Police Detective

Chapter 1088: Spoiling the situation (8100 words, making up for yesterday’s)

The quarrel continued, and two factions with opposite interests soon formed.

Mr. Ma and the other three are all on their own, and they all want one-fifth or one-sixth of the share.

After communicating, Bai Song seemed to understand why everyone's code cannot be made public.

There are actually big problems within the six of them. You must know that in this kind of industry, it is impossible to have a harmonious joint-stock system. Some people will always become stronger or weaker, and some people will always have bigger or smaller ambitions. What should I do if it lasts longer?

It would be nice if no one knew who each other was.

This sounds impossible, but it's not completely impossible.

Coding can accomplish this. For example, "I know that I have a grudge and conflict with '123456'. He stole my order this time and made a lot of money!", but "I don't I don’t know who ‘123456’ is, I just know it’s someone other than me.”

And the reason why the character Wang Qianyi doesn't need to show up is that most of the communication is through a password box or something like that. The "lockbox" here is not necessarily a real "lockbox", it is just a nickname. Moreover, no one actually wants Wang Qianyi to show up and have contact with these people, because once he comes into contact, he may be bribed, and if he is bribed, the identities of other people will not be kept confidential.

Of course, it is very possible that Wang Qianyi's role is just a messenger. He didn't know anything about it at first, he only knew how to deliver goods.

Wang Qianyi was responsible for sending the "lockbox" back and forth, and there were others who told the six people the location of the lockbox or provided other information channels. It is currently unknown, but it is certain that these two lines are indispensable.

Of course, it is no longer important to speculate on this now, as time is too long.

Under this kind of mechanism, especially if there are six people, everyone will be more likely to throw in the towel and not focus on internal fighting.

Because this number was often changed in the past, there was almost no real exposure. However, because of this problem caused by Wang Qianyi, a line was disconnected and everyone's number became a fixed version. In this way, the group did not dare to They always talk randomly, and if they talk too much, they may know who the other person is.

Therefore, when chatting, it is very chaotic. Everyone talks nonsense, and sometimes they even deliberately imitate other people's way of speaking to communicate.

Now, it is obvious that Mr. Li and Mr. Wang know each other and are considered an alliance.

Yuan Ruonan knows Mr. Wang's code name, but Mr. Wang doesn't know Yuan Ruonan's. Except for the person with a ghost who knows who his ghost is, everyone else has suspense.

The six people seem to be in harmony, but there are many who have hatred for each other! Therefore, even though there was such a quarrel, they did not disclose their account numbers, and the three "ghosts" also ended up. At first, they expressed that there was no problem with their identities, but later they began to tease Wang Huadong that there was something wrong with what he said.

At this time, many people began to doubt what Wang Huadong said. Everyone did not doubt that Wang Huadong was not Wang Qianyi's son, but everyone really suspected that Wang Huadong was here to cause trouble.

Lao Ma and the other three people still felt that the share was too small, but they stopped making trouble at this time, and then began to explore Wang Huadong's background.

At this moment, someone came again, a young man, and he opened the door directly and entered the house.

Bai Song glanced at this person and felt inexplicably familiar, but he had definitely never met him in person.

"Who are you?" Mr. Li stood up first and looked at this person warily.

There are his people at the door of this house, and it stands to reason that he won't let anyone in casually.

"Let me show you something, Mr. Li." The man handed the phone to Mr. Li.

Mr. Li looked at it and said, "Why doesn't she come in person?"

"If something happens, I'll take her place," the man said.

"You can't replace me." Mr. Li shook his head.

"Then take a look at this again." The man took the phone, fiddled with it twice, and then handed it to Mr. Li.

After reading it, Mr. Li frowned and told everyone: "He is from over there and has a line on white goods."

"White goods?" Yuan Ruonan was the first to object: "I would rather make less and make more money than do this again."

"I won't touch it either." Mr. Wang shook his head.

Usually those who smuggle this are desperadoes. Now that these people have enough to eat and drink, no one wants to touch it.

Bai Song already knew who this person was. He was the one he met in Tianhua City. Some time ago in Lugu Lake, Wang Liang sent a video to Bai Song, which contained a video of the suspect in the Tianhua Port white goods smuggling case. Although his face was not clearly shown, he was basically a man of about 35 years old.

