Police Detective

Chapter 234 Chemistry

This bookstall is quite big. There is a large plastic sheet placed on the side of the road. The material is very worn. There are dozens of stacks of books densely packed on it. Next to it is a three-wheeled motorcycle with the side panel opened. There are also many books on the motorcycle's frame, and there is also an awning. The seller is an old man, who looks to be nearly seventy years old and not in good spirits.

"What books should I read?" the old man asked.

"It's okay, just take a look." Bai Song was wearing casual clothes and didn't drive. He just squatted down slowly on the bookstall and started rummaging around.

The books here are not arranged very neatly. They must have been turned over many times. The uncle's body seems to be relatively strong, but moving books is very tiring after all. I guess he only moves them up and down once every day.

There are five or six books in a pile, of all types, mostly novels. In addition, there are many history books, chronicles of characters, strange stories, cooking, and daily life tips, etc., which are all about common people's lives. relatively common things.

With the development of the Internet in recent years, these pirated books have gradually been unable to sell. However, 2012 was indeed the time when smartphones had just begun to become popular. It seemed that the uncle could still make a living. At this moment, several people were also flipping through books, and one person bought two copies.

Bai Song flipped through several history books, then picked them up and looked at them. The bottom of these books were not necessarily history books, and they were placed in a mess.

But a book is not a thin layer of paper after all, so how can it be said that you bought it wrong? Is it possible that Scarface read a few books and just took away a bunch of them?

Whether it was theft or forced purchase without paying, Bai Song had no doubt that Scarface could do such a thing.

After thinking about it, Bai Song walked to the side of the tricycle. When there was no one around, he whispered to the uncle: "Uncle, I have something to ask you. Don't tell me anything."

"But it doesn't matter." The uncle said calmly.

"Well, it's like this. About 20 days ago, I had a brother who was obsessed with reading. He said he wanted to go out and buy some books to read. In the end, he actually brought several books home, but he had no money. After my mother found out about this, she asked me to ask around at nearby bookstalls. During that time, had several books been stolen or taken away by force? If so, let me give the money to replace it. Come on." Bai Song made up nonsense.

"Huh?" The uncle glanced at Bai Song, looked at it carefully, and then said: "There is such a person, but you can't be his brother."

"Huh?" Before Bai Song said what he just said, he had thought of several words, but he really didn't expect this answer. Is he so discerning? So scary?

Bai Song is actually not very good at lying, but he also knows some speaking skills. When chatting with others, he can always come up with some useful information without harming others.

Well, it's called confidentiality.

But, is this a failure? Bai Song calmed down quickly and said to the uncle: "You are my friend anyway. Since you are here, there is no problem. I will be responsible for the compensation."

"No need." The uncle waved his hand and took out a towel to wipe the dust on the book. "Let him go after he has passed. It's not big, just a few books."

"Ah?" Bai Song was really surprised. How could there be someone like this uncle?

"You and he have completely different temperaments and are very antagonistic. If he is a bad guy, then you should be a policeman, right?" The uncle said directly: "If you have anything to do, just say it."

How does it feel to pretend to be X in the field you are best at and get slapped in the face?

Fortunately, Bai Song was very thick-skinned and quickly recovered and asked: "Uncle, please understand if it is necessary for work."

"It doesn't matter."

"Okay", Bai Song looked at the uncle with an enigmatic look, "Uncle, I am indeed a policeman. I found out that someone may have taken a few books around here, and they must have taken them by force. I want to know now. , what book did this person take?”

"Oh, this is about it." The uncle began to think deeply.

When there is a play, Bai Song's face is filled with anticipation. Seeing the uncle thinking, his face is full of wisdom...

"Yeah, I can't remember clearly." The uncle nodded.

"It's normal. I have so many books here, how do I know if there are a few missing?" The uncle said matter-of-factly: "Oh, by the way, I remembered, there is a basic book of chemistry in it, um, I can remember this."

"Basics of chemistry? Are there no history books or anything like that?" Bai Song asked.

"Yeah, yes, oh, yes. I used to have a few books about a few strange stories about Dashan Province. It seems that he took them away, and I don't remember the rest. Miscellaneous books." The uncle nodded.

"Then, do you still have the books you mentioned?" Bai Song continued to summon the courage to ask.

"No more. I had several copies before, but they were all bought by someone some time ago. The one taken away by the person you mentioned should be the last one." The uncle said this and turned over his car, " However, I still have the basics of chemistry here for you to take a look at."

After speaking, the uncle found a book from the car and handed it to Bai Song.

Bai Song flipped through it. It was basically chemistry knowledge from junior high school and high school. Although he had forgotten a lot of it, he could barely understand it. As he read it, he murmured: "Why is he using this book? What is the use of these basic chemistry." "

"Basic chemistry?" The uncle was amused when he heard this, "Okay, it seems you have a good foundation. I have a few more books here. Do you understand?"

The uncle's feeling of flipping through the books was a little strange, much like the old man Xingye met when he was learning Tathagata's Palm in the movie. The uncle quickly took out four books from under the seat, all of which were thick.

Bai Song glanced at the cover and felt his head tremble.

Analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry.

"These are all basics. Which one do you want to learn? If you are interested, you can take the books with you." The uncle was very easy-going.

"Ah?" What kind of plot is this? Bai Song couldn't help but complain: "It feels like you are just like a university professor."

"Oh it was."

Retired university professor sells pirated books? ! ! Bai Song felt bad all over. He shook his head quickly, put the four big books aside, and asked: "Uncle, let me ask you first, what are those books that that person bought? You Think about it again, okay? Thank you."

"Yeah." After hearing this, the uncle frowned, thought carefully for almost a minute, and then said, "I don't remember."

"However," the uncle said, "I don't remember the name, but what kind of book it is. If I see it, I can remember it and wait until I go to the wholesale book store to look for it."

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