life gem inside, which was indeed crystal clear. , more beautiful than any gem!

But Xiaozhi suddenly frowned when a blue light flashed on his body. He stepped forward and reached out to take out the"life gem"!

"You call this rag the jewel of life?"The blue light on Xiaozhi's hand flashed, and the terrifying power suddenly exploded. He heard a click and crushed the life gem to pieces!

This scene frightened Xina and Kebin,"How could it be?"

Xiao Zhi snorted, casually shaking off the debris in his hand,"The Life Gem comes from Arceus' Source of Life Slate, which is equivalent to Arceus's clone. It can't be broken casually!"

"What exactly is going on?"Xina quickly rushed to Xiaozhi,"Xiaozhi, it's impossible. This is the life gem that we have been keeping until now. The ancestors also left a message. The life gem must be returned to Arceus to calm down its anger. , how could it be fake?"

"Humph, it seems that things were not that simple back then!"As soon as Xiaozhi finished speaking, the space-time instrument suddenly buzzed, and Xina and Kebin suddenly became nervous.

"Arceus is coming!"


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