Police Detective

Chapter 1186 Because I don’t want to (4k)

Why are good people easily bullied?

Because bullying good people can really benefit, but bullying bad people cannot.

On the courier side, when I heard that there was a complaint, the leader of the courier was there to comfort the courier, saying that there was a recording of the situation and there was no need to be afraid.

When Bai Song heard this, he suddenly thought of his law enforcement recorder. Now these things are to protect himself, because it is really difficult to know what kind of ghost he is coming into contact with...

"I don't care." The woman put her head to the side, rolled her eyes, and then covered her stomach: "Police, I don't feel well, I want to go to the hospital."

"Okay, you can just call 120 and we will be with you the whole time." Bai Song nodded.

"I don't need you to accompany me, I can take a taxi there," the woman continued.

"Isn't it critical?" Bai Song asked.

"Not that critical."

"Then I'll take you there in a police car," Bai Song said, "There's a dispute between you two, and you're personally suspected of breaking the law. You can't stay out of my sight."

"Who do you think broke the law?" The woman stood up.

"I told you, you are suspected of breaking the law." Bai Song remained very calm.

"Why am I suspected of breaking the law?"

"Currently, there are statements from the insulted party and recording evidence that can prove that you engaged in abusive behavior that lasted for more than ten minutes." Bai Song said: "You can say that the voice is not yours. Regarding this matter, you can do a voiceprint identification. "

"So what if it's me?" The woman was a little unconvinced: "He did something wrong and asked me for money that I shouldn't have. Shouldn't I scold him?"

"So I said, you are suspected of breaking the law." Bai Song smiled slightly.

Bai Song's calmness put a lot of pressure on the woman, and she gradually became sullen: "Wait, I'll find a lawyer!"

Bai Song nodded and looked at his watch: "Hurry up. If there is no traffic jam at noon, I will give you half an hour."

After saying that, Bai Song asked the woman to enter the mediation room alone, and then came out to find the courier.

"Let me ask you something," Bai Song said: "Do you want to deal with her, or mediate with some compensation?"

"I" the courier gritted his teeth. He felt very aggrieved. He... He didn't do anything wrong at all: "Officer, can you handle it?"

"You are stupid," the leader next to him said to him, "She lives here, don't think she can't bear the express fee, but her family has money, wouldn't it be better to take thousands of yuan in compensation?"

"But I feel really uncomfortable." The courier is still very young. Although he is short of money, he is not like most people who have a family and a job. He still has a lot of backbone.

After speaking, the courier glanced at Bai Song.

Bai Song nodded: "You guys take a rest for a while. This woman is difficult to communicate with. I'll listen to what her lawyer has to say later."

"She's looking for a lawyer?" The courier was startled. "Officer, if you don't want to, forget it."

"What's there to be afraid of about lawyers?" The leader was no longer afraid. "We are justified. What should we be afraid of? Don't worry, the lawyers will also lose money."

"That's right," the two people next to the leader said, "There are many of us, and we are all here to help you. Let me tell you, I have experience in this kind of thing, and the money I will pay you back will not be less than two thousand yuan. Don't worry, I I’ll ask for it for you, and I’ll treat you to it when the time comes.”

"I" the courier didn't dare to speak anymore and lowered his head.

Bai Song took his junior brothers and sisters directly to the lounge. There was one-way glass here, and he could see the mediation room, but he couldn't see here. Not only that, the sound insulation effect of this glass is also very good.

"Brother, isn't this woman too irritating?" Zhang Ning was furious. She had been afraid to speak just now: "I really want to hit her."

"Why beat her? If you can just detain her," Bai Song said, "I just listened to the recording alone. The woman's scolding was really unpleasant, and the degree of insult to the courier was really quite high."

"Can I be detained?" Wang Xiaohao's eyes lit up: "If this can be detained, she must be detained!"

"Can't we arrest you?" Wei Yingfa was a little helpless: "If it comes to the end, this woman will definitely pay for peace."

"Article 9 of the "Public Security Management Punishment Law" stipulates that for minor violations of public security management such as fighting or damaging other people's property caused by civil disputes, the public security organs may mediate and deal with them. If the parties reach an agreement after mediation by the public security organs, No punishment will be given. Insulting others is also within the scope of mediation," Bai Song said: "But if it is not mediation, the initiative is actually in our hands. Please note that it says 'can' mediate, not 'should' mediate."

