Police Detective

Chapter 231 Search

This memory card has been kept in Bai Song's place for more than half a year. Bai Song has always kept it in his uniform pocket and put it in easily when changing clothes.

The main reason is that Bai Song doesn't think this card is his own. He always feels that he borrowed it from Lao Zheng temporarily and will return it to Zheng Yanwu when he meets him later. It is precisely because of Bai Song's character and thoughts that he always carries it with him. This comes in handy?

In Bai Song's subconscious mind, this is not his own thing, so he forgot about its functionality.

After paying a respectful tribute to Lao Zheng, Bai Song inserted the memory card directly into the device. Many older devices, unlike today's computers that can only plug in USB flash drives, have special card slots. As a result, the card was successfully read.

No matter how fast my brain responds, this device is really slow. Fortunately, the resolution of the video is very low. One video only has more than 100 megabytes. Twenty minutes later, six videos were still copied to the card.

Bai Song gradually calmed down at this moment.

Although this case is still very unclear and we don't even know what happened, with this video, we at least have clues to continue the investigation.

After thanking the boss, Bai Song did not say hello to Wang Suo and returned to the police station first.

Although the computer at the police station was not fast, it was much better than the "shaky" equipment just now. In a short while, Bai Song copied six videos.

At 16x speed, there was nothing in the entire shot, so Bai Song quickly turned to the fourth video.

This video was from camera No. 6. Halfway through, Bai Song saw several figures at once.

Back up, at normal speed, I saw a total of five people slowly entering the house.

The pixels of the camera were very low, and it was night, so nothing could be seen clearly from the back, but two people turned their heads and looked around, probably to see if anyone else was coming.

Bai Song recognized Fei Ming at a glance, and the other one was probably Scarface.

Bai Song has never seen Scarface with his own eyes, but he has seen photos and can generally recognize him.

In the entire six videos, I only saw this one piece of news, but it was enough to inspire people.

What is the use of this news? Interrogating Fei Ming?

of course not.

Obviously, Fei Ming has already come out and has a strong sense of precaution. No matter how you ask, you will definitely get a meaningless answer.

In fact, the biggest role of this video is to supplement the program.

Bai Song took photos of a few key places, backed up the video, and drove directly back to the scene.

Wang Suo is still here. After what happened just now, a lot of work has been carried out extra smoothly, but this also requires Wang Suo to be here to control the situation.

"How's it going? What's the harvest?" Wang Suo asked.

"Take a look." Bai Song didn't mention his luck in obtaining the video. He just showed Wang Suo the photo and then described the situation of the video.

"Then what's the use of this video? Do you want to check other nearby videos? I guess there is no one nearby that can be preserved for such a long time." Wang looked at Bai Song with great interest, but he didn't quite understand. Could it be that Bai Song planned to interrogate him? Fei Ming?

"It's useful, Wang Suo!" Bai Song pointed in the direction of Scarface's house: "Haven't we already officially opened an investigation into the case of Scarface's theft? Then with this video, it can be proved that this is Scarface's home. In this way Can’t we just apply to search this household?”

After Bai Song finished speaking, Wang Suo was really stunned for a moment. This is indeed... somewhat reasonable.

"You went to check this video just for search?" Wang Suo was a little curious.

"Yes, as long as we can see that Scarface lived here, we can apply to the director for a search! With the search, there may be other clues." Bai Song was still very interested.

Wang Suo said thoughtfully, "Show me your photo again."

Although search is not a criminal coercive measure, it is still a very important and rigorous investigative method. Therefore, the search must be like a criminal detention and requires the approval of the public security bureau, but not the police station.

Because of this, if Bai Song had just heard from Scarface's neighbors that this home might be Scarface's residence, he would not have been allowed to apply for a search.

The police themselves do not have that much power, so everything should be done in accordance with the law.

Wang Suo agreed and allowed Bai Song to go back and go through the formalities first.

After Bai Song left, Wang Suo was a little lost. The ability to consider multiple levels forward or backward when considering a problem in any environment is really not as simple as it sounds. But this kind of thing seems to be the norm for Bai Song.

When encountering something, many people see the appearance, and some people think about the truth, but Bai Song habitually thinks divergently to pursue the essence and various possibilities of the matter.

If you prepare all kinds of things before doing something, the difficulty will drop sharply. After Bai Song uploaded the photos, he submitted a search application. Wang Suo called again, and soon the search warrant was approved.

For this search, the office arranged for three people to come, Bai Song, Ma Xi and Liu Feng.

Before the search, Bai Song took a mobile hard drive and went to the house where the video had just been copied, and backed up all the videos from cameras No. 6 and No. 7.

This takes a long time, more than ten hours. Bai Song is also prepared for this. The mobile hard disk he brought is empty, so there is no possibility of leakage or other reasons. You can safely put it here and copy it slowly.

When Liu Feng took Bai Song to inspect the pangolin site before, Bai Song knew that Liu Feng was an expert in this area, so he took the initiative to ask the leader to find Liu Feng this time.

On-site survey of white pine is considered a weak point. Although I have studied it in college, my experience is still not rich enough. In fact, Bai Song also wanted people from the fourth team to come to this case. It would be best if Master Hao could come, but for such a case, this is impossible, but this lineup is enough.

The door of the bungalow opened easily and there was no lock at all. A few people found an aunt from the neighborhood committee as a witness and opened the door.

You can tell from a glance that no one has been here for a long time. It rained some time ago. Although the yard is a cement floor, there is also soil. The soil takes on the natural shape after the rain evaporates, without any footprints.

After a brief inspection, a few people entered the house. The entire process was videotaped and there were witnesses present.

Bai Song put on gloves and entered the bedroom.

There are three houses in total, and the three of them inspected them one by one.

Nothing of value was found in the house. It didn't look like it had been stolen, but it could be seen that the owner really didn't have much money.

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