Police Detective

Chapter 199 Judgment

The level of both the prosecution and the defense was very high, and Bai Song clearly felt that the prosecution was a little overwhelmed. In other words, Zhang Mei gradually took control of the situation.

"Okay, both sides are silent." The judge didn't want to listen anymore. He felt that although the two sides had nothing new to say, they had nothing new to say, so he interrupted the two sides: "The parties, defenders and litigation attorneys can propose innocence, guilt, serious guilt, guilt, etc." If the evidence is light, you can apply for new witnesses to come to court, obtain new physical evidence, and reapply for appraisal or inspection."

The prosecution, that is, the procuratorate, heard this and said nothing. As of this case, the police have nothing else to say. Wang Ruoyi confessed to his criminal behavior. According to Wang Ruoyi's confession, all The criminal tools and other clues are all complete, and nothing is missing.

In fact, Zhang Mei had no doubts about the process of this case. Lawyers are not prosecutors, and Zhang Mei will not plead guilty, only misdemeanor defense.

"I have a piece of case material here that needs to be supplemented again." Zhang Mei took out something and presented it to the judge by the relevant personnel. Zhang Mei said: "This transcript is a copy of Wang Qianyi's transcript. Wang Qianyi emphatically pointed out in the transcript that because In Wang Ruoyi's confession, he had to confess some relevant situations. Wang Ruoyi once stated in his communication with me and in his self-report that his father Wang Qianyi had participated in many overseas smuggling. Wang Qianyi confessed to these situations.

Therefore, I believe that Wang Ruoyi’s relevant reports are of great merit. "

Criminal cases are different from civil cases. In a civil case, there are only two parties, the plaintiff and the defendant, excluding the third party except the judge.

A criminal case consists of three parties: the plaintiff, the defendant and the parties. In other words, the plaintiff is not the injured party, but the prosecutor of the procuratorate.

After several debates, Bai Song discovered that Wang Ruoyi didn't say a word throughout the whole process, and no matter how high Zhang Mei was, she could only speak about Wang Ruoyi's meritorious service and hoped that the judge would give a misdemeanor verdict.

The court was adjourned halfway through.

Bai Song and Zhao Xinqiao walked out of the court side by side.

"How about it? What do you think the sentence will be?" Zhao Xinqiao asked proactively, "You have nothing to do with the case now. I'm not a defense lawyer. You don't need to avoid me, right?"

"Of course." Bai Song was silent for a few seconds, "But you have to ask me how to judge. To be honest, this is my first time coming to the court to watch the trial."

"Ah?" Zhao Xinqiao was a little surprised, "Well, I thought you were so professional, so you can also tell me your opinion?"

"Although I shouldn't be biased, I still think that the probability of immediate execution of the death penalty is very high. After all, this method is indeed too bad." Bai Song continued: "I can see that Wang Ruoyi's father confessed on his own initiative. In some cases, I hope to increase my daughter's meritorious service and save her life. But for such a big matter as Wang Ruoyi, I think it is still difficult to rely on just this meritorious service."

"Have you noticed this?" Zhao Xinqiao sighed: "Well, you said so, and that's probably what happened. In fact, let me tell you, I think my mentor really shouldn't take this case. , The main thing is that this Wang Ruoyi has a death wish and does not cooperate with the defense lawyer, which is really difficult to handle. "

"Isn't she still cooperating with you?" Bai Song was a little surprised. He hadn't seen Wang Ruoyi for a long time. When he saw her today, there was no big difference except that she cut her hair short. He didn't expect this to be the case: "Then your mentor A lifetime of fame?"

"This is normal. Lawyers act in accordance with the law, and they should respect the law. No matter how good a lawyer is, he dare not say that he will definitely win." Zhao Xinqiao didn't care at all, and then gave Bai Song a blank look: "Who told some police Comrade has made the chain of evidence so perfect."

Bai Song didn't answer this, and after chatting for a few more words, he returned to the unit.

The next day, Bai Song came to the court early and continued to listen.

For some reason, when the presiding judge read out the verdict, Bai Song felt a little nervous, but Wang Ruoyi seemed very calm. On the contrary, Sun Xiaoruo, who was listening in, was trembling.

"This court believes that the defendant Wang Ruoyi deliberately killed others and used cruel means to dismember the body of the victim Li, and his behavior constituted the crime of intentional homicide. The facts and charges charged by the public prosecution were established.

This court has received the defense lawyer Zhang Mei’s argument that Wang Ruoyi’s serious meritorious performance should lead to a lighter sentence.


After reading this, Sun Xiaoruo's eyes shone a little, and Bai Song was also thoughtful, but the clerk read "but", which instantly shattered Sun Xiaoruo's fantasy.

"However, the defendant Wang Ruoyi's killing method was cruel, causing one death and avoiding the investigation of the public security organs. The defendant's defender's defense opinion that this case was caused by the emotional entanglement of his father, that he had a good confession attitude and showed remorse, and that he should be given a lighter punishment cannot be established. , shall not be adopted. The facts and charges charged by the public prosecution agency are established and should be supported.

According to Article 232 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, Article 2, and the Notice of the Supreme People's Court on Issuing the "Opinions on Handling Several Specific Issues of Surrender and Meritorious Service", the verdict is as follows:

The defendant Wang Ruoyi was convicted of intentional homicide and sentenced to death, to be executed immediately and deprived of political power.

If you are dissatisfied with this judgment, you may appeal through this court or directly to the Tianhua Higher People's Court within ten days from the second day after receiving the judgment. A written appeal should be submitted to

"I respect the court's decision and will not appeal." Wang Ruoyi said calmly.

As soon as he said it, everyone was shocked.

Although it is said that even if Wang Ruoyi gives up the right to appeal, it is useless to say it at this time. The judgment is very clear that an appeal application can only be filed after tomorrow. Even if he does not appeal, he can regret it within ten days, but Wang Ruoyi That look really didn't look like a joke.

The judge had no intention of replying to Wang Ruoyi's words. He just packed up and prepared to leave.

"Appeal, we need to appeal!"

Sitting next to him, a haggard woman suddenly shouted hoarsely.

Everyone's eyes suddenly focused on Sun Xiaoruo.

Sun Xiaoruo is actually an intellectual, and she understands that the court should be silent, but at this time she really couldn't bear it anymore.

The bailiff glanced at the judge, who winked and left first.

In fact, such a situation can be regarded as disturbing the court and can be detained judicially. But the judge actually knew that Sun Xiaoruo was such a pitiful woman. He waved his hand and asked the bailiff to control her, and then left directly.

Bai Song faintly heard the judge sigh.

I don’t know who this sigh is for.

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