Police Detective

Chapter 216 Fighting

Bai Song also knows that the main reason why the police cannot grasp all cases is that many parties involved in the cases do not call the police.

For the theft case mentioned by Li Kun, so far, the victim has not called the police. This situation is also relatively common. The main reason is that some people feel that something has been lost. It would be embarrassing to call the police, but it would save face.

I took the transcript from Li Kun and asked Li Kun carefully about the causes and consequences of the theft. If Li Kun did not lie, then he was undoubtedly an accomplice.

When an accomplice is coerced to participate in a crime, he or she does not completely lose his or her freedom of will, but does not do so completely voluntarily but still has the freedom to choose.

Otherwise, if the perpetrator's body is completely forced by external violence and completely loses the freedom to choose actions, it can be deemed as force majeure or emergency evacuation without criminal liability.

Li Kun is not completely without freedom, so he should also bear certain criminal responsibility. However, Li Kun played a very small role in the case. He had a good confession attitude, surrendered, exposed the main criminal suspect, and did not receive any benefit from the theft. Taken together, the final outcome is that there will be no punishment.

Bai Song briefly explained the situation to Li Kun and let him go first.

With this record, Bai Song accepted the theft case according to the procedures, and then led an auxiliary police officer to find the victim.

It’s not that the victim didn’t care about the theft, but he felt it was useless to tell the police, so he didn’t call the police. And when Bai Song found him, the man had even forgotten about the theft of his things.

Case acceptance, submission and filing.

Very smoothly, the case was filed.

After the case was filed, the video and traces at the scene were no longer necessary for investigation. It took too long. At present, there is only a victim's statement, a co-defendant's disclosure record, and no other physical evidence. Bai Song then reported for criminal detention.

Criminal detention is a measure, not a punishment. Even if no one is arrested, criminal detention can be approved first. When the suspect is caught one day, he can be directly detained in a detention center.

Moreover, we often hear that the online escape procedure is a procedure that can only be carried out after the criminal detention is approved.

"You should wait a little while on the criminal detention. The stolen goods haven't been found yet. To arrest a person based on just two records is not a legal system." Bai Song was busy when Wang Suo walked into the office.

Procedures such as criminal detention need to be reported from Bai Song to the Wang Office, then to the branch legal affairs department, and finally to the director for multi-level approval. Wang Suo looked at the case and did not agree. He went directly to Bai Song: "There is no need to rush this case. However, if you want to interrogate Fei Ming and Fei Peng, you can write a signature and I will sign it for you. You can go there tomorrow. The branch office can ask Director Tian to sign it, and that’s it. After all, the case has been filed.”

"Well, thank you Wang Suo." Bai Song nodded: "How come no one called the police this morning?"

"Nothing happened all morning. It's normal. You should have lunch early. You can't tell what happened at the police station." After Wang said that, he left the office.

Bai Song looked at the time and saw that it was already lunch time, so he took the time to go to the canteen.

The canteen is a particularly magical place. Those on duty only need to sit here.

"There is a police officer, who is going?" Sun Aimin opened the door and asked.

"I'll go." Feng Bao said, "Xiao Wang and I went there. We both came early and were almost done eating."


"What's up?"



Feng Bao took the auxiliary police officers and accompanied Master Sun out.

"Why are we having a fight at noon?" Ma Xi complained, "It's really not too hot."

"It's okay, it was an accident." Bai Song didn't care at all.

"Don't raise this kind of flag."

Less than three minutes after Feng Bao and Feng Bao left, Master Sun came back again: "There's another wave of fights, who's going?"

"I'll go." Bai Song put away the rice bowl, set the flag by himself, and solved it by himself.

"I'll go, you haven't finished eating yet." Maxi shook his head, "It's okay."

Bai Song didn't refuse. Seeing Ma Xi leading the people out, he took the time to grab a few mouthfuls of food.

as expected

Bai Song had just eaten two-thirds of it, and the alarm came again, and it was still a fight.

Calling the police is a metaphysical matter. Sometimes no one calls the police for a long time, and they will gather together when there is time. Of course, to put it bluntly, it is a matter of probability. Sometimes there are more than a dozen police cases appearing at the same time. At that time, some things can only be pushed aside, and then Wang Suo and others will have to lead people to the police.

Bai Song quickly rushed to the scene with auxiliary police officer Xiao Wang.

The fight took place in Dongheyuan Community. The last alarm about a battery fire in the corridor happened here. In fact, the number of alarms in this community is really high.

When Bai Song was in college, he believed that a person's level would not affect his quality. In fact, it did. A person who has enough food and clothing knows honor and disgrace. Although this sentence cannot be applied to everyone, it is indeed true.

There are still a few people who can achieve the goal of being poor and strong, and not falling into the clouds.

To give the simplest example, the number of residents in Dongheyuan Community is almost five times that of Aihe Garden, but the number of police calls is almost 50 times.

In a quiet and peaceful community like Aihe Garden, sometimes no one calls the police for a year, but Bai Song in Dongheyuan feels like he has been to every building several times.

It is precisely because of some problems in the community that the property management company cannot collect property fees at all. They can only set up elevator cards. Those who have not paid property fees cannot take the elevator. Because of this, when Bai Song comes here to call the police, he always asks a property manager to accompany him.

What a coincidence today, Bai Song arrived there at noon, and the man on duty was the fat manager.

"Officer Bai, what brought you here? Sit down, sit down, I'll make you tea, do you want to watch the video?" said the fat manager.

"Call the police, take the elevator card for Building 14, and come with me."

"The card is stuck here." The fat manager quickly found the card: "I won't go. I really don't dare to go out on this hot day."

"Okay." Bai Song didn't embarrass the fat man, took the card and went out.

Taking the slightly dirty elevator, Bai Song and the two arrived at the 22nd floor where the caller was.

When the elevator reached the 17th or 18th floor, I heard shouting from upstairs. The voice must have been a woman's.

Bai Song was calm and turned on the law enforcement recorder.

"Don't say anything for a while. I won't move, so don't move casually." Bai Song told the auxiliary police. This kind of situation is often not that simple.

After getting off the elevator, the corridor was relatively dark. Following the sound, Bai Song heard a middle-aged woman shouting there: "It's unreasonable! Beat people to death!"

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