Police Detective

Chapter 1184 One Year (4k)

I patrolled all morning, helped the police team on duty resolve a dispute, and gave directions to dozens of passers-by.

During his time as a patrolman here, Bai Song has learned about all the surrounding scenic spots, mainly because he asked for directions too many times. There are many tourists in Beijing, and some of them are not good at using mobile maps. When they see the police, they come over to ask for directions. When going out, everyone still trusts the police.

"We are not on duty today. We will take a break at noon. I will treat you to a meal. How about Blue City Ramen?" Bai Song asked.

Hawule is not a Han citizen, so this is the restaurant nearby where you can eat.

"Okay, senior brother, can we change into plain clothes?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"Do you have any clothes under your coat? Just take off your coat." Bai Song said.

"Yes, yes," the two replied.

Unlike many movies and TV dramas, when going out on patrol this season, you wear spring and autumn duty uniforms.

Generally speaking, police officers wear four sets of clothes on duty. They have two sets of shirts in summer and spring and autumn, one with short sleeves and one with long sleeves. Chunqiu has a navy blue spring and autumn duty uniform, and winter has a similar duty uniform, but it has a cotton liner inside and the clothes are thicker.

In many movies and TV dramas, police officers wear regular uniforms all year round, that is, a suit, tie, metal chest badge, metal epaulettes, and a large-brimmed hat. In fact, you can't run in this outfit at all. This is only worn for conferences.

After taking off their duty uniforms and holding them in their hands, several people wore short sleeves and went to the ramen restaurant. It was noon and it wasn't cold at all.

I ordered ramen and a few cold dishes, and while eating, a few people chatted.

"Senior brother, you have been to many places on business trips over the years, right? Are business trips particularly interesting?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"Well, I've been to many places," Bai Song said, "Especially the criminal police team, they travel a lot."

"Doesn't it mean that it's not our new job's turn to go on a business trip?"

"No, unless you have just given birth or your wife is about to give birth and you are being taken care of, otherwise whoever has the case will go on a business trip, and there are many opportunities for young people to travel on business." Bai Song thought for a while: "But if you work at the grassroots level, the police station will I don’t travel much.”

"The police station is really hard. Brother, if we hadn't gone out on patrol with you today, we would have been recruited again." Hawu Le was a little unhappy.

Hawu Le has a rather upright temperament. If the leader arranges for him to go out to arrest people every day, he will have no problem, but if he is always asked to guard suspects, enter into the computer system, etc., he will be more annoyed.

"How can you do your work in the direction you want?" Bai Song said with a smile: "Unless you have endured hardship for a few years, gained enough strength, and had the right to speak in your unit. In fact, as a newcomer, you must You can’t do anything, there’s nothing wrong with listening to your leaders.”

"Yeah", Zhang Cheng nodded: "Let's learn more from senior brother."

While Bai Song was chatting, the phone rang.

"I'll take a call." Bai Song glanced at the incoming call. The phone number was not saved.

"Hello, are you Tian Gen's guardian?" There was a woman's voice on the other side of the phone: "My name is Yu Mei, I am Tian Gen's class teacher and math teacher."

"It's me, what's wrong with Teacher Yu?" Bai Song was a little worried. Normally this kind of phone call would not be particularly good.

Tian Gen is already in the first grade of junior high school this year, and school has just started for less than a month. The elementary school and junior high school of this school are together. It can be regarded as a direct transfer from the same place. The dormitory has not changed much, so Bai Song doesn't need to worry much.

"That's right, our school will hold a math competition about a month after entering the first year of junior high school every year, which is to see if any of these students are particularly outstanding. Tian Gen performed very well in this competition. The school has this I want to meet the child's parents, and I see that you are the child's guardian. Do you have time to come?" Teacher Yu Mei said.

"No problem, I'll go there in the afternoon." Bai Song said.

"Okay, call me five minutes before you arrive, and I'll pick you up at the door." The teacher was very polite.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Song said, "You two can continue patrolling this afternoon. I told Kong that I have something to do when I go out."

"Okay." Zhang Cheng and Hawu Le nodded. Only then did they understand what Bai Song meant by "if you have enough strength, you have the right to speak." This request for leave was too casual.

Bai Song was not on duty today, so he said hello to Kong Suo, threw his coat to Zhang Cheng, and took a taxi directly to Tian Gen's school.

After meeting the teacher and chatting for a while, I realized how outstanding this kid Tian Gen really is.

