Police Detective

Chapter 230 Coincidence

Only then did Bai Song recognize that this was the old man who had been burglarized last year when he first came to Dongsan Hospital for police dispatch. Later, Bai Song told Wang Suo and Instructor Li about this matter, and he helped to solve the matter. I got it done, because I really met the conditions, so things were easy to handle.

Moreover, regarding the matter of the uncle's wife, several people in the East Third Hospital were granted subsistence allowance at one go, but the other Baisongs were not seen. This was done by the neighborhood committee for detailed statistics.

Bai Song had forgotten this matter a long time ago, and only remembered it when he saw the uncle. Although Dongsanyuan is not a "strong folk custom", it is indeed a very special place. The permanent residents here are generally poor, and there are also temporary residents.

It's really difficult to have some reputation here. First, you have to be someone who has lived here for many years, and you have to be poor, strong, and warm-hearted.

The combination of so many conditions can lead to some prestige. In short, Bai Song discovered at this time that the uncle's prestige here is quite high. After thanking Bai Song for a few words, this difficult problem was solved directly, and the aunt immediately stopped pursuing anything. , and apologized profusely.

This also increased Bai Song's prestige here, which actually made the later work much smoother.

After the crowd dispersed, Bai Song thanked the uncle. At this moment, a resident came over and signaled to Bai Song. Bai Song frowned, not knowing what was going on. He apologized to the uncle and followed. The resident walked more than ten meters to a nearby place.

"What's the matter, brother?" Bai Song asked.

"I feel that you are a good policeman, so I told you. You can't say that I told you anyway." The man looked around and found that no one was looking here. He whispered: "You come here in the morning. When I was at home, didn't you ask me about the situation of our neighbors? I told you at the time that I didn't know, but actually, I know a little bit, let me tell you.

It’s our neighbor’s house. No one has been here for more than half a month. But one night half a month ago, I can’t remember the specific day, several people came to the neighbor’s house at that time. They were all men. I don’t know. Who was it? Anyway, they were making trouble inside for a long time. I was quite impressed at the time. After that night, the neighbor's family left, and until today, there is no one at home. "

"So what does your neighbor look like? What does he do?" Bai Song asked in a low voice, and thoughtfully helped this person look around to see if anyone was around.

"Young man, he's about the same age as me. He doesn't go home every day, but occasionally he brings women back, different women." After saying this, this guy immediately became a little shy: "Others, I don't know anything. knew."

After saying that, this guy ran away.

Bai Song of Dongsan Hospital has basically checked all the houses, and no specific residents have been found in dozens of households. As for what this person said, Bai Song immediately had a hunch that this was Scarface's residence.

It was just a 100-meter square area. After a few days of scrolling around the entire map, Bai Song could be said to be quite familiar with this place. As soon as the old man mentioned it, Bai Song immediately had the map in his mind.

Indeed, this place is opposite the place where Fei Ming and Fei Peng live. Generally speaking, Bai Song knows about Scarface's relationship with these two people. This location is indeed in line with Scarface's character.

Moreover, if Bai Song remembers correctly, there seems to be a surveillance camera at the location of this house.

This surveillance is not installed in this household. Next to this household is the outermost store. Surveillance is installed all around this store.

With this clue, Bai Song immediately told Wang Shuo and went straight to the store.

Bai Song walked very fast, and it only took half a minute to reach the 100-meter distance. The door here is a small restaurant that sells beef noodles. Maybe the boss also knows that there are a lot of chores around here, so he installed nine cameras around and inside the house, but it doesn't look like they are new.

After hearing what Bai Song said, the boss was very cooperative.

"Officer, the surveillance here shouldn't be able to store that many days, it should only be more than ten days." The boss took Bai Song to the small room next to him, "This equipment is very old, many places are broken, and the memory is also faulty. Files are lost at every turn. Other people’s cameras automatically delete videos based on time, but this is not the case for me. Anyway, the longer the time, the easier it is to lose. I don’t understand it either.”

"Is there something else?" Bai Song was a little curious, but Bai Song didn't understand what was behind this. It was too late to call Wang Liang over at this time, as he was still at work.

This camera device is not a computer, but a traditional camera device. It is unknown what kind of hard drive the memory inside is. Bai Song does not dare to cut off the power at will to remove the hard drive.

It stands to reason that the hard drive is not afraid of power outage, but the memory is. But in the situation the boss said, Bai Song really didn't dare to take the hard drive directly like Wang Liang did last time.

Moreover, Bai Song didn't have the power to shut someone down, so the boss had to cooperate with the police. If he turned off his phone and unplugged it, and there was a fight in the restaurant and there were no cameras, who would bear the responsibility?

Thinking about these things, the old device finally displayed the number of files on a small large back screen.

There are indeed a lot of documents, but look at the dates

Bai Song sorted it, and after almost ten minutes, the sorting results came out, which included more than 3,000 video files.

With nine cameras, one video lasts about an hour, and there are more than 200 videos in a day, which means it can be stored for about 15 days. As soon as Bai Song sorted it out, he discovered that there was indeed a video of the night Scarface disappeared, and it was really the video of camera No. 6.

Bai Song had watched it before. No. 6 and 7 were the two cameras that could see the entrance and side of Scarface's house, but the rest could not be seen.

Bai Song was thinking about it when suddenly, the file of camera No. 1 that day was suddenly lost.

Got pushed out.

Bai Song didn't have time to be happy, and he immediately started to sweat.

what to do?

If there is no video of that time, it's okay, but if you see it and can't take it out, no one can bear it.

Watching it live now?

This device is very laggy. It can't play videos, and it probably won't be able to speed it up. But now, I really don't know how long it will last. I don't know which of these seven or eight video files has key information. How do I read it?

Bai Song was thinking that one of the files of camera No. 6 was also lost.


Bai Song patted his chest


I C?

what is this? Hard?

Bai Song opened the jacket pocket of his police uniform

Isn't this the memory card that Zheng Yanwu randomly gave to Bai Song before he left? ? ?

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