Police Detective

Chapter 1185 Wrangling (4k)

"Old Jia," Du Shouyi had no choice but to speak, and said, "Bai Chu can't stay with us for a few more shifts, so please stop saying a few words."

"Did I talk too much?" Lao Jia was unhappy, "My words are not even one-tenth as good as Lao Luo's."

"How does this have anything to do with me?" Lao Luo stood up: "I didn't even say anything when I saw Bai Chu come in, but you are still talking in front of me. Let me tell you, Lao Jia Yes, everyone knows that you have a crow’s mouth, and you don’t speak at this time. Look at me, although I have a lot to say, I never think about these things, and I never make predictions about the future.”

"It's okay," Bai Song waved his hand and interrupted Lao Luo: "We can't be superstitious."

"That's it," Lao Jia said, "I'm just going to leave it here today. That's it. I promise there won't be more than two disputes in the morning."

"Okay." Du Shouyi stopped talking: "What do you mean?"

Lao Jia is the "Flag Saint". Basically, any flag he sets can be successful. The longer the cooling time, the better the effect. And if Bai Song remembered correctly, he hadn't heard Lao Jia planting a flag for a long time.

Everyone was frightened all morning, but Lao Jia said there would be at most two disputes in the morning, and it was really just two disputes!

In one case, the guide and the person being guided started scolding each other, but no one took action; in the other case, a boyfriend and girlfriend had a conflict, which was quickly resolved.

This made everyone marvel, and it felt like Lao Jia was in great shape.

Bai Song is a patrolman, and he and Hawu Le went out for a walk twice in the morning.

The profession of the police is special. They have to be on duty on Saturdays and Sundays, so both the second and third teams have a day off. There are only four and one teams in the station.

One group had an unfinished case, so they were the only patrol officers.

The weather was relatively comfortable. The two rode a police electric bicycle around the entire precinct. The battery was almost exhausted before they returned.

"This morning was quite good," Bai Song said after returning, "I can't talk about Lao Jia anymore."

"If you ask me, it's okay. Lao Jia is fine." Master Luo said, "Let's just talk about the dispute we went to this morning. A pair of young people had a conflict. Lao Jia went there. How should I put it? That's called a Three strikes and five divided by two will be solved immediately.”

"What did Lao Jia say?" Bai Song was a little curious.

"The boyfriend and girlfriend were quarreling, the girl had a bad temper, and there was a dispute on the street. Lao Jia asked them to check if she was pregnant. They ran away as soon as they heard about it." Master Luo spread his hands and said, "I haven't spoken yet. Yes, if I were responsible, I would definitely separate the man and the woman. Then I would go to the man first to understand the situation and what is going on. You also know that if the man separates, We are relatively objective when chatting with the police. Of course, this objectiveness is also relative, and he will definitely say it to himself, so I have to ask the woman alone. Once the two of them are combined, I will know what happened. What's the matter? Then I can find that man again."

Bai Song said nothing and listened quietly to Lao Luo for fifteen minutes.

"Eat early," Bai Song said after listening, "Take a break at noon, Master Luo."

"Yeah!" After Master Luo said the above, he felt much better. After that, he left and went directly to the canteen.

He was often interrupted when he was talking, so it felt good to finish it once.

After Master Luo left, Hawu Le asked Bai Song with a headache: "Senior brother, you are really good, I will definitely not listen to you."

"Do you think what Master Luo just said makes sense?" Bai Song asked.

"It makes sense, but it's too verbose." Hawuler looked around and saw that no one could hear him: "It's just that there are a lot of words that don't need to be said."

"You," Bai Song smiled, "I often read a software called Zhihu, and there is often a situation on it, that is, the questioner asks a question, and the answerer sometimes answers in a biased direction, or the answerer's answer Some of them have nothing to do with the question. If you are a high-quality questioner, you will be particularly grateful to the respondent, but there is always a group of people who feel that the respondent owes them the same thing and they always have to say that the answer is not what they asked and they are talking nonsense. "

"Ah? How could this be? Shouldn't you be more modest when asking questions?" Hawu Le said.

"So what do you understand?" Bai Song asked.

"Ah" Hawu Le was stunned for a while, and then he understood two things. The first is that although Master Luo talks a lot, the things he teaches about handling disputes are all practical. Don’t underestimate them. Most people are really not good at handling disputes. The second is that he is really not open-minded. Knowing that Bai Song was so much better than him, he could still listen there for fifteen minutes. In fact, it was just to let Master Luo explain to him. Not only did he not appreciate it, he thought Bai Song was boring.