Not only that, Bai Song also recorded the person's walking posture, that is, gait.

Gait technology is a very advanced recognition technology. It belongs to the branch of biomechanics, which is difficult but also very simple. It’s simple because almost everyone can roughly remember how the most familiar people walk. The difficulty lies in how to quantify and analyze it.

Thinking of this, Bai Song gave Hua Dong a few looks, and Hua Dong understood.

It's not that eye contact is so complicated. I had already done some preparation before coming. The possible appearance of this person was part of the plan. But now why the woman, the real leader, didn't come, Bai Song couldn't figure it out.

"This is just a channel, do you understand the channel? If I have this channel, there will definitely be other channels," the young man said, "And the amount of money that can be laundered here is not a small amount."

Hearing this, Hua Dong chuckled.

The inappropriate smile at this moment attracted everyone's attention.

"Who are you?" The young man noticed Wang Huadong. This person was not in the information in his mind.

"I don't need to tell you who I am," Wang Huadong said with a smile, "I know who you are. And I know that whoever arrests you and hands you over to the police will have enough merit to avoid the death penalty."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" The young man was startled, but he didn't show it: "Young boy, do you think I will be scared by you?"

"Aren't you responsible for the ton of cargo at Tianhua Port a few days ago?" Wang Huadong said directly: "There are several warlords over there who want to mess with you, but you still have channels? Do you dare to leave the country again?"

Regarding this matter, because the source was found and ICPO also came forward, some people were unlucky because of this, and the account was all placed on this young man.

"Didn't that woman do it?" Yuan Ruonan stood up and interjected.

"Only a few of us know it's her," Wang Huadong said, "Outside, including those from abroad, they are all staring at this person."

"Oh, isn't that just a scapegoat?" Yuan Ruonan sat down, obviously no longer interested.

Yuan Ruonan is not interested, but Mr. Ma is. His younger brother was arrested by the police. He may be sentenced to a severe sentence. If this man is used to commit meritorious deeds,

Mr. Ma also brought two people here, and gave his two younger brothers a look, indicating not to let this person go for a while.

The "substitute" young man was just about to speak. When he saw Mr. Ma's eyes just now, he immediately understood something. He is also a smart man and quickly greeted Mr. Ma: "Mr. Ma Zaihua, I would like to say hello to you on behalf of Sister Xia."

As soon as Mr. Ma heard this, he immediately shelved his plan. Good guy, I know his real name. If I send this person in, doesn’t that mean I have to go in too?

Seeing that the young man could easily call out Mr. Ma's full name, everyone acquiesced in his existence, which showed that he was indeed qualified to represent that woman, that is, "Sister Xia."

Having intelligence is a strength in itself.

Seeing that the situation had eased, Wang Huadong naturally couldn't let these people get what they wanted: "So why are you here? Why doesn't she come?"

"Sister Xia has other things to do."

"Is it more important than all of us getting together today? This was not the case when she came to us, and now she sends a little brother to come and talk to us?" Wang Huadong continued.

Wang Huadong's words pulled the ten people present into one camp in disguise. Speaking of which, even if Wang Huadong joins, he will get at most one-tenth of the share, and there are other channels, so the total benefits may increase. Therefore, on the whole, Wang Huadong is still one of his own.

If Wang Huadong said this before, he would be scolded, but now no one scolds Wang Huadong. Suppressing this young man will do no harm to everyone.

"Mr. Wang", the young man took the phone and showed something to Mr. Wang. Before coming, Sister Xia had told him that if there was any conflict, then Mr. Wang and Li would finally be closer allies.

The believers who developed in Xiangge County were mainly helped by Mr. Wang and Mr. Li.

He had just come in to meet with Mr. Li, and now he would show off his relationship with Mr. Wang so that he could stand firmer.

Generally speaking, among the six people, Mr. Wang and Mr. Li have their own "ghosts", so they are naturally more powerful.

After looking at the content on the young man's mobile phone, Mr. Wang nodded: "Everyone, give me some face. He is of great value and is good for us all. If there is anything else, why don't we talk about it after we finish discussing today's matters. ”

As he said that, Mr. Wang could still stare at Wang Huadong. There were many meanings in his eyes, including threats and other emotions, but after all, he regarded Wang Huadong as an equal.

