Police Detective

Chapter 209 Enlightenment

"You two have such virtues, do you still want to imitate others and join society?" Bai Song took the two Cai Cai back to the police station alone and asked in the mediation room.

Bai Song didn't intend to treat this incident as a case, so he asked alone.

Huang Mao actually felt more guilty, but even though Gray Mao still had a fight with Bai Song, he felt guilty at the moment. He snorted and ignored Bai Song's words.

"Okay, stop pretending to be awesome here, look at you, what kind of virtue have you got! After all, your friend still has more than 80 yuan in his pocket, but what about you? You don't even have a penny, and you still have to act up. "Yeah." Bai Song laughed and scolded: "Look at the big guys in the TV series, which one doesn't go to a big hotel and pay piles of tips for the place, and you still imitate others? You're pretending to be a big brother!"

"Do you want to take care of it? If you want to kill or behead me, come here! Isn't it just detention?" Gray Hair still looked unruly.

"Could it be that you have no food and want to go to the detention center and get some national food?" Bai Song laughed angrily.

"Fart! I will have no food."

"Oh oh oh," Bai Song interrupted him immediately: "I forgot, you always eat for free when you go to restaurants."

"You're the one!" Halfway through Hui Mao's words, his throat suddenly seemed to be strangled. He paused for two seconds, then snorted and turned his head.

"Okay, stop talking." Huang Mao was still a little scared of the police, and patted Gray Mao on the shoulder: "We're here, accept your fate."

"You two, don't be afraid. You don't have to pay for your clothes. I'm not bad at that. As long as you two can cooperate with me, you can leave now." Bai Song lowered his head and lightly dusted his shoulders. The dust of existence, "how?"

Seeing that the two of them were silent, Bai Song asked, "How long have you been hanging around here? What kind of work do you usually do?"

"It's from the construction site." Huang Mao replied, "I'm just wandering around."

"Okay," Bai Song asked, "I want to ask you something. Have you ever heard of Scarface from the Dabei Market next door?"

After half a minute, Bai Song didn't speak. His gray hair became heavy, and he finally opened his mouth: "I know him and have been with him for a while."

"Oh? Then tell me about him?" Bai Song asked curiously.

"Police, let me tell you first, this person has nothing to do with me. If he commits murder and arson, it has nothing to do with me." Gray Hair said seriously.

"I know. It's okay, you and he are not the same group." After Bai Song finished speaking, seeing that Gray Mao was unmoved, he continued: "You and I are not the same group either."

Gray Hair seemed to be very resistant to the police, and then nodded: "This Scarface, he is a complete bad guy."

As soon as Gray Mao said this, Huang Mao looked at him.

"Don't look at me. Although I'm not a good person, I won't sell it to you casually." Gray Mao gave Huang Mao a white look, and then said: "Scarface, I went to # ¥%, once for 20 yuan Just sell me!"

Bai Song didn't speak. There was no need to ask again at this time. In this environment, Gray Hair would speak for himself.

"Scarface is very hated in this market, even more so than their cleaning captain. The main reason is that he has no bottom line. Except for their captain who has a little friendship with him, he doesn't have any friends. He is also very stingy to the people around him. . This person is very self-righteous." After Gray Hair said this, he felt that he had answered Bai Song's question and stopped talking.

"Then where has he been recently? Have you heard about it?" Bai Song said.

"He's getting rich. I heard some time ago that he had some secret way of making money, and he was bragging about it while drinking. Hey, I don't know what it was. Anyway, he didn't say much. He is stingy, bad, and very Selfish." After Gray Hair said this, he felt that he had given enough face to Bai Song, so he kept silent.

Bai Song nodded. It was enough to get this information. He raised his chair and moved it to Gray Hair: "Okay, let's talk about the matter with Scarface. Let's talk about the two of you?"

"Hmph." Gray Hair snorted and turned his head.

Bai Song didn't speak either. When communicating with these conceited brats, sometimes silence is more useful than talking.

Bai Song stayed quietly for three or four minutes. Huang Mao couldn't hold it in any longer, "Comrade police, didn't you say you would let us go if we cooperated?"

Gray Mao also glanced at Bai Song. Although he said nothing, he seemed to agree with Huang Mao's words.

"You go, no problem. But, what are you going to eat at night?" Bai Song asked with interest.

"I want you to take care of it!" Gray Hair blurted out: "Why, does the Public Security Bureau still take care of the food?"

"Okay, no problem." Bai Song said with a smile: "I've made the decision for you. Starting tonight, you two have no food, so come to our cafeteria to eat. The food is average, but there are meat and vegetable dishes, rice and soup. How about mentioning my name when you come, for free?"

Neither of them answered Bai Song's words, and Bai Song didn't care, saying: "I really don't spend money here, how about it?"

"Do you really think of us as beggars?" Huang Mao became a little angry when he saw Bai Song's attitude. Isn't it obvious that Bai Song was making fun of them?

"No, how could it be?" Bai Song said calmly, with a very disdainful voice: "You two are not as good as beggars. At least the beggars have to show off. What's wrong with two young men, imitating other people's freeloading?"

The two of them were about to get angry when Bai Song suddenly stood up and said with an awe-inspiring tone: "What! What did I say? I didn't pay for the meal, so I pretended to be the big brother! And they said that people with scarred faces can smile at fifty steps and smile at a hundred steps. That's it!" You are like this!

No, you have no idea what this sentence means. If one day, when you are soldiers on the battlefield, you become a deserter and run 50 steps, then you will laugh at the person who ran 100 steps for not being brave. Is this what you will do? Pretty proud?

Where does the pride come from? Seriously, go beg for food, stop tricking the common people, come to me if you have the ability, vent your anger on a few women who are shorter than you and thinner than you, don't go out and fool around. "

Gray Mao glared at Bai Song, who suddenly relaxed a lot. Being irritated meant that this person wanted to save face.

Hui Mao seemed to feel a little ashamed of being provoked, and slowly withdrew his expression, becoming a little indifferent again: "What a pity, policeman, look at me like this, no one will give me food when I beg for it, I want to beg for food, but it's a pity , it’s not suitable for people like me.

Oh, by the way, at the end of last year, at the Jiuhe Bridge, there was a short man who was only as tall as my thigh. He looked like a cripple. Only that kind of person is suitable to be a beggar, right?

Ha, people like me are destined to be better than people like Scarface in the future."

Bai Song really smiled this time and couldn't help but take out his phone and pull out a few photos, "Is the beggar you mentioned the one who can afford the Unimog?

Of course, maybe you don't know this car at all. "

In this volume, I begin to write about the psychology of interrogation. Bai Song finally grew up a little.

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