"Huh? I heard them say they were just trying to get along with each other before," Zhang Ning said, "Senior brother, if this person could be detained by her, he would be so handsome!"

"Detention is approved by the bureau," Bai Song said, "Look, if this woman has some brains, it doesn't hurt to mediate her once or twice."

"That's right, let her bleed some!"

Almost 20 minutes later, a middle-aged woman came.

The young woman must have made a phone call to communicate in advance, and now she came directly from the mediation room.

"Who is the police? Come out," the woman shouted.

"Stop making trouble," the woman stopped her, "This is not what you think. You were recorded. This is not the time for you to make trouble."

When Bai Song heard the next sentence, he knew that this woman was not a good person, but she just knew a little bit about the truth.

"I'm the police officer in charge of this case," Bai Song said, "What's your solution?"

"In this case, Comrade Police Officer, we will pay the courier fee and then compensate the courier 200 yuan for nutritional expenses." The woman said, "Do you think that's okay?"

"Why should you pay him money!" The woman said angrily: "Mom, why don't you look at me anymore!"

"Let's talk about it when we go home." The woman pulled her hand and looked at the police: "Comrade police officer, do you think it's okay?"

"Didn't you apologize?" Bai Song relaxed his neck, but did not mention the money.

"Isn't giving 200 yuan an apology?" the woman said, "That's about it. He has to run for a whole day for 200 yuan, right? With 200 yuan, he can rest today."

"Okay", Bai Song nodded: "Then I'll ask them."

Several of Bai Song's junior brothers and sisters were almost furious, but Bai Song was not unhappy at all as if this woman spoke very pleasantly.

Then, Bai Song told the courier and his group about the plan more than ten meters away.

In fact, they could hear the truth that the woman just said, and they immediately rejected it.

"How much do you want?" Bai Song asked the courier.

"I want to handle it according to the law." The courier felt insulted by what happened just now. Several of his leaders and friends originally tried to persuade him to ask for money, but when they heard the woman's somewhat contemptuous tone, they all became angry.

According to this idea, even if you spend 500 yuan, you won’t compete with the steamed buns for your breath! I don’t want this money!

Then, Bai Song found the mother and daughter: "The other party does not agree with your mediation plan and hopes to deal with it according to the law. According to this situation, you may face detention of not more than 5 days or a fine of not more than 500 yuan."

"Then fine us!" the woman said, "We accept the fine."

"Whether it is detention or a fine is not decided by you, nor by myself. It needs to be approved by the branch's legal system and then approved by the director." Bai Song said.

"What do you mean, police?" the woman asked.

"What I mean is very simple. I am willing to help you mediate twice. If we can reach an agreement, then mediation is not impossible. If we cannot reach an agreement, we will deal with it in accordance with the law." Bai Song's tone remained calm.

The woman immediately found the courier and said directly: "Okay, okay, how much do you expect this time? Let's do this, instead of five hundred or eight hundred, I will give you one thousand yuan. It’s bad luck for us, just take the money and leave, okay?”

"I don't care about your money." The courier seemed to have some courage at this time.

"That's it," said a man next to him: "Send the beggar away! At least 5,000."

Before the courier could speak, the woman immediately became anxious. She ran to Bai Song in two or three steps, pointed at the person who spoke and shouted: "Officer, did you hear that? He blackmailed me! Is extorting 5,000 enough to file a case? Your police station There is surveillance, can you pull up the video? But don’t tell me the video is broken.”

"This does not constitute extortion." Bai Song shook his head: "He did not threaten you, and what he asked for was not illegal benefits, it was legal. If you mediate this kind of thing, you are allowed to counter-offer as long as he makes a price. If there is no negotiation, If it’s okay, we won’t discuss it.”

"I finally understand." The woman turned to look at her daughter: "This policeman is definitely facing the other party."

"Originally," the woman's voice also rose an octave: "Look, apart from this policeman, the other uniformed people and spectators, including the one sitting at the front desk, are all students. This means he is the only policeman. .I don’t know if it’s true.”