"Eh?" Wang Huadong was unwilling: "Why are you staring at me? By the way, I have no problem giving face to Mr. Li and the others, so why should I give face to you? Do you have any of the five code names I just mentioned?"

"Who said there is no me!" As soon as Mr. Wang finished speaking, he realized that he had said it wrong.

The correct statement should emphasize that Wang Huadong's five codes are incomplete, but should not say that he is not included.

"Do you have one?" Wang Huadong said with a smile: "What is your code? Do you need me to disclose it to you?"

Mr. Wang's face changed drastically, and he suddenly found that it was difficult to get off the tiger.

It's not okay to disclose his code. He knows that his "vest" has had many holidays with others. If his code is completely disclosed, then someone will definitely find a way to trick him!

And if you don't speak now, wouldn't it prove that what Wang Huadong said is true?

Suddenly, Mr. Wang was also drawn into the opposite side, but he didn't understand at all. Although Wang Huadong was in the group, how could he know who he was?

For a moment, he looked at Mr. Li and Yuan Ruonan. What he was sure of was that only these two people knew his number! Then one of these two people must have tipped off Wang Huadong.

Mr. Li is unlikely. Mr. Li and Mr. Wang must have a community of destiny. If the two people work together, both parties will benefit.

Then it must be this woman!

The question is how did Yuan Ruonan know his code? He has always spoken very carefully and never revealed his own information. I used to think that Yuan Ruonan had some awesome skills, but now I see that Yuan Ruonan also has a "ghost", so could it be that Mr. Li and Yuan Ruonan have formed an alliance?

If this is the case, it would make sense for Mr. Li to sell him.

But Mr. Li just spoke for him and made peace.

Mr. Wang's mind exploded. He, who was not so smart to begin with, was now in a bad state.

With Mr. Wang's silence, needles could be heard in the room of dozens of people. No one knew what to say, and Mr. Li did not dare to speak casually. Wang Huadong didn't read Mr. Wang's account just now. He thought it was a coincidence, thinking that Wang Huadong deliberately read the five people's account to sow discord. But now it is certain that Wang Huadong knew that Mr. Wang's account was not among the five people, and the problem became much more serious!

"Everyone," Ma Zaihua was a little irritated: "What's going on with us now? How many benefits have you got behind my back?"

Ma Zaihua was the first to speak. The other two bosses who had no "ghosts" were also unhappy. The bodyguards behind them also put their hands on their waists, not knowing what preparations they were making.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became tense.

Seeing that everyone was preparing something, Bai Song quietly took off his schoolbag, quietly took out an AK, and handed it to the special police. Then, he took out his schoolbag again and slowly took out the second one.

Everyone was dumbfounded. Was there more than one fucking thing? ? ?

Then, Bai Song bent over and looked at everyone's eyes warily. He put his hand into his bag and wanted to take it out, but seeing everyone staring at him, he felt embarrassed.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on these two people. Bai Song was a little embarrassed and stretched out his hand to say hello: "Sorry, sorry, I'm afraid it's rusty."

"Brother Wang, Brother Wang!" Mr. Li didn't know Wang Huadong's name, but since he was Wang Qianyi's son, his surname must be Wang. He was sweating now. All of them combined don't have as much firepower as these two! And how can these things be so easy to do! In this hurry, he directly called Wang Huadong, who was twenty years younger than him.

"Mr. Li, why are you so polite?" Wang Huadong coughed and signaled Bai Song to stop taking things from the bag. "I am a young man who doesn't know the rules very well, but I know that the rules of the older generation cannot be broken. No matter what I did back then, Dad made some mistakes, but old rules are old rules.”

Wang Huadong's words were obviously unreasonable. Wang Qianyi was the one who broke the rules the most, and he tricked everyone in order to protect themselves. But now Wang Huadong's appearance makes everyone a little panicked.

The most important thing is that Bai Song is still playing around there, as if he has never played with this thing before. Now he is moving in this direction, and then he is moving in another direction. Even if everyone is a big boss, there are some Panic.

"I agree that Wang Qianyi's son will get a share." Ma Zaihua was the first to nod. He had already discovered that people like Mr. Wang and Mr. Li must have eaten more and occupied more. If Wang Huadong was brought in, he might get even more!

