Police Detective

Chapter 1190 Manpower! ? (4k)

When Bai Song first arrived in Beijing, he visited three senior brothers. In addition to Liu Zhe, there were two others, one was senior brother Guo Xiaoyang and the other was Pan Chen.

Guo Xiaoyang and Bai Song occasionally went to meet him to learn some techniques and tactics, and also to keep fit, but he only met Pan Chen once. (Chapter 929)

Brother Pan Chen is still at the First Research Institute and is an expert in autopsy and human chemistry.

Bai Song had nothing to do and told several junior brothers about these legendary senior brothers.

"How did this senior brother manage to be recommended to Huaqing University?" Liu Cheng was convinced. As a native of Shandong Province, he was also a top academic figure, so there was no pressure on him to be recommended to this university. But as an undergraduate from a non-985 or non-211 university, it seems impossible to be recommended to the two top universities.

"One person has his own path," Bai Song said with a smile: "It's actually easier now than before. Our school was just rated as a double first-class student last month."

"Ah? What do you mean?" Several junior brothers and sisters still didn't know.

"Although our school is not 985 or 211, on September 21, the Ministry of Education announced the Double First-Class University, which means a first-class school with first-class disciplines. Our school was lucky enough to be selected." Bai Song said with a smile: "You see, we didn't work too hard. But the school works hard.”

"Wow", several junior brothers and sisters felt that they had made a profit.

"So Senior Brother Pan Chen was even more powerful back then!" Zhang Cheng exclaimed.

"I hope he can come up with some more detailed clues," Bai Song said, "Of course, we can't put all the pressure on that. We still have to continue investigating the direction of the investigation we mentioned this afternoon, starting tomorrow. Ma Yibin is nearby. Sergeant Ma must be the most familiar with it. I’ll ask him more tomorrow. That’s it. Get some rest early. We’ll still be busy tomorrow.”

"Okay senior brother", Zhang Ning was the first to leave the boys' dormitory after hearing this.

As soon as Zhang Ning left, the other people relaxed instantly and took off all their clothes and jackets. Within a minute, they were in underpants and shirtless. Zhang Cheng was the only one who hadn't taken off his clothes yet. It was almost 12 o'clock and he had to Go stare at the front desk.

"Although there is air conditioning, be careful not to catch a cold," Bai Song warned and returned to his room.

After lying down, Bai Song also thought about this case, but did not dwell on it.

There are so few clues in the current case. This is the first murder case where he only found a body, and it was buried for a long time. Speaking of this case, there is a 90% chance that it will be so unresolved, and even the identity of the deceased is unknown. Not sure.

The reason why Liu Zhe was not excited at all when he found out this was that he knew that this case was basically unsolvable.

Many people may think that as long as DNA can be found, a person's ancestry, age, disease, etc. can be determined, but in fact it is not that simple.

Take age, for example. With the current level of understanding of the human genome, judging the age of a deceased person on DNA depends on the length of telomeres and their related epigenetic modifications.

Everyone also knows that telomeres shorten as cells divide, so it is impossible to make a rough estimate accurately.

The current identification of the deceased as a "40-year-old male" is not based on DNA, but based on the degree of changes in the bones. It is not very accurate. It can only be said that the error is no more than five years old.

After thinking about it, Bai Song stopped thinking about this matter and started thinking about other things.

At present, he mainly has several things to do. The first one is getting married, the wedding at the end of the year; the second one is Tian Gen. Although Tian Gen is not much concerned about now, children in junior high school are still easily bullied and influenced. , it would be very risky if left alone for a long time, so Bai Song planned to go there several times a week. Raising a child is definitely not just a matter of giving a little money, you must take more care of it.

The third thing is the progress of the investigation of X in Yuzhou. According to Bai Song, the detachment has investigated all private theaters and other places. In fact, there are gains. Bai Song was right about this. X was really as Bai Song planned, so the acting detachment indeed found a private cinema. A waiter at this private cinema came into contact with Mr. X. The waiter said that Mr. In this matter, X's height, weight and general appearance can be determined, but there is still no video image. Currently, the acting detachment is still continuing to investigate, and there are currently no clues.

The fourth thing is today's murder.

Other than that, there's nothing important...

