Police Detective

Chapter 1191 New Technology (Additional update for the leader of Immortal Qitian)

The next day, Zhang Cheng went back to sleep. Today, Wang Xiaohao and Wei Yingfa were on duty. Bai Song took Li Junfeng, Hawu Le, Zhang Ning and Ma Yibin out to investigate the case.

The five people were divided into two groups, Ma Yibin took Li Junfeng, and Bai Song took Hawu Le and Zhang Ning.

There are many labor markets in Beijing. One is the "talent market" that mainly recruits college students, and the other is the "labor market" that recruits manual workers.

To run a city like Beijing, tens of millions of laborers are needed to provide services, and the daily consumption is astronomical. Taking water use as an example, it only takes three days for Shangjing City to consume a West Lake.

From the skeleton of the corpse, it is completely impossible to determine the identity, education, etc. of the deceased. However, from a probability point of view, since no one reported the death for so long, there is a high probability that they are migrant workers, so the main search is the labor market.

Since there are many hospitals in the nearby area, including hospitals like Union Medical College, there are many people engaged in labor nearby and it is messy.

We searched many places throughout the morning, but no one had such an impression. And Bai Song also heard some bad news, that is, many foremen simply cannot remember the people under their command. They have several people coming in and out every day, and they will have no impression after more than a week, unless this person causes him trouble.

In this case trying to figure out who is missing is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

China is really too big, and it is impossible to exhaust all the missing people. Not to mention anything else, there are at least millions of old people hiding outside every year. Some of them die for a year or two and no one in the family knows the identity of the deceased.

In the afternoon, everyone heard the good news. Through unremitting efforts, DNA was successfully extracted from the bones of the deceased, and a preliminary identification had been made. It has been sent to the First Research Institute.

Because of this matter, Bai Song called Senior Brother Pan Chen.

"Junior brother, you don't have to worry too much." Pan Chen was not as persistent as Bai Song: "My teacher is also here. He is the leader of Y-STR technology and is well-known in the country. He should give you what you want as soon as possible."

"Brother, can you tell me what this technology is?" Bai Song said that he didn't understand it at all.

"You should be lucky that the deceased you met is a male. It would be very troublesome if the deceased was a female. Passive comparisons are required one by one. It is purely a guesswork. Males have an ancestral Y chromosome." Pan Chen said: "You know, That is, if your Y chromosome excludes mutations, you and your ancestors 3,000 years ago have the same Y chromosome. Y-STR detection technology is a necessary complement to autosomal STR and mt DNA genetic marker technology, and it plays a vital role in human migration. In the process, the Y chromosome has formed a genealogy and regional inheritance, so it can be used to trace the family line and ancestry of the deceased. Not only that, because our database has tens of millions of Y chromosome databases, it can be traced through Y-STR technology. Analysis and traceability” (The technology has been disclosed on the Internet, please be careful when editing)

Having said this, Pan Chen continued: "As for the specific DNA portrait, domestic technology is not yet mature. I can only say that I will do my best. If you are lucky, I can even find out which village he is from."

"This is enough!" Bai Song was overjoyed: "The new technology is awesome!"

"It's not a new technology, it's just that its application is relatively mature. DNA imaging technology is a new technology," Pan Chen said, "Then I'll get busy."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, senior brother." Bai Song hung up the phone without saying anything.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Song said to everyone: "Okay, let's not be fools. It will be easier to wait until the senior brother can find the genealogy of the deceased, and then go to various places to ask whose family has someone missing. ”

"What do you mean?" Hawu Le asked.

"I'll call Sergeant Ma, and I'll tell you about it later." Bai Song sighed: "Let's compare with others. This is just uneducated."

Everyone chose to meet at the door of a labor market. They were all extremely shocked when they heard what Bai Song said. These five people have been searching here for a long time, without eating or having any clues. However, people can directly trace the source through technology. The high and low among them are as different as clouds and mud.

"Is this the big boss?" Li Junfeng looked impressed after hearing this: "Just such a piece of bone, you can actually find out where your ancestral home is."

Li Junfeng, like Zhang Cheng, was from Lu Province. Hearing that Senior Brother Pan Chen had such high combat prowess, he no longer knew what to say. He could only say that he wanted to cry.

"Oh." Ma Yibin also felt a little speechless: "Look at people, I deserve to stay in the police station for the rest of my life."

"I feel like I'm not even worthy of being a police officer," Li Junfeng said with admiration on his face.

"Okay, okay, don't be poor. I am a pure researcher, and after a technology matures, it will gradually be used in our daily work. The division of labor is different. You can ask him to come to the police station to deal with an old lady fighting." Bai Song I can only comfort you like this.

"By the way, if it's a woman, is there nothing we can do about it?" Zhang Ning asked.

"Well, we can't take this method. But there are other methods. The DNA profile he mentioned will definitely mature in the future." Bai Song said: "This is why many unsolved cases have been solved by the police after being unsolved for more than ten years. Technological progress is really amazing.”

"But more women are killed than men," Zhang Ning said, "I read it on the news."

"No," Bai Song interrupted Zhang Ning: "It's just that the news is selling anxiety, making you feel that women are weaker and easier to be violated. In fact, most of the people who die in murder cases are men, because men are more aggressive by nature. . I remember there was a statistics from abroad, and the ratio was probably 3 to 1.”

"That's it." Zhang Ning was still very smart: "These media just love to sell anxiety."

"Selling anxiety is worth nothing." Bai Song sighed: "You haven't had lunch yet, right? Let's go and have something to eat."

"What to eat?" Ma Yibin said, "I'm the oldest, I'll treat you."

"I saw the fried pancakes on the roadside. There are people queuing up here. They should taste good, right?" Zhang Ning said, "They buy them from the labor market there."

"How can I eat this as a treat?" Ma Yibin said, "It's good to eat."

"Just eat this, it smells delicious." Bai Song also knew that Ma Yibin was very frugal in his daily life: "What others can eat, we can't eat. We often eat these when we go out to handle cases."

"Yes, roadside stalls are the most delicious!" Li Junfeng said.

"Okay, then add more meat, you're welcome." Ma Yibin was also hungry now, and the stall next to him smelled really delicious.

"Okay," Bai Song said, "I want a big portion."

(6k today, strive for 8k tomorrow)

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