As one of the five people just confirmed by Wang Huadong, he is definitely a vested interest!

"I agree too." The other two people without "ghost" said one after another.

"Of course there is no problem." Mr. Li nodded: "Needless to say, Mr. Wang must have a share."

After speaking, Mr. Li coughed, and it was obviously more comfortable to call Wang Huadong "Mr. Wang" than "Brother Wang"

Mr. Wang didn't know what to say. He knew that the "Mr. Wang" mentioned by Mr. Li just now was not talking about him, but looking at Bai Song and the other person, he didn't dare to make a mistake: "I agree, too. But I am the same as Lao Ma in this industry. I have been in this industry for more than 20 years. I am definitely a veteran. I definitely have my number. You don’t need to worry. ”

Mr. Wang’s IQ has just taken over the high ground now, so it’s definitely okay for him to say this. That’s what Ma Zaihua said just now. He is an old man, and he is qualified to rely on his old age and sell his old age.

"Okay, okay." Mr. Li also knew that the conflict needed to be transferred now, otherwise Mr. Wang would have to fight with him. At this time, in order to protect Mr. Wang, he could only sacrifice the new one: "By the way, Sister Xia asked you to come, What’s the purpose?”

The young man is miserable, what the hell is going on? Who knew before coming here that they brought the firepower of a division?

At this time, the young man could no longer be punished. It was not like he had never seen this kind of behavior before. He had smuggled more than this in Tianhua Port, but no matter what he said, people had to bow their heads under the eaves.

"I'll be honest." The young man directly revealed his bottom line: "Sister Xia is injured and can't come, but the injury is not serious and she will be fine in a few days, so he has to let me come. Regarding Sister Xia's sincerity, you don't need to worry about it. I have one more thing to tell you. The interests involved are huge. If it goes through, everyone's annual income will be at least doubled in the future, and the risks are still high. It won’t improve.”

These people were all experienced. It was impossible for them to be so excited after hearing such a sentence. They quietly waited for the young man to continue speaking. In fact, what the young man just said made everyone more concerned about why Sister Xia was injured.

"For the rest, only the nine or ten people who have the code are qualified to listen." The young man knew that there were nine people in the group before, but now he had to add Wang Huadong.

When he said this, Mr. Wang and the three "ghosts" became happy, which was equivalent to being recognized.

This kind of matter of high stakes is still very important. Mr. Li waved his hand and asked his two people to go out.

When Wang Huadong saw this, he also asked Bai Song and the others to go out.

Wang Huadong's approach was recognized by several other big guys. Under such circumstances, you should understand the general situation and take the initiative to let your superior power go out. This is the magnanimity that a person with a big climate should have!

If Wang Huadong takes advantage of his own strength and relies on force to oppress everyone, it would actually be meaningless. No one is weak.

This is also the reason why many H society bosses usually do it themselves in the end without any subordinates, because in some cases they will be looked down upon if they withdraw by themselves even if they bring subordinates.

After Bai Song and others went out, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became much more relaxed, and the young man finally found a chair to sit on.

After going out, everyone stayed away from Bai Song and the other two. Everyone also knows that they can't pull the trigger casually, but if these two lunatics are in a bad mood and beat one of them up, then there will really be no reason to cry! And from the performance just at the door, everyone knew that he was no match for these two.

"Where is the toilet?" Bai Song asked.

Someone who was familiar with the situation pointed the direction to Bai Song, and Bai Song walked straight over, preparing to go to the toilet to drain the water.

When he got to the toilet, he took out a small detector and tested it. He found that there was indeed no monitoring equipment near the toilet. Then he took out his mobile phone and sent an encrypted message to Wang Liang.

To put it simply, it is to check which hospital, including private clinics, has recently admitted female injured patients, including but not limited to stab wounds, accidents, etc. The search range must be within a diameter of 200 kilometers. In addition, all Accidents, car accidents, accidents, fights, etc. all need to be investigated.

In fact, such a request is really exaggerated, but with Ren Hao here, it is not as difficult as imagined. The population of the 200 kilometers nearby is one million, that is, the population of the two districts of Shangjing. There are not many injured women. The difficulty is that this person will definitely not go to a particularly conspicuous large hospital, and may even have his own private treatment center, so accidents and other situations must also be investigated.