The first-grade mathematics competition uses very basic mathematical knowledge, but it has very high requirements on the thinking style and breadth of the answerers. The full score is 150 points, and the passing score is 90 points.

Among the first-year students in the school, only three students passed, one with a score of 99, the other with a score of 108, and Tian Gen scored 131. (The author’s real experience, hehe~)

Bai Song took the paper and looked at it. He frowned at many of the questions, which were indeed difficult.

"Our school has several quotas every year, and we can recommend him to go to a better private school," said teacher Yu Mei, "Tian Gen doesn't have a registered residence in Beijing, so it's a good thing for him to go to a good school."

"He will soon have a registered residence in Beijing," Bai Song said.

Tian Gen's sister committed suicide a long time ago, her mother is in prison, and she also has a serious mental disorder. After such a long time, and Bai Song had already received the certificate, he finally went through the adoption procedures for Tian Gen.

It is difficult to be adopted if there is already a guardian, but Tian’s mother’s sentence is indefinite, Tian Gen is already considered an orphan, and Bai Song is now Tian Gen’s legal guardian. In this case, Tian Gen’s household registration can be adopted.

Shanghai City also follows the "Registration Methods for Children Adopted by Chinese Citizens". After the adoption relationship is established, you can go to the public security department with the adoption certificate to handle household registration or relocation procedures for the adoptee.

"Do you have a household registration?" The teacher was surprised: "Really?"

"Yeah", Bai Song nodded.

“It would be even better if you have a household registration!” The teacher was delighted: “This way I can go to a very good public school here!”

The teacher didn't say anything. It was good for her to select top students from these good schools. Originally, she thought Tian Gen could go to some high-end private schools without a registered permanent residence, but now that she has a registered permanent residence, it’s even better!

"This is a good thing. What do you need me to do? How much money do I need?" Bai Song said that he was not short of money now.

"This is not a matter of money. Good schools come to recruit top students and there are student subsidies." Teacher Yu Mei said: "But there are still follow-up exams. It doesn't mean that this competition can be done, but I think this kid Tian Gen Everything is good except English. ”

"English." Bai Song's English is not very good: "I recently asked a teacher to give him private tutoring."

"Well, that's the main reason why I asked you to come. He actually works hard, but his English foundation is very poor. Fortunately, he is very young, and his English in the first grade of junior high school is not difficult, so it is easy to make up for it. I suggest you come here If you have the conditions, take advantage of the National Day holiday to help him catch up, and then you can have the opportunity to jump directly to a good public junior high school," said teacher Yu Mei.

"Okay, thank you, teacher!" Bai Song immediately expressed his gratitude.

Bai Song was really overjoyed that Tian Gen was so good.

Since the time of Confucius, there has been a saying called "teaching students in accordance with their aptitude", but few people understand it now. If Tian Gen was not good at studying, Bai Song would not be able to put too much pressure on him.

But now Tian Gen has written "I am a genius" on his face. Bai Song is still Tian Gen's guardian. He now has the financial strength. If he doesn't seize the time to cultivate him, that will be his problem.

In the following time, Bai Song focused half of his energy on Tian Gen. On the one hand, he quickly obtained the household registration. On the other hand, he found a good basic English teacher to tutor Tian Gen one-on-one for 2,000 yuan a day. money.

If Tian Gen knew that this teacher would spend more than 10,000 yuan during the National Day holiday, he would probably not dare to let the teacher teach him.

Xinqiao also came here several times to give Tian Gen extra lessons. I have to say that this child is really very sensible.

There is a TV show called "Metamorphosis", in which there is often a scene like this: After the rural children go to the city, the families in the city feel extremely distressed when they see that the rural children are not sensible enough.

Tian Gen is such a child. After having learning resources, he knew that it was not easy to get, so he worked hard. In his heart, he actually thought about being able to repay Bai Song in the future, hoping that he could make a difference.

For Tian Gen, his feelings for his mother were very weak, especially after he knew some of the later things, it can be said that he hated her a little. His only relative was his sister. Now his only hope is that he will be successful. As for the purpose of being successful, he is not so clear at a young age.

After the National Day holiday, Tian Gen successfully participated in the selection examination of a good public middle school, received a scholarship and joined the new school.

The only problem is that this school does not provide accommodation. Bai Song rented a small partition for Tian Gen at the entrance of the school. Tian Gen can take care of himself now, but Bai Song does not need to worry about it. He directly paid the rent for a year.