Bai Song always felt like he had forgotten something, but even thinking about it carefully, he didn't find out which thing he had forgotten.

After thinking for a long time, Bai Song felt that his mind was a little confused. Just as he was about to sort it out, the phone suddenly rang.

As a police officer, I have had an occupational disease over the years, that is, I cannot hear the phone ring. As long as the phone rings, I will wake up in the middle of the night, even if I am drunk.

Picking up the phone, Bai Song immediately picked up Du Shouyi's phone.

"We have work outside and can't get out. I just received a call. Someone called the police and said that a human hand was found by the river. It was just a suspected human hand." Du Shou asked: "Do you want to go?"

"I want to go!" Bai Song said, a little confused: "Where is the river in our jurisdiction?"

"It's not our jurisdiction. Damn, look at my brain. In the jurisdiction next to ours, in the Tonghui River, the local police station has already gone. Their chief sergeant knew that I was on duty today and gave me a call. The criminal police team estimated that I was on duty today. Come over, too." Du Shou said, "The location is at the gate of the High Court. If you go over now, you will definitely see a police car nearby."

"Okay, I'll go right away." Bai Song immediately put on his clothes and walked out.

Bai Song had just finished washing up. At this moment, several boys happened to be washing up one by one. When they saw Bai Song coming out of the house, they quickly came over to ask what was going on. After Bai Song informed them, they all wanted to follow.

"Don't just follow me. It's not our jurisdiction's business. It doesn't look good if there are so many people there." Bai Song said, "Let's do this. Zhang Cheng, you come with me. If anything happens, we can talk to each other in the group."

"Okay senior brother!" Zhang Cheng was very happy that he was so valued by his senior brother!

Bai Song was also in a hurry. The reason why he called Zhang Cheng was actually just because Zhang Cheng didn't take off his clothes and could follow him directly.

The nearby Baisong was relatively familiar, and it was not far from the High Court. It took a few minutes to drive a police car to the destination, and I did see several police cars there.

"What's going on?" Bai Song quickly spotted the Lou detachment in the crowd.

"Not sure," Lou detachment said, "The ship will arrive soon, and the searchlight will arrive soon."

"Where is the person who called the police? Didn't he see it?"

"The person who called the police ran away. He was scared away after calling the police. Our people went to find him and haven't brought him back yet, but he should have been found here." Detachment Lou pointed to the milk tea spilled on the ground. "He When I saw a hand, I was so frightened that I dropped the milk tea and ran away before calling the police.”

Bai Song took two steps forward and saw the milk tea falling to the ground, which made him a little confused.

Tonghui River is not a natural river. It is the last section of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. From Datong Bridge to Tongxian County, there is almost no water flow and there are aquatic plants in it.

This is not the kind of place where there is a railing with the river below. The milk tea place is at least seven or eight meters away from the river, because there is a slope in front, and the river is below. Although there are street lights, looking down from here in the middle of the night, it is difficult to see what is in the river.

Two criminal policemen and two men with ropes tied around their waists went to look, but so far they haven't found him.

"How did he see it?" Bai Song stood here and looked into the water for a while: "He could hardly see anything."

"It's hard to say." Detachment Lou also took a few steps forward. "We didn't see it either. We'll bring the person who called the police over for questioning later. If he deliberately called the police falsely, we'll have to deal with him."

Zhang Cheng was a little excited on the side, and he didn't know why he was excited.

Not long after, there was the sound of a boat on the water in the distance. The police drove over in a boat with searchlights on it, and the caller was also called over.

"Officer, please don't let me pass. I have a headache just thinking about it now." The caller was already a little scared: "Also, I didn't report a false alarm. I told the police when I called the police that it looked like a human hand. I'm really not sure. What the policeman who brought me back just said shocked me."

At this time, Bai Song walked seven or eight meters, holding a baton in his hand, and shouted to the Lou detachment: "Lou Zhi, can you let the policeman see what I have in my hand?"

The Lou detachment understood what Bai Song meant and asked the caller to identify him.

Baisong was under a tree, and the light of the street lights couldn't shine at all. Although it was only seven or eight meters away, the Lou detachment couldn't see what Baisong was holding. They just thought it looked like a baton based on years of experience.

"I can't see clearly, it should be a police baton," the policeman said.