This message was sent quickly. Bai Song finished using the toilet, then returned to the door of the house and stood with the SWAT brothers.

Of all the people, Bai Song and the two were closest to the gate, but it was hard to say anything about the others.

"Do you smoke?" Bai Song asked his SWAT brothers.

"Have one."

Bai Song nodded and took down his schoolbag.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Bai Song and the two, for fear that they would take out another RPG or something like this from this big bag.

But it was obvious that Bai Song was really talking about cigarettes. He took out a rusty iron box from his bag, opened it with force, and then handed the box to the SWAT officer. The SWAT officer held the box, and Bai Song took out a dirty-looking plastic bottle and a brand new sealed bag from it. There was cigarette paper in the sealed bag and tobacco leaves in the plastic bottle. He just rolled the cigarette as if no one was watching.

The two cigarettes were rolled quickly. Bai Song put away the bottles and boxes and handed the SWAT officer a cigarette.

"Where's the fire?" the SWAT brother asked in surprise.

"Fireworks are strictly prohibited in the forest. I threw them away before going up the mountain." Bai Song said.

"." The SWAT brother thought to himself that he didn't have this script before he came here, and the lines weren't right either!

To be honest, if this were Wang Liang, he would have known how he and Bai Song were making things up. But this guy and Bai Song were still not familiar with each other. It was fine to fight together, but they were really bad at talking nonsense together. He could only say: "I didn't bring any anger either. what to do?"

Everyone around was speechless, but no one dared to laugh. Bai Song looked at everyone, "Who has a fire? Can I borrow one?"

At this time, no one would care about Bai Song. No one wanted to mess with them, but no one wanted to make friends with them.

Seeing this, Bai Song scratched his head: "What can I do if there is no fire? I just went to the toilet, and I didn't see a single waiter on the way. I'll go in and ask them if they have a fire?"

"This is inappropriate." The SWAT brother knew what to say at this time: "Why go in? There's no shouting inside."

"Same." Bai Song scratched his head anxiously. It was so uncomfortable to have smoke but no fire!

Seeing this scene, others felt like laughing. These two had been pretending for a long time, and now they must have made a joke! The more this happens, the less likely it is that someone will help deliver the fire.

"Now that we have a solution, what's so hard about igniting the fire?" Bai Song smiled, unloaded the magazine, and pulled out a yellow-orange 7.62.

In fact, before this, although people like Yuan Ruonan had confirmed that Bai Song was the real guy, others were still a little unconvinced, but at this moment they all understood that it was not fake, and everyone stopped looking at the joke and wanted to see it. What does Bai Song want to do?

Immediately afterwards, Bai Song took out a hammer from his backpack and placed the bullet on the ground. He planned to knock off the bullet head and then find a way to pour out the gunpowder.

There are many violent ways to ignite gunpowder. As long as the gunpowder is deflagrated, it is theoretically possible to light a cigarette.

When Bai Song took out the hammer, the people present were stunned again. One of them was afraid of making a big fuss and immediately threw a lighter over: "I just checked my pocket and found that I had one with me. It's a gift for you. You don't have to return it."

Bai Song was very happy to see this, picked up the bullet, and then put the hammer back into his backpack first. Then he took out something from the bag, which looked like a big round pancake, and stuck the bullet inside.

There is no doubt that this thing must be specially designed to hold bullets. Just this perfect sound means everything.

Some of these people also have experience in the military, and they know a little bit about it. They generally know what this thing is. And a few experts have already figured out what this is, MDG1 plays drums! domestic! (Public data, please do not swipe when editing)

Domestic production means it is for military use, there is no doubt about this.

This kind of thing is very common in games. Many of them have 150 rounds, but in reality they are not that cruel. This one has a 75-round capacity!

Therefore, these people don't know what to think about what Bai Song and the two are doing. They are all only thugs, but they are also confidants. They are now trying to find ways to inform their bosses of the "intelligence" they have just obtained, ensuring that they will re-estimate the strength of these two people later.

No wonder Wang Huadong, as the son of Wang Qianyi, dared to come in such a big way even though he knew that I had offended everyone. He was indeed well prepared.

In fact, Ren Hao had considered these things before coming here.

Having a gun but not using one and not having a gun are two different things. The Southern Xinjiang Provincial Department is willing to provide full support. There is really no shortage of such guys in Southern Xinjiang.

