Police Detective

Chapter 1089 Shake people! (4K)

Back to business.

The young man had to let out blood this time because of the early disturbance. Regardless of whether Sister Xia allowed him to say it or not, he released more promises and information.

These promises and information are indeed of great interest. You must know that behind them is not as simple as an organization. Sometimes they can help bring in a little bit of information casually. As long as the value of the information is high enough, money is not an issue at all.

Under such circumstances, money and silk are so attractive, how could Ma Zaihua and the other three be willing to share the money among ten people? He tried his best to cause a scene. Of course, he might not have noticed it himself. Wang Huadong's instigation was indispensable.

People are indeed very confident sometimes and always think they are smart, but the more they are like this, the easier they are to be taken advantage of.

"I have just said what I should say." The young man knew that he could not continue the conversation, so he could only give it up: "Everyone is no longer conflicted. The previous code will continue to be used, and the things we will do next also need channels. , people who don’t have channels may get less share.”

The young man's meaning was obvious, that a big boss like Ma Zaihua would not suffer.

"Let's talk somewhere else." Wang Huadong already had some initiative at this time: "Find a place to have some food and talk slowly."

"Okay!" The young man's eyes lit up. It’s a good choice to eat somewhere else! This way you can change your house without losing face! He actually has a lot more to say!

"Then I'll be the host!" Mr. Wang quickly stood up to smooth things over.

"I don't dare to eat your favor." Wang Huadong targeted one person. He knew not to offend everyone.

Mr. Wang’s face turned green.

There is a truth when being beaten by a group. No matter how many people are on the other side, never hit them all. Just beat the one you dislike the most to death. Because Wang Huadong only knew Mr. Wang’s number, he would definitely beat him to death.

But things won't go on like this, and soon someone will want to talk.

The person who stood up this time was Yuan Ruonan. She said she wanted to host the meal and the location was in the room upstairs. She also said that from now on she would not leave everyone's sight, and she would eat every dish and drink first. Indicates non-toxic and harmless.

In fact, everyone is not that afraid in this regard. Those who eat must be these people, and everyone has brought people. You are not alone in Belvedere, and no one else can afford it if something happens.

Because the door was not closed properly, Bai Song could hear these words, which made him a little confused.

As the species with the best long-distance running ability on the planet, humans have very developed sweat glands, which means that this kind of mask-like camouflage cannot last long, and as sweat is secreted, the camouflage will become more and more prone to problems.

Last time at the bar, Wang Huadong and the "stewardess" had a fight in the toilet because both parties found out that the other party had a problem with their disguise. Therefore, it is not suitable for Wang Huadong to eat now and he should leave. The secretion of sweat increases the possibility of being discovered.

Sweating is unavoidable. The human just mentioned is the animal best at long-distance running. Some people may not believe it, but in fact it is true. Humans can sweat to dissipate heat, and their mouths can assist breathing. They cannot outrun many animals in a short period of time, but they are invincible over long distances. In the 4,345-kilometer ultra-long endurance race held in the beautiful country, the fastest person completed it in 41 days, while the horse took 84 days. In ancient times, it was said that a horse can "travel eight hundred miles a day", which required constant replacement of horses.

Bai Song thought about it for a long time and decided to support Wang Huadong. He probably knew what Huadong was thinking.

The first is that you can go to the toilet and other places to clean up your disguise; the second is that the identity of Wang Qianyi's son is fictitious, and even if there is a slight change in appearance, outsiders cannot see it; the third is to delay time and let outsiders go Find "Sister Xia"; as for the fourth step, we need to get some more detailed clues.

In other words, Wang Huadong has put himself in a relatively dangerous situation.

But Huadong himself didn't actually think that much. The only thing he couldn't figure out now was this Yuan Ruonan. This woman always gave him a very dangerous feeling.

This villa is definitely not something where the police can just come and arrest everyone. It takes time for the helicopter to arrive, and it takes even more time for the car to arrive. It is impossible to catch everyone just by relying on the three of Bai Song. And there must be secret passages, tunnels and the like here, so arresting people here is actually not a good choice.

If we really want to arrest people, we can arrest them one by one after today's meeting is over. Anyway, these people are basically under control. Just don't let this young man escape.

Yuan Ruonan arranged the dinner very quickly. After these people left the room and went to a banquet hall on the second floor, cold dishes and drinks were already served. Not long after everyone sat down, hot dishes began to be served.

