Police Detective

Chapter 210 Visit

If Lao Zheng knew that he was mistaken for a beggar by some gangsters, he probably wouldn't care at all.

Of course, this is also a good thing. Sometimes, when you are extremely down and out and look like a beggar, no one will come and touch you even if you carry cash and lie down on a bench to sleep.

After all, as long as you can turn yourself into a waste, no one can take advantage of you.

Maybe this is the reason why Lao Zheng has been wandering around peacefully for so many years.

Bai Song flipped through a few photos and took them out. They were all taken when Old Zheng left. During this period, Bai Song also received some photos of ice and snow, woods, snow mountains, deserts, etc. from Zheng Yanwulu. Over the past half a year, Their tours spanned the country.

Bai Song flipped out a few pictures at random, and Huang Mao and Gray Mao were really silent.

Seeing the scene of Zheng Yanwu roasting a whole sheep on a certain prairie, the two colorful people who had just had a feast actually swallowed their saliva. Many of the photos were of delicacies from various places. Bai Song, who had finished half of his meal, felt hungry.

"He" Huimao opened his mouth, and his saliva actually came out. At this moment, his momentum and appearance were completely ruined, "He, how come he has so much money?"

"Yeah", Huang Mao was also a little envious: "This car is very expensive, isn't it?"

Bai Song didn't need to explain anything. The Mercedes-Benz logo on the huge car body proved everything: "What, this is what you call a beggar? What?"

Gray Hair was no longer silent: "How can I do this?"

Bai Song shook his head: "I don't want to lie to you. Like him, I don't know. But I know that if you continue like this, your future life will be one year outside and three years in prison, and the cycle continues. "

Huang Mao was also a little shaken at this time. Everyone likes to play. If you were in ancient times and had some power, you could still have fun. But with the current public security situation, how many promising people in mixed society are there? And if he is really promising, he will be sentenced to life imprisonment.

"In the past few years, the construction site has grown very quickly. Work hard, get to know a few more people, find ways to do some work, and use your brain more. How big a deal is it?" After Bai Song finished speaking, he knew there was no need to say more, and he had no hope. A few words can turn these two gangsters into good people. Of course, if it has some influence, that would be even better. Then he said: "If you have anything else to say about Scarface, you can tell me. If not, you can leave."

When the two of them heard this, they stood up and prepared to leave without looking back.

Bai Song pulled up his chair, got out of the way, and opened the door.

Huang Mao turned his head and glanced at Bai Song, then turned his head.

When Gray Feather arrived at the door, he stopped, turned his head, glanced at the medals on the white pine chest, and stood there for a few seconds.

In fact, Hui Mao hates the police. His father was arrested by the police. Since he was a child, he has been naughty and mischievous. In his hometown, he was often taken away by the police and even beaten.

police? Ah

But Bai Song might be different. At least, Gray Hair had never seen a police officer wearing a medal of merit.

"What I can tell you is that this Scarface actually doesn't get along with his captain and other people. This man has no bottom line."

After Gray Hair finished speaking, he shook his head gently up and down, turned around and left. Bai Song never said a word.

From many aspects, Scarface is not a good person. Let alone missing, even if he is dead, it will probably only cause more people to applaud. Moreover, this person has no formal job and no fixed circle. He may leave for a quick buck or a trivial matter. It is indeed not worthy of too much attention.

But what Bai Song is concerned about is actually not whether Scarface will be in danger if he disappears, but whether he will engage in any unscrupulous evil deeds.

There were no clues for the time being, so Bai Song returned to the dormitory, took off the merit medals and certificates one by one, and put them away.

Normally the police would not carry these. Most veteran police officers have a few merit medals, but Bai Song only got them this year.

Bai Song didn't tell his family about the mental illness he encountered the day before yesterday. It has become Bai Song's habit now to report good news but not bad news. I sent this morning’s good news to my family, and then shared it with my friends. What surprised Bai Song was that not many people praised him.

Bai Yulong looked at the photo of accepting the medal sent by Bai Song, but never replied to Bai Song.

One year, two second-class merit awards, and a new police officer.

Being a father is no longer a matter of pride.

Similarly, how many of Bai Song's classmates don't know what's going on behind this? Are these things based on luck? Which one doesn't have to take risks?

For example, Bai Song's encounter with mental illness the day before yesterday would not even receive a compliment. For the police, this is an ordinary daily job. Can I still rest for two weeks if I have a scratch?

During the Chinese New Year last year, Bai Yulong was still proud that his son could achieve second-class merit. At this time, he felt that it would be most true if his son could always be ordinary.

"How did you get your arm?" Zhao Xinqiao asked after seeing Bai Song's photo. When she was here a few days ago, Bai Song's arm was fine.

"It's okay, I fell down while trying to catch someone," Bai Song said.

"Well, stay safe. Don't forget what you said before."

Bai Song was stunned for a moment, before? What did you say before?

In the afternoon, Bai Song went to Dabei Food Market again.

Originally, Bai Song knew a few people here, but this time he went there and became really famous.

One against two, support justice. Some things are passed from one to two, and from two to three, and a multinational romance begins. Many people who have not seen Bai Song's 1v2 at noon spread this matter from beginning to end.

Let's put it this way, basically, it's a routine where the two colors instantly surrender and surrender as soon as Bai Songwang's domineering energy is activated. Bai Song couldn't help but smile after hearing this.

But there are indeed benefits to doing this. It will increase my goodwill with the people nearby, and it will become much easier to ask some questions.

This is also the reason why some cases must involve community police. In many cases, it is very important to be familiar with the people in this area.

Dong Xiaoyun is not as pitiful as he said. He also has some background, otherwise it would be difficult for him to get such a job that is not very tiring and profitable. In Dong Xiaoyun's team, Scarface is a gun specially used to scare people, and Scarface indeed has this character and is happy to be ordered around by Dong Xiaoyun.

Fei Peng and Fei Ming are two rotten brats with a bit of bad ideas, and they are usually not well received by Dong Xiaoyun.

Moreover, there were almost ten stalls selling preserved fruits, vegetables, pickles, and meat kings around, and secretly they all hated this scarred man.

So, where did Scarface go? What did you do?

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