In places like Shangjing and Tianhua, the police use 92-type pistols or shotguns with pain block bullets, but not in southern Xinjiang. Due to the harsher environment, 81 punch and 81 bar are widely used here. .

As we all know, 81 bars and AK are inseparable. The 81 bar is improved from the Type 56, and the Type 56 is basically a domestic product of AK. In addition to the seizures, it is really easy to find these things in the white pine belt.

Bai Song lit up the cigarette and took a nice puff.

As a non-smoker, he had to smoke several times due to work reasons, but now that he was smoking this dry cigarette, he almost couldn't stand it. He could only forcefully control his expression and feel very comfortable.

The SWAT brother does know how to smoke, so he is okay and can accept it.

These tobacco leaves are all cut out from the packaged cloud cigarettes, so they are no different from ordinary cloud cigarettes except that there is no filter.

While he was pumping beautifully, a sound suddenly came from the room. Wang Huadong shouted, "Stop!"

The soundproofing effect of this door is very good. Normal conversations inside cannot be heard outside, but shouting like this can definitely be heard. When Bai Song heard this, he became anxious and glanced at the special police. The two of them didn't say much, and took two steps back. He stepped forward fiercely, then kicked out his legs at the same time near the handle of the same door.

This is a double door, very strong, but when two people stepped on it, the middle parts of the upper and lower door frames were obviously bent inward. Obviously, this door is of very high quality, but the door frame is not very good, so it only takes a few kicks to kick it open.

This kick shocked so many people outside. They wanted to come up but didn't dare.

Fortunately, the people inside also heard the loud noise. The young man immediately came over to open the door and asked what happened. However, the door was kicked and it was not easy to open. The young man pulled hard, and Bai Song pushed hard from the outside before it was opened.

"Is someone beating someone?" Bai Song looked in and found that it was not Wang Huadong who was being beaten, but Ma Zaihua who was fighting one of the "ghosts".

It can be seen that Ma Zaihua was completely sure that this person was completely unqualified to mix the profits, and he did it deliberately.

"It's okay, it's okay." Wang Huadong waved his hand, "You guys can go out."

"Oh oh oh, it's okay." Bai Song retreated directly.

After Bai Song went out, the young man tried to close the door, but he couldn't. Just because you were able to pull it open doesn't mean you can close it now.

If the door cannot be closed, it will be embarrassing.

Faced with two choices, either change the house, or let people like Bai Song retreat.

It's hard to retreat, but judging by the "protection" energy of the two Bai Songs, it's no problem to leave this house, but it's impossible to stay away.

Changing houses is even more problematic. It's not that there are no other houses, but that so many big bosses are talking happily. Because all these things are gone, changing houses will look very bleak.

Just this simple mistake ruined everything we just talked about, but no one could say anything, blame Ma Zaihua? Mr. Wang didn't dare because it was his "ghost" who was exposed and his "ghost" who was beaten. He couldn't admit it or help.

Mr. Wang is feeling depressed tonight. He still doesn’t know why his code was known to Wang Huadong.

The reason is actually very simple, that is, he misjudged people's hearts.

When he wanted to win over the college student who allowed his classmates to die without saving them, it was because he had encountered this kind of thing before. He felt that such people were desperate desperadoes and could be easily controlled because they had no escape route. .

But obviously this college student has not reached that stage yet. His parents still contacted him and told him that his family was willing to pay the money and there would be no big responsibility when he came back. They would change schools for him and start over.

Sometimes parents are like this. They are willing to sell their houses and land to bear their mistakes and give their children a chance to live a new life.

No one wants to drift if they can live well, let alone go down a dark road, so this college student was successfully rescued. Because Mr. Wang didn't pay attention to him at all, no one cared about his movements.

However, this college student brought a piece of information, that is, he easily remembered Mr. Wang's six-digit code, because Mr. Wang let him play with the phone for a while. As a college student, six-digit numbers are really easy to remember, even if Even if you can’t remember, you can determine which one is Mr. Wang by just memorizing four or five of them!

Therefore, Mr. Wang’s unlucky situation this time was actually not unjust.

(That’s all for today. The fever has gone away. Thank you everyone. There is a new leader today. I will write a thank you letter after the event on the 15th.)

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