Police Detective

Chapter 217 pestering people

Following Bai Song's gaze, he walked into the corridor on the right. A middle-aged woman was covering her head and crying there, with blood from her head flowing all over her face. The woman covered her head, blood was flowing all over her hands, and she looked extremely horrified.

Building No. 14, there are two elevators in one unit, but there are 8 households. The corridor is shaped like an "I", which is like rotating the word "work" 90 degrees clockwise. There are four households on each of the two sides of the "work". , quite crowded.

The house types here are generally 35-55 square meters, and in order to prevent the door from being bumped, all the doors open from the inside.

The door of the innermost house was now closed, and the woman fell on the door of the innermost house. Leaning against the door, the peephole is also dark.

There was a light in the corridor, and as soon as Bai Song entered, the woman's voice immediately became louder, "Oh, police, why did you come here! I was almost dead before you came."

Bai Song is a veteran policeman, what kind of scene has he not seen before?

If it was a year ago, or even half a year ago, Bai Song didn't know how to deal with this scene by himself. What should he do with the blood on the woman's head? After all, the police are not passers-by, but they have responsibilities on their shoulders. But the more this happens, the less anxious you can be. Let’s take a look at the situation first.

Bai Song didn't answer the woman's question and said expressionlessly, "You have a head injury. Do you need to call 120 to call the police?"

"Need! Need! Police, let me tell you! People from this family! I just knock on the door and borrow some salt! They just chop me with a kitchen knife! I have to ask them to pay me! Otherwise, how can I Are you going to see a doctor?" the woman said loudly.

The residents nearby had no interest in this kind of melon at all, so the woman shouted for a long time, but no one came out to see it. In Dongheyuan Community, similar things happen several times a week.

"I ask you again, do you understand your situation? How serious is your injury? Do you need to call 120? If necessary, you can call now. If it is inconvenient for you, I can call you." Bai Song said.

"I, I'm so injured that I'm almost dead. Can't you see it? You call the people inside and ask them to pay for me to go to the hospital?" The woman smashed the door with her fist.

"Then I'll call 120 for you." Bai Song took out his mobile phone: "Please prepare some money, don't make any noise, your wound is so big, you can't get excited."

"Should I take the money???" the woman's voice became louder, "Are you a policeman! You didn't see that I was chopped, there is blood on my head, you let me take the money first!"

After the woman finished speaking, she didn't care about anything, took out her mobile phone, and then dialed 110 to complain to Bai Song.

This was not the first time Bai Song had seen this kind of thing, and it was certainly not the last time. The man gave up treatment on his own, and Bai Song let him make the call.

There are so many unqualified people, and this is not the first time Bai Song has encountered them. How can any police officer on the front lines of a police station not be complained about?

"Well, there are two people here. I don't know if they are the police.

Well, he wore a police uniform, but he didn't help me.

Yes, I want to make a complaint. Please arrange for the police to come quickly. I am almost dying.

What, call 120? Why did you call 120? Who pays?

Yes, send a few more police quickly and arrest the person who hacked me first.

Yes, let them take me to the doctor! .”

Bai Song stood here without saying a word, watching the woman cover her head with one hand and call angrily on the phone with the other.

"Don't worry about your injury. How about I call 120 for you first?" Bai Song said.

"No need! Are you trying to get close at this time? You don't need to! I have already filed a complaint against you, and people from the Municipal Public Security Bureau will come soon! Huh, you are in the same group with this family, just wait to be punished!" None of the women looked at Bai Song seriously.

Bai Song laughed angrily and thought, for such a troublesome police situation, if someone from the Municipal Public Security Bureau really came to take over the case, it would not be a loss to punish them one by one. You can rest now.

It's a pity that Tianhua City has a length of nearly 200 kilometers from north to south and more than 100 kilometers from east to west. There are almost 300 police stations in Tianhua City. There are so many complaints every day that the Municipal Public Security Bureau dispatches police? How can it be?

Almost three minutes later, Bai Song's cell phone rang.

"Well, it's me. I'm at the scene. Yes, there is Xiao Wang." Bai Song answered the phone and the caller was Master Sun at the front desk.

"There was a complaint just now. How are you doing there? Do you need reinforcements?" Master Sun asked.

"Is there anyone else in the office?" Bai Song asked back, "If there is, you can come to help."

"No, Wang Suo and Lao Zhao just went out to deal with the dispute. If you don't need help, I won't send anyone there."

"Okay, then no need."

"Yes. Don't forget to turn on the law enforcement recorder. After all, if someone complains about you, the branch inspection office will definitely come to check you." Master Sun reminded.

"Don't worry, Master Sun."

After hanging up the phone, Bai Song glanced at the woman, "No one is here, I'm here. If you need the police to deal with it, I'll handle it. If you don't need me, just leave."

When the woman heard this, she immediately became unhappy, then dialed 110 and continued to call the police.

Many people really regarded 110 as their own, and Bai Song didn't stop her. After all, the woman was indeed injured, and Bai Song didn't want to stop her. He just stayed with the woman quietly for more than ten minutes, until the woman's head was bleeding. The bleeding has stopped, and the blood on my face has basically dried up.

Bai Song said nothing and quietly watched the women's performance.

Police officers are people, not numbers.

Even if Bai Song really has a problem, Bai Song will be punished afterwards.

"Do you still need me?" Bai Song asked, "If you do, I'll be here to see how to solve this problem for you. If you don't need the police here, I'll leave first and you can resolve the conflict on your own."

"Conflict?" The woman said: "I don't have a conflict, I just got chopped. Police, don't you care?"

"When did I ever express to you that I don't want to take care of it?" Bai Song said calmly: "You think I am partial and don't want me to take care of it. Let me ask you again, do you need to go to the hospital?"

"When you ask me if I want to go to the hospital, you have to let the person who chopped me take the money and take me there first!"

"According to relevant regulations, in this kind of situation, you have to pay the medical expenses yourself first. After the case is found out, you can"

"What's wrong! I have no money!" The woman interrupted Bai Song directly.

Bai Song didn't say anything. Xiao Wang, who went to the police with him, was almost furious. Bai Song remained expressionless. After hearing what the woman said, Bai Song continued: "If you don't need me, you can handle it yourself. I'll go back to the unit first." ”

"I need it! Why don't I need it?" the woman said.

"If you need anything, just listen to me." After Bai Song said this, he remained silent. After three or four minutes, the woman nodded helplessly, "Okay, you say it."

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