"I understand, I should thank Master Luo, and I should also thank Senior Brother." Hawu Le said.

"You guys, you are the most straightforward one, but even if you become a police officer in the future, don't think that all your colleagues are warm-hearted. It is very likely that no one will help you when you encounter difficulties in the future. Now there is Master Luo like this Yes, you should have fun secretly. People should be content and not think that the whole world owes them like some people do. "Bai Song said: "There is not so much kindness in this world, so you must cherish it."

"Ah, senior brother, I'm not that kind of person." Hawu Le said anxiously, "I don't think anything bad about Master Luo."

"I didn't tell you," Bai Song said, "I just reminded you."

"Yes!" Hawu Le nodded: "Senior brother, you still have to think carefully. I don't know when I will reach your level. By the way, the old man whose flowers were stolen last time is exactly the same as you said, We are indeed here to withdraw the police.”

"There's nothing to look forward to." Bai Song nodded: "I'll go to the cafeteria to eat. You go out to eat and come back soon. After all, I'm on duty today."

"I looked at the lunch menu in the cafeteria this morning. I can eat it without pork, so I won't go out." Hawu Le didn't care that much.

Regarding the custom of not eating pork, the level of concern between people is indeed different. Some people cannot enter the Han Chinese canteen at all. As long as the pork is cooked in this pot, they will not be able to eat the food from this pot no matter how many times you brush it. , if you are really anxious, just make some noodles or eat some bread.

This is a matter of faith and we should indeed respect each other.

Hawu Le is not so rigid. He just doesn't eat pork, but he also eats beef, mutton and eggs made by Han people. When he was at school, he would sometimes go to the green brand cafeteria to eat, and sometimes he would go to the ordinary cafeteria with his classmates.

Bai Song took Hawu Le into the cafeteria, only to find that there were only three or four people in the cafeteria.

"Where are the people?" Bai Song called to Lao Luo and asked.

"We've finished eating and are resting in the house."

"Today is really free." Bai Song took out his tableware and started eating.

While eating, Lao Luo's phone rang. It seemed that there was a fight in the restaurant. Lao Luo ate up the remaining rice and other things and went out directly.

"It's getting warmer at noon, and things are starting to get better," Bai Song said.

Winter is about to enter, and it is relatively cold in the morning. At noon, many people come out.

In this wave, there were three or four police cases in a row, and basically all the effective forces were sent out.

Hawu Le was a little nervous, but Bai Song was not in a hurry, just as usual.

At this moment, someone opened the door and came in. Bai Song raised his head and glanced. It was Zhang Ning, Wei Yingfa and Wang Xiaohao.

"Aren't you three taking a break? Why did you go to the canteen?" Hawu Le asked.

"Except for Shaxian, Lanzhou Ramen and Braised Chicken, all the restaurants around here are too expensive." Wang Xiaohao sighed, "I've already vomited after eating these three."

"So we can only hang out in the canteen." Wei Yingfa was a little helpless and looked at the kitchen: "Master, is there anything left to eat?"

"This is all rationed, but if you have enough rice, I'll fry some chopped green onions and eggs for you." The master of the cafeteria is quite nice.

"Thank you, master!" Zhang Ning immediately said gratefully: "More spicy food!"

Internships in Beijing are not paid a dime as an internship salary. The leader of the police station explained that these children must be fed well. The police station has special instructions regarding the diet of these people.

The dish of stir-fried peppers with eggs is very fast, only three to five minutes. The master chef made a large plate, which smelled delicious. Bai Song also ate a little more rice, which was really too good to go with the meal.

Not long after he finished eating, Bai Song's cell phone rang.

"Bai Chu, there is a police officer at the front desk. Our Chinese office has all sent out the police. There is no one around. Can you come over?" The caller was Zhang Cheng.

"Okay, I'll go there right away." Bai Song said.

I just said that nothing happened in the morning, but at noon, even the director on duty sent the police, which was a bit exaggerated.

Bai Song wanted to go over, so Hawu Le naturally followed. Zhang Ning and others also thought it was okay, so they followed to the front desk.

When he arrived at the front desk, Bai Song saw a young woman and a courier, who were sitting more than ten meters apart.

Bai Song and Hawu Le were wearing uniforms. Zhang Ning and others were wearing plain clothes and watching from the side. Bai Song was about to go up to ask what was going on. At this time, someone pushed open the door of the police station and came in. There were three men in total. It seemed that they all belonged to a courier company. As soon as I came in, I went over to the courier to ask what was going on.

