The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

"Go and rescue them first."

After learning about Xiaozhi and others' plan, Yun Xiao asked Xiaozhi and others to rescue the trapped people, and then go to the windmill to generate electricity to wake up the Green Crystal Deoxys.

"What about you?"

Xiaoyao asked when she saw that Yun Xiao had no intention of leaving.

"Me? Of course I have to thank Deoxys for taking care of me for a week."

Yun Xiao shook his neck, with a strong fighting spirit in his eyes.

"Be careful!"

Out of trust in Yun Xiao, Xiaoyao gave a warning and then joined Xiaozhi and the others in destroying the gate.

"So, how can I make Rayquaza obey my command?"

Yun Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the two Pokémon fighting in the sky, and thought carefully. In the current situation, Rayquaza temporarily has some advantages, but Deoxys is not passively avoiding, but occasionally throwing out a strong mental thought to resist.

"Come out, Bloodwing Dragon."

Yun Xiao sent out Bloodwing Dragon, and Bloodwing Dragon looked around in a daze after appearing. Now Deoxys has no time to take care of controlling Yun Xiao's Pokémon, so after recycling it into the Poké Ball, Bloodwing Dragon also regained consciousness.

"Partner, take me up there."

Yun Xiao patted Bloodwing Dragon's wings and sat on it. Bloodwing Dragon glanced at the sky. The two Pokémon fighting above were emitting terrifying energy. Although there was some resistance, it still flew high into the sky.

When Bloodwing Flying Dragon appeared, both Pokémon only glanced at it. Because of its low level, both Pokémon chose to ignore it and continued to fight.

Yun Xiao obviously expected this result. After all, at their level, how could they care about an ant beside them?

Rayquaza seemed a little anxious after failing to defeat Deoxys for a long time. He destroyed the split body of Deoxys with a Destruction Beam, and then approached Deoxys's main body at great speed, and hit Deoxys' body with a tail attack.

After being hit by this attack, Deoxys fell to a staircase and slid down the stairs.


Seizing this opportunity, Rayquaza quickly used the Destruction Beam, which blasted out instantly. Deoxys quickly switched to the speed form and dodged the attack with a flash.

The purple crystal on Deoxys' chest emitted a wave of evil, which hit Rayquaza with great power. Rayquaza was hit by this powerful attack and embedded in the wall.

Deoxys quickly switched to attack mode, and a stronger mental power than the normal form slowly condensed.

"Bloodwing Dragon, Dragon Breath."

Yun Xiao immediately commanded Bloodwing Dragon to attack, and the dragon breath directly hit Deoxys who was condensing power. Deoxys was hit by the dragon breath, and the mental power in his hand was also forcibly interrupted.

Deoxys looked at Yun Xiao and Bloodwing Dragon. This attack was only elite level, and hitting it on a champion-level Pokémon was like an ant biting itself.

Although it didn't hurt, it could interfere with itself. Taking advantage of Deoxys's distraction, Rayquaza immediately rushed towards Deoxys and knocked Deoxys away with a destructive death beam.

Deoxys immediately adjusted his body shape, flew to a telephone pole, and split into thousands of clones and rushed towards Rayquaza.

These clones were only elite-level, but there were so many of them that it was relatively troublesome for Rayquaza to deal with them.

"Help Rayquaza, buddy. Use Dragon Wave."

In order to gain Rayquaza's favor, Yun Xiao chose to help Rayquaza, after all, their goals were the same.

The blood-winged dragon roared loudly, and waves of dragon waves gushed out and hit the clones. The clones close to Rayquaza dissipated directly into the air.

Rayquaza, who got a respite, looked at Yun Xiao, curious why this ant-like human would help him.

"Rayquaza, leave the clones to me, and you can take care of Deoxys's body."

Yun Xiao said to Rayquaza while commanding the Bloodwing Dragon to attack the clones that were rushing towards him. Now that the city has lost some of the machinery and equipment that could interfere with Deoxys, they have all been destroyed by Deoxys. Without these interferences, it has become more powerful.

Rayquaza did not dare to be arrogant, and nodded and shook off the clones, heading straight to

Then it attacked Deoxys.

"Come out, Ditto, use Finishing Touch after transforming into Rayquaza."

Yun Xiao sent out Ditto, and after Ditto appeared, it directly transformed into the appearance of Rayquaza, but this was a weakened version.

Ditto transformed into Rayquaza and roared at the split body, trying to use Rayquaza's ultimate move Finishing Touch, but the skill just reached its mouth and it dissipated directly, and the split body rushed directly towards Ditto.

Bloodwing Dragon hurriedly used Dragon Wave to defeat the split bodies around Ditto and rescued Ditto.

"This Rayquaza can't even use Finishing Touch?"

Yun Xiao frowned and looked at Rayquaza who was fighting with Deoxys. No wonder he had been fighting with Destruction Beam and Speed ​​from the beginning to now.

"Use Dragon Dance continuously, and Bloodwing Dragon uses Dragon Wave to cover Ditto."

Thinking about it, this Rayquaza is only in the youth stage, and it is normal that he has not mastered the finishing touch. So under the cover of Bloodwing Dragon, Ditto kept twisting his body in the sky and strengthening himself.

"Okay, use Dragon Star Cluster like this."

After Ditto was strengthened, Yun Xiao directly asked it to use a large-scale trick. Ditto spewed out a huge rock from its mouth, and the huge rock exploded after rising into the sky.

One after another, the broken stones fell from the sky like meteors, and each one that hit the body of Deoxys's split body could be taken away directly.


Rayquaza, attracted by the movement in Yun Xiao's direction, looked back during the fight and found that Yun Xiao was commanding his own people to attack the split body.

From the energy emitted by its fellows, it can be seen that the level of this Rayquaza is not high, but the Dragon Star Swarm it launched is very powerful, and it cleared all the surrounding split bodies in just a moment.

Just when it was curious about why Yun Xiao had the help of its fellows, the "Rayquaza" consumed a lot of physical strength and turned back into Ditto, and returned to Yun Xiao's side.

Rayquaza then retracted his gaze, and at the same time became a little curious about Yun Xiao, but now Rayquaza could not think too much, because Deoxys had already turned into a speed form and rushed towards him quickly.

"Is it really too consuming to become a legendary Pokémon?"

Yun Xiao smiled bitterly. After all, it was a legendary Pokémon. If Ditto could change at will, it would be too cheap.

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