Police Detective

Chapter 1090 Big Sister (Additional update for the total of LoveMikeG’s six numbers to be full of si

The SWAT brother was also a little speechless. It seemed that everyone from their brigade was basically here.

Disguised as several groups of different forces, and hiding their secrets from each one.

Some were driving Mercedes-Benz and wearing black suits; some were riding in Wuling Hongguang and were dressed in work clothes; some were driving off-road vehicles and wearing camouflage uniforms. They all blended in, and they were not related to anyone at the scene. know who

The light in this yard is completely incomparable with that in the building. There are just a few street lights. Except for the center of the yard, some areas next to it are even darker.

On the small road in the distance, there was another car driving up the mountain. Bai Song had a hunch that these people might all be his own people.

And Bai Song can be sure that these are only on the surface, and he doesn't know how many people are in the dark. Ren Hao has always done things like this, and he can control the actions of three to five hundred people at will.

Other people outside the house on the second floor also knew that their brothers and friends were coming. They couldn't see clearly from here, but those with better eyesight could still recognize a few acquaintances, and they all felt much calmer. They all thought that there were people outside. With so many people, half of them must belong to me.

Even if it's not his boss's, it's his boss's ally, and it definitely has nothing to do with people like Bai Song. It stands to reason that Wang Huadong has zero influence in the local area, and everyone knows this.

At this time, everyone looked at Bai Song and the two with much more relaxed eyes. No matter how arrogant their hearts were, they would never be able to beat so many people!

The fight in the house had escalated at this time. Wang Huadong was fighting one against two. Although he was not losing, he was still under a lot of pressure. After all, he was wearing a disguise, so it would be very troublesome if he got hit in the face.

"You two are his dogs, right? You're both just sitting in the manhole and freeloading, right?" Wang Huadong scolded: "Now you know how to protect your master!"

When Wang Huadong said this, Mr. Wang had to look at Mr. Ma, he felt a little guilty.

And the three people on Mr. Ma's side understood immediately that these two people were lackeys! Ma Zaihua is so angry!

Over the years, these lackeys still take one person's share in the group!

Ma Zaihua was the first to stand up, and the other two followed him and went up to beat these two "ghosts". However, neither of these two "ghosts" dared to fight back. At this time, they could only be beaten, and no one would do anything for them. They come forward.

Neither Mr. Wang nor Mr. Li can.

"Stop fighting," Yuan Ruonan said, "We are all civilized people, why are we fighting?"

"It's hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart without fighting!" Ma Zaihua said: "I'll find someone to chop these two up and feed them to the dogs! As for the one named Wang, you should pay at least 10 million to each of the three of us!"

"10 million?" Yuan Ruonan paused and took the words: "Mr. Ma, I will give you this money."

"What do you mean?" Ma Zaihua stopped immediately. He smelled a conspiracy.

"I plan to give everyone here, except these three people," Yuan Ruonan pointed to the two ghosts fighting and Wang Huadong, "10 million each."

"Yuan, you are not a good person. The one who is always standing behind you is also a freeloader, right?" Ma Zaihua said: "Stop farting here!"

"After so many years, from my 20s to over 40 in a blink of an eye, after all these years, you said that there is no boss in this line here in Belvedere, and no one will give you money to support you in old age." Yuan Ruonan sighed: "I feel sorry for you people for this."

"Yuan, what do you mean?" Mr. Wang also thought about it: "What are you talking about?"

"Hmph," Yuan Ruonan said, "From now on, I will be the boss, do you have any objections?"

This sentence naturally aroused angry scoldings from Mr. Wang and Mr. Ma, but Yuan Ruonan turned a blind eye and said, "You are so troublesome with me, why don't you take a closer look at your hands?"

Yuan Ruonan's words shocked everyone, including Wang Huadong, and they all paid attention to their hands.

Including Wang Huadong, almost everyone's hands have varying degrees of pigmentation. The ducts of the pilosebaceous glands are abnormally keratinized, and the back of the hands and other places have become gray and rough. If you look closely, it's really scary!

It's like the skin has grown hair and mold!


This is a common understanding for everyone!


How dare she!

Also, what kind of poison is this? Why do my hands look like this!

It's really scary and silent.

Almost none of the people here use chopsticks. How could such similar symptoms occur? Even Wang Huadong was extremely confused.

This banquet hall is very large, and the windows are open. If the air is poisoned, what poison would have such a great effect? It's almost impossible!

Even the well-informed Wang Huadong is a little panicked at the moment, everyone is afraid of death! Poisons are nothing else. The only thing that can be saved after entering the body is drugs or artificial detoxification. No matter how strong Bai Song and others are, it is useless!

But he is still different from others. He is a policeman and he knows what his responsibilities are.

Speaking of which, he took a look and found that his symptoms were not the most severe. Obviously, even if he died, he would not be the first. Moreover, Yuan Ruonan obviously wanted to threaten everyone. This medicine should have an antidote.

"Don't be anxious, everyone. There is an antidote to this thing," Yuan Ruonan said, "But I hope you don't have to think too much. I am the only one who has the antidote to this thing. Everyone just needs to listen to me and leave Belvedere. I I can arrange for you to leave the country. Of course, once you leave, your names will be on the wanted list all year round, so you will not come back. As compensation, I will give each of you 10 million, and your power will naturally be left to me."

Yuan Ruonan then pointed at Wang Huadong and told everyone: "But this man is going to die. Whoever can deal with the two people outside him, I can keep him as my future partner."

"Why should we believe you!" Ma Zaihua also knew that now was not the time to cause trouble.

"Mr. Li is a smart man." Yuan Ruonan raised Mr. Li's hand at this time. Although Mr. Li's hand was a little rough, it didn't have the ugly look of others: "He has always been my partner. I need one more. From now on, I will take 80% of the Belvedere line, Mr. Li will take 10%, and I can leave the remaining 10% to one or two of you. In addition, it depends on which one of you can do better. , your life is in my hands now. The poison you are poisoned is the latest one developed abroad. If you don't take the antidote within two days, you will definitely die, and it will be very miserable. So, now is a rare opportunity, whoever takes care of those two people outside first. , whoever has the opportunity to get 10% or half of the future income.”

No one is not afraid of someone's life and fortune being in their hands. There are only two opportunities now. If you kill Bai Song or the special police, you will have a chance to stay in Belvedere.

Although no one wants to believe it, what can you do if you don’t believe it?

You do not believe? Someone believes it!

One by one, they quickly ran to the window and started calling people, and some started making phone calls directly.

Wang Huadong was really panicking at this time. He didn't know what was going on outside, but he knew that many people had come. At this moment, he could only place his hopes on Bai Song and Ren Hao.

What he is most worried about now is that Bai Song has also been poisoned. The main reason is that he has no idea how he was poisoned. He is trying to control his emotions at this time.

He, Wang Huadong, is not just a kid from a rich family. He and Bai Song studied college chemistry well from Professor Tang!

There are only a few mechanisms for poisoning, so you can’t be scared off so easily! Huadong gritted his teeth and began to analyze quickly.

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