When the courier saw his person coming, he felt a little aggrieved. He said that he was delivering the courier normally and delivered it to the lady's home in person. According to the requirements on the courier, the postage had to be paid on delivery, which was 54 yuan, but the woman refused. To pay the postage, you have to take the items away directly. When the courier stopped, the woman swore at the courier, scolded him harshly, and even came up to seize the courier.

Bai Song frowned a little. Just hearing what the courier said, this woman was indeed nothing. But the problem is that the conditions of residents in the area under the jurisdiction of Jinbao Street Police Station are generally pretty good. Isn't this a problem?

Of course, he also knows that quality is sometimes not directly related to conditions.

"Officer, we all have recordings when delivering express delivery, especially those that need to be paid on delivery." The courier's friend asked the courier for his mobile phone. After asking for the password, he looked it up and then handed the mobile phone to Bai Song.

Bai Song took it over, put it to his ear and listened to it, and found that it was indeed no different from what the courier said. The woman's scolding was unpleasant. Let these people sit here and ask the young woman.

After just one glance, Bai Song frowned. This girl is not ugly. She has had multiple plastic surgeries on her face, but her whole expression is just one sentence: "I'm not easy to mess with."

This kind of people are often the most likely to go to extremes, so Bai Song stepped forward to ask what was going on.

"This is because their courier company is looking for trouble. It's just such a thing, and the courier fee is more than 50? Also, why do you have to pay on the spot?" The woman was unhappy: "Didn't I just leave my suitcase at the hotel? The hotel gave it to me Why do you have to pay on the spot when you send it back? The hotel is not cheap enough. It doesn’t even have this kind of service. It’s just a star-rated hotel!”

"Let's not talk about the hotel." Bai Song shook his head: "Since that's the case, why don't you just pay the courier and then negotiate with the hotel?"

"How can you not talk about the hotel! I live there, and I am God! Is this how they treat God? Also, we taxpayers have supported you, and you are talking like this? It seems that I am wrong!"

"Forget it, forget it," Hawuler said with a headache: "I'll give you more than fifty yuan, so you should go back early."

"Hey, hey, are the police rich? Isn't it great that the police are rich? It's much easier for you to make money than us. We all worked hard to save our dimes. Who knows how you got your money?" the woman continued. Sarcasm.

"It's just that you don't want to accept the kindness." Bai Song signaled Hawule to stop talking, and then said to the woman: "The police are also kind-hearted. You can tell me how to solve it."

"What policeman? I see a crutch on his shoulder. He is still a student." The woman tilted her head to one side.

At this moment, Zhang Ning and several other people were very angry. Zhang Cheng, who was sitting at the front desk, was also angry, but they didn't speak.

"This is the public security agency." Bai Song stared into the woman's eyes: "I suggest you pay attention to your words and deeds, and don't maintain this attitude with the police again. I will only give you one chance. You can try which sentence to pass. After the line, are you able to bear the consequences?”

"Hmph," the woman snorted, but finally did not continue to talk nonsense, but said: "Anyway, I think there is something wrong with their express delivery company. I have already complained to their company, and I have also complained to the hotel. Let me just take the things. Let’s go, everything is fine today.”

"Did you know that the other party made a recording when he was at your door?" Bai Song said: "I just listened to the recording and you insulted him. This constitutes a violation of the law."

"Illegal? He deserves it! He actually said that I should pay for it! Let me tell you, my things were left at the hotel, and since the hotel sent them back to me, I should pay for them myself! The place and the courier company actually asked me to pay for this. Aren't you kidding?" the woman said.

"What I'm talking about now is your illegal behavior." Bai Song didn't want to talk to her anymore.

"Yes, I scolded him. What happened? Did something happen to him or something? Don't think that I don't understand the law. The Public Security Management Penalty Regulations are very clear. To constitute an insult, it must be done openly. I scolded him. When he was there, we were the only ones in front of my house!” The woman said, “You can criticize me at most, but you can’t scold me, let alone punish me.”

"According to Article 42 of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law, the "public conduct" mentioned in the insult refers to a situation where it can be heard and seen by an unspecified number of people. It does not necessarily mean that it is actually heard and seen by many people. , and the presence of the victim is not necessary. Your door is a place where many people will hear and see. " Bai Song is not afraid of these things.

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