In these few minutes, something happened, because everyone did not go together. Some people went to the toilet, and some people went to make phone calls. Everyone had their own ideas. Bai Song also gave a new report on the situation.

Mr. Wang and Mr. Li, plus their ghosts and the people they brought, there are more than a dozen people. They are definitely the strongest force here. Mr. Wang has been criticized all the time just now, and now he feels extremely uncomfortable. He chats with Mr. Li alone. After a few minutes, he made sure that Mr. Li was still on the same front as him, and then he thought about how to take revenge.

Wang Huadong went to the toilet and successfully extended his disguise for more than an hour.

Others also had their own ideas. The main reason was that what Wang Huadong showed was too strong. This obvious imbalance in combat power was uncontrollable in the first stage. With a few minutes to arrange, everyone still did the second stage. plan. Even if it’s a dinner party, it’s not impossible to flip the table!

Discuss the division of interests in detail? That's where the fight comes from.

The reason why we didn't fight before was because when we were divided many years ago, these people were just minions. Now it's difficult.

But young people are the happiest. He is not afraid of these people fighting. He is afraid that these people will not fight. If they don't fight, they will be in trouble. It would be terrible if these people stopped pursuing interests.

Shange County.

There was no trace of Sister Xia's whereabouts at all, but the Haval car that crashed into the river valley was found.

Unlike the plain area, there are not many roads here, and there are only so many roads out of Belvedere. It is not difficult to send everyone to check the accident. An accident like this that broke the railing was definitely not a small matter.

Ren Hao couldn't come in person because the drive took nearly four hours, but he still gave online instructions in person.

"What happened?" Ren Hao listened to the accident report given at the scene: "The bearing of this car was cut?"

"That's right, Mr. Ren," the person in charge of the scene said: "The place where the car fell was too far away and the crane couldn't reach it, so we had to rappel down. The inspectors in front just took a lot of photos, although the car had already fallen. It's not human-like, but it's obvious that the bearing was damaged artificially. It's initially estimated that more than half of it was cut open. If the car is pressed down, it will be fine. When turning, the outer wheel is raised a little. If the force is small, it will easily break. .”

"Someone wants to harm this car owner." Mr. Ren said clearly: "Are there any casualties at the scene?"

"The car owner jumped out of the car and ran away. There was a lot of her blood on the edge of the cliff. Blood samples have been collected. No one in the local area called 120 tonight, and no major hospital will treat the injured person."

"Well, that's her, hurry up and do the DNA." Ren Hao said, "The person must be in Shange County. Since this car can be confirmed, let me chase the video to the end. I can't rush there, I will send people to reinforce you."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine here."

It's not a big problem to find this woman. With the current evidence, it's just a matter of time to catch her. Xiangge County is very small and there are not many roads. Where can I run to?

If it weren't for the fact that there is no such thing as the Sky Eye System in Shange County yet, people would probably be caught by now.

What Mr. Ren is most concerned about right now is the three people Bai Song. Not to mention going deep into the tiger's den, there are still huge hidden dangers at this moment.

This "Sister Xia" must have been plotted against her, but the person who could plot against her is probably in the manor on the top of the mountain today. If this happens, then the risk factor for Bai Song and others will become higher. No one knows what this person's purpose is or what he will do.

Thinking of this, Mr. Ren quickly sent an email to Bai Song. It was unknown when Bai Song would have time to look at his phone. Thinking of this, Mr. Ren fully monitored the movements of various forces in Belvedere and was making next arrangements.

Bai Song felt a little hungry at this time, especially smelling these delicious foods. I have to say that this villa is of very high quality, and the chef is definitely of a certain level.

Now we have to talk about why Wang Huadong is so good at pretending. If Bai Song sees this table of dishes, he may not recognize any of them. They are all delicacies from mountains and seas. He may not know how to eat them, but Huadong has eaten them before, so he will definitely not know them. Show timidity.

Every time a dish is served, Yuan Ruonan will ask Wang Huadong to come over and pick a chopstick for her to eat first to prove that it is not poisonous. Obviously, it is absolutely impossible for Wang Huadong and Yuan Ruonan to be together in this room, so everyone is convinced by this arrangement.

We had just been chatting for a long time, and it was quite tense. In fact, everyone had no appetite at first, but as we chatted, we started to "eat" it.

