New trainers from Johto, Kotone and Kazunari temporarily joined Xiaozhi and his team, and went to Water Lily Town to watch Xiaoguang's gorgeous competition live!

In addition, Xiaoguang also tamed the seventh Pokémon, the fire-type Yusanjia from Johto, Fireball Rat!

For this reason, she sent the evolved Sakura to Caiko to help take care of her.

"Come on, Fireball Rat, eat!"The little guy has grown very strong and can eat Pokémon food in a few days.

Depending on the type of Pokémon, the breeding methods are of course also different. Some need to be fed with water after birth, while others can be eaten directly. Pokmon food, and even some Pokmon food is even more special.

As soon as this child came, he competed with Bogaman for favor. The two were also incompatible with each other. They fought and fought, but it was a kind of getting along. Mode!

Xiaoguang is a coordination trainer, so he can start performing performance training on the Fireball Rat. There is no need to wait for the Pokémon to grow up like Xiaozhi before doing battle training. After all, every trainer’s training method is different. The same!

The group of people accelerated their pace according to the original plan. After several days of journey, they were finally not far from Water Lily Town! At noon, they had to rest temporarily at the last Pokémon Center before entering Water Lily Town.!

As soon as he entered the door, Xiaogang rushed over,"Miss Joy! Look at those beautiful eyes, you are the cousin of Miss Shenhe Zhenjoy and the sister of Miss Mutong Zhenjoy, right?"

Miss Joy was very embarrassed, but she still responded politely,"You know so well!"

"As expected of Xiaogang, I learned another lesson!"Issei was busy taking notes. He was paying close attention to Xiaogang's actions all the way!

Qinyin also seized every opportunity to learn from Xiaozhi, but controlling the battle situation during the battle was not about following Xiaozhi for a few days. You can master it.

Seeing this, Xiaoguang said helplessly,"This has nothing to do with the knowledge required by breeders!""

No, Xiaogang was poisoned by the bad frog and dragged back.

At this moment, the door of the Pokémon Center opened, and several boys and girls hurried in, holding Pokémon that had lost their fighting ability in their arms," ​​Joey Miss, please help with treatment!"

So many defeated Pokémon suddenly appeared. Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows. Are there strong Pokémon nearby?

As expected, Miss Joy asked,"Could you be running behind? Has the mountain gone?"

"Yes, because we really want to conquer it!"The boys and girls all lowered their heads, blaming themselves for overestimating their capabilities and causing the Pokémon to be seriously injured!

Xiaozhi quickly led a group of people forward and asked,"What Pokémon is it?"

"There is a very ferocious round land shark here!"Miss Joy told the truth, she could also see that Xiaozhi and his group were much stronger than the boys and girls in front of them!

"Round land shark?"Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up. Now he has conquered Metagross, and the Crustacean is also waiting for the final moment of transformation in the volcano.

Recently, the Dragon King Scorpion has evolved, and Scorpio's evolution is also planned to be completed in these two days. Yu Sanjia The evolution was something he suppressed forcefully, and will soon be completed one after another, forming the final combat power!

Now that he has a lot of energy free up, the journey in the Sinnoh region is about to end, and it is time to conquer another quasi-god belt. Go to the next area to train!

But Xiaozhi has very high requirements for the bloodline of dragon-type quasi-gods, much more demanding than Shinji's requirements for the potential of Pokémon! The crustacean should have evolved into blood wings soon, but in Having stayed under the volcano for so long shows how powerful its pure and noble dragon bloodline is, giving it a powerful potential! The evolved Tyrannosaurus will become Ash's second ace dragon, the real Blood-Winged Demonic Dragon!

"Xiaoguang, let’s go take a look!"

Xiao Zhi said hello, and he was about to take a group of people to see the ferocious terrestrial shark! Xiao Gang helped Miss Joy to treat the Pokémon of the boys and girls.

Follow the instructions to go to the back mountain, but they didn't leave. After a few steps, a huge boulder fell from the sky. Xiaozhi quickly pulled the three of them to avoid it, and saw a round land shark standing on a hillside not far away, laughing loudly!

"energetic!"Xiao Zhi smiled and nodded, but when he saw Yuanlu Shark's whole body flashing with white light, he lifted up another boulder and threw it over

"The decision is yours, Dragon King Scorpion!"Xiao Zhi sent out the Dragon King Scorpion, which had just completed its evolution, to catch the boulder!

But he saw the Round Land Shark rushing straight over, using the fighting-type rock crushing skill, but was hit by the boulder thrown back by the Dragon King Scorpion. It flew away!

Name: Dragon King Scorpion (♂)

Attributes: Poison, Evil

Characteristics: Sniper (when hitting a vital point, the power becomes stronger)

Traction value: 240/250

Skills: Claw sharpening, splitting, drama Venomous Fangs, Bite Crushing, Missile Needles, Secret Attacks, Cross Poison Blades. Xiaozhi patted the Dragon King Scorpion's claws, as if he was no longer so eager to conquer the round land shark in front of him. On the contrary, the eyes of the 10% next to him shone brightly. It seems that the soul of the breeder has finally awakened!

"I really want to train it. As soon as I saw that round land shark, I wanted to train it into an outstanding biting land shark!"

Hearing Yicheng's words, Xiaozhi nodded slightly. This round land shark has a very strong character and a good sense of fighting. It complements Yicheng, who has a somewhat shy personality. The two are very compatible. When they work together, they can restrain each other and achieve a balance!

So, Xiaozhi nodded,"That's up to him!" Xiaoguang came to him,"

Xiaozhi, why did you give up?""

"Strange strength, broken rock, and the burrowing skill used when he appeared just now!"Xiao Zhi counted the skills that Yuanlu Shark had used just now,"Did you notice that something is missing?"

"There is no dragon skill!"Xiaoguang counted on her fingers and quickly thought of the answer.

Of course she also knew how powerful the dragon Pokémon was, but for such a small dragon, a series of attacks did not use a single dragon skill, so there was no hope for dragon breath. At least let’s have some Dragon’s Wrath!

"Therefore, this child's dragon bloodline is very weak, and his compatibility with me is also very low! Moreover, I feel like a fool!"Xiao Zhi commented on the ferocious round land shark in front of him. Now let's see what Yicheng will do!

"Please, little Sawtooth!"Issei looked very motivated,"Use the water tail!"

The Little Land Shark and the Little Crocodile began to confront each other. The Little Crocodile's water tail was blocked by the Round Land Shark's splash of sand. It can be seen that the Round Land Shark is very powerful!

"We won't lose in a competition of strength!"Issei gave the order and began to take the battle in a very strange direction,"Use brute force!"

Brute force is a fighting skill, and it is also the signature skill of Xiaozhi's strong crocodile. It shows that the potential of this little crocodile is very high.

But his good fighting skills are actually used by this little guy to throw stones!

The round land shark used the rock breaking skill to break the stone, and then threw a bigger stone. After several back and forth, the round land shark really made a mistake and raised a big stone to hit his head. Go over!

Not to be outdone, the little Crocodile saw the rocks on both sides getting bigger and bigger, until the Round Land Shark lifted a boulder more than three meters high and hit it hard on its head, knocking itself out of the ability to fight!

"I'd just say it's a fool, right?"Xiao Zhi smiled bitterly and said to Xiao Guang,"I've never seen anyone be conquered like this!"

"Success, I captured the round land shark!"Issei took back the Poké Ball and cheered. He, the Little Crocodile and the Round Shark should become good partners!


Five updates!

Chapter 900 will be tomorrow!

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