Police Detective

Chapter 233 Context

Bai Song, who was about to leave the office, stopped in shock.

Standing at the door of the office, Bai Song's mind was racing.

What's wrong?

"Hey, Bai Song, why are you..."

Mahi passed by nearby and happened to see Bai in this state. He didn't know what happened to him, so he came over to ask Bai Song. As a result, Bai Song directly stretched out his hand and put his left index finger to his mouth to signal Mahi not to speak.

Mahi naturally understood the meaning of Bai Song's gesture and immediately closed his mouth.

Bai Song maintained this action and stepped back step by step from the door.

When Ma Xi saw this, he didn't know what happened to Bai Song, so he slowly followed Bai Song into the house.

Bai Song thought about everything that had just happened, retraced the scene in his mind, slowly reached his position, and then took out the white paper he had put away.

Blank paper didn’t ask…

Bai Song was still thinking about it when he suddenly realized that there were only two lines of handwriting on the white paper.


That's what's wrong.

Bai Song experimented three times with three pens. There should be three different handwritings, but now there are only two!


The adrenaline that had just been secreted in large quantities receded like a tide, and Bai Song sat down on the chair.

Yes, faded pen.

One of these three pens is a fade pen or a UV highlighter pen.

If this is the case, then Scarface should have written something with this "invisible pen", but I don't know exactly what he wrote.

Whether it is an invisible pen or a faded pen, how do you display it?

What is more common in our daily life is ultraviolet light imaging, which is similar to the anti-counterfeiting mark of money. Bai Song immediately checked a lot of information online.

On the relevant paper website, Bai Song took notes while checking.

"Does this pen disappear after writing?" Ma Xi picked up the pen curiously and observed: "This is a bit like the one my son uses to practice calligraphy."

"It would be troublesome if that's the case." Bai Song said casually.

"What's the difference?" Maxi asked curiously?

"Look at this." Bai Song held the phone in front of Mahi. "This is a faded pen for calligraphy practice. The mechanism is that the color-developing substance in the ink reacts with oxygen, carbon dioxide or water vapor in the air and becomes Colorless substance. And this reaction is usually irreversible.

For example, this photosensitive agent, whose scientific name is indoline benzopyransulfonic acid, forms an open-ring structure when dissolved in water and develops color. Under the action of ultraviolet light, it forms an invisible body with a closed-ring structure, which is colorless. , but we don’t know how to turn it into a colored substance again... This is beyond my knowledge of chemistry...

Unless this is a UV imaging pen, it's out of the question. "

"Stop talking, I don't understand, what the hell is this, but I understand, that is to say, go buy a small ultraviolet laser light and try it now, and you will know the outcome." Ma Xi said: "This is simple, what we are talking about They are sold at the stationery store at the door, I will buy one for you later."

Unknowingly...Ma Xi began to regard herself as a soldier and Bai Song as the police chief...

"No, no, no..." Bai Song felt a little embarrassed: "I'll just go."

After saying that, Bai Song didn't think much about it, put down his things and ran out by himself.

Mahi watched Bai Song run out, thinking that this young man is still sensible and knows how to do this kind of thing quickly. But just as Mahi was about to leave, he suddenly found that Bai Song had not packed up his things. Did he ask him to help take care of it?

Forget it, just look after the house. Ma Xi was too lazy to touch these things, so he sat quietly and waited for Bai Song to come back. He also wanted to see what the ending would be.

Soon, Bai Song ran back. During the several hundred meters back and forth, Bai Song's head was covered in sweat.

"I hope it works. If it is really a pure fade pen, it will be troublesome." Bai Song held up a small toy UV lamp.

Bai Song carefully looked at the pages of the book sideways and diagonally. Such careful observation will reveal that there are indeed traces of writing on the paper, but there is no color.

After illuminating it with an ultraviolet lamp for a long time, there was no word. Bai Song continued to look at the book, but there was still no word.

Bai Song took out a piece of RMB and illuminated it with the lamp. He found that the anti-counterfeiting mark on it was clearly visible, so there was nothing wrong with the small lamp, which meant that it was not a UV highlighter.

"No?" Maxi asked.

"Well, no, but I can see that there were indeed some words written on this notebook, but they are gone. They are probably faded pens. I don't know what the scar face wants to express." Bai Song pointed to the words on the notebook Some traces of writing.

"Are you sure there are words here?" Ma Xi also saw what Bai Song meant, "Then don't worry. There is an old classmate of mine at the handwriting appraisal department of the Municipal Institute of Criminal Science and Technology. As long as there are words written, I will hand it over to him." question."

"Is this okay?" Bai Song was a little surprised.

"Leave professional matters to professionals, have you forgotten this?" Seeing that Bai Song didn't understand, Ma Xi felt a lot more comfortable. I have to say that it was a very happy thing to educate and guide Bai Song.

Bai Song nodded, indicating that he understood.

Modern crime solving is the result of cooperation from all parties, and with the development of science and technology, technical means are becoming more and more important. It's just that for confidentiality reasons, Bai Song doesn't understand many technical methods.

There were formalities for filing a case, and the handwriting identification procedures were not difficult. Bai Song habitually left this matter to Ma Xi.

After Maxi agreed, he started to go through the formalities, and the formalities were halfway done...

Suddenly discovered?

? ? ?

Who is the Sheriff? Who arranges who does the work? This is...

Is this being tricked...

Bai Song didn't think so much, he had other things to do.

It’s not that far from Dabei Food Market to Dongsanyuan. This is also the reason why Scarface, Fei Ming and others live here. After all, these people don't pay much attention to the housing environment.

Bai Song parked the car at the entrance of Dabei Food Market and walked slowly to Dongsanyuan.

On the road, Bai Song looked around and soon saw a bookstall.

This is what Bai Song is looking for. If the scene is re-enacted and combined with the cross-analysis of various clues that are intertwined with authenticity and falsehood, we can roughly have such a context.

1. There is a suspected tomb or "treasure" located near Dashan City, Dashan Province;

2. Fei Ming, Fei Peng and others knew about the matter and discussed it with Scarface, but no specific agreement was reached;

3. Scarface took care of the matter himself and abandoned these people, but these people kept the matter secret;

4. Scarface has done some research on this matter, probably bought some random books, and also has some plans of his own;

5. Scarface was already prepared not to come back and took away all his belongings and other things;

6. Scarface is missing.

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