At this point, Tian Gen was completely settled, and Bai Song finally felt relieved.

Bai Song reported on October 17. This year, he ended his training at Jinbao Street Police Station on October 20 and officially returned to the Criminal Investigation Bureau.

October 23rd is Monday, and Bai Song can go back to work then.

In fact, according to Kong Suo's wishes, Bai Song can rest on October 13th. To be honest, the giant Buddha of Baisong is really extraordinary, and the Confucius Institute cannot control it. If there is any problem with Baisong, it is impossible for the Confucius Institute to go to the leaders to report or complain.

The complaint department of the police station. How is this possible?

Over the past year, Bai Song has been conscientious and has been working very hard. He is no less competitive than the young people in the institute. He has also helped the institute and detachment solve major cases without taking any credit.

However, Bai Song has no plans to leave early, he still has to work the last shift.

A year has passed, why not have a good time in the last few days?

Monday, October 15th.

"Morning", Bai Song walked into the police station and greeted Ma Yibin who was on duty.

"Good morning, Bai Chu." Deputy Sheriff Ma Yibin of Group 4 stood up: "Didn't I say you were resting?"

"There's still a week left. I miss you all and don't want to leave," Bai Song said with a smile.

"Hum, it's up to you to realize this!" Ma Yibin said, "I've learned a lot from you this year."

"Everything we learn is mutual," Bai Song said, "If it weren't for the intense pressure from the bureau, I would have stayed here for another year."

"That's great. Our four groups make other groups envious." Ma Yibin said with a smile.

"Why are you at the front desk today?" Bai Song asked, "Isn't it Zhang Cheng?"

"He will be on duty tonight, so don't let him stare at me during the day. Staring at the phone 24 hours a day will make his head explode."

"Okay, Chief Ma is busy first, I'll go in first."

Ma Yibin has changed a lot in the past year. Originally, he was a relatively quiet house slave and was never very optimistic. Later, he worked on several cases with Bai Song and gained some confidence.

At the police station, every young policeman who comes here will hear the old policeman warn you: "Just stay here for three to five years. Don't stay here for a lifetime, or you will become useless easily!"

The meaning of this sentence is that if you stay like Ma Yibin for ten years and no longer want to make progress, you will naturally slack off.

It's all about trivial matters every day, it's like being an uncle and an aunt every day, and there is no possibility of promotion or salary increase. Who can continue to be as good as chicken blood?

But for some reason, after getting to know Bai Song, Ma Yibin suddenly felt that this was the police, and he also gained some motivation. Now he can actively stare at the front desk, which is proof.

It's not busy today. After the National Day holiday, the number of tourists here has dropped sharply. There was no police situation that required dispatching in the morning.

In the yard, Weng Xianping and Hawule were doing exercises, which were simple stretching movements.

"What are you doing? Fitness?" Bai Song asked.

"Senior brother!" Hawu Le was very happy to see Bai Song: "They said you will start your vacation today."

"What kind of leave are you taking? I have to work for another week, and I will be on duty today and Friday." Bai Song said, "Do you also want to skip work?"

"How is that possible?" Hawu Le said, "It's okay this morning. I heard that Master Weng has high blood pressure. I taught him some simple stretching movements for half an hour every day. It's good for the body."

"This is a good thing. Sheriff Du, Master Jia and others can learn from it later." Bai Song praised.

"They don't believe that this move of mine is easy to use!" Hawu Le said: "By the way, I don't dare to teach Master Jia. The last time I taught him, he asked if this move was dangerous. In less than half an hour, I actually fell and almost sprained my foot.”

"Lao Jia is so open-minded. I'll talk to them later," Bai Song said with a smile, "It seems like nothing happened today?"

The autumn morning was still a bit cold. Bai Song chatted for a few words before entering the house and saying hello to everyone one by one.

I have been here for a year. Time flies. When I saw everyone drinking tea in the office, Bai Song also went to get a cup.

There is a saying: It is a good thing that soldiers, policemen, firefighters, and doctors are idle every day~

"Bai Chu, I would say it would be a good idea for you to come over today," Master Jia said, "It's actually not a busy season this season! You see, today, there must be nothing to do all day long!"

When Bai Song heard this, the good mood of the whole morning disappeared, and the faces of others also became a little cold.

(Thanks to mysolodad for the 5000 coin reward)

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