Bai Song nodded and walked back. People who don't often come into contact with police batons can tell that they are police batons, which means that their night vision is still very good and they should not lie.

"You don't have to be afraid. Even if it's a manpower, it has nothing to do with you. If you find him, it will be good for him. He can rest early." Bai Song said: "You can point to the general direction just now."

"It should be over there." The caller pointed in a direction, and then he was still a little scared and took a few steps back: "Officer, I really didn't lie, otherwise I wouldn't have scared the milk tea away, you If you can’t find it, you can’t find it.”

The caller almost shed tears as he spoke. Bai Song said just now that the person who called the police should have credit for finding the person and burying the deceased. But if he couldn't find the person, the person who called the police would be afraid that the deceased would come to him in the middle of the night.

However, the police on the ship were still very effective. Within three minutes, someone shouted: "Found it!"

Everyone was startled and quickly got a few meters closer, only to see the policeman in the water holding up a rubber glove: "It's his M's glove!"

"Gloves?" When the caller heard this, he quickly came over to take a look, and then said happily: "Yes, yes, that's what I just saw!"

The caller suddenly suppressed his crying state. The hand he just saw looked like this, a rubber glove that had been soaked in water for a long time!

"Is this what you're talking about?" Detachment Lou was so angry that he was speechless. He had just laid down and ran over when he heard about this.

If it hadn't happened in the evening, he wouldn't have come in person for such a warning.

"I said so." The person who called the police was a little worried: "Officer, I didn't mean to make a false police report."

"You're right." Bai Song came over and comforted him: "The responsibility for this matter is not yours. You are a good member of the public. You should still call the police if something happens in the future. But you should be braver in the future. If there is danger, you can run away. There is no danger. Don’t be too afraid.”

"Thank you, officer!" The caller breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. He was still very young and knew that it was illegal to report false police reports. He felt relieved when Bai Song said this.

"Let's go," detachment Lou said, and then thought of something: "Wait a minute."

The caller was startled: "What's wrong, leader?"

"It's okay," Detachment Lou said to another policeman: "Xiao Sun, go and send the caller home."

"No, no," the caller waved his hand quickly: "I can walk back."

"What our police officer said just now is right," detachment Lou said: "You are not wrong. You are right to call the police when something happens. You should still call the police when you encounter something in the future. My attitude was not very good just now. I apologize to you. . Just follow our Officer Sun."

The caller was grateful and followed Officer Sun.

Although the person who called the police left, the inspection in the water here was not interrupted. I continued to search here for more than ten minutes and found that there was indeed no problem before driving the boat away.

"It's a false alarm." The Lou detachment watched the boat go away: "By the way, Bai Chu, I wanted to wait until I found the body parts to tell you. Why did you come early?"

"I'm just curious!" Bai Song didn't mention Du Shouyi's relationship with the police station here.

"Oh oh oh", Lou's detachment did not ask again: "Then let's withdraw first?"

"Withdraw." Bai Song nodded and beckoned Zhang Cheng to walk to the car.

"Brother," Zhang Cheng didn't dare to say a word for a long time. He left the scene and said, "This person who called the police is too deceitful."

"In normal times, for this kind of police situation, at most the police station and the criminal police's serious crime team would go take a look, or simply call the criminal police after the police station has found the body. Today's matter has been caught up, and there is nothing we can do about it," Bai Song said: " But you can’t blame the caller for this kind of thing, understand?”

"I understand." Zhang Cheng nodded: "The person who called the police was not wrong."

"Well, let's go back." Bai Song got in the car and started the car: "Oh, I can't sleep after being tortured like this."

"I just happened to be staring at the front desk all night," Zhang Cheng said, "Senior brother, you should go to bed early when you go back."

"Yeah," Bai Song nodded: "Where will this person bury the other body parts? If they are buried everywhere, it will be almost impossible for us to find them."

"I don't know either." Zhang Cheng also thought about this problem, but found nothing.

"Forget it, forget about this."

Thinking about it, Bai Song asked Zhang Cheng to call Du Shouyi, and then the two quickly returned to the police station.

Thanks to the 25,000-coin reward from Jiutian Yushenjian! A few days after I stopped doing better, I received another large reward, so excited!

There will be another chapter in a moment.

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