Police Detective

Chapter 1091 East China, yyds! (Added update for Shubaoerman’s second leader)

Wang Huadong was thinking about things without any distractions, and the whole building outside trembled. I don't know how many people rushed in at the same time, and the person in charge of the manor here didn't even intend to stop them.

Of course, even if he gave one hundred thousand to each of the security guards here, no one would dare to stop him. Life is still important!

With so many people coming in, they all knew who they were targeting, which made this situation very interesting. I don’t know why, but these people took action themselves first.

The most important thing is, I don’t know who threw the smoke bomb in the corridor

Things like smoke bombs can last for a minute or two in an open place, but in a corridor, they are basically an "environmental buff" that cannot be eliminated at all. This cannot be solved by opening windows for ventilation.

Looking at the little bit of smoke seeping into the door frame, Wang Huadong felt relieved. This showed that Bai Song and others had a back-up plan.

Bai Song and the others did not bring smoke bombs, and Wang Huadong knew this. Although Bai Song's bag was big, it wasn't to this extent, and he didn't wear a smoke mask or anything like that. Smoke bombs were very choking in addition to blocking the view, and they were definitely not good for Bai Song and the other two.

Smoke bombs were obviously used by the police. Reinforcements must have arrived, otherwise Bai Song and the two would have opened fire long ago.

The smoke made other people here a little puzzled. Which family would do this just to steal people's heads?

Everyone looked at each other, but no one showed "confidence" on their faces. Even Yuan Ruonan frowned.

"Don't move!" Yuan Ruonan warned: "You are all poisoned. Moving around will aggravate the toxin attack, and even the antidote will not be able to save you!"

This sentence still frightened everyone, and they could only stay where they were.

Wang Huadong was thinking about other things.

Toxins invade the human body through only a few main channels. Injection, ingestion, breathing, skin contact.

Of course, this is not comprehensive, there are also cases that are inserted from the butt, but this is relatively rare.

If it is taken, symptoms should not appear on both hands first, and the option of taking it should really be eliminated, because Mr. Wang's "ghost" did not even move his chopsticks, but he still had symptoms.

If injection and breathing are also excluded, there is only one truth, which is skin contact.

Skin contact means hands contact. If hands touch,

Wang Huadong glanced at the towel on the table and understood.

White wet towel. These people here are also big bosses who live a sophisticated life. Even Wang Huadong is a person who loves cleanliness. He wants to wipe his hands when he sees such a towel.

This towel wasn't there when I arrived. The waiter came in and gave it to me one by one. It's very similar to the kind that the waiter gives every time I go to eat Haidilao hot pot. Everyone, including Yuan Ruonan, took these towels, but no one noticed whether Yuan Ruonan wiped her hands, let alone checked the towels one by one.

Too careless

Wang Huadong was a little sad. He was still not cautious enough. But this was not the time to blame himself. He had to think about what he had learned!

Toxins that can spread through the skin and take effect so quickly are most likely fat-soluble poisons. This kind of poison can be directly transported to the inside of the skin by cells, causing poisoning.

But after all, the skin is the most effective barrier of the human body. There are almost no poisons that can kill people by simply wiping their hands, unless they are severely allergic.

Some people are severely allergic to penicillin. When they urinate together, the elder brother who has just received penicillin accidentally splashes a few drops of urine onto his skin, which can cause him to go into shock!

Of course, this is a very rare case.

The toxins in this towel are colorless, odorless, non-volatile, and are fat-soluble toxins. They can also cause the skin to show the state of chloracne, so the related poison is already ready to be revealed - dioxin!

Dioxins are actually very famous. They are highly toxic substances and are also carcinogens. Short-term exposure of humans to higher concentrations of dioxins can alter sebum secretion, leading to skin hyperplasia, hyperkeratosis, and chloracne.

If it is this kind of thing, it seems that it only causes hand problems and is not fatal, so this bitch is just bluffing.

Thinking of this, Wang Huadong felt at ease and began to care about the fighting situation outside.

Speaking of which, everyone inside is waiting now, because no one wants to do anything, and there is no point. The people in this room are really not that good at fighting ability.

There were no gunshots or explosions, but there were gradually screams outside, and there were quite a few.

Judging from the smoke slowly seeping through the cracks in the door, the smoke outside has definitely not dispersed. How could there be so many people screaming in this situation? What is going on? Moreover, it seems to be the sound of punching to the flesh!

All the bosses are waiting to see if one of their own is so fierce!

There were still too many people, and there would be no results for a while. Wang Huadong stopped worrying about himself and began to worry about the people outside.

He knew that there must be someone of his own outside, but this Yuan Ruonan was not a simple woman. She could bribe the people in this hotel to send poisoned towels, and she could also win over Mr. Li as his little brother in advance. She might have other back-ups.

Maybe half of the people outside belong to her!

In this place, every one of Yuan Ruonan's back-up men must be a great threat to his brothers!

Moreover, 90% of "Sister Xia's" accident was caused by this Yuan Ruonan. This kind of person is not just a simple chess player.

Wang Huadong is now standing at the table. The two "ghosts" who attacked him, Mr. Ma and others are all distressed about their own poisoning and worried about the battle outside. Now everyone's energy is basically focused on the door, waiting for their people to walk in.

Hua Dong picked up his towel from the table and suddenly got angry. At this time, he didn't care whether there would be any problem with his disguise. He reached Yuan Ruonan's side in two steps and kicked Yuan Ruonan off the chair. Kicked to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, he turned over, jumped up and punched Yuan Ruonan from top to bottom on the stomach of Yuan Ruonan who was lying on the ground!

How could a woman in her forties receive these two blows from Wang Huadong? Her eyes almost popped out of her head at that time. The intense pain made her unable to speak. Just as she was about to speak, a wet towel was stuffed directly into her head. In the mouth!

Her eyes almost popped out of her head, she knew what was in this towel!

If it comes into contact with the mucous membrane of the mouth like this, it will be very miserable, not to mention if the juice from this wet towel is swallowed

But before Wang Huadong finished this operation, he directly held Yuan Ruonan's head, pulled her up, and hit Yuan Ruonan's head straight against the marble pillar. Yuan Ruonan fainted immediately.

This combo of moves was not explained, and everyone on the scene was petrified, even Yuan Ruonan's "ghost" was stunned.

What happened?

Wasn't this person poisoned?

(good night, see you tomorrow)

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