Apart from Wang Huadong and the young man, the owners of this villa are more or less acquainted with everyone else and know the standard here. Wang Huadong is also eating, but he eats very carefully and only tastes every dish.

Talking about toxicity without dosage is a joke. Unless there is a highly toxic substance that can seal your throat when you see blood, you will be fine if you only eat a little bit. But Huadong still kept pretending to eat, and even moved his chopsticks, but basically didn't swallow it. What.

Except for him, everyone else is similar, and no one will covet this delicious food.

At this time, Wang Huadong felt that it was a waste. There were 11 people chatting for more than half an hour, and every dish was the same as freshly cooked. If Ren Xu was here, he would have cleared half of the plates long ago without caring about anything else.

"According to what I just mentioned, Mr. Wang and Mr. Sun, you have channels to go to Beijing. Then I will trouble you two more about the business there from now on." The young man said.

"I also have channels," Wang Huadong raised his hand.

He must help with everything related to Mr. Wang!

"You?" Mr. Wang was so angry that he stood up directly: "Are you deliberately trying to make things difficult for me today!"

"I really do." Wang Huadong waved his hand: "My father has been in Tianhua City for so many years and is so close to Beijing. How come there is no channel?"

"Okay, then take Brother Wang with you," the young man said indifferently, "But I haven't had much contact before, and I still need to get used to it slowly."

Mr. Wang wanted to get angry, but sat down anyway.

The biggest cake in the north is the line to Beijing, which he has been operating for many years.

"I'm sorry." Wang Huadong shook his head: "I want them all, Shangjing and Tianhua, I want them all, and operate them exclusively."

"Are you looking for death?" Mr. Wang stood up again and walked towards Wang Huadong angrily: "These are the only two big cities in the north, and you want them all? I'm giving you face, right? Of the four municipalities, you can take two for yourself?"

"Do you want to hit someone?" Wang Huadong also stood up.

"You're the one I'm going to hit!" Mr. Wang just punched him.

Speaking of which, Wang Huadong is not good at fighting, but that's just compared to Bai Song. It's not difficult for a middle-aged man like Mr. Wang, who has been drained by alcohol and sex, to hit two or three casually. He grabbed Mr. Wang's With his fist, he punched the opponent's waist. Mr. Wang squatted on the ground holding his stomach in pain.

Seeing this, Mr. Wang and Mr. Li's two "ghosts" immediately ran over and prepared to fight Wang Huadong two on one.

During the meal just now, many people came outside.

Because Bai Song and the special police showed extraordinary fighting power, these big bosses were all in danger and called to "shake people". Basically, they were all here by now. This was also the reason why Mr. Wang spoke so forcefully.

More than 20 people from him and Mr. Li came, all of whom were good players. Although they didn't have the heavy firepower in their hands like Bai Song, they still had some guys. It was impossible to be afraid of them in a real fight.

Apart from the two of them, there were many people outside, and the courtyard was actually a bit chaotic.

Except for people like Bai Song who were inside the building, everyone else was blocked outside. It was helpless for the owner of the manor to allow them to enter the big iron gate outside, but there was still a sense of dignity in not allowing them to enter the building.

More than a hundred people from all walks of life came outside, and they all entered the building. This house must be demolished!

In fact, during this period of time, it was not convenient for anyone in this banquet hall to contact outsiders, but they all knew that their people were coming, and they all had some confidence in their families. At this moment, everyone's self-confidence is a little higher.

The more than 100 people in the yard come from many forces. No one knows what the other person does. They can only wait here and see what the boss says later.

Not only that, the number of people in the yard is still increasing. All kinds of Mercedes-Benz, BMW and other luxury cars have filled the parking lot, and there is a row of cars parked on the road up the mountain.

In addition, I don’t know which force, Wuling Hongguang drove over, and more than ten people got out of a car!

This banquet hall is larger than the room on the first floor. Bai Song and the others cannot hear what Wang Huadong and these people do. The main reason is that it is too noisy outside the building, which affects their hearing.

Bai Song wasn't staring in front of the banquet hall at this time, he was just looking down from the glass on the second floor.

There were so many people outside, which made his vision a little blurry.

There are so many people! And most of them are not good.

How many people did Ren Hao send here? As far as I can see, there are at least thirty or forty police-like people outside.

(There are two more chapters of 2K)

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