After clearing the split body of Deoxys, Yun Xiao asked Bloodwing Dragon to take him to the tall building.

"Thank you for your hard work, Bloodwing Dragon."

Yun Xiao took back the tired Bloodwing Dragon and watched the battle between the two Pokémon in the sky. It must be said that the physical strength of the champion-level Pokémon is really amazing. After fighting for so long, it still continues to perform skills and clashes with the offensive.

Rayquaza blasted out a destructive death beam, but Deoxys switched to the speed form and evaded it flexibly, and then threw a mental shock to hit Rayquaza.

"Deoxys' attack is weaker in speed mode, its double defense is weaker in attack mode, its defense is higher in defense mode, its attack and speed are relatively weaker, and its ability is average in normal mode?"

Yun Xiao watched Deoxys constantly changing its form to fight Rayquaza, and also saw the advantages and weaknesses of each form of Deoxys.

In attack mode and normal form, its speed is not as fast as Rayquaza's speed when using super speed, but when it changes to speed mode, its speed crushes Rayquaza, and the attack it launches is not satisfactory.

"Rayquaza, he has switched to normal form, you use super speed to get close to it, and then use dragon claw to beat it!"

Yun Xiao shouted in the direction of Rayquaza. Although he didn't know whether Rayquaza would listen to his command, Yun Xiao still decided to do something.


Rayquaza, who was worrying about how to deal with the various forms of Deoxys, heard Yun Xiao's command and subconsciously obeyed Yun Xiao's instructions.

It approached Deoxys at great speed. Deoxys wanted to dodge, but it was much slower than Rayquaza and was soon caught up by Rayquaza.

Rayquaza waved his short arms and slapped Deoxys down with one claw.

This series of attacks made Rayquaza feel very comfortable. When he was fighting with Deoxys just now, he always felt suppressed by Deoxys. Now he didn't use his brain and just obeyed the command of a human, which made him feel so refreshed. He couldn't help but look at Yun Xiao a few more times.

Deoxys on the ground switched to the defensive form before falling to the ground, and withstood Rayquaza's attack. It didn't rush to attack Rayquaza, but planned to use the defensive form to counterattack.

"Its speed is relatively slow in defense mode, but its defense is very high. Rayquaza, take this opportunity to use Dragon Dance to widen the gap with Deoxys."

Rayquaza, who wanted to launch an attack directly, was stunned for a moment, but still followed Yun Xiao's instructions and performed Dragon Dance directly in the air.

Deoxys on the ground was directly disturbed by Yun Xiao's interference and disrupted his rhythm. Everything was under control, but since this human who was previously controlled by him joined the command, Rayquaza became extremely difficult to deal with.

In order to regain the advantage, Deoxys directly switched to speed mode and attacked Rayquaza fiercely, concentrating his spiritual power on the way.

"It's speed mode. Its attack in this mode is not high. You can fight it!"

Yun Xiao hurriedly reminded him that it would be too easy for the strengthened Rayquaza to defeat Deoxys in a power duel.

But Yun Xiao made a mistake in one thing. Deoxys' target was not Rayquaza, but himself!

Rayquaza's destructive death ray attacked Deoxys, who dodged the attack with a nimble move and fired his spiritual power at the rooftop where Yun Xiao was.


An explosion sounded, the floor collapsed, and Yun Xiao fell from the tall building.

"Is it too much to hit the military advisor?"

Yun Xiao narrowly avoided the attack of the spiritual power, but still could not escape the danger of falling from the building. At this critical moment, Rayquaza flew over at great speed and caught the falling Yun Xiao with his head.

"Thank you, Rayquaza. Let's fight side by side?"

Yun Xiao thanked Rayquaza for saving him and invited him to fight side by side.

Rayquaza nodded. At first, it did not trust Yun Xiao, but after several unconscious obediences, it also knew that with Yun Xiao's help, it could become stronger.

"Okay, Deoxys is now in attack mode. Its dual defense is not high, and its speed is not as fast as your speed. You use speed to approach it, and then use Dragon Tail on it."

Yun Xiao was a little excited at this moment, commanding the legendary treasure

Pokémon fighting, if it was in the past, he simply couldn't even think about it!


Rayquaza roared excitedly, and pounced on Deoxys at a lightning speed. As Yun Xiao said, its speed in attack form was not as fast as his. Deoxys was thrown down by a dragon's tail before he could react.


On the way to the windmill.

"Is that Yun Xiao above Rayquaza's head?"

Curious about the legendary Pokémon fighting, Xiaozhi would look in the direction of Deoxys and Rayquaza from time to time. By chance, he squinted and found a small black shadow on the top of Rayquaza's head. When Rayquaza was closer to everyone, he finally saw the figure above Rayquaza's head.

"My God, he is actually commanding the legendary Rayquaza to fight."

Aaron also felt a little incredible, but there was indeed a figure above Rayquaza's head. Judging from the figure above its head constantly directing Rayquaza's actions with his fingers, he was indeed directing Rayquaza.

"Damn it, although I am very unwilling, Xiaoyao's choice is right, and the most important thing is that he is better looking than me."

Jita cried with an unwilling face, because he found that Xiaoyao's eyes were all on Yunxiao.

"Let's go quickly, it's okay to leave this to Yunxiao."

Xiaoyao watched everyone stop and immediately asked everyone to move. Yunxiao was making his own efforts, and they couldn't stop.

"We must quickly get our partners back to Deoxys."

Toy also echoed on the side, Xiaozhi and others stopped watching and ran towards the windmill.

Deoxys flew high into the sky, and the aura bursting from its body became even stronger. It wanted to forcibly consume its vitality to strengthen itself.

"It is consuming vitality to fight. No, Rayquaza, we must interrupt it quickly. It just wants to find its companions. We can't let it die here. You can't use the finishing touch, right?"

Seeing Deoxys ready to fight, Yun Xiao also became anxious. Although he wanted revenge, he didn't want Deoxys to die here.

Rayquaza looked at Yun Xiao in confusion. How did he know that he couldn't use the finishing touch, but he nodded.

"Try it again now. With the help of Dragon Dance, you should be able to use it now. Try to concentrate on wrapping your body with the flying attribute, and then burst out directly to use the finishing touch!"

Yun Xiao planned to try his luck. Now only the finishing touch could stop Deoxys from burning his life.

Although Rayquaza had some doubts, he still followed Yun Xiao's instructions. A green light burst out from Rayquaza's body. It kept twisting its body, feeling the flying energy covering its entire body.


It roared loudly at Deoxys and quickly crashed into Deoxys who was still gathering strength. Rayquaza successfully used the finishing touch, and Deoxys was directly hit by the finishing touch and lost his ability to fight.

The body slowly fell from the sky and hit the ground.

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