"We finally arrived at Water Lily Town, and Issei successfully conquered the Round Land Shark. Now it’s finally my turn to get the fifth Ribbon Medal! Xiaoguang looked full of fighting spirit and even threw the Ivory Pig's Poké Ball,"Ivory Pig, come on stage!""

A group of people are conducting special training at the battle arena of the Pokémon Center in Waterlily Town."Ash, Forest Turtle, I'm begging you!"

"Are you sure you want to learn this trick?"In front of Xiaozhi stood the forest turtle, which was getting bigger and bigger."I didn't invent this trick, but my lizard king learned it himself, and later taught it to the forest turtle, so it needs to be applied to the ice system. I don’t know what will happen to Pokémon!"

"That’s right, being gorgeous means having the courage to try!"Xiaoguang and Ivory Pig both have fighting spirit.

So in this case, Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang looked at each other, their momentum increased, and they said in unison,"Energy Ball (Boulder)!"

"let's go!"Xiaguang's momentum was released, and the forest turtle and the ivory pig swallowed the energy balls and boulders in one gulp. The forest turtle skillfully entered the overload state, and the ivory pig opposite also experienced a wonderful state! The brown color covered on its back The fur stood up and froze to form ice spikes, which stood up on its back. In addition to the ice tusks, it now had an ice porcupine and became an ivory porcupine!

"Xiaozhi, how are you?"Xiaoguang was very satisfied with the changes in the ivory pig.

But Xiaozhi came up to look at the ivory pig's condition, lightly stepped on its ivory, jumped on its back, and gently knocked on the ice Piggy!

"It has a high degree of magnificence and should be able to score a lot of points on the gorgeous stage. However, it has no effect in the battle, and there is no way to put the ivory pig into an overload state!"Xiao Zhi jumped off the back of the ivory pig again and patted its tusks gently.

"If you want to talk about the reason, the energy ball is a special attack, which is the life force collected from nature, so after entering the body of the forest turtle, it will explode with huge energy, but the boulder is a physical attack, which means eating a piece of ice!" Xiaozhi commented on Xiaoguang’s new move.

"Wow, Xiaozhi is really awesome!"Qinyin has already become Xiaozhi's little fan girl!

Xiaogang also thinks that Xiaozhi's words are quite reasonable,"But this move is still very gorgeous. It can be used in the gorgeous competition and can deduct a lot of points from the opponent.!"

After getting the most complete evaluation, Xiaoguang knew what to do,"Thank you, Xiaozhi!"

At this time, the Fireball Rat ran in front of Xiaoguang and struggled to make the four red holes on its back erupt with flames, as if it had spread out a pair of small wings of flames.

"Wow, not bad!"Xiao Zhi is willing to give this little guy a thumbs up.

It can be seen that this little guy wants to perform on stage, but Xiao Guang picks him up and comforts him,"I'm sorry, Fireball Mouse, you can just observe our stage performance today! This time I want the ivory pigs to play!"

This time, Xiaoguang planned to let Bogaman, who was accustomed to the stage, conduct the first review, and then let the powerful ivory pig be responsible for the second review.

Looking at the little guy who was a little awkward, Xiaoguang then comforted,"Fireball Rat , with you here to help us cheer, we will definitely be able to exert greater strength to win!"

The Pokémon Gorgeous Contest Waterlily Convention has finally begun!

"From the day you meet and conquer, let's move forward hand in hand with Pokémon and shine on the stage of bright stars and colorful flowers! Show off your dance, gorgeous contest!"

When Miss Baian was opening the show, Xiaozhi brought Qinyin and others to the waiting area to look for Xiaoguang.

Seeing Xiaoguang's gorgeous dress and carefully decorated makeup, Qinyin immediately praised,"Guangguang is really beautiful. Super beautiful!"

While the two women were talking, Xiaozhi noticed"Miss Sweet Musashi Lina" in the corner. This was clearly impersonated by Kojiro. Can both of them do this?

But the three of them have always been one, As long as they don't resort to cheating, Xiaozhi will not expose them, but Kojiro may become Xiaoguang's biggest obstacle in this gorgeous competition!

"So now let’s start the first review, a performance stage where a single Pokémon performs special moves. The first contestant, please appear!"

The first person to appear was Xiaoguang. It was of course the safest to send out the trump card Pogaman. It actually jumped into the tidal whirlpool and used the endurance trick! The endurance skill and the tidal whirlpool conflicted with each other and emanated. The energy of Pogaman shines with a gorgeous blue light. This performance is an absolute high-scoring performance. The degree of completion is very high. Xiaozhi also gives a thumbs up!

After all, the gorgeous contest has been carried out so far. The coordination of participating The trainers are of very high standard, and Kotone and Kazunari really appreciate the charm of the gorgeous competition!

Especially the performances of Kojiro and Meowth. Unlike other coordinated trainers who use Poke Balls with special effects, Meowth directly behind Kojiro. The way he appeared on stage by jumping out and leaping high into the air was also eye-catching!

Then, Miao Miao made knife-shaped noodles with crazy claws on the stage, and even gave them to Miss Joy and other three reviewers to taste. This is also a display of The performance of its characteristics and gorgeous skills can be said to be a new performance method that subverts the common sense of the gorgeous contest. It won a lot of applause and received high scores!

As a gorgeous master, Xiaozhi also nodded repeatedly to express his affirmation of the talents of Kojiro and Meowth.!

"All contestants of the first review have finished their performances. Please take a short break before announcing the results!"

In the waiting room, Qinyin squatted in front of Bogaman, who looked proud,"Bogaman is very good!"

As she said this, she looked at Xiaoguang and said,"Guangguang, the gorgeous contest is really interesting! But waiting for the results to be announced is nerve-wracking!"

On the other side, Kojiro and Miaomiao were also whispering,"The gorgeous contest feels so good, the applause is still ringing in my ears!"

"Yes, meow, what a happy meow!"

"Dear guests, I have kept you waiting for a long time! The above eight contestants successfully passed the first review and advanced to the second review!"

The sweet Musashi Rina disguised by Xiaoguang and Kojiro was among them, and Kotone immediately felt relieved,"Congratulations, Xiaoguang, you are so awesome!"

"But what comes next is the key to victory or defeat!"Xiaoguang is full of fighting spirit. He must get the fifth ribbon medal this time," Come on, Ivory Pig!"

"But I remember that today is related to the fifth Ribbon Medal. It is a very important meeting. If it is like this, why not send Bogaman or Curly Ear to appear? Guangguang, you are so bold!"Qin Yin was a little worried, this must be Ivory Pig's debut battle!

"No problem, even if this is the fifth one, it’s nothing special. Just challenge it with a normal heart!"Xiaguang's mentality is very good this time.

Xiaozhi also praised,"Pokémon is more important than victory or defeat, but we can't take it lightly. Musashi Lina's state is completely different this time!"

"no problem!"


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