"Police officer, didn't you show us your police officer ID just now?" The woman began to find fault.

"According to regulations, police officers do not have to take the initiative to show their police ID when they are dressed to perform official duties." Bai Song calmly took out his police ID, did not open it, just shook it, and then put it in his pocket.

The woman felt a little unable to keep her mouth shut, and then looked at her daughter.

The woman didn't know what fear was at all: "My mother is right, just say it to the other person, and I will file a complaint against you."

"You have the right to complain," Bai Song said, "You can also leave the right to complain to your mother, because now we are going to question you."

Public security cases, even if they are suspected of violating the law, are still "interrogations." Only suspects in criminal cases are considered "interrogations."

With that said, Bai Song said to Zhang Ning: "You go back and change your uniform. Later, call Sister Zhang from the first group and ask the female suspect whether you lesbians are needed for a physical examination or something."

"Okay!" Zhang Ning immediately turned around and ran to the dormitory.

At this time, Bai Song took out the document he had just prepared in the lounge. Simply put, the content on it was that because the mediation failed, it needed to be handled by the public security organs in accordance with the law. The woman did not want to mediate anymore, so she signed.

The woman was not in a hurry at this time: "Mom, it's okay. You can call my dad later."

"Your dad." The woman hesitated for a while: "."

When Bai Song saw the woman like this, he noticed something. He estimated that the woman's father was a leader, but the more he was a leader, the less he dared to help his children. I guess even if a woman calls her husband, she will be scolded.

Their arrogant temper has actually been tempered a lot over the years, and it was even worse in the past few years. It was not until the woman's husband was demoted that they calmed down a little.

Bai Song was the most lazy person to talk nonsense. In less than five minutes, he brought the woman to the case handling area.

At this time, Sheriff Du and Ma Yibin had just returned.

After hearing about this matter, Du Shouyi was also puzzled: "Why can't we mediate with just a few curse words?"

Bai Song explained a few words and talked about the situation just now.

"200 yuan?" Ma Yibin was furious when he heard this: "Send the dog away? That courier is okay and has the skills. If he really gets a thousand yuan in the end, he has to mediate the matter. I don't despise him. !”

"Then what are you planning to report?" Du Shouyi asked.

"I feel that this insult is very serious, and she doesn't show any remorse at all. She hasn't said a word of apology yet, and she still shows no remorse in the face of the police's preaching. I applied to detain her for three days," Bai Song said.

"Would three days be too cheap for her?" Ma Yibin asked.

"You don't understand," Du Shou said, "What Bai Chu said is almost the same. After all, swearing is usually a fine. If you are detained, it is normal to report for three days."

"I signed all the transcripts. Whatever happens is my responsibility." Bai Song continued.

"It doesn't matter, we are all doing things in accordance with the law," Du Shou said, "There will definitely be complaints from people like this, but we do things in accordance with the law and have nothing to fear."

"There aren't too many complaints." Bai Song shook his head. He knew that this woman didn't dare to make too much of a fuss.

Although this woman behaves erratically, she has always maintained a general standard and will not overstep it casually. She must have suffered a loss.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's get started." Bai Song said, "I will still sign the transcript."

Everything went smoothly, and Ma Yibin, who was doing the procedures, was considered an expert. After more than two hours, the procedures were almost completed, the evidence was fixed, and the transcripts of the two people were taken out, and they were submitted to security detention for three days.

At the police station, the Hua Station quickly approved it and then reported it to the branch legal system.

Just then, Zhang Cheng called and said he was looking for the woman in front of him.

After Bai Song went out, he found out that the woman regretted it and didn't know if she had called her husband. At this time, she was willing to pay 5,000 yuan to mediate.

When the courier heard this number, he still disagreed, so the woman directly shouted up to 10,000.

The courier was a little shaken, but at this moment Bai Song shook his head: "The document that you do not want to mediate has been signed and fingerprinted. Now the public security organs are handling the case in accordance with the law. Even if you agree, I don't agree here."

"What?" the woman asked, "Why? If I offer 10,000 yuan, this courier would agree. My daughter is scolding him, not the police. Why can't we mediate?"

"Because I don't want to." Bai Song shook his head, then turned around and walked back to the case handling area.

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