Police Detective

Chapter 200 I don’t know where love started

No matter what Wang Ruoyi says, as a defender, Zhang Mei will file an appeal, although she herself has little confidence in this.

Wang Ruoyi is almost certain to die. If no new material emerges that could affect the judgment, the high court of second instance has a high probability of upholding the original judgment.

In other words, if Zhang Mei does not withdraw at this time, she will face the same outcome during the High Court trial. In fact, with this case now, Zhang Mei will only be wasting her time if she continues to stay.

What is Zhang Mei insisting on? White pine is unknown.

From Bai Song's point of view, it is difficult for him to say how he wants the court to sentence him. After all, Wang Ruoyi's criminal behavior comes first, and this matter is not something Bai Song should consider. As a police officer, Bai Song should do his best to grasp every illegal evidence as much as possible. of.

And even Zhao Xinqiao, who was "opposing" Bai Song, still supported Bai Song in finding all the evidence of Wang Ruoyi's crime. As for how the court determined it, that was another matter.

At this point, many people don’t understand what reprieve means.

Death penalty, suspended for two years.

This means, a two-year trial period of death penalty. During this two-year period, the offender's performance is observed.

If the criminal behaves well within two years, the sentence will be converted to life imprisonment after two years.

If he continues to commit adultery and illegal crimes within two years in prison, he can be re-sentenced to death and executed immediately.

In the past two years, most criminals must have been very well-behaved, so the suspension of death is basically:

Will not die.

Therefore, suspended death and immediate execution are two completely different things.

Wang Ruoyi didn't change much when she heard the sentence of immediate execution of death penalty, but Sun Xiaoruo really collapsed.

How many people understand Sun Xiaoruo's current situation?

There has never been any empathy in this world. In such a disastrous situation, who can feel her pain without putting herself in her shoes? The family that was originally so perfect is not only falling apart at this moment, it is simply the end of the world. No, maybe the end of the world will be better than this, at least everyone can hold each other and die.

As both intellectuals, Sun Xiaoruo was like a child who had lost his home at this moment, holding Zhang Mei without knowing a word.

We can't listen to Wang Ruoyi on this matter, even if there is a glimmer of hope, even just to prolong this time for a few months.

After the first trial, Zhang Mei wrote an appeal application and handed it to Sun Xiaoruo. Immediately afterwards, Zhang Mei bought a ticket and prepared to return to Beijing.

What made Bai Song happiest was that Zhao Xinqiao was not in a hurry to accompany his tutor back to school. Instead, he accepted Bai Song's invitation and stayed here for one more day before leaving.

To be honest, Bai Song was just being polite. He really never thought that Zhao Xinqiao would really stay, so when Zhao Xinqiao said: "Okay, it just so happens that I haven't visited Tianhua City either." Bai Song They all said subconsciously: "Alas"

Fortunately, Bai Song responded very quickly and agreed immediately.

Review exam? Slowly first

After listening to Zhao Xinqiao's suggestion, Bai Song took her to two famous universities in Tianhua City, one of which was the alma mater of the founder of the People's Republic of China and had a strong academic atmosphere.

The two of them were walking on campus and attracted a lot of attention. Maybe it was because they were too handsome? Bai Song touched his face, feeling a little embarrassed.

"You seem a little sad." Bai Song walked, somewhat understanding why Zhao Xinqiao was not in a hurry to return to Shangjing City. Maybe it was because of something on his mind.

"Yeah." Zhao Xinqiao responded softly: "I always feel a little uncomfortable."

"Because of who? Sun Xiaoruo?" Bai Song seemed to understand something, but felt something was wrong.

"Maybe." Zhao Xinqiao thought for a while and suddenly said: "Do you believe that Wang Ruoyi will not die?"

"Huh? You mean..."

Before Bai Song finished speaking, Zhao Xinqiao nodded again, and the two continued walking silently.

Bai Song understood that it was not Sun Xiaoruo who Zhao Xinqiao was sad about. People who studied law have seen many joys and sorrows. It was Wang Qianyi who she was sad about.

If there is a type of criminal suspect called an old fritter or an old athlete, then Wang Qianyi must be one of the best. For a person like Wang Qianyi, the possibility of obtaining criminal clues that the public security organs do not have through interrogation is almost zero. However, he took the initiative to confess the clues that his daughter had given him in just one sentence in order to provide her daughter with clues. Make meritorious service.

Wang Qianyi has been engaged in smuggling for more than ten years. What crimes did he commit during the most primitive period of capital accumulation? Nowadays, some things have really been covered up by the long river of time, but if Wang Qian once really had a big case, once Wang Ruoyi points it out and the public security agency verifies this case, it is likely that Wang Ruoyi will be considered a major meritorious service. Performance

In other words, Wang Ruoyi may be sentenced to suspended death, but...

Maybe, this is also the father?

"Wang Ruoyi won't say a word. If she doesn't take the initiative to confess to Wang Qianyi, there will be no way to talk about it." Bai Song said.

"It stands to reason, but there are my mentor and Sun Xiaoruo."

Bai Song understood, he didn't say anything. In Bai Song's view, it was not important how Wang Ruoyi was sentenced. He was a little curious about what Wang Qianyi had done. Some of the darkness that had been covered up by the long river of time might be revealed in a different way.

However, maybe this is the heart of parents.

"Let's not talk about this anymore." Zhao Xinqiao became more and more sad as he spoke: "How are you preparing for the judicial examination? What will happen after you pass it?"

"I'm not very well prepared. After watching the court hearings in the past few days, I found that I still have a lot of shortcomings in criminal procedure law. If I am lucky enough to pass the exam, I plan to continue self-study. There is no end to learning." Bai Song looked at Zhao Xinqiao : "I can't let you treat me as illiterate someday."

"Huh?" Zhao Xinqiao said with a smile: "Illiterate? If you are illiterate, then so am I. But if you pass, you have to treat me to dinner."

Bai Song smiled, "I'm honored."


"Okay, how about we go watch a movie later?" At this point, Bai Song couldn't help but his heart beat faster. He had never watched a movie with a girl.

"Okay, there is a new movie released recently, let's go together." Zhao Xinqiao agreed.

"Okay, what movie is it?" Bai Song asked as he took out his mobile phone and prepared to book tickets.

""THE JUGGLER"", Zhao Xinqiao smiled.

"Liar?" Bai Song actually searched it and scratched the back of his head: "This isn't being released. Why are you watching this? Why don't you go see "The Expendables 2"? It just came out and I've always wanted to go."

"Okay." Zhao Xinqiao looked at Bai Song's embarrassed look and couldn't help laughing: "However, your English level has improved now."

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